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LBT roleplay in the style of the original movie?

Ducky123 · 399 · 73851


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Hello everyone,

there hasn't been a successful LBT RPs in years. After brainstorming a bit with rhombus, I decided to give this a new chance now. :)

To ensure that the RP will be running smooth, there is probably going to be a deadline in place until which a poster needs to make his post. Thinking about a week or two but we can discuss this later.

First of all, I would like to offer you the idea that I have discussed with rhombus already.

The setting of this RP would be the time of the original movie, just at a different location than the one we know of. We all will play OCs of different species (might be best to keep it leaf-eater only lest to create a Chomper 2.0) who all got separated from their herds/families somehow, ending up together blablabla the rest should be obvious :p

This is just my idea, if anyone else has good ideas, share them ;)


EDIT: Okay, seems like my idea it is then  :p


Ducky123 - Lizzie/Brachiosaurus aka. Crested Longneck
Darkwolf91 - Wyoh/Hagryphus aka. Tallcrest Fastrunner
Sovereign - Rinen/Triceratops aka. Threehorn
Snik - Shade/Pterodactylus aka. Sharpbeak
Hypnobrai - Slash/Carcharodontosaurus aka. Sharktooth Sharptooth
rhombus - Buko/Oviraptor aka. Fastrunner
Fyn16 - Orsur/Ouranosaurus aka. Sailbeak
The Lone Dragon - Aquarius/Saurolophus aka. Swimmer
jorrdy12 - Samara/Pteranodon aka. Flyer
StardustSoldier - Sheeba/Beipiaosaurus aka. Yellowbelly

[still open to join :wave]

no character yet
character in development
has created a character for RP

Character Bios: (in order of submission date)

Name: Aquarius

Gender: Male

Species: Saurolophus (Swimmer)

Age: 6yrs at the time of the RP

Family: Has two younger 3 yr old siblings, two parents, two uncles and one aunt.

Appearance: Strong, active kid. Has a light aqua blue belly, the rest of his body is white and has two parallel gold lines on his back that run from neck to tail. Has two scars, one on his right shoulder and another on his right back from an instant involving, betrayal by Leaf Eaters, Sharpteeth and rapids. All in all a fit and healthy youngling.

Personality: He is smart, fast, strong and tough for his age and very helpful. He is always brave and calm in the face of danger and outs his own life on the front line of danger before his family, his younger siblings especially. After he got his scars he become distrusting of other leaf eaters outside his own kind for fear of betrayal. He knows many great Swimmer stories and often recites them and is a great swimmer and a lightning bolt when it comes to manoeuvring. He does not respond well to jokes.

Backstory: The incident that caused his distrust was due to a prank by a couple of Threehorn children who tripped him, causing to fall into a mud pit which he got stuck in during a stormy day. Fast Biters found him and would have got him had it not been for the flash flood however He got two cuts on his shoulder and back after being swept down the rapids and for a short distance. The incident caused a mistrust in Threehorns and disdain for jokes. His father was a keep to your own kind Dino while his mother was the opposite.

During The Great Earthshake, It would be a rockslide induced tsunami that separates him from his herd and injures him pretty badly by the time he is deposited on the desert plains near a large crack in the earth.


Species: Ouranosaurus

Sex: Male

Coloration: Primarily a reddish brown "clay" color with a yellow sail, yellow dorsal stripe, and yellow, black and white markings around the face, snout, and belly.

Stance: Dual (both bipedal and quadrupedal)

Age: Nine

Name: Orsur

Backstory: Orsur lived with his family farther inland when the Great Wave came. While his feeding grounds were virtually untouched by the disaster, they did not stay that way for long. In the wake of the disaster came hundreds if not thousands of displaced dinosaurs, and while many of them were simply peaceful herds looking for refuge, Orsus's encounter was not so lucky. When a herd of Spikethumbs (Iguanadon) moved in towards their feeding grounds, Orsur's family welcomed them openly, but their hospitality was not met in kind. Perhaps unaccustomed to the ways of the inland grazers, the Spikethumbs contested the Sailbeaks (Ouranosaurus) for their territory. Their immediate, brutal assault split the herds apart, and it was during one of these surprise skirmishes that Orsur was separated from his family. He would later come to learn that his father had been killed defending his mother and siblings while they fled. Orsur yearns for the day he can return to the feeding grounds and retake the lands he believe belong to his kind, but that day is many years away, and for now, he must try to survive, wandering alone as he struggles to survive each new day.

