The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Award voting 2007


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The time has come. As the rules for the award voting were accepted as they are the voting may now start. From now on the voting will run for two weeks (until May 4th). There are several members who may reach their 100th post which would qualify them to vote and to be voted for in a very short time. In the admin section we decided that if somebody reaches the 100th post during the voting session he or she may immediately participate and be voted for even though they didn't held the required number of posts today when the voting began.
Here is a list of those who at this moment have the required 100 posts so they may vote and be elected. All those who joined less than a year ago have the word newby written in brackets behind their name to show that they may be elected for the New member award. Here is the list:

Dash The Longneck
F-14 Ace
f-22 “raptor” ace (Newby)
Keni (Newby)
KingdomKey23 (Newby)
Lain_EX (Newby)
Littlefoot Fan
Noname (Newby)
novaflare (Newby)
Ratiasu (Newby)

The rules are clear (any questions will still be answered of course :)). Let the voting begin  :yes


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When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for an internet community to evaluate distinguishing performances within their community, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind and the community requires that each voting member of the community should declare the causes which impel them to vote for a particular individual to receive a given award.
So I better quit plagiarizing sacred documents from history :P: and submit facts to a candid community, at least for four out of ten awards on which I have made up my mind yet. I don’t mean the facts to just show why I voted for somebody on a particular award but also to give credit to other worthy candidates for the awards:

No proactive suggestions submitted to the Gang of Five could be turned into action if it wasn’t for the untiring efforts of Petrie who is doing the bulk of administrative work in the GOF. Reawarding him with the Proactive member award would therefore be quite proper. There are however two other members whose suggestions started the action which changed the face of the GOF those two members are NewOrder and Ratiasu. It was NewOrder’s initiative which brought the Attic Treasures section to the GOF and Ratiasu’s initiative brought the character discussions forums into being where I expect more interesting discussions to take place once several members of the GOF have more time for elaborate discussions. A decision has to be made my vote for the Proactive Award goes to Ratiasu.

There are many helpful members in the GOF and many acts of helpfulness will be committed between two members without the entire community ever learning about it. Votes about this award may therefore be very different as members have been helped by different other members without even more other members ever knowing about it. In my case action9000 has been very, very helpful indeed so my vote on the most helpful member award goes to him. He has repeatedly provided me with screenshots (which among other helped to create the award banners this election is about) both generally and of specific scenes or characters I had asked for (often I didn’t ask him personally but posted the question in the forum and he was the first to leap at the chance to help). Moreover he provided us all with materials concerning LBT music many people had often asked for (lyrics, midis etc.).

In case of the Role Play Gamer Award I have to make use of the possibility to skip two votes. I just didn’t participate in any RPGs and have absolutely no clue anymore what is going on in the RPG section. I must pass this vote on to those more competent to make a good decision. I cannot vote on this one.

It was not easy to come to a decision about the Feedback Award. Both the frequency and the content of feedback posts must be taken into account here. The two most frequent and constant posters of feedback in the fanart forums are pokeplayer984 and Petrie. Now it was really, really, REALLY hard to make a decision between these two. However, I ultimately decided the Feedback Award vote to go to Petrie mainly because he was a bit more precise about the content of the pictures etc. if it came to offering suggestions to improve further artwork.


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Well heres 2 from me so far some like most helpful are gona be hard to point of being next to impossible to choose. And one i must sit out on this time around.

