The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

World of Furry


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Adrian smirked and nodded.

"Right.  Adrian Yukimura Starr. Second Lieutenant, and Second-In-Command of the 07th Mobile.  Nice to meet you, sir.  My Hunter and I are ready to assist."

He chuckled.  Shannon elbowed him in the ribs, then saluted.  

"Sir.  Lieutenant Shannon MacDonald, Commander of the 07th Mobile.  Standing by to launch and assist in the operation, sir."

She said, smiling a little...


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Vergil cleared his throat, and came to attention as Captain Rhodan looked at him and asked who he was. "Sergeant First Class Vergil Speicher, Captain." Vergil responded. "I've only been in this program two weeks, though. I have previous staffing experience with other jobs, however, and my initial enlistment test reports indicated I could serve as a sergeant based on that experience, so here I am." he said, spreading his arms just a tad.

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Both satisfied and pleased that his team knew what they were about, Rhodan dipped his head slightly. "You all seem very well equipped, and for that it is an honor to command this team."
He smiled then, probably the first time he had really smiled all day.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Shannon chuckled and nodded.

"Only one condition, sir.  Nobody left behind.  We all come home from this."

She said confidently...


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Vergil nodded as he heard Shannon's words now. "That's a condition I can get behind." he said with all seriousness, looking at his soon to be comrades-in-arms.

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Adrian chuckled and rolled his shoulders.  

"Alright, let's get ourselves into our Cores, and get ready to kick some incursion tail."

He grinned....


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Rhodan nodded in agreement. "Of course." He looked around with raised brows.
"Well, since I'm at the slight disadvantage - never having been in this building before - I'm going to have to follow you." He stepped back in a smooth 'after-you' gesture.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Adrian nodded and led the way to a small locker-room esque location.  

"Here we go.  This is where they keep our Core suits.  We'll need to get in them, and then we're ready."

He chuckled.  

"Oh, and Vergil, Captain?  What sorts of weapons are you guys planning on using?"

He added...


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Vergil entered the locker room with the others and began to suit up into his Core. "Well..." He said, tossing his bag in the locker. It contained a personal weapon of his, as well as a change of clothes for the end of the day given that... this type of work tended to make him sweaty. Despite being reptilian in appearance, he was not cold-blooded. "I tend to use a blade outside of the mechs." he explained now, strapping the suit around his arms first.

"I usually use a very quick, agile technique, that's very acrobatic in nature. I study different forms of fighting, but right now, speed and agility are my favorite." he outlined.

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Adrian grinned, and idly stretched as he switched into is core, pulling his gauntlets on, chuckling.

"Good.  I'll get a new set of blades loaded into the weapon pods.  They should work with your fighting style."

He said with a smile, then a small squeak as Shannon nonchalantly stripped, tossing her panties onto his nose.  She smiled at the others, arching her back and thrusting her breasts forward as she did so...

The Great Valley Guardian

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The snake beast Logan Skyler had been held in jail for several weeks for a string of crimes he'd committed in the past, and now after realizing that he didn't want just a life of survival, but of purpose he had swiftly joined the military operations in the hope that he'd get to do some good... or kill something worthy, either way it worked well for his personal mindset. As it was he was now currently slithering into the locker room as the others were currently changing into their gear and he looked around for a moment not seeing anyone he recognized, but in response he used his forked tounge to sniff the air around him with a slight scwol.

"Who is in command here?" he asked loudly and with an air of irritation in his voice.


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"Very good." Vergil responded to Adrian, and then paused in his strapping on of his Core as Shannon practically (and not very secretively) bared everything in front of them.

It was a good thing Vergil was mostly in his Core now because... was it starting to get a bit stuffy in there? Realizing he was staring, the gecko blinked and quickly looked into his locker as if checking to make sure he'd actually thrown his bag in there.

His reverie was fully broken however by the voice coming from the door of the room, and Vergil turned to glimpse a snake beast standing there, sounding irritated at something. "Um... he is." Vergil nodded in Rhodan's direction.

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Shannon grinned at Vergil, turning around and bending over, tail raised, to pull on her boots.  As soon as she heard the other voice walking in, she squeaked a little and immediately dropped her tail between her legs, standing up and turning around.

"That's the Captain over there."

She stammered...


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Rhodan turned quickly, in the middle of fitting. Not used to being surprised, he glared hard in the direction of... the vent? He answered Adrian's question as he made for the vent. "I use my saber; it's what I'm comfortable with, but if there is something more effective and lethal, be sure to remind me.
Now, who are you?" He boomed, threateningly. His tail cracked against the floor and he stood tall.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Adrian started typing away on a wrist computer integrated into his gauntlet.  

"Right.  Requisitions put in, and loaded up.  Once we get geared up, we're ready to head out and kick some..."

As soon as he heard the voice, he turned, grabbing a sword from his locker and turning towards the door.

"Who's there?  Show yourself."

He said tersely...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Logan turned his head in the direction of the one the others had mentioned was the commanding officer and he blinked for a moment before slithering further into the room and glared down at Rhodan before slowly raising his hand and saluting. "Captain. Logan Skyler reporting for duty." He then glanced at the others present and added, "Although honestly I don't know what good I'd be in a cockpit mech battle... I'm used to ripping things apart with my bare hands."


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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By this point, the white gecko was heavily flushed from the view Shannon had given him, his bleached cheeks were showing a clear red color to them. His throat was tight and he was perspiring slightly, but then, the situation turned rather comical as the snake's voice caused Shannon to snap back into what seemed like embarrassed decency.

Vergil chuckled a little, noting his captain's complete avoidance of the situation. But then... the snake came forward introducing himself as Logan Skyler. Captain Logan Skyler. So... we have two captains in this unit, Vergil thought to himself. He certainly seemed an imposing sight and really? He wanted to go at these creatures with his bare hands? Well... someone certainly had guts... but Vergil wondered if perhaps he knew what they'd be facing. Still... if he COULD withstand these creatures without a mech... that would be something to see.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


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Adrian smirked a little at Vergil's response, sidling closer and chuckling.

"Liking the view, I take it, hmm?"

He teased a little, as Shannon glanced back towards them, lifting her tail again...


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(Not really sure how to introduce myself so I'll have Drake returning in a damaged Core)

Low on power, Drake was trying his best to get back with a heavily damaged core bodysuit, his oxygen starting to leak. "Not good." he commented to himself, noticing he wasn't far off from safety.


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Vergil froze as Adrian asked him the subtle question. "View?" he said in an equally low voice. He stole a quick glance over his shoulder to see that Shannon was... well yep... still a view. He snapped his head back forward and smiled nervously. "Wh-what view?" he stammered.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post