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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Member Awards 2010 - Voting open


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Many a word have I spend on the explanations for the votes I have given so far and yet these have been the votes I have been most certain about. I am now getting closer to the votes where it turn out to be a lot tougher for me to make decisions because we have so many candidates who are well deservant of the recognition symbolized by an award. When I mention more than one person in the text of such a vote explanation it is not to show the one I ultimately vote for as way above the others but much rather to give credit to all of those I mention and maybe others will pick another of the candidates I name but didn’t vote for. At the same time it is not always (certainly not in the case of fanart) possible to mention everybody’s contributions. With art it is really as delightful that we have so many great artists as it is a pain to have to pick but one of them and another difficulty is that sometimes there are artists who produce not as much art as others but art which in quality is just adorable. There are others who create a lot of art which sometimes may not reach the quality (and even the term “quality” is wrong with reference to art as it is so much a matter of personal taste) of the artists who create much less. I feel a bit in a moral dilema there as sure enough the amount of work and effort should not be totally disregarded even if one may like a single piece of another artist even better. Oh dear, I need Pangea to teach me a lesson about how to express praise in such a manner that it doesn’t sound like criticism and criticism in a manner that may not be interpreted as impolite.
One artist who has not posted as much as others but whose art I just adore is DarkWolf91. Her art is plain awesome! However much a matter of taste and opinion this may be I do think that many will agree on this. Sky continues to post his art on the gang of five and holy awesomeness is it cool! Sky’s work is truly epic!
Artists who don’t post art frequently are sometimes overlooked which really isn’t fair. One example is Coyote_A. Your recent Ducky really has a great expression and I hope to see more art from you.
LBTFan too has posted really excellent pictures and I find it a particular joy to see how he improves his work. Even his first images are very good, but since then he has further improved for example on light and shadow effects which give his pictures real depth as well as the backgrounds which have become over more detailed and realistic. Seeing this development really makes me look forward to more art which can be posted on the GOF.
Anything written about land before time fanart in the GOF throughout 2009 and 2010 however would be utterly incomplete without including Ptyra. She has posted more art than anyone else throughout the last year and same as with the art of LBTFan it truly delights me to see her images’ development throughout time. Ptyra has also been particularly ready to try out new techniques and effects which hardly anyone here has tried out to create effects for haze, water, various surfaces, semi transparent images etc. In this and also in the great variety of strong emotions of all kind (where you can really imagine the scene that is depicted as if the image was a screenshot from a movie scene) there is great diversion in her pictures. Personally I regret a bit that there is not as great diversion with the characters depicted as almost all images show flyers only.
I am certain that Ptyra will get the very well deserved fanart award and it is with this certainty in mind and with regard to the greater variation in depicted characters that my vote for the Fanart Award goes to LBTFan who I hope will be encouraged to create and post more of his very decent fanart on the GOF.


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Just quick reminders to those who have been voting so far:

1.)  If your original post does not have the minimum of 6 awards voted for, do not edit your original post to add other categories.  It will make tallying that much harder for us.  Make a new post.

2.)  Gut feelings about why members should receive an award are not acceptable reasons for why a person should receive an award.  Details are needed for the vote to count.  Most of you have done excellently on this, but I'm seeing a couple of vague votes and these will not be counted.


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Allow me to cast 2 more votes (since I've only casted 3 so far)...

I hereby vote Sky for the Fanart Award, for he has shown such beautiful and impressive artwork, that even words could not have described just how well those pieces of art are made. Truly a great artist, keep up the good work. ;)

For the Philosopher Award, my vote goes to Malte, for he ALWAYS have something to say about anything, and is often indeed very inspiring.

I still need to think on who should get the Proactive Award... Other than that, I'm skipping Feedback Award and Helpful Member Award, mostly because I've never had any *huge* personal help from other members in here (no offense intended). Yeah... :p


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Quote from: Petrie,Jun 5 2010 on  06:21 AM
2.)  Gut feelings about why members should receive an award are not acceptable reasons for why a person should receive an award.  Details are needed for the vote to count.  Most of you have done excellently on this, but I'm seeing a couple of vague votes and these will not be counted.
If I may ask, which votes have been too vague, and if they have been vague, can the poster make them less vague or add a good reason in another post before the "polls" close?

