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Messages - brekclub85

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 633
Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: June 01, 2024, 12:35:16 PM »
Shifu smiled at the kind words the other deities expressed to Ozai. "Indeed, that's one of the many reasons you are so beloved by your people, your majesty," the red panda nodded. He remembered what Ozai was planning to do after the charity sumo matches tomorrow. "I can only imagine the look on your people's faces when you tell them the news."

"Indeed, they'll be bowing," Ozai said pridefully, as he was planning to make a very charitable donation.


Sima watched as Kiara's boyfriends were able to feel her best asset from across the galaxy thanks to the power of the screens.

"Take all the time you want, boys, get a nice good feel," Kiara encouraged in a sultry voice.

"Hey Kiara, out of these 3, are any the most grabby?" Sima winked.


Kovu used his sumo-sized gut to knock out any guards who tried attacking him. Like he had believed, having a large belly proved to be very useful for him as he took out the smaller robotic owls. "Is there anyone in here?!" in called to the cells as he passed by a few that had no one currently in them.

"I me," a soft, feminine voice called from Cell 10. Kovu raced over and saw a think lioness being kept prisoner.

"Hold on!" Kovu called, using his sumo powers to bust the lock open, and he grabbed the lioness and put her on his back next to Breela, "I'm taking you to safety."


"Just you and me now, Kitty. How it will always be," Tiger smiled warmly as he gently rubbed Kitty's face. "Don't you ever forget that."

"I won't, Tiger," Kitty promised her divine husband. She appreciated how soft his gut was to rest her head against.

Jing and Po were considering what stance to take on the board. "Feel free to hold on tight, my love," Jing encouraged with a wink. Po knew well that since this was his first full day with Jing, tonight would be his first full night with her.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: June 01, 2024, 12:55:38 AM »
"Since you're heavier, you'll have to stand on the back of the board, big guy," Jing said, giving Po more (you guessed it) smooches. She could tell he was gradually becoming more used to her seemingly never-ending lip-locking sessions with him.

"You will be couple number 5 in terms of performance order," the resort's staff member informed the newlywed pandas.

Jing once again showed off her swimsuit to Po. "How do I look?"


As Ozai was preparing for the next day's sumo charity match, his main advisor Shifu came up to him.

"Incoming contacts from the leaders of Yokozuna and Big Belly, your highness," the red panda sumo said. Indeed, Mawashi was far from the only sumo-centric planet in the galaxy, but it was by far the most thriving. Ozai knew well why the other sumo leaders would be getting into contact with him.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 29, 2024, 05:38:49 PM »
"Maybe not slobber, but by all means, touch....." Kiara encouraged, making her voice extra sultry on that last word. Thanks to the special powers of the screens, Xiro, John, and Bagheera could all literally feel Kiara's butt from across the galaxy.

"It's as big and squishy as ever," Xiro said cheekily as he felt up Kiara's cheeks.

"Mine, all mine, and not Richard's," John said with pride.

Sima looked impressed. "You have quite the devoted fans," she told Kiara.


"So, are you planning to formally become a believer?" Zoai asked her friends, "My dad and I's shrine can perform the ritual, it's no problem."

"I know Flash is up for that," Ollie nodded.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 21, 2024, 11:31:13 PM »
Tiger was packing for his and Kitty's trip to Pokitaru, while Kitty was kept on a collar and leash right next to the feline God of Harvest. "You're gonna like it there, my love," Tiger chortled gently. "Just you and me, spending time serving me, rubbing my belly, kissing me....."

"That's what every day will be like, even not on vacations, right?" Kitty figured.


Jing and Po, already on Pokitaru, had changed into their swimsuits for the couples surfing.

"How do I look, my fat and handsome man?" Jing said, winking seductively as she showed off her bathing suit bod to her new husband. She could tell she had caught Po's eye. Luckily, like she had predicted, there were boards big enough to fit a panda couple.


