The Gang of Five
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Hold on Together

Tigress · 12 · 4125


  • Crazy Cat Lady
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This is my first time ever writing Fanfiction so please work with me here.
I gave Littlefoot's Mother the name Tora since I really wanted to give her a proper name.
Comments and critics welcome, just no flaming.
Also forgive the very unoriginal title I just didn't know what to call it.

Summary: AU Even before Littlefoot met the friends that would change his life, he had someone by his side who had been there since birth-his timid twin sister Yara.

Chapter 1

The land was cracked, the trees bare and the rivers dry. The land was dying, all the dinosaurs had was hope-hope to find a land they had never seen only heard spoken about.

Some believed the Great Valley wasn't real, some thought it was but that it was some sort of afterlife. While some truly believed they could find this paradise, a paradise with more food then they could ever eat, more water then they could ever drink and protection from those who wished to make a meal of them.

One herd who were seeked this sanctuary was a family of longnecks-what was left of them anyway. The family group consisted of an adult female, her parents, and her two children.

The female sighed as she looked around at the bare treetops galncing over as her father dropped bark at the feet of her young son.

"Mother is this all there is to eat?" Littlefoot complained pulling a face as he chewed.

"Sorry dear, the land is changing. We must eat what we must."

The second child-a girl sniffed her bark and backed off with a face of disgust "Blah."

"Yara, please sweet. We can't be picky." the adult lowered her head to her daughter "We must eat to keep our strength."

Yara sighed "Yes mother.." she replied chewing slowly on her food. Glancing at her brother out of the corner her eye.

The female shook her head watching her children, while the two were twins you would never of guessed as they were nothing alike.

Littlefoot looked so much like their father, but with definete features from his mother's side. He had the brown scales of his father, but the underbelly of his grandmother and the eyes of his grandfather.

Yara on the other hand was her grandfather all over again with the expection of her eyes which she definitely were those of her father, that wonderful shade of green with the blue tint.

The twins also differed in personality as well, while Littlefoot was outgoing and curious and always wanting to explore. Yara was shy and almost timid in nature, prefering to cling to their mothers side or those or their grandparents.

The adult female turned her hear as her mother approached, the ederly female looking even more fraigle as what little good food they could find went to the children.

"Tora..we should be getting going soon, you know staying in one place to long attracts predators." she paused as she glanced to the children now bugging their grandfather for a story "And the children..they would make easy targets..".

"I know.." Tora said "If only Bron was here...if only he could see his children.."

The elder nuzzled her daughter lovingly "Bron left to try and find this Great Valley..if he is still alive.."

"He IS still alive!" Tora snapped "I feel it in my heart, he will find us one day."

"Even if he does find us, in the meantime you must remain strong for the children. Your son and daughter are your world now. And theres nothing more satisfying then watching your children grow."

Tora gave a weak smile "I'm trying's just hard..these lands..this is no way for Littlefoot and Yara to grow up. But they never known anything different to compare."

"They are strong, Tora. They'll be fine. They have each other."


Yara glanced around nervously as if as expecting an attack at any moment, when a twig suddenly snapped she bolted forward crashing head first into her brother knocking both to the ground.

"Ouch! Yara!" Littlefoot complained rubbing his head where it struck the ground with his tail.

"S-s-s-orry Littlefoot." Yara replied in an apologetic manner "I just got startled that's all."

"It's ok." Littlefoot assured her accepting her offer to help him up "Just watch where you're going next time ok?" he beamed at his sister and spoke before bouncing ahead "You worry too much, Yara relax."

Yara stared at him for a moment before following slowly "I have to worry, you sure don't." she muttered under her breath before picking up the pace as she was lagging behind. She slowed down again when she was by her Grandmothers side "Grandma?"

Grandma looked down at her young granddaughter "Yes, Yara?"

Yara sighed "What was the land like before? Before it all..changed..."

"Oh it was beautiful." Grandma sighed with happy memories "Green was everywhere, water so clear you could see the bottom. It was..paradise.."

"I wish we could be there now." Yara said sadly "I don't like it around here, theres nothing to eat and it spooks me. Was there Sharpteeth in the old place Grandma?"

"Oh occasionally a stray sharptooth would wander in, dealt with quickly of course. We never had any one get taken."

Yara froze a thought of horror rushing through her mind "What if a sharptooth takes me?" she wailed.

Grandma lowered her head to reassure the child "Now now don't worry, we will never let that happen. Your mother, Grandpa and I will make sure a sharptooth never gets near you or Littlefoot. I promise."

