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Stardust's LBT Art Nest


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Am I the only one who thinks the poses are actually decent? :rubythinking

The oversizing works in order to give them enough details and the poses themselves are quite alright in my opinion. Unlike me, Stardust decided to rush it out to make the deadline so be easy on him :)
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^Even if that's the case, constructive feedback is still helpful no matter the circumstances. People here are already painfully aware of what I think about rushing, so let's not go there... :)


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Thank you for the support, Ducky123. That said, as I mentioned in my previous post, Ducky and Petrie really weren't intended to be that large at all. I guess subconsciously my mind may have been trying to add in more details, but in hindsight I either would have made the two of them a little smaller, or else made the other three larger. Although yeah, it was kinda a rushed drawing as well. Even before I finished and submitted it, I was already starting to notice some of the mistakes, but by that point I only had a couple days left and I just wanted to have it done.

I'm honestly so ashamed of that piece that I was seriously tempted to just remove it outright and only have the first drawing count for my participation banner (and I still am kinda tempted even now). Ultimately I'll leave it up, but still... bah!

Oh well. Nothing to do except learn from my mess-up and move on to the next drawing.


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@Anagnos Are you *very subtly* assuming that I wasn't trying to be constructive? Careful mate, careful :P You aren't even an artist to begin with.

@StardustSoldier That's right, every drawing helps to grow, even if the result isn't fullfilling. Look where I am now, I still struggle, I still make more mistakes than I'm probably even aware of, but I've been drawing on and off for years and I've been learning things step by step. Keep at it, feel free to ask artists on the discord server for advice during the process of creating your art rather than after you're done, that way some people might be able to direct you toward sthe right way before it's too late to turn back (or redraw the whole thing)

And it's the same story fro writing though I don't think you will need any advise there, given that you're doing it semi-proffessionally, I guess?  :^^spike
« Last Edit: February 03, 2020, 04:03:55 PM by Ducky123 »
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For the humanization prompt, your depictions of Littlefoot and Ali were drawn generally well, and a treestar on the former's t-shirt made a good addition, but also a cool identifier of which human was Littlefoot. As for constructive criticism, I'll say the way that both of them were holding on to each other looks odd because of the way the hands were drawn, and the way the arms are bent kinda looks unnatural to me. It seems like a very uncomfortable position to me, don't you think? But good job on the prompt overall. And as an added disclaimer, since humanized drawings are something I don't generally like as a personal taste of mine, I would usually ignore and not review it. But in this case, I made an exception. :yes

For the second drawing, the style here reminds me of one of those silly, exaggerated parody cartoon animations that I see on YouTube. Cera, Ducky, and Petrie are the main prime examples here. In my opinion, it works for this particular drawing because well - the Gang is walking in a modern city for Christ sake! Since I think this drawing is not meant to be taken too seriously, I don't have many complaints to offer here. As some others have said though, Petrie and Ducky are oversized. But I'll let it pass this time due to the circumstance of the situation I mentioned above already. :)

Overall, well done Stardust! :Mo

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@Ducky123: Thank you. Your words are helpful.

I'm sorry everyone for being melodramatic earlier. Putting myself and my art out there is still something I'm getting used to, and I can get discouraged easily when a creative project of mine does not turn out the way I wanted. I experience it moreso with drawing than with writing, just because my drawing skills aren't as strong as my writing skills, although I do certainly get discouraged at times with my writing as well.

But hey, it was still a learning experience. And I will try again with my next drawing, which I think ultimately is the most important step.

@ImpracticalDino: Thanks for the review. :)


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Are you *very subtly* assuming that I wasn't trying to be constructive? Careful mate, careful :P You aren't even an artist to begin with.

@Ducky123 Wow... thanks for assuming that part about me right off the bat... The comment I wrote earlier was a direct response to your ''rush'' comment, but I did not expect you to react in this way. I did not say that you weren't trying to be constructive, and that comment from you certainly doesn't reflect you on a good light. Think before you speak... And being an artist can mean more than just a person who creates art. A simple detour in a dictionary would've revealed this fact to you.


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Hello everyone. Thank you for the feedback.

In regards to the first drawing, I actually made it deliberately ambiguous who they are, to leave it open to interpretation. That said, I was specifically thinking of...
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Littlefoot & Ali. Littlefoot is easy enough to guess with the tree star on his shirt, but Ali's identity is less clear.