Projects DarkHououmon
mostly because of the run video she did. It was so well done as to be imo near profesional quality
 (for all i know the one on her comp may be you tube etc are not the best places to show vids in a really high qaulity)
at the very least and i found it to make very good use of the scenes she chose as they followed the song very well,
 and told the story very well.
There was just something about the video that had me laughing because i remembered the various scenes used while at the same time had me choked up quite a bit.
 Other videos of hers also contributed to this choice as well. Petrie comes in a close secound with the Defy Gravity with Petrie! i only found that very video.
Both dug down deep in to the soul and both were done so well to the point that i was in total shock at the editing quality and over all quality.
 Petries vid was as well done as DarkHououmon's but again you tube sucks away some visual quality.
Fan art my god so many very tallented people im not even sure where to begin.
 But in the end ill have to say threehorn for this one. Do to a few things the quality of the work over all and the number or peices he has done.
 I dont know what else to say id spend alot of time commenting on just how amazed i am with all the fan art on this site in general theres just to man to list.
 I tend to read alot of the posts in that subforum do to my own project with chomper in 3d.
 I have seen so many amazing works there it was quite hard to decide on a single person.
Friendliest Member Well after some thought as all here are very friendly ive decided to go with littlefoot1616 alot of this has to do with chats on msn where we spend a good deal of time debating various things. And well simply put finding any one who can debate and not get angry is a rare thing i have found maybe 3 or 4 in my entire life online or off. He always has somethign good to say on the forums as well always welcoming new members etc.
Most helpful well is there any one whos not here? I think though in the end it has to again be DarkHououmon she went through who knows how many screen shots to provide me with ones of chomper that allowed for me to answer some questions i had when working on various parts of him (hes still not finished head is driving me a it batty) Things like arms legs hands etc were all quetion marks. Same thing goes for eye shape size etc. These screen shots answered these questions along with one from action9000.
land before time philosopher award I am going to base my vote on this one on things such as series film etc discusions atempts at filling in story line (aka plot) holes. And who does a good job or making me re think my own ideas. Im pretty darn stuborn. This one i have got to give to malte. In general i have a hard time following long posts. But maltes are always easy to follow so that was a big help in figureing out who this one should go to.
The Proactive member award well i hope this fits the catagory of projects out side the normal fan art catagory if not ill need to rethink this one. But at this point im going to go with action9000 mostly do to fact cartoon network has not aired a new ep in 3 weeks! and if not for him well id have missed the last 3 episodes (some times i really hate cartoon network) So to action9000 is my vote for his providing the episodes on yousend it for those of us unlucky enough to get them here. A close secound would be i belive threehorn who does the youtube version? Sorry if its not and 2nd to who ever does. Im still not 100% familiar with all members here yet.
Feed back only one possible imo malte. Not only does he offer feed back on art stories etc but also posted about how to give it the right way. That in my opinion makes him a shoe in for this one.
New member award i think ill vote for noname. Quite active on the forums esp in the tv series one wich happens to be one of my fav ones. ep discusions etc. When i seen this award his name just popped in to my head so hes memorable wich is well what a newmember award should be for.
Gamer award i can not vote on I suppose if i had followed all the various stories etc from the get go maybe.
But its quite hard to read them and make sense of it all in a few short weeks.
So to be fair fact is i would have to catch up on all them and well just to little time. Maybe by next year ill be able to fairly vote.

same for role play award
Edited post to add new votes.


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I would vote, but I don't know anyone here very well. I'll sit this one out.


  • Ducky
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My votes for the best gamers are:

I'm between KingdomKey23 and Littlefoot Fan. they're both great gamers.

I think that's all, for now.


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My votes are as follows:

The Best Role Play Gamer Award:  This is the hardest one since I no longer participate in role plays due to a major lack of time and motivation.  The two that I know have done the most with the role play sections are Nick and Threehorn, so its safe to say one of you will get my vote; without either of you, those sections would be dead.  I will make my decision by the end of the coming week.

The Fanart Award:  There are many who I believe are deserving of such an award.  She has not posted much here, and when she has, it has been mostly to show off some of her latest LBT fanart with the community.  She's even been so kind as to let me use her drawing of Petrie as an avatar.  She's been respectful and always asks for comments to further aid her in future drawings.  Therefore I believe WeissEdeilweiss receives the fanart vote from me.  

The Feedback Award:  This was easy.  He's always asked for constructive criticism, positive or negative, and in return will give the same back to you.  If you're looking for an honest opinion, he'll give it.  Malte279 gets my vote.

The Friendliest Member Award:  I wish I could give it to everyone.  We're all friendly here.  I voted for him last year and once again, he'll get my vote.  He has never had a bad thing to say to anyone, and is the most respectable member here (in my opinion).  Take a bow Littlefoot1616, you have my vote again. :)

The Gamer Award:  Another tricky one because there are so many who participate avidly in the games in the Party Room.  The two most active who come to mind are Littlefoot Fan and Lain_EX...seems like those two are always in there every time I turn around.  They both like the more tricky games (Word Connection, LBT Quotes) and I see that as a good thing because it does require some actual thought.  It was hard, but I'm giving my vote to Littlefoot Fan because he has been in that Party Room since day one, keeping games active and responding to the trivia games in a timely manner.

