The Gang of Five

Role Play => Role Play Discussion => Topic started by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 01:23:48 AM

Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 01:23:48 AM
heres the thread for Part 4 of the Insane Cafe series. post thoughts ideas, and characters in here..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: vonboy on August 21, 2011, 01:24:42 AM
so, was this going to be the one done in outer space?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 01:42:17 AM
Yes this is the one that takes place on a spaceship, and involves travel though outer space..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 21, 2011, 02:05:35 AM
The Pelvanida Group will be retained.

I want to keep my three living planes but I can't imagine how they'll be able to board the starship - let alone fly around - unless it is huge.

So are we sticking with the two starships previously mentioned?

Phoenix - Houses a GIANT resturaunt (Nick's cafe)

Spire of Winter - The other ship

Both of them are long range colony ships with military capabilities (say light weapons, light shielding and a garrison of space troopers).

So how does that fit?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 02:14:39 AM
Yes that fits Serris..since they are living planes they'll be able to fly through space, well for relatively short flights anyway, since they do rely on fuel..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 21, 2011, 02:18:57 AM
No oxygen in space so their jet engines won't work. But they don't need to breathe. I guess they can be retrofitted with rockets (or even ion drives) for space travel. And I guess they can dock inside hangars aboard these massive ships if they want to rest.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 02:23:46 AM
Good point.. Now the Pelvanida gang will be at Shaggys mansion, for some occassion.. and scooby and Dixie have a lot of thier friends over.. and thats when the fun starts..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 21, 2011, 02:34:28 AM
I guess the living planes can be doing flyovers to celebrate the wedding mentioned in the 3rd Insane Cafe.

So what will the title be?

The only that I could think of is The Insane Cafe: Journey to the Insane Frontier.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on August 21, 2011, 02:35:44 AM
I've been considering this one and I may very well join.  But I can't think all that clearly right now on specifics and what yeah.  Guess when I do feel better and at least my head's not spinning as such I'll get back to you lot on this one.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 21, 2011, 03:44:38 AM
Having binged on MLP: FiM, I want to propose two sort of dark story arcs based on that world. Any suggestions and comments welcome.

I just found a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fic called Dark Skies. It's about a group (Shadowbolts) led by a disgraced member of the Wonderbolts aerobatic team and a dishonorably discharged member of Celestia's Pegasi guards who plot to kill the Wonderbolts.

I can imagine this being twisted by Chong in his insane attempts to gain power (hire/bribe/coerce the Shadowbolts to kill Nick or help him gain his powers back.) Or he does a trade (They help him gain his powers/kill Nick, Chong helps them kill the Wonderbolts).

Or borrow a few pieces from another MLP: FiM fan fic (Guardians) and have Chong hire/bribe/coerce some of the Diamond Dogs do his dirty work.

The trigger for both these arcs is that one of the  starships is severely damaged (space battle or whatever) and forced to land on the "Pony Planet"  and stay until they can repair the ship. Unfortunately, they come under attack by Chong and his hired muscle. Either way, they will still get to live in Equestria for a while and interact with the locals.

Finally, if we can get the soldier ponies (from the fan fic Guardians and they are  equipped with guns and explosives) to work right (help in protecting the downed starship, perhaps?), could we include them?

And I guess our characters could end up having to help guard the Wonderbolts if the first arc is used.

If those arcs don't work, an arc where the characters voluntarily land and interact with the MLP: FiM characters in a light and fluffy, nonaction arc could work.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 21, 2011, 12:32:21 PM
As for how the living planes could fly in space it could be a potion Jason made or formulated and gave the forumla to the right person to make it for them, Or it could be something like oxypills that Reed Richards invented, or that spray that was used at least once in an old fantasic four comic that lets Johnny flame on & use his flame powers for a certain amount of time underwater.    Don't recall if the spray was used more then that once.

Not sure which of my characters I may be using.  Likely Jason and Guilmon, not sure about others, or if Guilmon may be visiting friends in the digital world at that time.  

Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 03:47:51 PM
Sure Serris.. there will be interactions with the Ratchet and clank universe as well, so theres going to be a lot of space travel.Those plots work fine..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 03:51:15 PM
Mr Drake you are free to jump in at any time.. so no hurry :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on August 21, 2011, 04:22:20 PM
Well, I do know who I'd play as anyway.  At least you Nick and Serris would know her.  Thought it would be fun to bring her into this sort of universe as well, sort of, in a way, an AU for her at the very least.....
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 09:08:17 PM
Sure MrDrake. bring her in... :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on August 21, 2011, 09:11:05 PM
Yeah, I believe I shall.  Granted, other parts of it I am still trying to work out in my mind.  But I shall bring in Aimee regardless and hopefully, by the time this one starts up, the rest I have in my mind should hopefully be all sorted out.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 21, 2011, 09:27:18 PM
Sounds like most of us do not have all our characters in mind.  

Not sure if folks liked any I did or I did any of the fc's well.  