In terms of constructive criticism for that piece, I'd say that men's legs are generally a bit more "buff" than women's legs.
More muscular, do you mean? Any tips on how I could better convey that?

And these lines are from some actual song?
Yes indeed. It's from "The Things We Do for Love" by 10cc. One of my all-time favourite songs. :yes (Amy Grant also does a great cover of it)

As for the city drawing, to be honest, I think it looks pretty terrible. I'm even less happy with it than my first drawing of Cera. I can't even bear to look at it right now.
I know that, yeah, I'm too self-critical. But eh, it just didn't turn out the way I wanted at all. Spike looks good, but I messed up with everyone else. I'm probably going to stick to more straight-forward pieces from here on, at least for now. I think I bit off more than I could chew with that one by trying to draw something too detailed.

It wasn't really my intention to draw Petrie and Ducky that large. I didn't realize how big Ducky was until after I finished and compared her to everyone else. But by that point, I was quite far along with the drawing and I didn't feel like erasing her and doing it all over again. And then for Petrie, I decided to just draw him the same size as Ducky, even if it was still too big.

But yes, they are indeed walking on a rooftop. Or more specifically, they're walking across a platform connecting two buildings. :D

Littlefoot's fourth leg decided to go into hiding  :lol
Arrrgh, whoops! I completely forgot about that. Ironically, this was the second draft of that particular drawing, and on the first draft I actually did remember to draw in Littlefoot's fourth leg. *sigh* Oh well.

Ahh this happens! I've definitely done that before too :lol

Ah the legs - yes more muscular indeed! Of course pants can hide quite a bit of that, so it doesn't have to be very defined. I can't read what is being said on this anatomy poster but it does show off the difference between male and female legs quite well:

Men generally have their legs spread a little further apart for obvious reasons. Women's hips are generally a bit more bulky and then narrow down quite a bit for the legs.

I'm sorry everyone for being melodramatic earlier. Putting myself and my art out there is still something I'm getting used to, and I can get discouraged easily when a creative project of mine does not turn out the way I wanted. I experience it moreso with drawing than with writing, just because my drawing skills aren't as strong as my writing skills, although I do certainly get discouraged at times with my writing as well.

But hey, it was still a learning experience. And I will try again with my next drawing, which I think ultimately is the most important step.

Aye, you've been writing for the bigger part of your life time. If this is the first time you've seriously picked up drawing as a skill, you should not be discouraged if you can't get things on paper the way you'd like to. My drawings are still nowhere close to where I want them to be in terms of quality, but you're always your own worst critic.  :yes

Just keep up the good work and you'll improve in no time, you'll see!

Are you *very subtly* assuming that I wasn't trying to be constructive? Careful mate, careful :P You aren't even an artist to begin with.

@Ducky123 Wow... thanks for assuming that part about me right off the bat... The comment I wrote earlier was a direct response to your ''rush'' comment, but I did not expect you to react in this way. I did not say that you weren't trying to be constructive, and that comment from you certainly doesn't reflect you on a good light. Think before you speak... And being an artist can mean more than just a person who creates art. A simple detour in a dictionary would've revealed this fact to you.

I've sent you both a message and would like to ask you not to continue this discussion here.


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As a fellow artist, I can relate, Stardust. Art and writing (while they may be the same on the dictionary but that's besides the point I am trying to make here) are as different as light and darkness when it comes to the creation process. Writing is rather straightforward, you have an idea, you write a plan, you write it and then edit. With some experience, it's quite easy to get decent results, especially when you have a good imagination and the ability to translate it into words.

Now let's look at art as in, creating a drawing. It also starts with a plan, I guess. Drawing usually isn't something that you do for the heck of it but it comes with inspiration, a prompt for example or a certain mood you want to convey. But when it comes to the 'doing art' part, it gets tricky and that's something writing just doesn't have. I'm just going to name a few of the things an artist making a drawing has to consider. Perspective and camera angle which dramatically influences the effects of the drawing and takes a lot of experience to master. The ability to break down body parts into shapes so you can easily build any pose you want which brings us to... Poses. You need to learn many poses and how they work with the overall flow of the drawing and the mood you want to convey. You need to know how to show emotion through body language and facial expression. You need to consider that there is a lot of room between realistic and stylized art where there is no right and wrong but preferances done to put a focus on a certain part of the drawing or just because it's 'your style' (but even that takes a lot of time to grow). Unlike with writing where there is often a rule that clearly states what works and what's just a beginner mistake, art has a lot of freedom. Editing mistakes can be impossible at certain stages while you can rewrite anything and everything if you need to. Draw with Ink, make a wrong line and you can start over. It's really that cruel.
Moving on, there is colour to consider, the way the light interacts with the objects and people you draw which is not easy to learn and understand either and, unlike with writing, it does matter a whole bunch what tools you have and how well you can use them for your objective. Using watercolors or a digital art program for example.