Yara smiled still unsure but reassured "I love you, Grandma."

"I love you too Yara."


Littlefoot was at Tora's side he remained quiet before speaking up "Mother, where are going anyway?"

"To a wonderful beautiful place called the Great Valley. There more food then you could ever eat, more clean fresh water then you could ever drink. And you and Yara could play without worrying about danger lurking around every corner."

"Have you ever seen the Great Valley?" Littlefoot asked not quite believing such a place was real.

Tora stopped and looked down on her son "No."

"Then how do you know it's really there?"

Closing her eyes for a moment Tora lowered her head to Littlefoot's level "Well my son, some things you see with your eyes others you see with your heart."

Littlefoot bowed his head with a heavy sigh "I don't understand Mother.."

Tora chuckled "You will my son, you will." she glanced over to Yara still at Grandma's side "And so will your sister." she gave Littlefoot a lick before continuing "Just remember, as long as you and Yara hold on together there is nothing you can't overcome."


have not forgotten the tree-star scene but that will be next chapter and be re-written to work with Yara being added into the story.
Littlefoot and Yara are twins but non-identical twins.

Only the character Yara belongs to me.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods, they have not forgotten this."

Simba <3 Born 21st of October 2015.

Please check out my first fanfic-Hold on Together.


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(sweet Simba! ^^ *pets*)


Well, it escalated very quickly! You wrote this in minimum time? :)

whoa, it's very unique for Littlefoot in fanfiction world - to have brothers/sisters in AUs, since he always was the only child and last hope of his family...

For the very first ever fanfiction it looks great! :D


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It’s always to see a new writer around here! :)littlefoot This brief chapter was a rather nice way to start a new story as the writing style itself was rather decent and Yara’s character might offer some interesting twists to the original story later on. Her interactions with Littlefoot felt natural enough even if they could have had more dialogue together. However, there is no need to put space between every sentence as it makes the story a bit harder to read. Also, the way I see it, this first chapter could have had a narrower focus, on the siblings themselves, for example. I’d like to ask, do you plan to retell the first film only with the addition of Yara or will this fic take a new route at some point?


  • Crazy Cat Lady
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Thank you both.

Yes I decided to start something since I was bored, was having fun so kept going. Not that I could go anywhere even if I wanted too, a certain kitty cat decided my lap was the perfect place to nap and I didn’t wanna disturb him lol.

This story will follow the original movie with obvious changes required due to Littlefoot having a sister. I know I focused more on their mother here but I wanted to give her a chapter or two since we all know what happens to her.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods, they have not forgotten this."

Simba <3 Born 21st of October 2015.

Please check out my first fanfic-Hold on Together.


  • Crazy Cat Lady
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Writing is fun, I tried using the advice I was given as much as possible here.


Chapter 2

Days had passed, the small family's trek continued with no success of finding food. Littlefoot walked forward his head down now used to the pains of hunger in his stomach. He licked his dry lips and looked behind him to see Yara at his flank, her eyes fixed to the ground. Sighing Littlefoot faced forward placing his tail around his sisters neck in comfort but he knew the only thing that would help was food and water,-especially water but they haven't even been able to find a drop. He felt Yara shake of his tail and smiled when he saw her come up to his shoulder. He took a look at her face and gave her a quick nuzzle "I know how you feel, Yara. My mouth feels as dry as the land we are walking in."

Yara glanced at him sadly "Yeah..there has got to me water around here somewhere..there has just got to!" her eyes got wide "It can't really all be dried up can it?." she came to a sudden stop surprising Littlefoot into stopping beside her "But what if it is? What will we do?" her voice rose in a panic "Do we just walk and walk till we drop down dead never to rise again? Do we-" she was cut of by Littlefoot's tail on her mouth, she looked into Littlefoot's eyes as he moved his tail "Was I doing it again?" she asked meekly.

"Yeah you were, but this time I don't blame you. I'm worried to." Littlefoot's head bowed "But remember what Mother always says? 'Worrying gets you nowhere, in fact it holds you back." Littlefoot glanced ahead to where the adults were talking amongst themselves "Everything will be ok, you'll see."

Yara titled her head "Do you really believe that brother? Do you really think we will find this Great Valley Mother tells us about? It sounds like a sleep time story to me." she closed her eyes ans sighed dreamily "But oh I hope in my heart it is real, and we can find it.". Opening her eyes again she gave a small smile "Hey, Littlefoot do you think there will be..others like us there.?".

