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Star Wars: Knights of the New Republic

F-14 Ace · 107 · 13266


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Triceratar arrives at Raptoria seeing the president shuttle leaving "Looks like things went well" trihorn said with a pleased tone

F-14 Ace

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Ralis landed in Gonday City and exited his fighter.  Meanwhile, on Rhen Var, Janisa Tocka said to Tedderus, "Prepare for the invasion.  The fleet will arive tomorrow."
Paito and Jack were leaving the planet to travel to a location in space.  Someone had contacted them for a job and wanted them to meet them on a private starship.


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Captain Trihorn orders the ship to travel with the shuttle and they both head back to their own homeworld both ships jump driving our of the system with this type of technology untraceable.

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Paito arrived at the rendevous point near Bespin, a gas planet in the Outer Rim.  It was the location of Cloud City which hovered high above the planet in a layer of oxygen.  There was a star destroyer with the mark of the EMpire on it.
Paito said, "That is wierd.  Who do I know who owns a star destroyer?"
A voice on the com said, "Ah, you are just in time.  We will need you to go through a test before you can accept this mission.  We will start with unmanned fighters.  Destroy all of them."
  Paito easily destroyed them.  
Then Jack said, "Paito, I picked up a coded transmision."
Paito said, "Play it."
Yazet said, "Lord tedderus, we have failed to secure the data.  It was a trap.  We have returned to base."
Paito asked confused, "WHo the hell was that?"
The employer on the star destroyer said, "Too bad you had to play that!  Now we must terminate your contract!"
A squadron of TIE foghters took off drom the ship's hanger.
Paito demanded, "What the hell is going on?"
The perso on the ship then said, "And according to section 6 A paragraph 3:2 we reserve the right to terminate it with force if required.  Now if you will excuse me, I must deal with something."
The destroyer turned aroung and zoomed off into hyperspace.
Paito said, "Hold on, Jack.  I'll get rid of the fighters!"
He used his ship's powerful weapons to destroy the fighters.  One damaged fighter flew towards Bespin trailing smoke behind it.
Paito said, "You won't get away from me."
He followed it to Bespin where it crashed into a platform on Cloud City.
Jack asked, "Why would it come here?"
Paito replied, "I don't know but I'll find out.  Get your weapons together."
Paito put on his weapons and jetpack and walked out of the ship.


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Captain Trihorn in the Triceratar after arriving at the planet where the cloud city is "we arrived at the city, but the scans detect the star destoryer had left" Laioa said from her station

"Take us into docking orbit" Trihorn orders and the helmsmon does so

F-14 Ace

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Jack said, "Look at that!" pointing at the ship arriving at Cloud City.
Paito exclaimed, "I have never seen a ship like that before."


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the ship docks and the captain with the science officer comes out through a docking door "Captain I believe we should ask the leaders of this city to find out more about the star destoryer we caught on senors"

"Laioa we will soon as the ship been fully powered down the Triceratar should be put under guard and I've put this comm band on to delete all ship data if it taken the next thing the theif will know they will be free falling to their doom" Trihorn said to her

"Wise and bold captain, like always" she said with a grin and they walk away from the ship and come towards Jack and Paito

F-14 Ace

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Paito said, "Jack, get your pistol out.  I see someone hiding around that corner."
It was night and the city was lit up.
Paito sneaked over to the corner and the figure took off running.  Paito pointed his left wrist at the figure and pushed a button.  A whipcord shot from the wrist qauntlet and wrapped around the figure's legs.  Paito pushed a button on his helmet and a light on his helmet activated revealing who he caught.


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"talk about warm welcome!" Laoia snapped at the one tried her up "is this how you treat your own kind! shoting without talking!" she grow anger and about to snap at them.

"commander Laoia calm down I am sure this is a miss understanding" Captain Trihorn steped out of the corner "Do you mind untinging her, she is part of my crew and we not enermies at all, the saurian alliance has a serect alliance with hers and his homeworld we gave suppiles in the need of the planet" he told them "So please untie her"

F-14 Ace

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Paito said, "As you wish."
He took a small object off his utility belt and pushed a button on it.  A short blue blade shot from it.  He cut the wire and put the minerature lightsaber back in its sheath on his belt.
He aid, "Sorry about that.  I thought you were someone else.  I am a bounty hunter, Paito Grimm.  I was called out here for a job.  THere was a star destroyer here and I recieved a transmission.  It was from a pirate.  He said something about losing some cargo he stole.  pparently the message was intended for the crew of the destroyer and not me becaues they sent their fighters on me and left the area.  I followed adamaged TIE fighter down here looking for answers."