"Sounds great, I am hungry," Oliver smiled. The fact he had just ate some large portions recently was not lost on the orange cat or his two moms, it was a sign his inner hunger was growing, and he wanted more.

Arlene looked proudly at her son as she could tell he was growing into godling status. "I'm gonna need to spend a lot more money on food now," Arlene chuckled, "But then again.....I heard there's a divine discount, right?" she asked Panty.

When the trio arrived at Festival Fries and Burgers, Oliver noticed something peculiar. "Moms, all the seats are taken," he commented.


Kiara grinned with confidence as she heard her boyfriends enjoying the show. "Normally I'd say my eyes are up here, but I know you all want to see what's lower down," she purred in a sultry voice, shaking her booty yo the music Sima was playing.

"We're the luckiest guys alive," Xiro drooled at the sight.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:08:47 PM »
Kovu nodded and made his way down the directed path towards the Torture Pit. He could hear the sounds of other captives being tormented, so he could only imagine what Murray, Penelope, and the Guru were being put through. He had gone through hell in captivity himself recently, so he knew he and the Cooper Gang had to get them back safely, quick.

"Not too far now..." he muttered to himself.


One by one, 3 split screens began to load. One was from the jungles of India, another from England, and the third was from the Amazon.

"Hello boys," Kiara said seductively to her boyfriends.

"Nice to see you," Bagheera the panther replied, he was the one from India.

"You have a most splendid performance planned for us?" grinned Prince John from England.

"Of course she does," Prince Xiro from the Amazon hooted.

Kiara turned to Sima. "Meet my boyfriends. They're second to Kovu in my heart obviously, but I care for all of them."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 25, 2024, 05:01:28 PM »
"Got it," Sima nodded. "As part of sumo training back home, we are taught to stand perfectly still before matches start, so I do have good control over my paws." The Mawashiian lioness then giggled at Kiara's expectations, "Knowing you, you'll be sure they get provided with it."

Back on earth Bagheera the panther from India, Prince Xiro of the Amazon, and Prince John of England began making the calls to enter into contact with Kiara.


"Plus, I'll get to see you in a bathing suit, big guy," Jing added before giving Po yet another smooch. "You'll have to hold your paws around my hips for balance, you know."

Po blushed at that comment. "You're right...." he admitted, having to admit he did like the thought.

Thankfully it turned out Jing's assumption was right, the resort had boards to cover species of various sizes. The newlywed pandas could see an elephant couple on one of the other beaches fitting onto a board designed for their size, so it was no issue for the pandas to find one.


Kovu changed into his costume, and made his way to the delivery dock. "Good luck you guys," he told the Cooper Gang as the mission began.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 19, 2024, 11:50:47 PM »
"Good, I hunger for more," Oliver grinned with a slight bit of visible drooling. Panty's influence was really taking hold, he wanted to eat, and eat, and eat some more. And while he was just eating normal food now, he knew eventually he might graduate to....eating people. "I can make it 15 baskets, easily," he smirked to his mom. Cats normally enjoyed being large, so this was not unexpected.


Abu stood guard by the door to Kovu's hotel room, which doubled as his temporary kingdom while on the Spire. The pachyderm knew what kind of show Kiara was setting up behind the door.

"Nice outfits, amplifies your best features," Sima complimented Kiara, as said outfit she wore was very skimpy and put emphasis on her behind.

"Thanks for the compliment, I know the guys will like it," Kiara grinned with confidence.

Sima then asked about what she had overheard. "What's this about a cub agreement proposal?" she said, curiously.


At the hotel's restaurant, Po and Jing took turns feeding each other dumplings. "These are so good, and I think our love makes them taste even better," Jing smiled. The pandas had a pattern going-Po would feed Jing a dumpling, Jing kisses Po. Jing feeds Po a dumpling, then she kisses him again. And so the cycle would continue.

