The Gang of Five
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A World so Far but so close

Threehorn · 1242 · 78391


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Guan nodded quickly and ran to a patch of vines as his uncle and father gathered more weed.  Grandpa Longneck helped keep the others clear as the spikethumbs worked.  The kids nearby watched intently...


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"I just hope the basic types of herb treatments work... this was done when I did it for some that was more smaller and most likely humaniod shaped. If the two brothers can picture it they can become humaniod spikethumbs and help me tie up the vines" Thunderclaw said to himself with a whisper wanting them to hurry back.


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I think they are Tri, But they look really bad. " Tria said solemnly. "it's going to to take a lot of medicine to help them."
 STripetail put down a book and got up from the table. He had read more than 80 books over the last few days, and he needed to stretch himself. He saw Q looking at an orb and frowning. "Why the long face Q? has something happened down there?"
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  • Cera
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The spikethumbs quickly rejoin with a large pile of weeds and a mass of vines.  "So who do we put them on?" Odon asked.

"I guess we put the weeds on their skin and use these vines to keep the weeds on," Guan suggested.


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"We will work on both of them, I will have something strange to say to you two but close your eyes and think deep into your minds to a point that seem to be hidden without a way in think of a way in and sept through it, this is a sercet to your history that runs in your blood it will help for us to put it on and tie the vines over them. now do it quick think of it and then once we done just think about closing it then you will be back to your normal form selfs no time to say other wise do it" Thunderclaw said to them and prided in his mind they will become the humaniod dinosaurs that was deep into their own bodies.


"It attacked Tri's preants" Q said to him "we can't go down there but I have a feeling Thunderclaw going to save them from death" Q smiled


  • Cera
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Spikefoot and Odon Looked that their living ancestor with confused faces, but Guan knew exactly what to do, and concentrated hard as he transformed himself into a humanoid, and then started to place the weeds on the threehorn's burns.  Everyone around him, except Thunderclaw of course, watched with stunned faces, until Spikefoot and Odon recovered and then focused hard.  In a flash of light, the elder spikethumbs find themselves as humanoids, momentarily losing their balance on only two legs, but they quickly overcame the balance and began to work on the threehorns as well.

"What the..." Goanna started with wide eyes.

"Did you see that?" Donna continued.  Littlefoot was unable to reply.


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"Well I'm getting tired of simply reading books. I yearn to go back down there Q. That creature will be back I'm sure of it" Stripetail said. "I wanrt to help them stop him.'
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"You can't it will simply drain you but with technology and the minds of wonder from two dinosaur worlds they will create something Magic can not and look at the moment. they using the minds of wonder have opened the door to their hidden strengths" Q said showing it with his hands at a vision field.


"Grandpa longneck you can do it too all dinosaurs have this hidden form" THunderclaw said and turned into a humaniod dinosaur. "it the hidden power of all dinosaurs we've from the other dinosaur world leart it as children. to embace the inner dinosaur which yourself is and the outter form of the techno dinosaur the humaniod dinosaurs that can do things that something in your form couldn't do" It was making sense to some of them.

Topys looked at Tria "I am now wanting to see this for my self how about we give this thing a try?" he asked her as the spikethumbs that changed into humaniod dinosaurs work on helping the two badly burned threehorns


  • Cera
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The other dinosaurs watched in surprise as some of their own began to change shape.  Grandpa and Grandma would also soon change into humanoid forms as well, quickly followed by a few more, and they all began to help as well.

The children nearby watched with utter shock.

"I don't believe it..." Donna said with her jaw dropped.

No one else could add anything to her statement...


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Q then appears behind them "It simple really you dinosaurs are part of a greater lot of dinosaurs all are able to do it, I believe Littlefoot has done it and been to the other Dinosaur planet the one with buildings that covered in tree vines with trees and forsest in the middle of it all you see they never gave up their natural way they made it part of their cities, space ships, planes whatever they can do it was Thunderclaw who came up with the device that turned a muddy lake into Sky Blue Lake 300 years ago I say around about he was just sleeping in a capsole for that time freezing his age and life span in place keeping him alive in deep ice." Q said to them all

"Say what?" Cera blinked


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"Huh?" Littlefoot also blinked.

Donna stood behind her sister when Q appeared.