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"that was our technology, we lost a cargo ship to them our flag ship arrived and destoryed the cargo ship taken the cargo back and took out their holo data device, we take care in our technology and protocalls to stop anyone from stealing it, any that try will be either blown to pieces or their computer core fried beyond repair. proven way to keep data theifs at bay" Captain Trihorn said to them

"Yes I'd join the Suarian Alliance only cause I enjoyed working at their home world a massive world bigger then anything I've seen in my life and 50 moons full of life as well" Laoia said with a smile

"Maybe after you'd complete your mission we can take you there but one condision you may not repeat may not tell the location of our star system. we kept it hidden for this long we going to keep it that way." Captain Trihorn said in a serious tone to them. "All we need is evil shadows on our planet from that Sith we heard about"

F-14 Ace

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Paito replied, "They wouldn't tell me what my mission was before they attacked.  However, I believe that they were trying to  get me to steal that technology.  If that was it, I would have refused anyway.  I'm no pirate."
They went to see the city's leaders.  While they were talking, a group of imperial stormtroopers entered the room.
One said, "ALright, hands up!  Now!"
Paito pulled out a blaster and shot the trooper square between the eyes.  The others opened fire but the fire mearly glanced off his armor.  Paito took out a lightsaber and turned it on.  He had learned how to build and use one.


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Trihorn hit one of the troopers and the second hit he pieced his horns into the man and then throw him over his head into the ground he pulled our a device in seconds a weapon appeared out of thin air a crest moon like shape with sharp blades "My weapon is a triceraton based design and the metals are rare and strong, strong enough to withstand a lightsaber but I will aid you against these troopers" trihorn said looking at Paito.

"I have used a mutiple poleized forcefield they trapped within that tiny area their in" Laioa said with a grin a trooper truched it and a glow appears they all trapped in the force field "Now we can get them to talk and not be harmed"

"Good work Commander Laioa" Trihorn smiled looking at the troopers held inside the forcefield.

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Paito said, "I must warn you, they are clones designed for loyalty to their master.  They will not talk."
Paito stuck his head out into the hall when he heard footsteps comming.  Paito got outa grenade launcher and fired a grenade blowing up several of the troopers.  then, he got a blaster rifle from its sheath on his belt and shot a stormtrooper in the chest.
He said, "Yeah, that armor worked real well, didn't it!"
Then, he shot another trooper and said, "Take that, plastic boy!"
Finally, Paito cornered an Imperial officer and demanded, "Alright, tell me what is going on here!"


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"I got ways of making them talk if I am allow to Captain" Laioa said looking at Trihorn

"Here you go" Captain throw a odd looking gun and she aims at one of them

She fires a beam hitting his head but it seeming to not harming him "Now he will tell you everything you wish to ask him and answer your questions without trouble" she smirked looking at Paito

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The captain said, "Hurry up!  There are more troops on the way!"
Paito said, "Alright, plastic man, let's here it.  WHat is going on?"
The trooper replied, 'I don't know.  All I heard was something about an invasion on Naboo."
Paito said, "Naboo?  They are actually going to invade Naboo?"
Paito said, "Well, we should take care of the troopers here.  They probably locked up the local authorities."
The group made their way to the plaza in the center of Cloud City and engaged the enemy in battle.
Jack fired his repeating blaster at them.


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Captain Trihorn helped the group defeat the troopers "that all of them and now about Naboo? if they try to we will send ships to aid in defence" trihorn said to them. "I think we need to tell the presidant about this"

F-14 Ace

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Paito asked, "Which president?  Yours or the Republic's?  Anyway, we should hurry to Naboo and try to fend off the Imperials.  It will take a while for the Republic to get there and Naboo has only meager security forces.  It is a peaceful planet.  I just don't understand the Empire.  My home planet of Alderaan was peaceful and they blew it up with the Death Star."

Uh, my spelling sucks.  And so does my keyboard.  Crap. -F-14 Ace


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"We'd need to get to our homeworld first get ships to go to that planet before the Imperials arrive at Naboo" Captain Trihorn said looking at him

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Paito said, "We'll go on to Naboo and see what we can do to help.  Please don't take too long to get there."