Random Role Play / Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: March 08, 2024, 02:02:55 AM »
Annabelle said nothing as she reluctantly took her seat. She had always been working against the Devil in heaven, so she could only imagine he was planning to treat her harshly.

"Just say what you want to say," she said flatly to the lord of the underworld.


"Father, I want to update you on your statue's progress," Kovu said proudly.

Scar smiled on the other end of the phone, Kovu had been working on this project for a while now.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: February 20, 2024, 10:54:15 PM »
The 3 lionesses who had agreed to be part of Kovu's throne were off to the side of the room. "We're just waiting for his return," they explained, eager to assist him in anyway Kovu wanted from them.

"That's the spirit," Sima smiled, encouragingly. "I'm sure Xiro, John, and Bagheera must be excited for tonight."


"As members of the Paradise sect, we believe Ozai is an angel from the heavens who blessed all of Mawashi," Mawa explained. "We're kind of the inverse of Underking, in that regard. We're about to celebrate a holiday at our shrine, you and your friends could attend."

"There's room for all," Zoai nodded to Flash.


"Say, Panty told me I have a demi-god discount, why don't we make use of that?" Oliver suggested to Arlene. "I'm really hungry. Like, REALLY."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: February 02, 2024, 11:50:50 PM »
"You said you have a show planned for your boyfriends," Sima told Kiara as the two of them and Abu made their way back to Kovu's hotel room/temporary kingdom, "What will that entail?"

Abu already had an idea as Kiara pinged 3 particular numbers on her phone.  "She'll tell you," the pachyderm grinned.


Oliver wrote down a list. "Let's go eat at all of these places, mom, I'm REALLY hungry," the young demi-god cat grinned, licking his lips. Truth be told, since she was surronded by so many friends who ate lots of food, Arlene was feeling more and more like the odd one out.

"What do you say? As a god, I'll get food for free," Oliver offered Arlene.


Tiger had brought Kitty to a burger joint. "First thing's first, I want you to rub my belly and feed my burgers at the same time, you'll like snuggling against me."

Random Role Play / Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: January 27, 2024, 09:12:00 PM »
"Aww, I love the smell of home," Belladonna said wickedly, taking in the scent of burning sinners. "I think my boss is looking forward to meeting you, cousin. I've told him about your performances so far as one of the Rottens."

"I'm looking forward to it," Annabelle sighed, annoyed.


"He's also a fan of big jungle cats, he's already gotten Shere Khan and Bagheera's autographs," Tiger added, "He also wants to get some of the Pride Land royalty if we ever make it there."

"I'll be sure to let him know," Kitty nodded, "I could put in a request to Onca to let you into the palace for the shop."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: January 25, 2024, 09:44:05 PM »
"It sounds like Kovu added 3 more lionesses to his throne, so there's more padding for us all," Sima chuckled.

"Our Kovu......he really can build up pride loyalty," Kiara said proudly. "Not hard to do for someone as charming as him." She blushed at the thought of her mate. She went over to Abu next. "What hours do you guard the royal bedroom for?" she asked the pachyderm.


Jing pulled out various brochures about the resort planet. "We have all the time in the world, let's plan out fun things to do together!" she began kissing Po yet again. It was clear she would never tire of doing so.

"Lots of places to eat, lots of places to sleep," Po nodded, taking in the smooches.


"Where should we go first mom? I'm hungry," Oliver smiled to Arlene. "With all the holidays being celebrated now, they have to have lots of food prepared, right?"

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: January 01, 2024, 11:34:08 PM »
"We got hundreds of gifts," Po noted, seeing the resort staff wheelbarrow various wedding presents into the 5 rooms that had been reserved as essentially storage from them. "I'm glad we had a big wedding, then."

"We're pandas, everything about us is big," Jing smiled, walking over to Po and giving him another kiss. It was becoming clear to the Dragon Warrior that his new bride was constantly interested in kissing him. "And yeah, that sweet bun stand sounds good, my dear."


