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"What if ... ?" alternate universe

Sneak · 8 · 2492


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wow. My first topic. Sorry if it looks silly. And sorry for my terrible English.

I don’t actually remember when I got this habit.

When some big event in a movie or cartoon happens (in screen), some time after I finish watching episode, I start to think: what would happen if this event never happened?

Very often, small analyzing turns into creation of alternative universe, where my huge fantasy, inspiration and imagination makes independent full movie/cartoon episodes, lol!  

So… What if Original Sharptooth, or as I call him, Tyran, never attacked Cera, Littlefoot and his mother? What if he just walked past herds? Or what if this Devil never existed in LBT universe? What would happen with characters?


Littlefoot and Cera stay with their families. Littlefoot’s mother stays alive. Everyone survives Great Earthshake, because both Longneck and Threehorn families survived in original LBT. I don’t even think children will be separated from parents again, because they didn’t have to run far away from them into giant spikes bushes, hiding from Sharptooth, and after their fun play in the pond they join their families. In few days, they all successfully reaches the Great Valley, I don’t think they would step into new danger, as well as falling victims of Pterano’s incident.

Littlefoot and Cera don’t become friends because they never went Gang’s Great Adventure that made them close friends, despite of  all these “Threehorns don’t play with Longnecks” or “We should hold only our herd and our kind ” talks we heard from Topps  and Littlefoot’s mother. I will not be surprised if they become foes, thanks to Cera, of course.

Cera’s character stays the same. Bad. Very very bad threehorn girl. I mean, remember her dirt behavior, dirt speeches and dirt principles during gang’s first adventure? Great Adventure definitely taught and changed her. But gang’s adventure never happened, so…

Littlefoot happily lives with loving Grandmother, Grandfather, and, of course, his mother. Since never-happened mother’s death and never-happened Gang’s Great Adventure, his character would change a bit, but I believe Mother’s love, her huge wise makes him good longneck, even if some parts of his ideology changes.

Ducky and Petrie, separated from their families, without knowing where is Great Valley, being alone, even without meeting each other, become lost. Their fates are unknown. With each day, their chances to starve or find themselves in sharptooth’s shadow grow and grow...

Hatched nameless Spiketail dinosaur baby, without any parents or smiling Bigmouth around who takes care of him, has little chances to survive…

Chomper hatches and grows up with his loving parents, becomes TRUE REAL SHARPTOOTH (Hey Chomper, am I wrong or in some TV episode you told you want to be real sharptooth?.. be careful with your speech, child) Maybe someday he will overcome Original Sharptooth and become the most danger sharptooth ever who walked on ground…

Ruby lives with her family, never leaving them and never having mission how different herds can live together and help each other, as in Great Valley.  

Great Valley’s habitants, after months of peaceful living, have very huge chance to leave valley FOREVER during events of Time of the Great Giving. Because they would continue to act like babies! And there’s no Gang who solves the case and helps to return water to the valley! However… Maybe Hyp’s gang replaces them and three dumb teenager dinosaurs become heroes?... Nah, I don’t think so.

If Longneck family still lives till the events of LBT10, they would all travel to the Crater, and meet Bron… One loving family… Grandma, grandpa, mother, father, son. All together…

What’s about Sharptooth? He continues to live and hunt under Great Bright Circle. Having both good eyes. Maybe he will find entrance to the Great Valley someday, as he did in uncut version of movie…


I can continue the list, including all events and all characters’ destinies from all sequels…  But I think that’s enough already. :D

Well… Thank you, Tyran the Sharptooth, for giving us our loved Gang, and current situation of things.

Rest in peace…

[size0]P.S.: Hey, Littlefoot, do you know Sharpteeth CAN swim?..


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Well, Sharptooth is used as a plot device in the first film. In several occasions, by running from him, the gang find themselves in the right path, like when they found the rock that looked like a longneck.

As for the earthquake, you're not remembering it clearly. Some dinosaurs fall to their death in the abyss that opens up. Cera and Littlefoot were playing in those thorn bushes so they would still be separated from their herds. Littlefoot's Mother would've stayed with his grandparents, and he and Cera would be left astray in the mysterious beyond.

Littlefoot wouldn't get depressed, he would be driven to find the Great Valley, maybe he wouldn't meet Ducky, because he wouldn't be moping around in that pond, but who knows, maybe he would meet her along the way, or he would end up in that pond by himself tired from the long walk, or just looking to quench his thirst.

I believe the gang would still meet, they would just take longer to get to the Great Valley, and the journey would be more boring.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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As for the earthquake, you're not remembering it clearly. Some dinosaurs fall to their death in the abyss that opens up
I know. I wrote only about Littlefoot's and Cera's families. they all survived in original, and logically they all would survive in alt reality.

fun fact: honestly, I noticed some dinosaurs fell into abyss not so long time ago. only 1-2 years ago, when I made detailed frame-by-frame watching the whole film.
I was truly shocked. Fall of group of longnecks and threehorns looked absolutely horrific. how I didn't noticed that before?

Cera and Littlefoot were playing in those thorn bushes so they would still be separated from their herds
well yeah, there's chance of happening.
but at the same time, the pond is close to families, so when Earthshake starts, Littlefoot and Cera can just simple run to paents. That's question of probability. :D


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You never noticed it? I always felt sorry for those dinosaurs, and thought that Cera's mother was among them.

Well, it did look close but it all depends on how the earthquake shaped the landscape. In the film all we see is from Littlefoot and Cera's perspective.

I still believe that the gang would eventually meet, maybe Spike would be the only one left out, since the only reason Ducky found him was because Cera was running away from the Sharptooth and started bragging about how she faced him and lived to tell about it.

One thing that I find odd, is that Sharptooth is treated as though he was the only predator around. Where are the raptors and the other T-Rexs? Not to mention other species of predators that could show up. If it wasn't Sharptooth, they could still meet another foe.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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well, in (almost) each LBT sequel there's only one raptor/group of raptors.
others are visible in only one-sec episodes


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Suffice to say the world would be a very different place!

Dr. Rex

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In my opinion, things would probably be worse off. First off, the gang would have to find the Great Valley in a different way, probably ALONE.


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I don't believe they'd be alone, there are a few circumstances that made them meet because of the time they’ve arrived at a certain point. For example, Littlefoot and Ducky only met Petrie because he was messing around with that plant on that particular moment. Same thing for Spike. Ducky wouldn’t have seen him hatch if it wasn’t for Cera returning and making her “fly” over to Spike’s nest.

I still believe that it would be possible for all of them to meet, except for Spike, however, there wouldn’t be a Sharptooth to move the plot and the journey forward and maybe their friendship wouldn’t be as tight and as brotherly as it ended up being.

Also, this is a great idea to start off a multiverse version of TLBT :p
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool