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Messages - pokeplayer984

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The Fridge / What you got for Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2005, 07:44:58 PM »
Okay, after opening all my gifts, here's the list:

VCR/DVD Player
Pokemon: Sapphire Version
Madagascar (Movie)
Donkey Kong Country 3
Pooh's Heffalump Movie (Yes, I'm a fan!  So?)
Clothes -_-
$20 Gift Card

Okay, that's the complete list. :)

What about the rest of you guys.

General Land Before Time / Happy news for Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2005, 11:14:49 AM »
Quote from: Malte279,Dec 25 2005 on  08:19 AM
I think the most recent cause for a rumor about a 20th anniversary edition was a fan's wishful thinking being converted into a wikipedia article. I'm not saying that (especially with the upcoming series) people in charge might not consider something like this; however there is NO whatsoever official line yet that there is any substance to the talk about the coming of such an edition.
Ah!  I was pretty much hoping for that!

Anyways, this is great news!  I had my doubts about a 13th one, due to my guess of the budget they probably have.

With how things are going, I have a feeling we'll reach up to at least 15 before the series completely dies for whatever reason it may be. :) (I try to mean this on a postive note, BTW.)

The Fridge / What you got for Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2005, 11:08:41 AM »
Basically, the topic.  What did you get for Christmas this year?

I have yet to open my gifts, so I'll tell you later. :)

It's Party Time! / Word Association
« on: December 23, 2005, 11:08:32 AM »

LBT Fanfiction / New names for the gang
« on: December 23, 2005, 10:40:07 AM »
Come on, guys!  I could really use the help!  I'm at a complete blank here! :angry:

I've got the whole plot figured out and all, but without the fake names, I just can't continue!

This is driving me nuts!  Please, I really need the help!

The Fridge / How old is everyone here?
« on: December 20, 2005, 09:55:28 AM »
22 born August 25th.

General Land Before Time / Wow! LBT 10 was like that?
« on: December 19, 2005, 11:43:24 AM »
Well Malte, let me just say that when I put this in, I knew you would take the word dense a bit too far in it's understanding.  Then again, I did set it up like that, so let me rephrase a little.

He is dense to a certian degree.  In other words, there are some things he's smart with and other's he's not.

I will not deny the amount of smarts that he showed that possibly pulled him away from being dense, but where I come from, dense is still dense, no matter how small it may be.

I do not see him as coldhearted.  If he was coldhearted, would he show care for Littlefoot's wounds before knowing who he really was?  I think not. :)

And besides that, Grandpa Longneck hadn't changed even the slightest over the years, so even someone who was dense could remember him.

Then again, maybe you have a point with a few things there.  However, I understand Bron to be one of those complex charcters who gets different set views on him from different people.

You simply took it at the angle of his guiltiness, not once giving him the benefit of the doubt, whereas I took it at the opposite.  It's a habit of mine really.  Whenever one is found guilty of something I find rather hard to believe, I tend to find their innocence in everything and sometimes overexaterate.

So, with how I'm looking at it now, I'm going to have to look at the movie again.  Maybe I can figure out something to get me out of this after that. -_-

Anyways, let's debate a bit on the solar eclipse thing.  There is a second possiblity of why it was so badly done. (I have to admit to that myself.) Maybe they didn't know exactly what a soar eclipse looked like when they made this. (Heck, I don't either, but your explanation really helpped me in picturing it in my mind.) It would highly explain why it was done like that easily.  Of course, this destroys my first guess as to why it was so badly done, then again, it does help out alot.  Maybe they didn't know what one looks like and had to resort to their imagination.  Which, in this case, didn't seem like a very good one. :(

Malte, you're good with debating.  However, I knew I was going against someone tough when I started this, so I shouldn't've been surprised.

(Oh, and BTW, I did actually mean "don't ask, just believe." Gezz!  I can't believe I got those mixed up! :slap )

1988 Theatrical Release / Littlefoot Getting rid of Sharptooth
« on: December 18, 2005, 12:24:51 PM »
Okay, terribly sorry for not responding earlier.  I ended up completely forgetting about this topic.

