Role Play > Finished RP's

Darwin's Soldiers RP Thread

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I forgot to make a discussion thread for this RP.

Discuss plot twists, characters or anything relating to this RP here.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato):
Woah, I didn't know we had one of these!

Here's what I was thinking for the terrorist commanders plan, and what I've been setting up. The terrorists plan to use the base's technology to create an Einstein-Rosen bridge, a sort of "tunnel" to an alternate dimension. Their hope is that the terrorists and scientists from the other dimension will have weakened each other so much, that they can sweep up the pieces and own the parallel-universe base.

The reason they're trying to capture Lockdown (the prisoner from cell 8Z in the sublevels, who doesn't appear to have powers) is because his power is actually to transform matter into antimatter, a crucial phase for the bridge.

Things I've already included to hint at this plan:

1. The commander tells Hans to supervise the transport of large concave mirrors. Those are the framework for the bridge.

2. He describes Lockdown's power as "transmutation."

3. He actually calls it an "Einstein-Rosen bridge" in dialogue.

I was thinking that they need control of the AWTR because some of the experimental weaponry is necessary for the bridge to work.

Serris, if you had anything else planned for the terrorists' master plan, this one could easily be shortened to just a secondary plan, or the real plan could be put into motion by an ambitious terrorist lieutenant, who siezes control once the Einstein-Rosen bridge is destroyed.

What does everyone think?

My original plot was that the terrorists decided to kill everyone in the base to make a political statement. Unbeknownst to everyone, the rogue scientists have been working on "Dragonstorm" and they planned used the experiments to stage a revolution, using the chaos caused by the attack as cover.


But anyways, I LOVE this idea! I don't know what everyone else thinks about it. I was originally aiming for a "hard SF" slant but this might be an interesting twist.

I can SO see an interdimensional battle taking place.

An alternate plot I was working on linked these rogue scientists and terrorists. There it is implied that these rogue scientists caused the terrorist attack to test their experiments.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato):
Would the terrorists understand that they were part of a test, or did the rogue scientists set it up so the terrorists thought they were attacking of their own volition?


--- Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Nov 22 2008 on  01:03 AM --- Would the terrorists understand that they were part of a test, or did the rogue scientists set it up so the terrorists thought they were attacking of their own volition?
--- End quote ---
I had planned it so that to everyone (except the rogue scientists) that it looked like the terrorists attacked of their own accord.


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