I could go on like this, drawing|painting has so many more layers than written art which makes it a lot harder and more difficult to learn. I have time and again tried to get better, learning stuff but even more so learning more and more about what I still don't know, what I still can't do. That's why art is so frustrating too and I completely understand you here Stardust. I'm really glad that you were able to find the courage to upload your drawing in the end and I hope that you will continue to walk the hard path of an artist, yep yep yep :)

Disclaimer: This is a response to Stardust and his struggles which I share wholeheartedly. I am going through the same thing every time I pick up a pencil.
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Not sure why I'm so late to commenting on this but here I am :p

Now I don't know a lot about drawing humans and I don't really listen to a lot of music so I don't have too much to say in regards to the first drawing, though it's interesting to note that they're barefooted.

Instead I want to focus on the second drawing because I really like the premise of this one! With Cera and Littlefoot's look along with them crossing between the buildings, it really does give it the feel of the original movie's box art with a modern twist. I actually think the background cityscape would look really cool the way it is if you had the time to shade it completely to give it a silhouette type look to it. That's what I picture in my head anyways.

As for the size issues, I've ran into this issue before in the past as well. For me it generally happens because I normally draw things quite small and when I draw a picture of the gang I tend to start with Littlefoot since I'm the most comfortable drawing him. Once I finish drawing him and start on Ducky or Petrie then I realize what I have done :lol I find a good way to get around that is to draw ovals on the page corresponding to each characters placement and size and another circle with the approx size and position of its head. That way you can see if what you're planning makes sense. Another option would be to draw the smaller characters first (though that can also run into the issue of making other characters too large and not having enough space. It's a balancing act that you'll get more comfortable with as you continue drawing! :smile

For the character designs themselves, I'd say they look pretty good considering this is your first official time drawing them all! While Ducky and Petrie are a little large compared to the rest of the gang, on an individual basis they're all generally properly proportioned. I think Petrie's belly could be trimmed up a little bit and Ducky's belly a little more round along with her quadriceps region of her legs a little thicker. Ducky's face looks pretty darn good considering she has one of the harder faces to draw.

Try not to be so hard on yourself. This is a good drawing and I'm sure you'll improve in no time!  :)littlefoot


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Thank you, Ducky. I appreciate the insights from a fellow artist. Not meant as a jab against anyone else here or anything like that, but still, it's nice to talk to someone who understands the struggle.

Ah the legs - yes more muscular indeed! Of course pants can hide quite a bit of that, so it doesn't have to be very defined. I can't read what is being said on this anatomy poster but it does show off the difference between male and female legs quite well:

Men generally have their legs spread a little further apart for obvious reasons. Women's hips are generally a bit more bulky and then narrow down quite a bit for the legs.

Ah, okay, thank you for elaborating. It never dawned on me that men tend to have their legs further apart, even though it makes sense.

Aye, you've been writing for the bigger part of your life time. If this is the first time you've seriously picked up drawing as a skill, you should not be discouraged if you can't get things on paper the way you'd like to. My drawings are still nowhere close to where I want them to be in terms of quality, but you're always your own worst critic.  :yes

Just keep up the good work and you'll improve in no time, you'll see!

I think part of my discouragement is just because, as of recently, I've come to realize that I'm unhappy that my drawing skills aren't as strong as my writing skills. Even though I do know the only way to get better at drawing is to keep at it. But you're right; I'm still fairly new to this and I shouldn't expect so much from myself.

Now I don't know a lot about drawing humans and I don't really listen to a lot of music so I don't have too much to say in regards to the first drawing, though it's interesting to note that they're barefooted.

The reason they're barefoot is because I originally imagined them standing on a sandy beach facing the waves. Even though I later simplified some of the detail, that's what I had in my mind's eye. Maybe I'll revise and expand on this idea some other time.