Anyways, yeah you're right Malte, the second one seems more logical.  Considering everything, it makes alot more sense.  However, what really got me into believing the revenge thing was basically Littlefoot's tone and quick debating on what to do.

He basically didn't think things through, and didn't realize the full extent of the danger that he was putting everyone in.  He even went and put Ducky at the biggest risk.  I know she was the only choice left to lure Sharptooth, granted.  However, Ducky was incredably reluctant.  So reluctant in fact, that it seemed impossible to convince her.  I must say, her bravery to go through with the plan definately exceeds her small size.

Anyways, I noted that Littlefoot seemed to have a devlish smirk on his face when he looked at Ducky for something to use as bait.  To me, in the fullest jurisdiction, it seemed that revenge was highly on his mind.  It is true that we don't see such a thing in his mind these days, but what about back then?  Before the final battle against Sharptooth?  The thought of revenge plauging his mind, begging him to do so?  With him believing that Sharptooth was dead, probably not.  However, he seemed to have a great amount of recklessness in him.

Basically, Petrie nearly dying was a wake-up call to him.  It finally hit him.  True, it was probably the best plan that could be thought up at the time.  However, does that justify that he nearly lost a friend?  I think not.

In all truthfulness, I believe Littlefoot did have revenge on his mind and it took nearly loosing a friend to wake him up from this.

He lives with the pain, because of how wrong he knew it was for him to get revenge.

That's basically my two cents really. :)

General Land Before Time / Wow! LBT 10 was like that?
« on: December 15, 2005, 11:10:14 AM »
Well, sorry to be taking so long.  However, there is alot to discuss, so that might explain a bit of why I'm taking so long.  That and I happen to be one who has a life. (Not saying that you don't.  I wouldn't be surprised if you did really.) :)

11.  Let me just say that it was alot better for them to do the solar eclipse like that than you may think.  Why, you ask?  Let me introduce you to a little situation of a certian show that shall remain unnamed.

In a certian episode, the show put in realistic effects into something that was quite harmful to the eyes.  As a result of their carelessness to take nessacary percautions, many people who watched it ended up getting blind, having seizures, etc.  The company which produced it was then highly sued for these acts, nearly going bankrupt in the process.  Also, the show was put on hiatus and nearly completly banned from ever being seen to the public eye.  Also, the fandom level dropped extremely rapidly, making the show almost worthless to air once the hiatus was over.  After a heartfelt apology and promising never to do it again, everyone let bygones be bygones.  Ever since then, the shows animators have taken the nessacary percautions needed to ensure such a thing would never happen again.

Now, imagine what would've happened if they did it differently.  To a more realistic scale.  They took these nessacary percautions to avoid getting sued and going out of business.

I too am somewhat upset at how they did it.  However, it was better because if they did it more realistically, there would be a chance that we wouldn't be getting an upcoming series at all.  Basically because they wouldn't have the money to do so.

They did the solar eclipse that way to avoid lawsuits.

12.  Of course the sharpteeth were stupid.  I explained how this was possible earlier.  Just choosing to hurt Bron was a big mistake.

With this point, I have to wholeheartedly agree that going under a sharptooth's foot would actually get you killed rather than the result we saw happen to the sharptooth.

However, the kids getting the sharptooth's attention came as no big surprise to me, really.  Shorty is REALLY good when it comes to distance in hitting rocks with his tail.  I mean, even Littlefoot was impressed and we've seen his shot with one. (Which is still good, considering.) I'd say Shorty is a little gifted in that sense.

Also, since when was the last time we've seen the gang hurling rocks?  Since 4, right?  I'm sure that the distance improvment is no big surprise as they were bound to get better.

However, yeah, that did seem like a pretty clumsy sharptooth.

I'd have to greatly agree with you that 10's shaprtooth was a disgrace compared to the others we've seen in previous movies.