I think I know one overly-vague one already.


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Well, these are my two final votes, I hope they make sense.

Helpful Member Award I find this award also very hard to give to just ONE member since there are many helpful, friendly, sweet people here. I remember when I was and still am going through a tough time, there are many members that helped me, gave advice and what not. And then there are members that just are willing to give a hand no matter what and genuinely have a kind spirit and don't expect anything in return, which seems to be so rare in a world where a lot of people have that, "What's in it for me?" attitude. The said member I am talking about is Littlefoot1616. I unfortunately don’t know him very well and he may not be as active as some other members here, but he has helped out A LOT in this past year. Helping me with just one post to give me hope and just giving good input on certain things here and actually helping out with the awards here. ^^

Philosopher Award- This has to be the hardest one to choose. I have a few members at the top of my head that I really believe deserve this award. Whenever it came to land before time related topics to controversial topics, these members would always give in their input constantly and back up with info. There is one member I don’t think has been mentioned yet as a candidate, so I would like to make this member I am thinking about known, up front and center. F-14 Ace I believe really deserves this award. He may not post as much as some others, but when he does, he really is passionate about when he believes in and he usually is very calm about agreeing to disagree.

Edit: I was brought to my attention about how I formed my vote for the Philosopher award, turns out F-14 Ace has no "raptor" in his username. I hope I didn't confuse the ones counting up the tallys.


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Noname, since you asked here is an example of vague wording:

Oooh the Helpful Member Award is also a rather tough one to go by, but I believe I shall still nominate someone for this one, and it shall go to Noname, why might you ask? I don't entirely know of a good reason on why, but it just feels right is all....

MrDrake can certainly change it so the wording is appropriate for his vote to count.  He has time.  Voting goes on for two weeks.  Also his wording for RPs has no detailed reasoning for why he chose Noname...just mentions it was tough and listed off honorable mentions as well.

If you guys are reading this, you now know what it is that will NOT count for votes. ;)


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^ That was one of the examples I was thinking about. Maybe a list of those who give overly vague descriptions is in order? Not everyone is a good writer on the GoF, despite their enthusiasm.

In any case, there is time to fix these things. I don't believe anyone I voted for was given too vague a description in my posts.


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Quote from: Petrie,Jun 6 2010 on  11:38 AM
Noname, since you asked here is an example of vague wording:

Oooh the Helpful Member Award is also a rather tough one to go by, but I believe I shall still nominate someone for this one, and it shall go to Noname, why might you ask? I don't entirely know of a good reason on why, but it just feels right is all....

MrDrake can certainly change it so the wording is appropriate for his vote to count.  He has time.  Voting goes on for two weeks.  Also his wording for RPs has no detailed reasoning for why he chose Noname...just mentions it was tough and listed off honorable mentions as well.

If you guys are reading this, you now know what it is that will NOT count for votes. ;)
Ah, well, I shall fix it soon enough.  Especially since I do have time for it to fix it all up.

So yes, I shall get to that soon enough, just, can't think of it at the moment XD

Anyways, thanks Petrie for telling me, and other members, about the whole vauguness ordeal....I mean, I am new to this and all, wasn't sure how much of an explanation was needed and all.


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My votes are as follows:

~Fanart Award

I have always appreciated Sky's talented artworks.  He is always finding creative ways to use programs and illustrate his own characters and film characters.

~Feedback Award

A member who is always giving feedback to others and trying to help out is Kor.  He is quick to respond to messages and always tries to find the good things in every situation.

~Friendly Member Award

It has been five years we've had these awards, and for five years, I've always chosen Jason (Littlefoot1616) as the friendliest member around.  He's cool as a cucumber in tough situations, and always has rational and kind words to the audience no matter what the discussion.  Jason always has a kind word for all members, and always treats others respectfully in the GOF. :)

~Helpful Member Award

Along with the feedback award (since these awards sort of overlap) I believe Kor has been one of the most helpful members of the GOF.  As I've stated above, he is quick to respond and give a good message to every topic posted on the board, and is willing to give advice whenever he can do so.