Personality: Orsur is quick to anger, and more likely to approach a situation based on gut feeling rather than strategy. This has nearly gotten him killed on several occasions, and it is an attitude which only became present within him after his herd's displacement. Due to the influence of the Spikethumbs' actions, Orsur is at best distrustful and at worst spiteful towards those who have sought refuge inland after the Great Wave. He has little faith in anyone, save for other Sailbeaks, and his abrasive nature has kept him isolated from other wanderers.


 Species: Oviraptor philoceratops

Sex: Male

Coloration: Incredibly bright blue with a flamboyantly purple crest on the head, the side of his arms, and in a fan on his tail. Though he is still a youngling, he has obtained the age in which to exhibit secondary sex characteristics. As a result he has obtained his 'flashy' coloration in order to attract the females of his kind. And, much to his dissatisfaction, also the attention of predators.

Stance: Bipedal

Age: Nine

Name: Buko

Buko was an Oviraptor who had to flee when his father lost a territorial battle and another male took control of the females in the family unit (Oviraptorian species are believed to be polyandrous to an extreme degree, and he had several 'mothers' and one father) and proceeded to kill the other children so that the females would again become fertile. He is traumatized with the knowledge that he fled without saving the younger batch of children and eggs (he was soon to go on his own anyway, but they were mere hatchlings) and now is trying to both survive on his own and (using the unique skills of his species) atone for his perceived failings. He sees both his kind and himself as flawed and capable of extremes in violence and brutality, but he resolves to try to control those impulses for what his nest mothers told him were good ends.

But if he encounters a female of his kind will he be able to keep the feelings on imminent betrayal at bay? Can he trust himself to control those impulses which caused another male to ruin his own family? Can he find a family of his own from a wayward band of strangers? Only time will tell.


Name: Rinen

Sex: Male

Species: Triceratops or threehorn

Age: 8

Family: Rinen has a mother (father died in a leadership fight some time ago) and one sister and brother. His grandmother is long dead but his grandfather still lives: however, the older threehorn has a hard time accepting his grandson. He also has an aunt even if he isn’t too close to her.

Appearance: Body color is greyish yellow, has a light belly and a rather small horn for his kind. He has overall a rather light build but not overly so: he’s just not the strongest threehorn there is. Unlike most of his kind, he hasn’t fought much and his body is unusually unscathed.

Personality: He is usually kind but reserved as he had has had little to do with the other kinds and his time with his own kind has seldom been pleasant. He is smart and wishes to believe that there is more to everything than meets the eye. Even then, he isn’t completely accepting and he has a strict line in the others’ behavior he doesn’t like to be crossed. He is open to the omnivores joining the group but he has a great deal of distrust to the fliers and swimmers for their ability to hide from the problems of other dinosaurs.

Backstory: His lack of natural aggressiveness and earlier tubbier form caused him to be unpopular among the other threehorns and his grandfather and the rest of the herd often disapproved his lack of trust in the threehorn view of seeing everything as concrete and unchanging. He was often lonely even if his siblings as well as a few other threehorns stood up for him. Even then, his fracture with the herd grew worse lately and it peaked during the herd’s trainings. Rinen was separated from his family after being banished by the other threehorns. He was deemed too weak to be a part of them after failing to pass a survival test in the herd.


Name: Wyoh (pronounced why-oh)

Species: Hagryphus giganteus (Tallcrest Fastrunner)

Sex: Female

Appearance: Her feathers are currently mottled brown and white in the typical juvenile coloration, but her unfeathered head and legs are deep purple, and her dull yellow crest is starting to redden, both signs that she is nearing her final juvenile molt. Her eyes are a dull gold color.

Age: 7

Species Info: The Tallcrest Fastrunners are a large species of oviraptor. The males and females tend to be very similar in appearance, though the females are a bit bigger and more brightly colored, with slightly taller crests. They are solitary and don't tend to think much at all of other kinds of dinosaurs, though they particularly look down on smaller oviraptors as being inferior. They live in thick woodlands where they subsist almost entirely on fruit, which they swallow whole. The expansion of the badlands has slowly pushed them farther north, where food has become progressivley more scarce. Tallcrests are generally a peacable and reclusive species who keep to their respective territories with few conflicts. However, the increasing lack of suitable territory has pushed them into desperation, and more Tallcrests are resorting to violence in order to ensure that they and their families are kept fed.
(They're basically cassowaries dino_laugh.gif )

Personal History:
She and her sister and brother were born two years before her family was forced to migrate north, a trip that her brother did not survive, and during which they lost her mother during a rockslide in a bad storm, presumed dead. Their lives in the new territory were tense and frought with violence, and her father was eventually killed in a squabble over territorial borders. She and her sister were separated when they were chased off of their old territory, and she has not been able to re-locate her. Years away from being large enough to defend her own territory, she currently wanders, scrounging for food where she can and often running afoul of other Tallcrests who can't afford another mouth to feed.