WHEW!  Finally got through all that.

Remember, this may seem somewhat confusing, but my points do make sense in the end when alot of thought are put into them.

Sure, I'm giving Bron the benifet of doubt unlike some of you, but I'm sure he's innocent in the end.  I mean, with the way he talked, it just didn't seem like a lie to me.

*awaits Malte's opinion.*

General Land Before Time / Wow! LBT 10 was like that?
« on: December 14, 2005, 12:01:42 PM »
Okay, let's continue.

6.  I understand whole heartedly what you're saying with this one.  However, I will not deny Bron's strongly put opinion in Sharpteeth.  My guess is that he's grown up around coward-like Sharpteeth all his life.  Indeed, I too wish he would say such a thing in front of Sharptooth.  However, I fully understand that it's most likly from life experiences that he sees them as cowards.

I also understand the courage it takes to attack something that's pretty huge, then again, with something like a T-rex, it ends up being the same size as a Brontosaurus fully grown, and let's just say when something is the same size as you or smaller, you really aren't that scared.

Also, as I recall, Littlefoot's mother was the first to attack Sharptooth, and let me just ask this little question, "How do we feel when someone hits us?" We want to hit them back, right?  Right!  Of course, Sharptooth took it to a rather violent level.

Of course, if Littlefoot put any defiance in his father's strongly put opinion in Sharpteeth, I could just imagine the trouble he'd get into.  I believe that he did think about these possible counters to Bron's opinion, however, he also thought about how much trouble he'd get into, and when meeting your dad after years of not knowing him, it's not a good idea to get into any trouble.

Also, I'd say it's a good thing I watched all of those "Nature" shows. (I mainly started watching them because I was bored.  However, in time, I became a fan.) From those shows, I have come to learn that several predators have alot of control over their powerful jaws.  With the power provided, they can choose when to either hurt, limp, wound and even kill their prey.  I believe that, for one of the oddest reasons, the Sharptooth that bit Bron chose to only hurt him.  I also understand that there are some creatures that have some rather tough skin to break through, and as I recall, alot of power was definately put into the bite that killed Littlefoot's mother.  So, I highly believe that Longnecks have a good amount of protection in their skin. (Some more than others.) So, I think it was only natural that Bron only ended up getting hurt and nothing worse.

7. I find it hard to believe that you came up with this according to what I see.

I do not believe for one second that Bron gave Littlefoot up.  With the fact that he was so dense that he didn't even think to look in The Great Valley, it ends up saying alot.  Of course, the herd did come to depend on Bron for some unexplainable reason.  As leader, he was put in a tight spot.  A herd is like a family. (We have come to understand this with Littlefoot and his friends.) I believe several members got to him as family.  And let's just say that when it comes to a dense leader, they decide that the one you are with now is more important.

I know that may make him seem like he was cold-hearted, but I bet he took it with the heaviest of hearts.  I ask you, what choice did this leader have?

As cold-hearted as it may sound, it was a better choice for him to stay with the herd then to look for Littlefoot.  He really didn't have much choice but to stop looking.

8. In a simple understanding, they thought he was dead!

Just take a look at Grandpa Longneck's reaction when he saw Bron.  It holds all the face-like features, tones and emotions brought on that I would expect to come out of him when he sees someone he thought was dead.  Especially his own son.

Also, they understand that Littlefoot still takes the loss of his mother pretty hard whenever it's discussed.  Even though it's been years since his mother died, he still has yet to get over it.  Imagine if such a bit of news was brought up.  The possiblity of his dad being dead as well brings up alot to be said.

This also explains why Grandpa Longneck was very reluctant to tell Littlefoot who was right in front of him.  Everything sinking in and all.  Someone he thought was dead, but is in reality 100% alive.

They were basically afraid of how Littlefoot would react to it.

They decided to wait until either he was old enough to handle it or he just brought up the question for some odd reason.  They knew that Littlefoot wasn't ready to accept it yet.

9. I have come to know Grandma and Grandpa Longneck quite well, and understand them to have quite a good amount of wisdom.

Those who are wise come to understand that when the same dream happens constantly and to others as well, it is no coincidence.  They knew that because of this, it was telling them something.  It's kinda like basic instinct.  Something deep inside was guiding them.  Because of them costantly having the dream, they knew they had to be somewhere.

I too would say that it would be better explained if the legend was given to them, but not once did they show that they had any knowledge of the legend before they left for the journey.  Why it never got around to them, I won't ask and just know.

Yes, "Don't ask, just know."

Due to their wisdom, they knew it wasn't a coincidence that they had the same dream constantly, and just knew that they had to be somewhere.

10. Well, that seems a little strange to me.  In the version I hold, they definately showed a good amount of sadness at this news.  In that full sense, I must ask what kind of version you have?

In the version I hold they show a great amount of reluctance with their face.

Of course they don't want him to leave, but what kind of friend are you to deprive such a great friend of your own that choice?

I'd say it was done in the greatest way possible.  The message of the song basically said that "no matter what, they would always be his friends."

If he left, they would always remember him.  They would see him in their dreams and feel him in their hearts. (I don't think there's any words that are more emotional than that in the song.) They would think of him each day and see his smily face.

No matter what, no matter what hardships came, no matter what seperated them, they would always be his friends.  The greatest friends he could ever have in his entire life.

Also, they weren't giving him up, they were giving him more.

They all know what it's like to have someone who is as close as a dad is.  Littlefoot never had that.  They knew this was his chance to experience that.  They knew he really wanted to go with his dad, and they didn't want to deprive him of that.

In conclusion to this point, they weren't out of charcter, they did it in the most perfect way it could possibly be done.

Still got a bit more I want to discuss.  Will finish it later. :)

General Land Before Time / Wow! LBT 10 was like that?
« on: December 11, 2005, 12:29:51 PM »
Okay, continuing on then.

3.  Getting around point three was probably the most time consuming, but once I found something rather important, it was very easy.

I have no doubt that he was trying to find his son.  Also, he was told of the Sharptooth incident, and who out there really knows of such an incident?  As we have come to know, VERY FEW came to know of such a thing.  He was very lucky to even run into someone who knew of Littlefoot's Mother dying.

Oh sure, someone probably did tell him of The Great Valley, however after carefully studying Bron's character, I came to a rather startiling conclusion with something I'm VERY familiar with.  Bron isn't coldhearted, he's dense! :o

Dense charcters many times show such coldhearted like character that I am quite familiar in seeing with Bron.  The obviousness doesn't come to them and they have to be basically told right in the face of such a thing.  THAT is a VERY common thing with denseness.

With Bron being dense, he didn't even think to look in The Great Valley.

4.  Like I said, obviousness doesn't come to those who are dense.

I basically believe that someone like him would conclude that someone was nearby to take care of them when he first met them.  Later, after a good amount of time that we didn't see, he probably asked them, "Why are you following me?" They simply tell him that they have no one to take care of them.  So, seeing no other conclusion, he just simply makes the offer.

He's obviously not aware of how much Shorty looks up to him.  Those who are dense only see someone who is born of their blood as their son.  Littlefoot basically saw this, and that was the reason why he made the offer to Shorty for them to be brothers.  Littlefoot understood that Bron just basically didn't see it and did what he could to make Bron see that.

Littlefoot knew that Shorty saw Bron as a father, yet because of Bron's denseness, he didn't see Shorty as a son.  Before Littlefoot was told that Shorty wasn't adopted by Bron, I believe that Littlefoot believed because of how much Shorty looks up to Bron that he was possibly an adopted member of the family.  Sadly, that was not true.

With Bron being dense, it's hard for him to see someone he cares about as family and only blood is seen as family to denseness.