"Others like us?" Littlefoot asked "Maybe...Mother said many herds were headed there. So who knows what kind of creatures we will see." Littlefoot went quiet as the siblings watched an insect buzz past.

Tora stopped and turned back realising her children were falling behind "Littlefoot, Yara come quickly now. We must not dawdle."

"But Mother, we're tired. And hungry and thirsty." Yara complained slowly walking forward, Littlefoot at her heels "When are we going to find some water?".

Tora looked around at the tree tops before spotting something, smiling she spoke to her children "Littlefoot, Yara come here I found something you two would love.". Lifting her head she grabbed two lone tree-stars on top of the otherwise dead tree and bought them down placing one each in front of her children "These are called tree-stars they are very special, and the Great Valley is full of these wonderful leaves."

"A tree-star.." Littlefoot gazed down at his as if it was the most wonderful thing he ever saw. He touched it and was surprised at the soft texture considering how dry everything else was. He gave a sniff and almost drooled at the aroma it delivered. Taking a deep breath he gave it a lick, his eye widening. He never tasted anything like it, oh if only he could savour that taste forever. He gave it another lick, tasted just as good as the first time-if not better.

Watching her brother, Yara shook her head in amusement before sniffing her tree-star. The smell drifted up to her nose almost making her drool in anticipation. Taking a deep breath she took the first bite, she sighed happily as she took in the flavour-oh this was divine she could eat this stuff forever. She ate the rest slowly wanting to savour every bite of this amazing piece of greenery. When she finished she sighed in contentment glancing over at Littlefoot who was now laying on his back batting his with his feet. "What on earth are you doing, brother?" she asked "How many times does Mother need to tell you not to play with your food?".

Startled Littlefoot jolted up the tree-star settling beside him "Oh..uh..nothing.." he looked embarrassed and quickly began eating his green treat slowing down after a few bites like his sister to savour the moment of their first tree-star. When he finished he grinned up at his sister "Was that as amazing for you as it was for me?" he need not ask, Yara's grin gave him all the answers he needed. He ran forward and nuzzled Tora on the leg, Yara following suit "Thank you Mother."

Tora chuckled "Oh you two are more then welcome." she gave her children loving licks on the head "Once we get to the Great Valley, you can eat more tree-stars then you could imagine even existing.". she nudged her children forward and began walking "We have a long way yet, we must follow the bright circle past the rock that looks like a longneck, and past the mountains that burn, but we'll get there."


Yara relaxed at her brothers side, the family finally found a small oasis and they all eagerly quenched their thirst, and to add to their luck there was just enough green food for all of them to hold of those hunger pangs for a while. Yara could not stop thinking about that tree-star and how now everything else seemed so bland compared to it. She closed her eyes picturing the valley in her mind-oh how she wished they were there now and not out in the middle of who-knows-where. With a sigh she flopped onto her side trying enjoy the little rest stop before they once again had to wander aimlessly through a wasteland.

Littlefoot feeling Yara's movement glanced at her "You thinking about the Great Valley too?" when his sister nodded he rested his neck across hers "Me too." his gaze turned to their grandparents who were dozing together while Tora stood nearby on guard. His head shot up when he thought he heard something in the distance. He stood up upon hearing it again-laughter. He stared in the direction it came from.

"Littlefoot?" Yara rose her head "What's going on-" she cut herself of when she too heard the laughter "Who is that?" she asked nervously. Scrambling to her feet her eyes fixed on the tall grass the laughter seemed to be coming from. She snapped out of it when Littlefoot began walking forward. She gasped and grabbed his tail in her mouth when she knew she has his attention. "Littlefoot are you crazy? You can't go over there it might be dangerous."

Littlefoot gave Yara a quick lick "Sis, I love you but you got to learn to relax. I'll just go take a quick peek, and if it's dangerous I'll come back and tell Mother, then her and our Grandparents can deal with it, okay?"

"F-f-fine..but be careful. And if you're not back in a couple minutes I'm coming after you." Yara backed off giving Littlefoot space "I just don't want to lose my brother."

"And you won't. I'll be back before you know it. Just stay here with Mother." without giving Yara a chance to change her mind or raise the alarm Littlefoot took off towards the grasses using the laughter as his guide. He stuck his head out on the side and gasped at what he saw-creatures he never seen before. Horned creatures, two of them had three while the smallest only had one on her nose. The smallest one with Littlefoot realised was a girl charged butting one of the larger grey ones on the head laughing all the while. Littlefoot tilted his head trying to figure it out, watching again as the yellow skinned child charged again. He jumped when he heard rustling behind him he turned his head in time to see Yara nearly crashing into him "Yara? What are you doing here?" he whispered.