The LBT Philosopher Award:  I find that this person is always willing to put in a little point here and there about LBT films which really get me to stop and think some more and realize that she truly does have a good point about such things.  Her posts may not be lengthy, but they do get a point across.  DarkHououmon receives my vote.

The Most Helpful Member Award:  I'd love to say myself since let's face it, I do have to make sure the members know what they're doing and all that.  But, its not all about me...I got four admins who are always there when I can't be around.  I find that Tim (action9000) has been the most helpful to new members when finding new topics, stickying new threads, working around with board settings, looking for new images, pretty much anything I've asked of him on the spur of the moment.  That's being a helper. :)

The New Member Award:  There was only one person in mind when we decided to give out this award again this year.  He's hardly been here a month and yet he's shown plenty of class at the Gang of Five and contributed in many many threads with thoughtful and friendly conversation.  Novaflare gets my vote.

The Proactive Member Award:  I need to sleep on this one longer.  I'll have a vote in by the end of this week.

The LBT Projects Award:  This is hard for me.  There are two very prominent LBT fans who have dedicated a lot of time in creating various projects which involve LBT whether they are fan-made music videos or singing compilations involving the entire board.  These two are Kacie (DarkHououmon) and Tim (action9000).  I'd give you both the award if I could--that's how much you both have done for the LBT community here in presenting your own unique works of art.  The call is hard, but my vote is cast for Tim because I've worked and talked with him behind the scenes on our Gang of Five singing compilations and there is so much motivation, dedication, and leadership involved to make these projects work.  Not to mention how hard it is to mix six independent voices into an instrumental version he had to create himself (no karaoke versions of LBT music out there!).  Tim, I have no clue how you do it, but don't stop anytime soon.

I will get the rest of my votes complete by Friday April 27.


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Best Role Play Gamer Award: Cannot vote. Due to my lack of experience and attention to the role-playing threads, I cannot give an accurate vote for best role-player.

Best fanart Award: Malte279. This one is difficult because a lot of our recent fanart is from members with less than 100 posts.  Malte meets this 100 post criteria and is an active member with a huge variety of artwork.  Soapstone, tin figures, pencil and paper, the list goes on.  Very nice effort on all of your work, Malte.  Keep it up! :lol:

The Feedback Award: Petrie. Whether or not Petrie is an expert in the field, he is more than willing to offer his opinions and suggestions.  He will spend time looking over something (our If We Hold On Together song is a good example) in detail and has proven to be helpful to my work more than once.

The Friendliest Member Award: Littlefoot Fan. He still has yet to give me a reason Not to give him this award.  He is always thinking of the other people, never gives others a hard time, and seems to be just an all-around good guy.  It would take me too long to list exactly why I award this to LF Fan, so I'll just go with what I said above: He hasn't given me a reason to Not award this to him in the long time that I've known him.

The Gamer Award: Lain_EX.Lain_EX has kept many of our games going by supplying a number of posts in a variety of our games and captions.  He has helped keep a number of our games alive with his participation and effort.

The LBT Philosopher Award: Darkhououmon. I was impressed with her way of viewing various aspects of some films in unique ways.  I believe that she came closer to making sense of Bron's story in LBT 10 than anyone else I've talked to.  Her comments are generally kept "short and sweet" on the forum, though every word she types in response to an LBT debate is well thought-out  and logical.  Her longer posts are always very well-written and capable of addressing complex issues.

The Most Helpful Member Award: Novaflare. I have talked with Nova a few times off the forum.  He was willing to assist me with technical problems and offer advice.  He has helped the GoF community expand by inviting members from other communities, such as the Internet Movie Database forum.

The New Member Award: NovaflareNova has offered a great number of services to the Gang of Five, despite only being here for a short time.  In the period of just over a month, Nova has introduced us to 3d artwork, has invited a number of members to the board, and has shown genuine dedication to our community in general.

The Proactive Member Award: Ratiasu.  I loved the idea of the character discussion forum.  This is something we have been lacking but nobody actually noticed it and pointed it out until now.  Thank you!