5.  Okay, this one was really tough, and I thought you had me, but then I thought of something and you won't believe it.

They say that the greatest of friends are the hardest to leave.  Despite being dense, he has such a close bond with the herd, that it's just too hard to leave them.

I know what you're saying there, "Strange that he doesn't have such a strong bond with Shorty then." However, denseness is something that's rather difficult to understand.  With denseness, it's just a thing of "don't ask, just know" jurisdiction that you have to go with.

He, as a dense leader, would understand whatever reason others had to not go and not ask questions about it.  

Yet again, "don't ask, just know."

There are those who are stubborn, and despite them possibly having the dream, they didn't see it as something to look forward to. (I wouldn't be surprised if this was the view of "Old One." Which would explain why Ali's herd isn't there.)

"Don't ask, just know."

I will also agree that there are those who didn't believe in him because they didn't have the dream.  A few of them might be strong ones.  So there is a good possiblity that he did leave those behind that are strong, yet didn't believe him.

Once again, "Don't ask, just know."

The point of "Don't ask, just know" thing really makes you have a different view of it all in the end I bet.

I will get to the other points later.  I don't have the time right now, but I promise to get to them when I can.

(Wait until you see how I do the next point.)

General Land Before Time / Wow! LBT 10 was like that?
« on: December 09, 2005, 10:37:53 AM »
Okay, I have carefully studied what you have said to me, and have come to one little conclusion of why Bron's story didn't make sense to you...

You took it FAR too seriously.

Now, understand that the various counterproofs I'm going to make are rather confusing, but understandable.  Also, understand that it's going to take all of them together to prove Bron's innocence.  So please, if I don't finish, don't try to counterproof me, because it takes ALL the points I will make to prove me right.

1. To get point one out of the way, there is not really a 100% indication of when such a change happened.  Nor is there any real indication of how it happened.  For all we know, it could've been anything to make such a change.  Obviously, whatever was coming, both of Littlefoot's parents saw it coming and prepared for the worst the best they could.  Also, just because it's lush and green, doesn't mean that it's safe.  This is proven to us in the second movie.  Despite the Great Valley being such a great place, it still has it's dangers.  Plus, with how it was desgined, we can easily confirm that Sharpteeth probably attacked wherever it all started every single day. (That big hole that Bron went through to exit wherever they lived is probably as big as the one The Great Wall had.) It was not the place for Littlefoot to grow up.  Plus, take a look at Littlefoot's nest right when we see him as an egg.  There are 5 of them total, including Littlefoot.  4 of them were sadly broken into.  With such dangers, Littlefoot's lucky to even be alive.  It proved to be very unsafe.

Now, going back to the first movie, we know that the leaves were beginning to die, yet we don't know what caused such a thing to happen.  However, with this information, there is no doubt that the cause destroyed a good amount of the food that was provided.  With danger and a coming cause that made a very big lack of food, there was no choice but to leave.

2. Like I said, there is no real indication dictating of when the dramatic change happened.  He could've been gone for days before it happened.  Let's put in the most logical thing that would make it happen, a metor.  As I read in an article once that indicated the most likely cause of the dinosaurs' extinction, a metor striking the earth makes dramatic changes.  Not only does the sun get blocked out, but any volcanoes nearby become VERY active, making them spew out an uncontrolable amount of lava and ash. (We have to suggest a volcano being nearby in order to make such a tropical place existable.) Earthquakes strike at a multitude that is unnormal, and worst of all, the dust and ash that is carried into the atmosphere causes acid rain.  Destroying all the leaves it hits.  The metor wasn't as big as the one that killed off the dinosaurs, but it was still big enough to cause quite some damage.

So, if it was a metor, than it was a sudden change, it just didn't happen until a good time after Bron left.

Also, what I like to call "The Great Earthshake", the one in the first movie, was the earthquake of all earthquakes.  It could easily destroy footprints without even trying, even the biggest.  It could also mess up the trail in just one second.  Plus, even if the trail was lucky to survive, it would've been easily cut up by "a rise of vertical rock."