"Remember to organize the shelves," Mawa advised his daughter after Zoai pointed out the toy Flash wanted. The sumo father cat smiled at Tiger the wolf "I think those two are ready to be true believers, don't you think?"

Mona knew Flash was for sure.

"There any Ozai pinball games?" Ollie asked, enjoying the game of skill.


"So, guide me through my part in the operation," Kovu said as he returned to the Cooper Gang.

Bentley nodded in affirmation. "We were just about you get to your part," the genius turtle noted.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: December 23, 2023, 06:00:21 PM »
There were various holidays being celebrated, taking into account the many backgrounds and worlds all the people aboard the Spire of Winter came from.  Holiday lights glowed all around while the sound of joyful cheers and laughter could be heard everywhere.

"Now Zoai, you have some chores to do back at the shrine," Mawa told his daughter. "The next Ozai festival will be very soon, and we want to honor him by having everything in perfect shape."

"You got it dad," Zoai nodded, more than happy to do chores in the name of the Sumo King.

"What chores do you have?" Ollie asked the sumo cat girl.


Kovu blew Kiara and Sima kisses as he went off to catch up with the Cooper Gang. "What's my role?" he asked Bentley.

"You'll have to handle the heavy lifting and fights," Bentley explained, "With Murray as one of the captives, you'll have to be the brawns."

Kovu smirked and showed off his armor and his gut. "I have fire power AND sumo power," he affirmed.


"You got something planned for tonight?" Sima asked Kiara, noticing she was sending messages to 3 specific guys. The ones the Princess-now-queen had declared as her boyfriends.


"3 whole months you'll have to spend with me," Jing added to Po, pulling him into yet again, more kisses. "Now that we've eaten all the in-flight snacks, what say we get a meal from the dining hall first after we settle into our rooms?"

"You're reading my mind," Po smiled to his wife.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: December 09, 2023, 02:58:17 PM »
Kitty went into the other room and began applying her makeup. She was glad to not look like the Grinch anymore, but she couldn't help but feel Tiger was right about this. She had been ignoring him, too many times.  "He has a point..." she said to herself as she made herself up.

Once she had applied it all, she began to feel a unique sensation. "What the...?" she started to say, and she was suddenly warped out and the room and into Tiger's arms. She knew this was part of his godly skillset, but the process was still new to her.


"Almost there, my plump darling," Jing told Po. "What's the first thing you'll want to do with me?" she added with a warm smile.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: December 09, 2023, 12:51:55 AM »
"I am big, aren't I?" Kovu chortled as he and Sima moved their rumps in tandem.  Kovu and Kiara were expert dancers back in the Pride Lands, and that was still true out here in space.

"Kopa and Vitani still need lessons," Kiara noted as she watched her big brother and Kovu's sister gradually learn the moves of the dance they were doing.

Zoai and her friends looked excited knowing Ozai agreed to their requests.

"What made you choose the moves you did?" Ollie asked the sumo cat girl and wolf girls.


"The bed must be huge," Po said, thinking how comfortable it has to be.

"Oh indeed," Jing said, "We could probably spend a couple days just lying in bed, doing nothing." Since the newlyweds were pandas, such a prospect sounded exciting to both of them. For now, Jing resumed her kissing frenzy.


Kitty called up Dixie on her cell phone. "I'll be looking at some high priestess robes for my new job," Kitty told her girlfriend. "Would you want to help me decide what design is best?"

"Sure," Dixie replied, and suddenly a familiar voice suddenly appeared on the line.

Tiger let out a godly, bellyful chortle. "One advantage of having a God's Phone? I can enter any mortal call I like," the cat god of Green River and Harvest revealed. "I'm glad I caught both of you, I have some new rules to declare."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: November 16, 2023, 12:50:50 PM »
Kovu and Sima took their positions for the dance to begin. As a Mawashiian drum beat began playing, they took tandem steps towards each other, heavy steps at that. Sima had given him lessons earlier and now Kovu was able to put it into practice. They each shook that flabby bellies as they got closer and closer together, until said guts were touching.

