The Gang of Five
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Land Before Time: Out of the Ice

Threehorn · 1665 · 111913


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"Thanks, Frank."
Shane said, grabbing a cinnamon roll and taking a bite...
"Mmm.  These are really good!"
He looked at Ricktor, then indicated the House of the Dead 4 machine with his thumb.
"Up for a game?"
He asked, grinning...


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Ducky looked at Petrie, while relaxing, having finished a leaf a short time ago,  "And that was when I splashed her." Ducky said, giggling a bit as she finished her story.  Petrie joined in her giggling from the rock where he was.  

"That funny."  Petrie said,


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while eating his lunch, cesar was thinking: dang! i didn't heared boss guy saying tommorow, and he almost killed me! but what is the weirdest of all, what do he want with a block ice?

question: could cesar be killed? like shot by one of the profs when he heared too much about the project?


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Vylor decided to relax and go to the game room. His sister was already there, finishing up the modified Dance Dance Revolution machine. "Okay bro, the machine is set. I changed the screen with a projector and put in the new computer. We should be okay now." Argaya said.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank set a P-51 sim to computer control before hopping into a ME-262 sim. "Outside viewing on,' said frank who hit a switch on the wall a large TV came into view from the game room the words Computer duel appeared. Frank hopped into the ME-262 sim and closed the canopy. "Ok now lets's get this on,' said frank who hit the start button. Through the cockpit of the sim frank scaned the skies for hi opponent suddanly he spotted a shiney object siving in from 5 O'clock high.  he turned into his opponent and the duel began.


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(this isn't some heard too much death plot... they have hardly enough good people as it is in the New World Alliance. so killing someone for hearing too much isn't acceptable, they just work around it if needed that give those a high clearance.)

Littlefoot laughed as well then sat down by the water "that funny Ducky, now that we've had something to eat why don't we play a game before our folks call us in for the night" Littlefoot suggested.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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As frank battled his computer nemises he looked down at his watch and counted silently to himeself "Three,two,one' and at that moment the right engine failed. "Right on time,' he said. He saw that the Mustang was right behind. "I see you,' he said to himself slam the air brake to full while struggling to control the plane. He saw the other plane slip in front of him as he powered back to normal at let loose his plane's armament downing the other plane. "Heh I just keep getting good with age,' he chuckled to himself. After exiting the plane he walked into the gameroom and asked "Anyone want to play a few rounds'.


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"Me agree, but what game?" Petrie asked nodding enthusiastically.  

Ducky nodded, "What game shall we play, hmm." Ducky said then though for a moment of the various types that she and the others liked to play.


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Lisa carried on watching them "I wonder what they talking about. Wish it was easier to read lips of a dinosaurs like I can with people" Lisa muttered as she continued watching


"How about you guys, any ideas?" Littlefoot asked the others.


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Ducky thought for a moment, "We can play either the toss the tree seed or swimmer and splasher.  If we play the hide game it may get hard to see once the bright circle goes down." Ducky said.

"Me no care what we play." He said.


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Evan was standing in front of what would be his bed for the coming future.
He sighed, tossed his lugage on the bed, and began to unpack it.
He took up his journals and notebooks, knowing for sure that he would gonna use them, and placed them on a nightboard.
Clothes in a drawer, shoes at the entrance, nothing special, just packing up.
When he was done, he sank down on the floor and started to sketch in his sketchbook. But he lacked fantasy for the time being, so he left it for later.
Then he remembered. He got up, grabbed his sidepack and put on his glasses, and stepped out.
Prof. Elm said he wanted to meet me later... didn't he? he thought and walked of in a random direction. The sun was warming against his shoulders, he was once again gratefull for his outfit, but he stopped anyway and pulled up his jeans above the knees, making them a pair of shorts.
I gotta need a map for this place...

He could hear laughter and yelling from the other side of the camp.
Having no better idea, he decided to walk in that direction.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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(you know guys part from the camo windows there is no access outside the base other then the train leading to other inside closed sturctures within rock faces. This complex has only 3 emerengcy exits to the Great Valley that only used at last result if nothing else can be done. Most of the complex has air condisition systems that keep it cool. The areas the people staying at as window views of the Great Valley about 20 feet up the Great Wall. just to let you know, any other questions let me know)

Littlefoot turn to Cera. "If your in a hurry you pick, I am sure you've got a good one in mind"


Evan suddenly had to move to the side when eight men and women was pulling along a huge metal container "Mind it sir, we have to get this into Cargo bay 7. You'll know more tomorrow, trust me this is something the professor will not keep quiet to all the stuff" the man said and goes on helping the others pushing the large metal container.


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Evan remained on the spot for a couple of seconds, watching the squad with the container.
He then turned around and continued to walk, but didn't know where.
Maybe I should ask someone... That Lisa seemed to be very familar with most things around here... he thought.
But didn't Prof.Elm told me that we would meet later on?
And that i shouldn't meet with anyone before that?

He sighed, and turned back to where he came from.
Back, he grabbed his notebook, jumped into the bed, turned it on and started his daily journal....

Day 1 LOG

Arrived to the camp, got to meet with Prof. Elm, if only for a couple of seconds before I was carried away to this bed I'm lying in. =)
I haven't meet anyone else yet, the information I got told me that I wouldn't be alone, but we'll see about that later.
I almost got overuned by a large container, and on top of that I managed to drop all my lugage onto the ground. I'll have to clean em' later on... /laughs*

It's been some years since I got back from the army... and all I've done afterwards is studying...  I got pretty good, and I guess that my talents somehow reached the head of this extraordinary project, Prof.Elm.
I don't know for sure, but when I heard about the invatation to come here, I said yes immediatly. It's an honuor!

I hope that I can be of some help, appearently that's what Prof.Elm belives, what else would making him have me here?
....Time will tell? Isn't that what they say? I guess I have to wait then.


Evan closed his notebook.
He looked up to the roof, closed his eyes and, without attempting to, fell asleep.


What about a fun game that everyone think's fun! Ruby said.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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"If we play the tree seed toss we'll need to be sure we use one Spike will not eat, we do." Ducky said remembering the last one they had used.

"Me remember." Petrie said remembering the last one, they had been playing and Spike swallowed it as it was falling to the ground towards him after they had been playing for a while.

(ooc: I don't recall a lot of the games the kids play in the movies & episodes.)


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"How about seed tossing? by the entrance to the hidden Valley use to be" Littlefoot suggested "Our seed tossing goals are still there"


Lisa continued to watch them when Pro. Elm came up behind her "Watching the little kiddos again?"

"Yes" Lisa raised her head and looked over to Elm "I am trying to lip read them, it quite hard but I think I am getting to know what they saying, if I am correct they talking about playing a game. Seed Tossing"

"Seed Tossing? I seen something like that, if I am not mistaken on one of our footages they play that at the location of a valley entrance that been blocked god knows how long. they played there more the once" Elm replied. "Why don't we go to the Central command room and watch them play"

"fair enough by me" Lisa smirked and both entered the lift it going back down

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"I guess no one wants to challenge me,' said Frank. Frank headed back to his quaters. "Now then let's see what tonight's movie is Ah The Great Escape a truely great movie,' said frank.


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"That sounds like a good idea, it does, yep, yep, yep." Ducky said.

"We use seed Spike no eat?" Petrie asked, not wanting their game to end suddenly should Spike eat the seed.


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"DOn't worry we will find one that Spike won't eat" Littlefoot laughed.