Name: Lizzie

Species: Brachiosaurus

Sex: Female

Appearance: Lizzie's main skin colour is a somewhat dark yellow with a slight amount of brown mixed in. Her back is a brown-ish yellow and her lower belly basically a lighter shade of her main colour. Her eye colour is a gleaming dark blue. Her overall appearance is somewhat weakly and thin.

Age: 8

Backstory & Personality: Lizzie used to live with her father and her four siblings. They never were a happy family per se but things were tolerable until the great drought struck them hard. Her father was an eccentric individual with some rather radical views and a strong hang to violence as well as speciest. Lizzie never got to know her mother because she left her dad prior to her hatching.

Before the drought, Lizzie used to be a very happy, bright and cheerful girl, playing with carefree innocence whenever they were not moving around. However, things started to change dramatically when she lost her first brother whom she held very dear. In addition to her father turning more and more aggressive with the conditions around them worsening, Lizzie soon lost two more of her siblings to hunger, thirst and predation, her father leaving them behind when their legs wouldn't carry them anymore because he needed strong children.

One day, Lizzie had reached her limit. After several weeks in the brutal desert, she collapsed onto the ground, being left behind to die. Luckily for her, a small herd of Longnecks passed by not soon after, saving her life but she wasn't allowed to stay for any longer than necessary. But before she left, they gave her the advice to flee from the Bright Circle to colder regions. Lizzie followed the instructions but doing so stoically. She had lost everything including her innocence, now having to live on her own, all alone, which shaped her personality. She didn't care a thing about anything anymore, turning lethargic, hardly being able to sleep, hardly feeling any appetite even if she did find food, just walking on towards the north stoically.


Name: Slash

Species: Carcharodontosaurus saharicus OR Sharktooth Sharptooth

Sex: Male

Age: 31

Appearance: Main color is dark gray (A little darker than the Horned Sharptooth's dull brown color) with a bit brighter gray underbelly. Circular pupils (like the Horned Sharptooth's) with red sclerae, akin to T. rex from the first six LBT films. Though related to Plated Sharpteeth (Giganotosaurus) he has no plates on his back, and no slitted pupils. He has pronated, three-fingered hands like plated sharpteeth though. He is slightly larger and stronger than Bigbiter Sharpteeth (T. rex).

Physical look is somewhat like a real Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, minus the coloring, like this restoration:
Note that the colors in the image are not the colors of Slash.

Personality and Strengths: Very gruesome, ruthless. Kills for fun after what happened to his mate. He is also a cannibal and an oppurtunistic predator. He has the ability to jump (what a surprise dino_tongue.gif), and has very sharp claws and teeth, with the teeth curving backwards, so it can injure prey and watch it die from blood loss. Very fast as well, though not to the extent of the speed of horned sharpteeth (Carnotaurus).

Backstory: Raised by parents who over-killed leaf eaters. Slash was taught how to be a perfect predator in his younger years, silent and deadly, but when a fight happens, he was told to be loud and intimidating. His mother was killed by an Apatosaurus, and it nearly crushed him to death in his teen years, before escaping with his father, who was just about ready to treat him as food and not as a son. A few days later, his father turned on him and Slash had no choice but to kill his father.

Years later he found a mate named Charo, who he lived with for a while, and soon they planned to have a child, but soon, an Ouranosaurus herd decided that they could take out the predators so they could be safe, and Charo was trampled to death in the process. Slash, devastated, decided to get revenge on any leaf eater that decided to attack him, and swore that he would never let them hurt his kind again.




Predatory Pterosaur (possibly, Pterodactylus)

around 20 years

Predatory flyer, known by leafeaters as "sharpbeak". Has extremely dark gray-black skin of the whole body except beak, claws and belly part that are a bit lighter. Yellow eyes. His beak is a bit bended from the day of birth. Extremely good in flight and hiding (especially in dark places). Has perfect sight. He's not so strong in physical strength, but very tough and nimble.