"I was worried about you!" Yara exclaimed a little to loudly which caught the attention of the yellow child.

"Hey whose there? Come out and fight!" she bellowed stomping the ground staring at the tall grasses.

Littlefoot mistaking the sign as an invitation to play leap out of the grasses ignoring Yara's protests. When the yellow girl gave a cry and charged forward Littlefoot followed suit only neither met their target. Littlefoot skidded to a stop when the large grey male jumped in front of them. Littlefoot backed off in fear as he stared at those large horns, he backed up straight to Yara ran out in defense of her brother. Littlefoot glanced at his sister then back at the large male.

The large male snorted again and spoke "Come Cera, three-horns never play with longnecks." he spat that last word out like it was poison as he stared down at Littlefoot and Yara only backing off a bit when Tora came up behind them.

"Three-horns never play with longnecks!" Cera copied her father as he grabbed her by the tail and Tora grabbed her two children. With just a nod the two parents carried their children their separate ways."

Tora carried her children back to the now awake Grandparents and gently dropped them giving them firm but relieved licks."

Littlefoot frowned thinking "Longneck? Mother what is a longneck?" he asked.

"Thats what we are, dear." Tora replied lowering her head so Littlefoot and Yara could climb aboard "We are named after our long necks you see?".

"Oh" Littlefoot replied joining his sister on their mothers head "But why can't we play with that three-horn? Yara and I were having fun." at that Yara whipped her head around, the expression on her face read that encounter was not fun for her at all.

"We all stick to our own kinds, we don't mix." Tora replied as the small herd began moving "Longnecks stick with longnecks, three-horns with three-horns, flyers with flyers we never do anything together, always been that way." she could sense her sons disappointment and chuckled "Oh don't worry, when we get to the Great Valley there will be many many longnecks for you to play with."

Yara sighed heavily "I wish we were there now."

"We all do, Yara." Tora replied "But we'll get there, I promise you."


Theres chapter 2. Some Littlefoot and Yara interaction.
And they have met Cera which I have put my own twist on.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods, they have not forgotten this."

Simba <3 Born 21st of October 2015.

Please check out my first fanfic-Hold on Together.


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This chapter was quite a nice read as the slight changes to the film's plot and the enjoyable dialogue brought some interesting twists and possibilities to the story. The first scene with Littlefoot and Yara started to establish their differing personalities quite well and the conversation itself felt rather natural considering the siblings' situation. However, I cannot help but feel that both of the following scenes portrayed here felt quite brief and they would have offered more possibilities to rebuild the emotional impact of the actual film. Both of this installment's parts would have most likely deserved their own chapters but in the end, it wasn't too bothering. Keep the chapters coming as pacing and descriptions are something that you will learn with some practice. :^^spike


  • Crazy Cat Lady
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Thanks once again for the advice, I'll try work on the pacing more. Learning slowly, I have the next chapter planned have not yet started though, in the meantime was thinking of checking out some other fics to try and get examples on writing.

Though so far I'm proud of my first attempt at fanfic writing.  I really do appreciate the support and advice.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods, they have not forgotten this."

Simba <3 Born 21st of October 2015.

Please check out my first fanfic-Hold on Together.


  • Literally Guido シ
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This chapter was quite a nice read as the slight changes to the film's plot and the enjoyable dialogue brought some interesting twists and possibilities to the story. The first scene with Littlefoot and Yara started to establish their differing personalities quite well and the conversation itself felt rather natural considering the siblings' situation. However, I cannot help but feel that both of the following scenes portrayed here felt quite brief and they would have offered more possibilities to rebuild the emotional impact of the actual film. Both of this installment's parts would have most likely deserved their own chapters but in the end, it wasn't too bothering. Keep the chapters coming as pacing and descriptions are something that you will learn with some practice. :^^spike
I echo this. They aren't set up to be as obvious foils as Littlefoot and Cera, for instance, but they can still play off each other in differing ways.

Since Yara appears to be more down-to-earth compared to Littlefoot's idealistic nature, one of the better ways that this can be made clear would be to have an instance where they blatantly disagree with one another's decision or pull the sibling card on one another.
As an elder brother myself, I want to ask something. For example, who's older? Surprisingly I don't think this was actually stated. Even twins will have an older sibling among the two. Yara seems the more mature one, but does it mean it's her? Or would it be the more whimsical Littlefoot? It would make the tone of the chapter a lot different depending on who the elder one is.