The LBT Projects Award: Pokeplayer984.  Pokeplayer has shown large amounts of devotion to building an LBT TV series project in the past, and has continued to assist the potential project by sending typing and sending lyrics of every single song in the TV series to date.  Thanks Pokeplayer; your work will not go to waste. B)  I will post them up once I get the new site completed but it's on of many, many things on my to do list right now. :P: My last exam is in a few days so I'll have more time shortly.

Tim, I have no clue how you do it, but don't stop anytime soon.
P.S. No plans of stopping anytime soon. I expect to pick up where we left off in just a few days, once my exams are over with. B)


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The problem about the friendliest member award is to find people who clearly don't deserve it. You don't find that kind around here so the advance by "eliminating" possibilities doesn't work out. I must therefore give out this award for one particular act of friendliness.
I'm scary, or at least I am sometimes percieved as such. It is really not my intention but somehow without meaning to I sometimes intimidate people :(
Now action9000 came to the rescue. When I had come across as scary he did the mediator by pointing out the problem to me and pointing out to others that I don't bite much ;) As a result from his work to promote mutual understanding I'm now friends with members of the board who didn't feel easy about me at first. There was nothing for action9000 to gain from this other than making people here feel a little better. Therefore my vote for the friendliest member award goes to action9000.

As for the LBT projects I had a hard time choosing between the music and the videos. However, I finally decided that the work of Darkhououmon should really be credited. Very few land before time music videos were made by other artists and she has a great sense of picking the right images to befit the mood and the lyrics of a given songtext. Discussing her work with her showed me the relatively narrow frame within which my concepts of land before time art are limited. While I don't give up on certain convictions I hold dear I admire her ability to find links between the images of LBT movies and songs which are not directly related to LBT. Therefore my vote for the LBT projects award goes to Darkhououmon.


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Few reminders:

To receive an award you must participate in voting.  No exceptions here.

You can only take two byes, meaning you have to give a vote and explanation for 8 out of the 10 listed awards to be handed out in a couple of weeks.

Even if you have a hard time choosing you can only give a vote for an award to one person even if you think two deserve it.  Flip a coin if its really that close.


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I've surfed around the forum a bit more. Guess I'll vote.

Best Role Play Gamer Award: Threehorn, for coming up with some interesting situations, like in the Thunder thread.

The Fanart Award: Malte279, for those amazing sculptures and paint jobs! Making a mask out of clay in 7th grade was hard enough. I know how hard it is.

The Feedback Award: Again, Malte. He really knows how to look deep into things. I know I certainly couldn't write five+ paragraphs about any the LBT characters.

The Friendliest Member Award: Cyberlizard, because I remember on my Welcome topic that you were incredibly open. I see that hasn't changed on any other threads.

The Gamer Award: I can't vote on that - I don't participate often.

The LBT Philosopher Award: DarkHououmon, for the same reason as Petrie - quite a unique insight into the films. Well, I know you've mentioned things that certainly wouldn't have come to my mind.

The Most Helpful Member Award: action9000 - he was the one who faithfully recorded the TV episodes when everyone else either missed them or were unable to view them (except sometimes when the power blanked out). I think that deserves recognition.

The New Member Award: Novaflare. Really great 3D models have been created by this member. As someone said before, Nova has done a lot in a short time.

The Proactive Member Award: Uh, pass?

The LBT Projects Award: pokeplayer984, for all the LBT music videos he has created. I took a video production class, where we learned about a program where we could edit video recordings, and MAN, even after five weeks I still couldn't get the effects to work!