Try not to be so hard on yourself. This is a good drawing and I'm sure you'll improve in no time!  :)littlefoot

I'll admit I'm still pretty unhappy with it. I just don't feel that my vision came onto the page the way I wanted it to. But thank you. And I will keep your drawing tips in mind for next time.


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Alrighty, here is my next drawing. A disclaimer that this one isn't entirely complete. On the first draft, I couldn't get Mama Longneck's face to look quite right. I then considered doing a silhouette colouring sort of effect, where Mama was coloured entirely in dark purple and Sharptooth in dark brown, or something like that. But by that point, I was kinda frustrated and discouraged, and I just wanted to move on to my next drawing anyway and so I lost my motivation with this one.

Nevertheless, here is what I did get finished. This is my submission for the Villains off-duty prompt.

"Dino Volleyball" (incomplete version)

« Last Edit: April 09, 2020, 09:53:30 PM by StardustSoldier »


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You sure it's not firendly Chomper playing with Littlefoot? XD

Even with such simple style, I like it! :D


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"No hard feelings for killing you Mama Longneck, I'll make it up to you by playing some volleyball after"  :bestsharptooth

Now this is a unique entry for the prompt! Maybe you had some more ideas left over from the humanization one? I can honestly see why you would get frustrated with this one as the perspective it is drawn at is actually quite difficult. That being said, the general shape of Sharptooth here I would say is pretty good! One thing I would say for him is to widen his stance. Generally sharpteeth have their feet quite wide apart.

I think I recognize the pose of Littlefoot's mother from the movie. I find it can be difficult to use references from the first movie as the can hide a lot of detail in their shadows during some of the more darker scenes. If possible I would try to work on a side view perspective when starting out as it's generally the easiest to learn in my opinion.

I know the feeling of losing motivation on a current drawing, so I'm glad you at least were able to share the idea you had! Hopefully you'll have more motivation for the next one!  :)littlefoot


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Keeping in mind that this is just basic lineart I think the frame and general look of it is pretty on point.

I do like the concept and the volleyball shape is indeed of that criss-cross pattern.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I really found the idea behind this one to be very suited for the prompt theme in mind. Despite the fact that is is still work-in-progress, the progress so far is rather interesting once the final version is completed. The basic art style here is one that many new drawers, and likely some experienced artists use is quite decent that doesn't come off as entirely unoriginal. Though, I did have one small critique about the drawing, and I've already discussed this topic with Jassy: one of Mama Longneck's legs is very out of place, and I'm going to give you the same advice I gave to her; maybe consider cutting the top of the leg out of the frame, to give it more of a natural appearance.

There have been quite a few interesting entries for the prompt, but I believe this one is (so far) the best out of them based on their concept. It will be very interesting to see this completed. Which team shall take the championship? The leaf-eaters or the sharpteeth? :smile

Gentle Sharptooth

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I really found the idea behind this one to be very suited for the prompt theme in mind. Despite the fact that is is still work-in-progress, the progress so far is rather interesting once the final version is completed. The basic art style here is one that many new drawers, and likely some experienced artists use is quite decent that doesn't come off as entirely unoriginal. Though, I did have one small critique about the drawing, and I've already discussed this topic with Jassy: one of Mama Longneck's legs is very out of place, and I'm going to give you the same advice I gave to her; maybe consider cutting the top of the leg out of the frame, to give it more of a natural appearance.

There have been quite a few interesting entries for the prompt, but I believe this one is (so far) the best out of them based on their concept. It will be very interesting to see this completed. Which team shall take the championship? The leaf-eaters or the sharpteeth? :smile

May Sharpteeth prevail.  :bestsharptooth

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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The idea is really nice and a big challenge! I think from the outlines it is really clear already who we are looking at, so it is actually a nice effect :D I think everything else has been said already. Keep it up, and don't let "failures" drag you down  :^^spike


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Oh hey, now that's a creative entry, holy! :DD

Let's see... I actually think you got the pose of Littlefoot's mother mostly right (I didn't look up the scene the pose was taken from but being able to recognize the pose immediately I think this speaks for itself, I think it's quite fine honestly :) )

Can't say much about Sharptooth as you've drawn him very simple.

I think by adding a line to indicate where the horizon is would help the drawing to look less "flat" as it would create a point of reference and orientation. :)

If you find some time and motivation again, you should definitely refine the drawing, the idea is honestly amazing! :DD

PS: what happened to your discord account? You're not in the server anymore  :opetrie
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