He said that he returned to the nest JUST AS THE EARTHQUAKE HIT.  There was no way for him to follow them because of The Great Earthshake.

Okay, I have to leave this for now, but I will finish it.

Remember, it takes ALL my points to prove Bron's innocence.

LBT Fanfiction / New names for the gang
« on: December 09, 2005, 02:06:49 AM »
Dark names aren't really required in a Dark Fic.  Though they are recommended at some points.  I have read many a Dark Fic where there were NO Dark names.  In some, it was the sadness within the charcter, the great amount of depression they felt that made it dark.  In others, it was what was happening to the world, being so unnatural, that only a force of darkness could've made it possible.

What makes a Dark Fic a Dark Fic is the atmosphere.  With just the right atmosphere, you can scare the reader in a very easy way.  There is nothing of horror inside, yet it is the atmosphere within that scares you.  You continue to read.  Cursing yourself for reading it and yet wanting more.  Worst of all, when you reach the end, even though the evil is destroyed, you meet with a sad ending.  One you wished you never read.

That, my friend, is a true Dark Fic that's taken VERY seriously.  Dark fics can be difficult, but can be a great achievement in the end.

LBT Fanfiction / New names for the gang
« on: December 07, 2005, 05:49:47 PM »
Hmm, intresting choices. (Except for Ares.  That just doesn't sound like a girl's name to me.  Though I must ask how you came up with Pluto.)

Oh, and Thunderfoot I actually got from a little article of the original LBT movie.  I can't remember the website at the moment, but it said that Littlefoot's originally planned name was Thunderfoot.  They just didn't put it in because it wouldn't've worked with kids.

Oh, and here's a little something for my fic I think you should know.  Despite them being fully grown, Ducky will still keep her classic habit of repeating herself, and Petrie will keep his special sentence structuring.  To me, it's what makes Ducky, Ducky and Petrie, Petrie.  To me, destroying that destroys their charcter.

General Land Before Time / Wow! LBT 10 was like that?
« on: December 07, 2005, 05:28:11 PM »
Whoa!  Malte279, I think you're too much of a hardcore LBT fan. (Meant to be a compliment.) However, you do make good points that make the story rather confusing now that I look at it from this angle.

I'm really going to have to do some deep research to really come up with something.  Give me a little time here.  I'm pretty sure his story is true, I'm just going to have to find something that will prove it.

LBT Fanfiction / New names for the gang
« on: December 07, 2005, 11:38:00 AM »
Okay, some of you know that I'm making a Dark LBT fic, and I've run into a little problem with it.

You see, there's a point where the gang is found as an enemy to the residents of the Great Valley, because of something they did. (This will be revealed in the fic.) With their families gone, (They all died horrible deaths if you must know.) they had to strike out on their own and take care of eachother.  Years later, they return because the valley is in danger.  However, if they were revealed who they were, the Valley's residents wouldn't want their help.  So, for this reason, they change their names.

That's my problem now.  I have a tendency to suck when it comes to making up names.  So I need some ideas of what to name them.  Here's what I have so far:

Littlefoot = Thunderfoot

Yeah, that's about it.  So, what names would you like to be given to them?

I'll take all suggestions.  Just understand, I may not pick yours for whatever reason.  Sometimes, it may be that I still can't pick one and just picked randomly.

Believe me, I could really use the help.

Thanks in advance.

General Land Before Time / Wow! LBT 10 was like that?
« on: December 07, 2005, 11:17:17 AM »
I finally got to see 10, and I'm at a loss for words.

Reason why, is because from what I've heard about it, it's rather underrated to me.  People just don't seem to understand it, and what we don't understand, we misjudge.

I don't see where Bron's story doesn't make sense.  Give me where it doesn't make sense, and I bet I can show you how it does. (Understand though, it's a little complex and not that simple to understand.)