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This has been a good year for the gang of five as many new active members have joined us. There is a certain risk about the new member award being issued always to the one who joined most recently because this one is more than anyone else perceived as a new member. Noname and Ratiasu both wrote many really interesting and thought through posts contributing to threads others had started but also starting many threads of their own. KingdomKey23 was not as much a starter of topics, but he contributed to many threads and posted more messages than any other of the newby candidates, especially in the Gaming section. Lain_Ex has posted nearly as much and he too made a great contribution to making the Gaming section an active and entertaining place. Moreover I want to give credit to the fact that Lain_Ex is particularly welcoming to other new members of the Gang of Five :)
While by mere number Keni did not post as much as the other newby candidates he was focused on the discussions rather than the gaming section. I recall his posting of several really interesting messages in particular shortly after he joined us last September.
F-22 "raptor" ace participated in the game sections but in particular on the other boards. He started more own threads than many.
After all this being said I must explain why in spite of all this I still agree with those who already cast their vote for Novaflare. It is not mere repeating of what others thought nor the mere effect of him being the last one of our new members to reach the required 100 posts to qualify for this post. Novaflare really has shown an extraordinary degree of activity, not only by the number of his posts in the short time he is around, but also by their length and their content. As our oldest (not to say you were old nova ;)) member Novaflare is a living proof that enthusiasm for LBT is not limited to kids or those who were kids when the movie was in the cinemas only. Having talked to Novaflare via MSN I am certain that we are going to hear (or rather read) a lot of interesting contributions from him. Finally Novaflare introduced a completely new field of fanart by his 3D works of Chomper. The needles of the "new member activity seismograph" didn't strike out like this since the days action9000 joined us. Therefore my vote for the New Member Award goes to Novaflare.


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I have in mind who's the LBT philosopher in the GOF: I think taht the wawrd goes to Malte279 once again, 'cause he's really profound on any and every thing he posts (not to mention his really enormous LBT collection, even if this is really off-topic tho).

My vote for the friendliest member is Petrie. He friendly greets any new member to the GOF, 'cause really, I don't think I deserve this merit, 'cause I'm like a tape recorder, repeating everytime the same quotes.

My vote for the new member is novaflare. He really deserves thet credit, 'cause he managed to post 100 times before the award voting. So, it's really official, my vote goes on him.

And my vote for the LBT proyects goes to DarkHououmon. Her videos are excellent, and way impressive.

I think that's all. I'll pass on other votings' cause I don't get into other topics really often. Thanks. ;)


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Hey guys! With voting time up again, thought I'd join in teh action. It's taken me ages to select the candidates for each of the awards. That was the EASY part. The hard part was wittling down the list to just one member per category! Every member here has their unique qualities and have contributed to the growth and immaculate reputation of this forum in some way or another! So even if you don't get an award people...feel good and proud about what you have achieved in by making this forum as great as it is! ;) are my nominations:

Friendliest Member - This was a toughy! With so many friends on the forum, how in the WORLD do you pick just one of them to receive an award?! Still, for this award, I nominate KingdomKey23. Never a sour word seems to have past this guy's lips when it comes to posting on the forum (or fingertips). Respectful, approachable and just an all-round nice guy! There's nothing that seems to dampen this members spirit. Keep it up KK23!  ;)

Most Helpful - Whenever you need something done or you just need at little extra hand at the right time...make sure you've got this guy on speed dial coz he'll probably have it for you before the call's even connected!  :lol My nomination goes to Action9000. Thanks to Action we've had the privilege of watching the LBT series thru links, pictures, movies clips and music are always available and if anything else just needs a bit of an outsider's know who to call!

Best Role Play Gamer - A field I'm a little unfamiliar with but still a topic worth poking into now and again regardless. Role Play's take a lot of imagination and to a lesser extent a level of management so that the game can keep going. Therefore, my nomination for this award goes to Threehorn. I voted for him last year and he's got it from me again this year. Keep up that creativity genius Threehorn!

LBT Philosopher - Whenever a topic of much needed discussion arises, you can be sure this member is always there to lend his two pence worth! The candidate I pick for this award is Malte279. No matter what the topic, this fella is always on the ball. No subject matter too controversial, no post too outlandish, no quote too hard to find to back up his persuasive tone of argument (Well, no argument there...he's a History Major at uni for cryin' out loud! LOL  :lol). Congrats got my vote! ;)

New Member Award - Over the past few months, a number of newbie members made their way onto the GOF scene. We welcomed them in the traditional GOF way and they got to work posting away. Still, with the influx of new members, they saw to it to stick to the forum and continued to make it a great place to hang out. For this award, I pick KingdomKey23. I think, his input into the forum has made him stand out from the crowd. Still, thanks to all our other newcomers...everyone has to start somewhere and you've all come along great!