He is smart and resolute person. Good predator, preferably hunts on small and defenseless living good prey. He acts quite different from others of his kind or of almost any other predatory dinosaur. In any time other than hunting-eating and sleeping, he spend his time to explore all type of lands and observing lives of any kind of dinosaurs and living creatures. With his extremely good eyes, he observes life of the land before time from above the sky or from shadows of the land.

Almost nothing is known about him before last years. He had "simple" life of dinosaur, without some major events or catastrophes beyond regular. He was born in some far land. He had full family, with mom, dad, and some siblings. After he stepped into the proper age, he left his family. He decided to fly far away, to see what is placed outside his birth land. After he explored newfound land, he moved to another, and to another... And till this time, he continued and still continues to move from one land to another, if conditions let him do it. In last couple years, he started to observe life of other living dinosaurs of all kinds, and he does it not only to improve his hunting skills...


Name: Samara

Species: Pteranodon (Flyer)

Gender: Female

Age: 8 years old

Personality: Shy, quiet, afraid, loves to eat food (don't ask for her weight tho!)

Appearance:Blue body, with a darker blue underbelly, also rather small for her age making her look 5 years old.

Family: Everyone except her parents died during a sharpteeth attack and lost her remaining family members during an earthquake. Or did she?

Backstory, Samara was always a very outgoing. happy and brave flyer, this changed however when her family was attacked by sharpteeth, she turned shy, quiet and afraid during this traumatic experience. Sometimes when she's particularly angry, or happy you can find traces of her old personality. Yet still a couple years after the traumatic experience of having her family killed, she remains her traumatic fear of being even near the ground, thus choosing to stay mostly up in very high trees.

(to be updated...)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 07:49:20 PM by rhombus »
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I like this idea a lot! This gives the players a lot of freedom to develop OCs and create a totally new story! I'm game :smile


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This could be a fun idea to do.  :) I'm unfamiliar with roleplaying but this could be worth joining if it gets off the ground. The time limit seems like a good idea as I've seen some role play turns stretching to unreal lengths.


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after all lthese several years... Since the day I iscovered this forum... I finally decided to step into last subfolder I never checked before. Roleplay folder.  :D

Srlsl, I was here before, but never read any of them, and didn't try to uderstand what you guys are doing here.  :rolleyes:

It's time to fix it and complete my exploration of this  forum.  ;)

I never was into one strong-plotline roleplays (I was just in small random plays so far), but I like your idea, Ducky.


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I like this idea a lot! This gives the players a lot of freedom to develop OCs and create a totally new story! I'm game Dino_grins.gif
Yeah, you say it! Will be challenge but a challenge worth taking on, I daresay! Glad I can count you in! :lol:

This could be a fun idea to do.  smile.gif I'm unfamiliar with roleplaying but this could be worth joining if it gets off the ground. The time limit seems like a good idea as I've seen some role play turns stretching to unreal lengths.
roleplaying can be tons of fun with the right people, would be cool if you gave it a try. You seem to be a good writer after all and a good writer is also likely to be a good roleplayer because it's basically the same, just taking turns in an collaborative effort, focussing on one (or a small amount of) characters :yes

after all lthese several years... Since the day I iscovered this forum... I finally decided to step into last subfolder I never checked before. Roleplay folder.  biggrin.gif
Well, welcome to the RP forum, I guess :lol:

Srlsl, I was here before, but never read any of them, and didn't try to uderstand what you guys are doing here.  rolleyes.gif

It's time to fix it and complete my exploration of this forum.  wink.gif
If you have any questions, just ask. Roleplaying is no evil thing, it's easy and fun (well, sometimes it can be a bit tricky to react to what other players write but that's the fun of it! Besides, we'll always discuss major plot points so we all have a consensus on how to approach the scenes to come :yes)
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I've been in RPs before. Mostly comedic LBT crossovers, but I've also been in a couple of more serious ones. I'm not new to it so... :)

Count me in :D
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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so, what sould we do now? Wait until more people post they join it?

Who creates general environment, characters, and plot? How is it works? :)


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Quote from: Snik,Aug 4 2017 on  12:03 PM
so, what sould we do now? Wait until more people post they join it?

Who creates general environment, characters, and plot? How is it works? :)
This topic is simply for roleplay discussion.  Right now we are discussing this idea and determining some basic plot elements, possible rules, etc. and not doing the roleplay itself.  I would imagine Ducky will be taking the lead in determining those details.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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ok thx

but will plot progress and twists will be planned righ now, long before play starts, or it will be pure improvisation (like my mind stories lol XD) without any preparing? (plot details and continuity, I mean)


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Well, let's see what we can do! :) I'm ready to give this a shot. Count me in too!  :smile


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You have my attention. Now I'm interested.