One thing I found incredibly interesting is Shorty.  From what I heard, I was expecting something rather kind and simple.  I was surprised when I found Shorty was a, dare I say it, bully.  The way he treated Littlefoot, it seemed that he wanted nothing to do with him.  In a simple understanding, he wanted to be his enemy.  They say that the greatest test of making a friend is making one out of your enemy.  Littlefoot accomplished that and made a friend I would've never expected him to have.

Finally, what surprised me most, was with where it was going, those seeing it for the first time, and having zero knowledge of 11 existing, (Though nowadays I don't see how that's possible.) would think that 10 was it for the gang.  That it was over basically.  The final song, "Best Friends", was basically a goodbye song.  If Littlefoot did go with his dad, that would've been it.  With just a few steps of Littlefoot's goodbye, the series would've ended.  However, I now see that his friends are a part of his life that he doesn't want to let go.  The gang is more like a family than anything else.  Splitting family apart is very hurtful.  I can understand how it feels myself.  It's just hard to let go.

To me, in all truth, 10 is misunderstood.  There's more to it then realized.  Of course, with how complex of a piece of work it is, I'm not too surprised others misunderstand it now that I think about it.

In conclusion, I was expecting this to suck and found it to be one of the best.  It's just misunderstood to some.  That's all there is to it.

LBT Fanfiction / The nature of many fanfictions
« on: December 06, 2005, 10:40:10 AM »
Note that I am not trying to advocate for banning violence from LBT. The land before time is not utopia. There has been violence ever since the original movie and some of the scenes in the movies are very dark and nasty actually (for example the execution of two unconscious sharpteeth who were burried alive by Littlefoot's grandfather and Doc while the kids were cheering. After the lessons they learned in LBT 2 and 5 I would at least expect them not to cheer about this cruel murder of defenseless).

Indeed, I must agree with you all the way that LBT isn't one of those peaceful movies out there.  They give kids a relistic view and make it fit the tastes of overprotective parents.  I too agree that such elements of darkness have been put in, however, they are just the right way as to not really affect kids. (Oh, and btw, the difference there is that those two in 6 tried to have them for a meal.  While the ones in 2 & 5 actually protected them from the danger.  I'm pretty sure that the kids have a basic idea of which are their friends and which are their enemies.  And what happens to enemies in kid movies that would otherwise destroy you?  They die.)

However, there is a difference between telling the sad story of the death of Littlefoot's mother, or such thrilling scenes as various combats with sharpteeth throughout the series and the description of how (quite litteraly) the inside of Cera's Dad is turned out! I do see a clear difference here.
There is a difference between describing violence and its consequences for story purposes and indulging in it in what seems a kind of mental murderous frenzy.

When it comes to death, you've got to give it the realistic view of it being good or bad.  You've got to give to the reader the cause of the death. (Which in some cases is your insides being pulled out.) One thing I've seeing missed though is the affected charcter's view of witnessing a death.  Indeed, I must agree that there seems to be no purpose of the violence with such stories, except for them to basically exist.  There are some cases I can forgive, (ie killing someone as a means of defense.) but please, don't do it pointless, it's just not worth it. (I've had such a similar experience.)

The story I'm writing at the moment does contain violence. It does contain the death of a character, and it does mention the deaths of characters who died before the story began (e.g. the dinosaurs who went with Pterano on the way to the Great Valley).

Well, all I ask is that you do it right.  Otherwise, you can expect me to just not read it. (I don't flame someone for what they do in a fic, though I sometimes have a tendancy to actually want to kill them for such a thing.)

If it comes to involving humans, science-fiction characters, travels through time etc. I really don't think it got anything to do with the land before time anymore and yes I do think that those who are unable to work without any of these elements in a land before times story are lacking fantasy and the ability to work with what they got.
There is so much potential left for land before time stories that do not contain elements that don't belong into LBT. And I'm talking of long, good stories here, which are full of new ideas rather than being mere repetitions of what we have seen in the movies already. Why is it that nobody tries to write such stories?