Most Proactive - This forum loves input. New topics, new things to talk about, new works of fanart to show off and allow others to admire (and criticise constructively of course ;) ) For this award, I select Novaflare. This guy exploded onto the GOF scene and immediately felt right at home by jumping in on discussion subjects, making discussions of his own, and soon got to work on some impressive works of LBT fanart that he shot to us at every stage of development. Novaflare...kudos to you sir...kudos! ;)

Best LBT Fanart - Now everyone knows that you only become famous for your art work long after you've kicked the bucket. Thankfully, the talented artists of this forum are already accreditted for their wonderful pieces the best part is...they're all still frequent posters!  :DD Anyway, seriously, for this award I picked Malte279. Malte's art (not just with a pen and paper) is remarkable in not only the quality but the diversity in his methods. Using tin smelting, clay and other materials besides. Keep them coming Malte! I think the Tate Modern will have to make space for your collection soon!  ;)

LBT Projects - Again, a long list of candidates I saw fit to receive this award and again a tough decision to rule one over the other. But, having undertaken an immense amount of thought and implicating very technical selection methods (flipped a coin so many times my fingers started to smell rusty and not even that helped!  :D ) Still, disgressing again. My nomination for this award is the very talented DarkHououmon. The videos she splices together and all other LBT projects she undertakes always shine with an essence of passion as well as quality!

Best LBT Gamer - The Party Room is a great place to unwind and just kick it back with fellow LBT lovers. The room has given way to a wide variety of games and other ways to get a giggle and chase those daily glooms away. But I feel this particular member has spent a little extra time at the player's table. My nomination is Littlefoot Fan. Well played sir! Good clean conduct, well performed and just a general good player! Nice one LF Fan...keep ya head in the game!  ;)

Feedback - Critics are a special breed of people. Basically, they'll chat the back legs of a donkey and don't give a monkey's what anyone else thinks!  :DD Or maybe that's just celebrity critics. Anywho, when it comes to constructive criticism, this member gets 5 stars! I nominate Petrie. His words are kind yet potent. He can always seem to get his point across without causing a uproar, causing offense or generally making you want to lash out in anyway :^.^: A great personal trait! My hat comes off to you Petrie ;)

Well, there's my shortlist. I'd recommend anyone who has yet to vote to get it done ASAP. The quicker things work out, the quicker we can get around to processing and revealing the results. Happy voting guys...and all the best to you!  ;)


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Rp Award, since I can't vote for Myself, I'll go with Threehorn. He always has a lot of Ideas, and I really have enjoyed roleplaying with him.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Land Before Time Philosopher Award: Action9000. I'm often amazed at how detailed he can be when it comes to putting a point across. Whenever there's a discussion, whether it be Land Before Time related or not, he puts forth a well-thought out reply that is very convincing and makes a lot of sense. He has even pointed out things that I've long forgotten, things I would not have thought of before.

Fanart Award: Malte279. Of all the fan artists I've seen, he's one of the few that has produced work in more than one medium. I haven't seen anyone else who has pulled off not only sketches and colored pictures of Land Before Time, but paintings and even sculptures. A fan artist with experience in more than one medium...truly a rare find for me.


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Most Helpful: Action9000.  What can I say.  I just really thing he helped us all out a lot by faithfully recording the series for us to see, and whenever someone had a request, he always seemed to come through for them.

LBT Projects: Darkhououmon.  From what I've seen of her videos, she really knows what she's doing.

Most Proactive: Ratiasu.  I think the idea of the character discussion section was very overdue.

Feedback: Malte279.  From what I've read, he always gives very good comments.  I especially liked his comments in Landbeforetimelover's new story, so he has my vote.

Best Role Play Gamer: I can not vote for this award, due to my not yet participating in any of these games.

Best LBT Gamer: Lain_EX.  I have really had a lot of fun with him in the games.  

New Member: Novaflare.  He has really done a lot in just a little bit of time.

Philosopher: Darkhououmon.  She really brings a fresh face to our discussions.

Fanart: I am going to hold off on this until the last day of voting, in case the person I selected becomes eligible.

Friendliest: Kingdomkey23.  He is just an all-around nice guy.