Seriously though, this is right up my alley! I love OCs! My only question- will the RP be written in present or past tense?


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Personally I prefer past-tense as it reads more like a single cohesive story in my opinion, but I can work with either.


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Though I did present tense, everyone else did past tense in the RPs we did on the wiki. I think that was a mistake :oops though I learned that some people actually use present tense in writing.

I'll use past tense though, I like it better :yes
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)

The Lone Dragon

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You can count me in, the idea is a pretty good one, lets hope if it gets off the ground that it actually continues.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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8-9 participants!? Woah! I've never seen this many people looking to be in a roleplay, and mostly in the span of 24 hours!
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Whoa, been gone for the weekend and then returning to this  :blink: Okay, one comment at a time...

I've been in RPs before. Mostly comedic LBT crossovers, but I've also been in a couple of more serious ones. I'm not new to it so... smile.gif

Count me in biggrin.gif
Awesome!  :wow

so, what sould we do now? Wait until more people post they join it?

Who creates general environment, characters, and plot? How is it works? smile.gif
I will make a post about that tomorrow, if that's okay. Waiting for more players is definitely a good idea though, although we already seem to be a good bunch of players as it seems :D

And to answer the other questions:

environment, well, we all contribute to that with our posts but a narrator might be an idea to explain some stuff whenever needed, kind of like in the original movie :)

characters, we all are going to have one character to play (plus maybe some minor characters whenever we need them and a villain of course! What kind of villain? Well, I guess we could give whoever wants to play him the freedom to choose freely :) ) The character should be an OC though you can use already established characters from a fanfiction for example if you can make them fit in.

plot, we all come up with it together. This RP discussion thread is the place to discuss the major plot points. Smaller things are usually free to the players to decide for themselves, e.g. how a character reacts to a major plot point which could be hmm... lack of food? Or an obstacle that needs to be crossed (a river perhaps?).

I'll write some more tomorrow :)

This topic is simply for roleplay discussion. Right now we are discussing this idea and determining some basic plot elements, possible rules, etc. and not doing the roleplay itself. I would imagine Ducky will be taking the lead in determining those details.
Yes, exactly  ^^spike

ok thx

but will plot progress and twists will be planned righ now, long before play starts, or it will be pure improvisation (like my mind stories lol XD) without any preparing? (plot details and continuity, I mean)
I think a good mixture of planning and improvisation is what we are aiming at. Planning the main plot elements but not planning things through because then there's not much the players have to do besides do exactly what's been planned. That's kind of boring :p

Well, let's see what we can do! smile.gif I'm ready to give this a shot. Count me in too!  Dino_grins.gif
Alrighty!  ^^spike

You have my attention. Now I'm interested.

Seriously though, this is right up my alley! I love OCs! My only question- will the RP be written in present or past tense?
Oh, I was hoping you'd join the fun!  :lol

Past tense, I think most of us are more familiar with that :)

ou can count me in, the idea is a pretty good one, lets hope if it gets off the ground that it actually continues.
Aye, that's my plan! Getting this off the ground! Good to know I can count on you too! :D

8-9 participants!? Woah! I've never seen this many people looking to be in a roleplay, and mostly in the span of 24 hours!
Yeah, kinda crazy, huh?  :p

I didn't say before, but I join too.
Great! Don't worry, you're in good company  :smile

Will write more tomorrow, really just catching up on things after a busy weekend :p
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heh, can we include our the most favorite not-friendly sharptooth in this story? In episodic role? If we assuming the story happened before our gang's adventure to the Valley, and in different place.  :rolleyes  :rolleyes  :rolleyes  :rolleyes


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If we do so, I'd prefer it to be more of a cameo. If we use too much similar elements to the film, things could get predictable and too similar to the original.   ;) That being said, we could end up with a distant location, making his appearance unlikely at all but we can discuss this in more detail with the rest of the players.  :)


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Quote from: Snik,Aug 7 2017 on  08:50 AM
heh, can we include our the most favorite not-friendly sharptooth in this story? In episodic role? If we assuming the story happened before our gang's adventure to the Valley, and in different place.  :rolleyes  :rolleyes  :rolleyes  :rolleyes
Damn, you took it first! :lol
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)