Meanwhile, Guan and Odon tied another vine together and stepped back to see their progress.

"We got this side covered," Odon said, wiping his brow, and paused to realize how well he did such a simple task that would be a little more difficult as a regular dinosaur.

Guan looked up to see Q with the other kids and moved to Thunderclaw.  "Thunderclaw, I see Q with the others," he stated.


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"I knew he would appear that quy likes to appear whenever he feels like it" Thunderclaw muttered as he and the others tied the water weeds over the burns. "Done, now we wait and see if this treatment works"


"Let me say this once... to become humaniod like them just close your eyes and think of a closed down the open it. Now do you get it?" Q said to them all with his arms crossed


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"What do you think guys? should we give it a try. But one question how did Littlefoot's grandparents, my daddy, Tria and the adults get so small?" Cera said to him

"Simple the humaniod form is smaller then the natural dinosaur form but you can do more then a natural dinosaur form could do as you see with the adults over there, so if you want to try out being a humaniod dinosaur just close your eyes and think of a closed down then open it very simple." Q said to them again with arms crossed tapping a foot.


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Littlefoot felt embarassed as he remembered Q and everything that happened since, and took no time as he changed to humanoid form, stunning the spikethumb girls, but Donna seemed a little more awed.  Soon, she followed in Littlefoot's footsteps and tranformed into a sapien.  "This is cool!" she said gleefully.


The other dinosaurs stood back as they finished, and Spikefoot walked to Thunderclaw.  "So how long do we wait for this to work?" he asked.


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"not sure it only a natural remerdey that I remember that my own grandmother used when I had burns from a child touching a very hot steam pipe that went to the Great Steam Logoos of Spikeclaw Lake City. lucky it will make the burns vanish and scales regrow back there." Thunderclaw said to Spikefoot

"it could take hours, days or even weeks I just not sure but at the moment this is the best condisition they going to be in" Thunderclaw said then look up at the hill "That being over there with the kids is Q his the one that lead Guan to the very ship that brought our herd to this world and back the muddy lake Sky blue Lake which I named before being put into cold sleep for a long time." He said to Spikefoot


"Wow this is amazing we look a bit more bigger" Cera said moving around a little with her two feet "weird walking on twos but these I can move and grab things with it this is cool" Cera said moving her claw fingers and thumbs a bit, each of the dinosaurs part from spikethumbs have 3 claw fingers and thumbs while the spikethumbs had four claw fingers and a thumb.

"Wow this is cool" Tri said then look up "I hope they get better"

Petrie now had wings moved back more nearer to his back with his own arms with three claw fingers and a thumb which also he was almost as tall as the others kids now and Ducky being almost as tall.

"Who like to try out the humaniod dinosaur clothes? they mostly jackets of different types and leg braces or belts with pocket sides to hold things in" Q said and clicked making a few racks appear one for adult sizes and one for the kids sizes. "don't worry Tri they will with a brain like Thunderclaw nothing will fail for the most part but they have a 89% of surving" as he said that the adults in their humaniod form came up

"Right show time" Q smiled "Roll up roll up get your free jackets, leg braces and belts with pocket holders it comes in all shapes and sizes for all types of dinosaurs even for the winged friends, even water proof ones for our water liking friends, now pick any you like if there none I will just click up some more" Q said in a salesman tone of voice bring out a dictorphone speaking into it so all heard him in the group as he showed the jackets and other items showing off a little

"Ok this guy is nuts" Cera muttered


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(Mirumoto_Kenjiro and Nick are we continuing on the rpgs we doing at the mo? I don't like to see them unfinished)


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(Sure. i'm sorry, but I've been in Florida the last week I'm back now though)
Tria focused and slowly transformed herself into a human. "Thius is... odd' She murmured.
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(Humaniod dinosaurs, first thing and Stripetailler with Horn are out cold with burns all over them read the pervious messengers Nick to get a idea so you will need to edit that texted Nick.)


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(Sorry, previous post edited)
"Tria  looked around at Topsy, who had also transformed. "So you can do it too?"
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(Not human. HUMANIOD DINOSAUR, Nick)

Topys did what was said and turned into a humaniod triceratops "Simple I believe, just focus on your mind on making doors appear and open them then you come this two feet standing smaller triceratops with claw hands, it weird but amazing feeling" He looked at himself.