Well, like I said, even with such things you can make a good story, regardless.  One such fic I've read is Pokemon Master. (A Pikachu turning into a sword?  Yeah right!) Despite everything within a story that is meant to turn away readers who stick too close to the basic nature of the subject, the writer did such a good job, that it hardly mattered.  And get this, it was the first Dark Pokemon fanfic made.  It had everything that could basically destroy it and made it live. (That's a big accomplishment in the end.)

As for sex in the land before time stories, I know there are many such stories "focused" on this and I agree with you about them being rather disgusting. The fact that puts me of from considering sexual descriptions in the land before time is that the characters are KIDS! Would not describing anything "going on" between them (anything more physical than what is going on between Ali and Littlefoot) be close to pedophile fantasies? Kids are taboo!!!
I also seriously doubt that anything between the grownup LBT characters could be involved for "purposes" different from the purposes of the writers of the stories you described as disgusting yourself.
But apart from my stand on this in combination with the land before time I think that I think more liberal about sexuality than you do.

Well then, I must say that all the charcters that are involved with the sex thing are all grown up in my fic.  When it comes to sex, it must be done maturely.  You only attract perverts if you put in something like that with no purpose whatsoever.  With sex, either make there be a soul or forget it.

I definitely disagree with your statement:
In all truth, sex is only right if it's to start a family.

But this I think is a topic for the After midnight forum rather than this one.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, that was a religious opinion of mine taken a bit too far.  Very sorry there.

LBT Fanfiction / The nature of many fanfictions
« on: December 06, 2005, 02:42:59 AM »
I can understand what you mean exactly with such a term.  However, one must understand that the more mature writers out there put in violence and swearing as a way to make the fic more 3D.

When it comes to violence and language, it's got to have the right mood.  Otherwise, you just end up giving such bad material a bad name.

High description with violence has become a common practice among fanfics.  Advanced writers understand something though, some readers lack imagination.  As such, no matter what the situation, high description is key.  I know it may be hard to believe, but it is true that some people have NO imagination.  Just a simple description of the charcter dying is rather lacking.  In order for one to understand how the charcter died, they must describe it in its fullest content.  It must also be to the letter and to the point.

It's true guys.  Just one person who said he had NO imagination started the whole increase in description thing.

However, there is one element I have yet to see maturly done on... Sex.

I have read many sex fics and basically, they disgust me.  It's not because there's sex in it, it's basically because of how its done.  All of which I have read are done rather immaturly.  Sure, they're descriptive and many come out of love, I'll give them that, but with how they describe it and all, its just not right.  They end up going too far as it were with description.  Doing one maturely is very difficult, but highly possible.  It takes full understanding of what it is and the right motive to really make it work.  With sex, there's only so much one can handle.  Also, it can't be done robotic like.  It has to be done as if only love, instinct and a higher purpose made it happen. (In all truth, sex is only right if it's to start a family.  One, mind you, that will be raised by love.) It is true that I will be putting a sex scene into my upcoming fic, but understand that it will revolve around these three elements and that it's purpose is all for good and nothing more.

In short, I allow such elements for fics.  I leave the writer to their imagination and let them do what they want.  However, if they don't do it right, they just disgust me and I lose all intrest in the end.

Trust me, a good fic can be made with everything that seems to destroy the basic criteria of the subject it revolves around, it just needs to suit the reader's tastes.

General Land Before Time / Dana and Dinah
« on: December 04, 2005, 02:24:34 AM »
Well, there is one point we can not leave out to discovering a few things about the twins.

They call Cera "Auntie Ceri."

As hard as it may be to believe, (due to Cera's age) there is a chance that Cera is their Aunt.

With this piece of information, it ends up making one believe that Cera does have a brother/sister that is older than her and has a family.  There is a chance they are related in that sense.  Whoever it was, must've mated with a different speices of Triceratops that was still compatable. Thus, the birth of the twins. :)

So, I believe that Dinah and Dana are the direct niece and nephew of Cera, despite their slight differences.

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