~Philosopher Award

Many philosophers have spoken their minds on LBT topics, real life topics, and been good at giving their points out to readers.  One who never fails to give details to nth degree and make his point clearly known is Malte.  You never have to ask him to clarify--he does it the first time, and makes his point known immediately with examples, no matter what topic is posted.  He is one who certainly thinks things through.

~Proactive Award

I may be the first one to vote for myself in an award this year, but I'm going to, and here's why I'm going to put myself on a pedestal for a brief moment.  Back in September, members noticed a new section: the Rock Circle where they could penn ideas about what would help the board.  The Rock Circle was my brainchild, and I decided to add it as a section to the GOF so all members could have a public voice and provide ideas for the better of the GOF community.  I pretty much shoved it down the staff's throat and said this is what we're doing and how we're doing it, and I do feel it has been a very useful section for our community.  Take it with a grain of salt if you wish, but I do feel this section has made the GOF a more open, and democratic community where many have a voice and can share what's on their mind, and receive credit for their contributions.

~Project Award

I abstain from voting on this award because I have not actively looked at any projects created by members recently.

~Role Play Gamer Award

I vote for the same member I recently hired to help out moderate the RP section of the GOF--TheGreatValleyGuardian.  I choose him because he's excellent at role playing, plays within the guidelines of the game, and has great ideas to offer the role-playing community of the GOF.


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^ That was one of the examples I was thinking about. Maybe a list of those who give overly vague descriptions is in order? Not everyone is a good writer on the GoF, despite their enthusiasm.

Lack of proper writing was not the issue.  The lack of a reason for the vote was.  Anyway, the problem will be solved and fixed in due time, so no harm. :)


  • Ducky
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I nominate Noname for the Roleplaying Award. His RPs are always really well developed and interesting.

Unfortunately I can't really think of who to nominate for the other awards. Sorry guys  :oops


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Philospher-I vote for Malte, as his posts are extremely well-thought out and detailed, and he manages to make his points clear.

Role Play Gamer-I vote for Great Valley Guardian, as his rps' storylines are very well thought-out and entertaining, he's great at drama and humor.


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I have something to say. I would please ask to be disqualified from voting and being voted on this year. A rule was passed that I did not follow, and as such, I do not deserve to take part in the voting this time. I will have no drama, no rant, no complaint, and will not fight for an award this time around, as the fault is my own. I did something that was not against the rules when it began, but it is against the rules now, and so, I cannot take part in a vote and have everything be in accordance with said rules. Thus, I bow out of it this year.

If it is the admins wishes to keep or disregard the votes that have been cast for me, I will not fight that either. In any case, I am sorry. I can explain more if you want me to elsewhere. I had thought it was okay, I was even given the impression it was okay by an admin who took part in it, but now that things have been brought to my attention, I realize it is not okay, and so, I realize that if I do not follow the rules, I do not get to vote now. Beyond anything else by far, awards have been my Achilles Heel on this site; especially when I have the desire and will to get one, but lack the real-life time and devotion to this site to unquestionably deserve one.

The fellowship on this site is worth more than 100 awards, and I would be a fool to jeopardize it. I know that simply apologizing and bowing out of voting does not undo what I did, but it does bring down a punishment on me. Now, it is not for me to pick my punishment, but in any case, it is my wish to simply bow out of voting this year, regardless, as I clearly did not have the right approach to it.

I accept responsibility for my actions. I only ask that I may still be among you, and that you know that as soon as I realized that what I did was wrong, I admitted it right here, and asked to be disqualified from this vote. Thank you.


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Yay! It's time to vote again. :lol: OK, let's start:

~Fanart Award
LBTFan has some really great drawings of the gang. Malte's embroidery looks amazing as well and it progresses really well. :yes Mumbling's sculptures of Cera, Spike, Chomper and Littlefoot are also great to see and I hope she'll continue. =D
But my vote goes to Ptyra for keeping us updated with a lot of new drawings of her own LBT characters. She may have posted more artwork this year from sketches to finished pictures than other artists together.

~Feedback Award
I vote Pangaea for the feedback award. He practically knows everything about dinosaurs and is always giving feedback to almost everyone on the fanart section, whether it's fanart or fanfiction.
He always replies to my artworks and pointing all the flaws I did on a picture. :yes Seeing those flaws makes me definately better at drawing someday. :D

~Friendly Member Award
The friendly member award goes to our friendly member Kor. =)
He's always neutral and helps people out as good as he can. He has his feelings under control and I have never seen him angry at somebody or something.