"You take the lead," Kovu encouraged to Sima in a whisper.


"Ok everyone, we only have a limited window of opportunity to free our friends," Bentley said as he pulled up his powerpoint presentation for the Cooper Gang to watch. "We each have a specific part to play."

"I know some robot birds in need of a Shock Pistol blast," Carmelita noted.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: November 04, 2023, 04:40:52 AM »
"It should we something that reflects my powers....and my hefty nature," Tiger said proudly, patting his gut then snapping his paws, making some fruit grow on the trees in the area the wedding afterparty was happening at.

"The Corpulent Cat God of Harvest?" Kitty suggested next.


As Oliver ate more of the food, he was having a realization. "Hey mom, I just's been tasting ever better lately for me, since you told me about my powers."

Panty stopped stuffing her face and smirked at her son. "That's a sign your powers are awakening."

"It is?" the young cat said, surprised.


Sly, Carmelita, Dimitri, and the Panda King followed Bentley to the conference room.

"I'm glad you have some respect for authority, Ringtail," Carmelita chuckled to Sly.

"She looked ready to devour me if we got him hurt," Sly admitted.


"Now this is a traditional Mawashiian dance," Sima explained to Kovu. "We take some heavy steps towards each other at first, kind of like sumo wrestling but in dance form."

Kovu nodded, understanding the steps. "And then we make contact?" he winked seductively.

"You got it, lover boy," Sima replied, shaking her rump.

Kiara clapped her paws together. "Make sure I get the chance to dance with you," she said to Kovu. Kovu in turn gently touched his paws against her face.

"Don't worry, my queen," he said romantically. He still was getting used to fact he was technically a king now, and thus Kiara was his queen. They would be quite the formidable pair.


"They do look good," Jing nodded, drooling. "Do you think we'll have them finished off before we even arrive at the resort?" The Panda King's daughter enjoyed the feeling of the gifted mawashi, and she began smooching her new husband all over his face again.


Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: October 21, 2023, 06:26:43 PM »
"See Po?" Jing smiled between prolonged smooches, "I told you you'd come to like my kisses." She said the latter sentence with utmost passion in her voice. Since the shuttle was on autopilot, neither of the newlyweds had to concentrate on driving.

"Yeah," Po nodded with a blush, liking the new life he was in. "Let's see what the gift from Ozai was," he added, both pandas having a box personalized to them.


"Ooh, a Mawashiian dance? What does that entail?" Kiara asked Sima after the two both gave Kovu a kiss.

Sima gave a chortle, and patted both her belly and her behind. "This should be a clue," she winked.


Kovu and Sly met up with the Panda King, Bentley, Dimitri, and Caremlita. "Glad you could make it," Bentley said to Kovu.

"Is it time for the mission briefing?" Kovu figured.

"Yes, and listen carefully, as it requires precise detail," the genius turtle in the Cooper Gang declared.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: September 22, 2023, 03:42:40 AM »
"Having moons that look like you?" Tiger said, "I wonder if I could have that one day."

"You're a newer god, you'll start relatively small by standards," Ozai chuckled to the immortal feline. "Start with art, shrines, festivals devoted to you."

Tiger nodded at the advice. "I'll send the message to my chief priestess," he grinned.


Even as Po and Jing were walking down the aisles, Jing couldn't help but give her new husband more kisses. "Get ready for a LIFETIME of this," she smiled in a loving and seductive voice.

"I expected nothing less," Po nodded warmly.

Tai Lung shook the panda couples' paws. "Congratulations Big Guy, and I guess I could start saying Big Gal as well. Welcome to the wonderful world of being wed."

"Trust us, it's a great life," Tigress nodded, rubbing Tai Lung's back. "We can take turns hosting gatherings."

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