If Littlefoot's older, him telling his sister to stay put infers more of a "I'll be fine, don't worry, I'm the elder one" kind of thing while Yara is like "you're older but prone to trouble!", while if the opposite is true, it makes it more of a "Don't worry, I got this!", and a "you better not get in trouble again!" scenario.

But I do like the concept overall. Do keep it up!
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


  • Crazy Cat Lady
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This chapter was quite a nice read as the slight changes to the film's plot and the enjoyable dialogue brought some interesting twists and possibilities to the story. The first scene with Littlefoot and Yara started to establish their differing personalities quite well and the conversation itself felt rather natural considering the siblings' situation. However, I cannot help but feel that both of the following scenes portrayed here felt quite brief and they would have offered more possibilities to rebuild the emotional impact of the actual film. Both of this installment's parts would have most likely deserved their own chapters but in the end, it wasn't too bothering. Keep the chapters coming as pacing and descriptions are something that you will learn with some practice. :^^spike
I echo this. They aren't set up to be as obvious foils as Littlefoot and Cera, for instance, but they can still play off each other in differing ways.

Since Yara appears to be more down-to-earth compared to Littlefoot's idealistic nature, one of the better ways that this can be made clear would be to have an instance where they blatantly disagree with one another's decision or pull the sibling card on one another.
As an elder brother myself, I want to ask something. For example, who's older? Surprisingly I don't think this was actually stated. Even twins will have an older sibling among the two. Yara seems the more mature one, but does it mean it's her? Or would it be the more whimsical Littlefoot? It would make the tone of the chapter a lot different depending on who the elder one is.

If Littlefoot's older, him telling his sister to stay put infers more of a "I'll be fine, don't worry, I'm the elder one" kind of thing while Yara is like "you're older but prone to trouble!", while if the opposite is true, it makes it more of a "Don't worry, I got this!", and a "you better not get in trouble again!" scenario.

But I do like the concept overall. Do keep it up!

 :bang can’t believe I forgot something so simple. Yara is older. Always trying to keep Littlefoot out of trouble only to be dragged into it with him.  As the story progresses their differences do come out more and they do clash with each other. Their bond with each other will be tested.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods, they have not forgotten this."

Simba <3 Born 21st of October 2015.

Please check out my first fanfic-Hold on Together.


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The concept of giving Littlefoot an older sibling is one that I think I have only seen a few times in the fandom thus far, and I am glad to see that this story has succeeded in accomplishing one of the more difficult challenges when something like this is attempted: making the interactions between the siblings seem natural.  The dialogue between Yara and Littlefoot, though short early on, gives us some valuable insights into their relationship.  Though not too much older than Littlefoot we can clearly see that Yara is a bit more pragmatic in contrast to Littlefoot's youthful enthusiasm, though this difference is not as stark as the gulf that exists in canon between Littlefoot and Cera.  As such I am quite curious to see what happens when those two eventually interact more down the road.

As for constructive criticism I can only echo what OwlsCantRead said in his review about possible ways to highlight the relationship between the siblings down the road. In particular I am curious if Yara will follow Littlefoot's more accepting nature when it comes to non-longnecks or if she will take on a more skeptical perspective.

All in all this is a strong beginning to an interesting concept and I look forward to seeing how the story develops.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Crazy Cat Lady
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Thank you (and thanks for the review) I am definitely working on fleshing out Littlefoot and Yara’s relationship. I was half way through chapter 3 when my accidentally deleted my file, learned that lesson now always back up. Been laid up with a cold past few days so haven’t had the motivation to redo it.

I wanted to try something while not completely original but not quite  as used which is Littlefoot having a sibling idea. There seems to be plenty of stories where he has a human companion which I do enjoy reading but they been done that so much recently my story would pretty much be the same as the others.

Literally no clue what I’m doing but hopefully by the end of this I have a least somewhat interesting retelling of the original movie.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods, they have not forgotten this."

Simba <3 Born 21st of October 2015.

Please check out my first fanfic-Hold on Together.


  • Literally Guido シ
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  • "In the morning light, the evening star…"
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I was half way through chapter 3 when my accidentally deleted my file, learned that lesson now always back up. Been laid up with a cold past few days so haven’t had the motivation to redo it.
I'd been a victim of this before. Protip: Google Docs actually autosaves your changes on the cloud. ;)
There is no such thing is too much backup.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.