~Helpful Member Award
Caustizer may helped me out a lot of times without even knowing it. :p My works even inspired him to write an awesome story about my characters which keeps me going.
He's practically the reason why I'm back into LBT. He helps me by keeping me motivated to work on more LBT works than last year and is always replying on my works giving me contstructive criticism. I think I made myself a really good friend here. :yes

~Philosopher Award
Skipped - Heh, it looks like I'll be skipping this one as I always stay out of "meaningful" topics... which is actually dumb of me. D:

~Proactive Award
pokeplayer984 keeps the LBT section alive with lots of new topics to discuss about the LBT world including reviews from the movies and selfmade videos. :DD

~Project Award
My vote for the project award goes to action9000. He's been working on the LBT multiplayer game for so long now and hasn't given up yet even when he had a rough time in his life.
His endurance is something I really admire. :wow

~Role Play Gamer Award
Skipped - I wasn't active on the RP section to give a good reason for an award. =/


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The Friendly Member Award -   Chiletrek : This person posts often to the welcome threads and helps to make folks feel welcome and his posts are also friendly.  I have enjoyed reading his posts and feel he is a very friendly person by nature.  

Helpful Member Award -   LBTFan13 : This member posts detailed and helpful posts in the postings I have seen, with helpful posts and feedback among some of their posts that I have seen.  This member and Littlefoot1616 have made informative posts that help and support the other members, though Lbtfan13 has done more of them and with some suggestive and helpful detail, but not to much.

Proactive Member Award -   Petrie : He has started the forum as well as starting the most threads to The Rock Circle area of the forum and is the head admin as well as doing things behind the scenes that most of us likely do not see.
Projects Award -   action9000 :  This member has been working on a video game for lbt fans to play in as well as being the original person in charge of the singing project some members enjoy being involved with as well as being involved with the singing projects he was not in charge of running and starting as well.

Philosopher Award -   Malte : His posts tend to be very lengthy and detailed with quite a bit of information contained within the post.  He has also posted his thoughts and feelings in varous areas on various topics.  

Feedback Award -   Pangea : Pengea's feedback, especially in the artwork section, in the ones I've seen at least, has been detailed with interesting information, with suggestions and tips at times, without being to long and lengthy.

Role Play Gamer Award -   Nick22 : He runs and is gm of both of the threads I am having the most fun in as well as the ones that seem most active, with the insane cafe running for a very long time across 4 different chapters / parts so far.  He can also roleplay a number of characters at the same time with skill and with them seeming to be different people and beings.  Though there are others I have had fun rping with in the past and present, to many to mention by name since I may accidentally leave some out.

Fanart Award -   Ptyra : While there are many folks who's artwork I enjoy, to many to name here since if I did I would likely accidentally leave some folks out, her artwork has been interesting to see and she posts with some regularity.  The artwork is decently detailed and while some are colored, even the sketch ones are interesting to look at and see.


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Before posting my next vote I must confess a very embarrassing mess up of contemporary history :confused
Somehow I had projected the creation of the Rock Circle back into the year 2008 and therefore not mentioned and considered it in my vote for the Proactive Award. Indeed this has been an initiative for which Adam deserves great credit and which really ought not to have gone so unmentioned :oops

The Helpful Member Award is one for which I feel we have many members who well deserve this award and much will come down to individual decisions which are not always easy. Austin landbeforetimelover is always ready and willing to help, especially when people have computer troubles of any kind (however, he has already announced he won't participate in the vote).
Kor has always been very ready and helpful when it comes to providing pictures. For the creation of this year’s awards Iris and Gustav (Mumbling and Lillefot) have both been very helpful when it comes to providing pictures.
LBTFan13 too has often been very helpful and concerned in GOF matters :yes
For me personally there has been one act of helpfulness which goes beyond the uploading and downloading of pictures or information. The fact that the helpfulness came in reaction to a “wanted – reward” kind of call from my end did not change the fact that it took more trouble for the helper than the ordinary every day kind of helping does. Moreover, if this one single act of helpfulness is not enough the member I am thinking of has generally been very helpful when it comes to providing pictures or videos. Among many who are really worthy candidates for the Helpful Member Award I pick John, pokeplayer984.