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Most Helpful: Action9000. Cause he brings to us those great songs and series for us to see. even if I have all the songs already lol

LBT Projects: not sure who to vote here cause of my lack of knownledge on this area but if it is about things that go on around in the projects section I guess I vote for...  Darkhououmon

Most Proactive: Ratiasu. been veiwing around a bit and done some good things to get it all going again :D

Best Role Play Gamer: since I can't vote for myself I say Nick22 since he and I do alot of role playing games and we do both talk it out a fair bit to think of a new one when the one we on about to end. our best was the very first.

Best LBT Gamer: Littlefoot Fan has my vote cause when I go on there he seem to be then more active one in there.
New Member: Ratiasu. since his/she brought new life with him/she to the fourm :)

Philosopher: Darkhououmon. She brings an fresh face to our discussions

Fanart: Malte279 since his art is very good for not looking at any images

Friendliest: Kingdomkey23. I guess I vote for him since his been kind to many here ;)

Feedback:  Malte279. His always on the game and giving a true feedback about something.


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since I can't vote for myself
Actually Threehorn and Nick you may give one vote to yourself if you really feel that it would be dishonest to vote for somebody else on that particular award (but only in one case).
We don't promote self-election, but it is allowed in one case per voter.

I am going to hold off on this until the last day of voting, in case the person I selected becomes eligible.

You are not the only one Stitch.

The party room is separated into some sub groups, the caption this forum, the brain food, the LBT related games, and the other games. Nick22 is definitely the most active member in the Brain Food section, but I'm afraid altogether the section has been run down a bit. Perhaps we started asking too difficult questions for anyone but the most enthusiastic history buffs to enjoy it. The non history games in the section are also rather quiet of lately.
Petrie is clearly dominating in the caption this section.
Adam, action9000, Littlefoot1616, and NewOrder were particularly active in the other LBT related games. Action9000 in addition deserves credit for introducing two new LBT relateted games this year.
Littlefoot Fan, Lain_EX, KingdomKey23, and Stitch were quite active in the other games. It is not just the number of posts that should be taken into account with this award, but also what is being written (the number of posts in the word association game is not the most important criteria :lol).
As they tend to be more constantly active though I gave some special regard to the other games section and read through a whole bunch of threads of games I hadn't participated in for ages. I ended up with Lain_EX and KingdomKey23 as the main remaining candidates (and I had a hard time sorting some of the other members out). At this point and after really long reading I felt that only the dice could possibly decide between these two worthy candidates. Lain_EX got the numbers 1, 3, and 5 and KingdomKey23 2, 4, and 6.
The number was 4. My vote for the Gamer Award goes to KingdomKey23 . I just couldn't rate either of the worthy candidates over the other in any different way and hope that the questionable practice of dice throwing will be excused by the award it decided being the Gamers Award.


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Voting Results as of 4/25/07  8:35pm

Role Player

Threehorn - 3
Nick22 - 1


Malte279 - 3
Threehorn - 1
WeissEdelweiss - 1


Malte279 - 5
Petrie - 3


KingdomKey21 - 3
Littlefoot1616 - 2
Littlefoot Fan - 1
action9000 - 1
Cyberlizard - 1
Petrie - 1


Littlefoot Fan - 2
Lain-EX - 2
KingdomKey21 - 1


DarkHououmon - 5
Malte279 - 3
action9000 - 1


action9000 - 6
DarkHououmon - 1
novaflare - 1

New Member

novaflare - 6
noname - 1
KingdomKey21 - 1
Ratiasu - 1


Ratiasu - 4
action9000 - 1
novaflare - 1

LBT Projects

DarkHououmon - 6
Pokeplayer984 - 2
action9000 - 1


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Land Before Time Projects Award: Action9000. His ability to reproduce songs as midis is amazing. And I never seen anyone so devoted to a movie that they would gather a group of people and not only reproduce the singing, but the music as well.

Friendliest Member Award: Keni. He has a great attitude, calm, and difficult to anger. He's very welcoming and approachable, and he's never given a negative comment to anyone.

Best Role Player Award: Threehorn. He's creative, and is willing to help a fellow roleplayer if they get stuck. It must take a lot of imagination for him to get all the ideas he does, and that's what it takes to keep a roleplay going.

Feedback Award: Malte. From what I have seen from him, he is not afraid to explain how he feels about a piece of work. Even it doesn't appeal to him, he will still offer critique and advice for the artist or author, and would never deliberately hurt someone's feelings.