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It is going to take time for me to pick whom among the members deserves the awards.  However, one I cannot give is the Role-Playing Award due to the fact that I never go to that part of the forum.

So, with that out of the way, let's start with one I am confident with right now.

Fanart Award ~ For this one, I pick Iris, Mumbling.  Her artwork is just amazing.  I just love her drawings and her recent sculptures of The Land Before Time Characters are just incredible.  I just adore her work and for this reason I nominate Mumbling for it. :)

I'll get to the rest later.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Noname,Jun 6 2010 on  02:22 AM
I have something to say. I would please ask to be disqualified from voting and being voted on this year.

You were probably going to win one too; you were nominated in four categories, a couple with multiple nominations...


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The only one I truly deserved might have been a runner-up for the philosopher award, which I never expected to even be mentioned in. Even so, thanks for the well-wishes.

I might mention the nominations in my sig as some colored text, though.


  • Petrie
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Well at first, I didn't think I was gonna give any votes. Felt kind of overwhelmed, had to read the rules and such, and I had no clue who to vote for, and all that. But!, I think I've overcame my hesitancy. So, here we go. And y'all need to tell me if I do something wrong.

Fanart: To be honest, I've never looked at that much fanart. You know, mabye a few passive glances at our artists, when I have the spare time. But for good measure, I went and looked back at a number of their works, and I feel obliged to vote for Mumbling. She draws wonderfully. Not only that, but I took into account that "art" is a lot more than drawings. And those little sculptures she does are pretty sweet.

Feedback: This one was a lot easier than the others. You could write two sentences, and Pangaea could give you feedback of several paragraphs. So obviously, I have to give my cote to him. And feedback is sometimes taken for granted. I mean, what is a forum without feedback? Just a bunch of people posting new topics. No replies. Empty polls. So this category may just be the most important.

Friendly Member: I hated this category! I had like four people who've only ever been exceptionaly friendly to me. Before I say who my vote is for, I want to mention action_9000, Rat_Lady7, and Darkhououmon. Very friendly people. Thanks for being friendly to me. Especially Tim. Good guy like you doesn't deserve what you've been having to go through. I hope you get past all that mess real soon. But, my vote, once again, has to go to Mumbling. She's always real nice to me, even when it's evident that she's not in the greatest mood. And you know, friendli-ness, it's an important category for me, 'cause I'm a d--k, and I'm not very friendly to many people. So I appreciate it a little more.

Helpful: I vote Darkhououmon for the helpful member category. All of her posts are good natured, and just have that "supportive" overtone to them. I mean, she gave me Digimon advice.  :exactly

Philosopher: Pretty obvious, this one...can't really think of much to write for it, but here goes. Malte279 is basically a modern day Aristotle. Not just 'cause of his post's word count! 'Cause of his vocabulary too! A person above me (or on the first page) said his posts "induce deep thoughts", or something, which more sounds like an acid trip, but I'm gonna go with that too.

Proactive: This vote was a sure-fire thing, and then the boss reminded me that he made the Rock Circle thing..which I really like, it's a good idea. So, you know, I want to vote for both of them, but I'm going to have to vote for Rat_Lady7. She directly jump-started a new section in the forum, which has like 25 people participating in it. And that's not mentioning the individual thread's she's made. And proactive is more than that. She's pro-GOF, and she actively posts in basically all threads. And there you have it.

Project: Last one, thank god..I'm breaking a sweat with all this typing. My vote for the project award is for action_9000. His work on the GOFLBTRPG..just..wanted to type it like nearly unwavering. And you know, working on something a lot isn't really justification, but if you'll look at how great the work is, then it's justified. I love this project, and wish I could do more to help it, but if I can't, I atleast know it's in good hands. Which brings me into an honoranle mention, who is Mumbling. There's a reason that she's getting just about most of the votes for the project award, also. She's a very close second, in my opinion.

Alright I think I got them all, 'cept for the Role Playing one, which I'm not qualified to vote in. I hope I justified my votes enough for them to be valid.