Sounds different, having the insane cafe in space.  Will it be a full space ship or a space station?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on August 21, 2011, 10:00:17 PM
Yeah, I've only got Aimee in mind.  I do have others, but not specifics for them is all....especially names and how many there are to be and all that XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 10:07:21 PM
you can bring in akll your characters Kor. we'll need them..and Kor there will be both space stations and spaceships..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 21, 2011, 10:16:12 PM
All of my characters may be to many.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 10:19:49 PM
we;re going to have a lot of characters and worlds in this one..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on August 21, 2011, 10:24:17 PM
Sure sounds like it.  I mean myself.  I probabally wont have too many.  It all depends on what I can figure out within my mind right now.

Only one that's a real given to show up is Aimee.  But how she would show up....I don't know, guess I'll see how this one opens up and go from there.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2011, 11:40:31 PM
Thats fine.. add them in as you feel necessary..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on August 21, 2011, 11:50:05 PM
That uh, would be rather difficult to do as they are connected with Aimee.  As this version of Aimee is based upon what happens after Darwin's Soldiers is finished.  Even though, of course, the RP itself isn't finished sort of thing.

And these others fit into her story and are connected to her in a certain way.  Basically, these others are part of her team.  Yes, she has her own team, which is why I said that they would be difficult to introduce later on after I bring in Aimee.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 22, 2011, 01:54:38 AM
Oh I see.. That is understandable...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 22, 2011, 03:24:36 AM
Keeping in line with the MLP arc, a random idea I had is that all of my characters end up with a cutie mark after some magic there goes awry. Thankfully for them, it vanishes once they leave the planet.

Dr. Zanasiu - stylized shotgun shell (reflecting his great affinity for and prowess with a shotgun)
Dr. Kerzach - two crossed knives superimposed on a stylized dish. One is a cooking knife, the other is clearly a switchblade. (reflecting his great affinity with knives - both for cooking and battling - and his skill at cooking)
Zachary - stylized rifle cartridge (reflecting his affinity and prowess with a rifle)
Deimos - crosshair with a rifle cartridge in the middle (reflects his prowess as a sniper and affinity with a rifle)
Rime - none
Strut - none
Mr. Bigmouth - a leafy branch atop a metal gear superimposed over a red cross (represents his affinity for herbal medicines and modern technology and his skill at medical care)
Ms. Swimmer - two crossed fighting sticks superimposed over a spear (reflects her affinity for melee weapons and prowess at melÈe combat)
Lt. Martin - stylized missile superimposed on a storm cloud with a lightning bolt (represents her great flying and dogfighting skills)
Captain Fairchild - stylized picture of a tank that's on fire (represents his prowess at destroying enemy armor)
Major Lockie - stylized aerial bomb in freefall surrounded by several stylized artillery shells (represents his skill as a bomber and his  prowess in battle along with his affinity for heavy weapons)

Humanoid charcters have the marks appear on the back of their right hand. Dinosaurs have it appear on their right hip. Living planes have it appear on the wings and fuselage of the aircraft.


Can I imagine both starships being armed with mining lasers and mass drivers (scrounged from old mining ships)?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 22, 2011, 08:17:19 AM
Sure thing Serris.. nice idea well I can't imafgine finding out they have these "marl\ks' going over too well.. :p
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 22, 2011, 10:08:42 PM
Think non dragon and pony types would keep their form or be changed ?  

I guess Jason may keep his imperial dragon form.  Maybe shrink himself down to more pony size, or Guilmon size.  I guess Guilmon, if he is in this, may be unchanged since he is a dragon type of digimon and looks like, I guess, a dragonish type in his young teens or pre teen type. & I doubt he or they would have cutie marks since Spike doesn't have any.   Though I can see how some folks may.  I think rightly it should be up to each person since I can see how some may find it fun to have one.  

If Velma had one I'd guess it would be a magnifying glass perhaps.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 23, 2011, 12:49:16 AM
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 22 2011 on  08:17 AM
Sure thing Serris.. nice idea well I can't imafgine finding out they have these "marl\ks' going over too well.. :p
Yeah, they won't. The living planes will especially hate it given the fact that ruins their paintjob/camofluage and they can't conceal them with clothing or personal equipment.

Though Deimos will actually like his cutie mark (though calling it a cutie mark is a good way to get cursed out). Come on, a tattoo of a crosshair with a rifle cartridge is actually pretty badass.

I actually plan for Rime to get his cutie mark later (delayed magic) and he will hate it, big time. Though the fact that said cutie mark is a... well, let's just say not as badass as the others.

Should Strut remain without a mark or should he get one.

Form changes and cutie marks are at the choice of the RP'er.

Plotwise, it might be interesting if my characters were shunned by the inhabitants of Ponyville once they see the cutie marks my characters have and this causes resentment towards the townspeople. Reason for all this: Cutie marks that show martial prowess are kind of a taboo thing in Ponyville. Though other places don't have that taboo. Though one wonders how do the ponies of Ponyville even know what a shotgun shell, rifle cartridge, artillery shell or bomb look like?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 23, 2011, 12:33:30 PM
nice thinking serris..good way to buildup conflict
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 23, 2011, 07:14:35 PM
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 23 2011 on  12:33 PM
nice thinking serris..good way to buildup conflict

I planned it to not only cause tension between the Pelvanida group, the "Thunderbolts" (name for the group of living military planes) and the inhabitants of Ponyville.

It will play out like this:

Rime, Strut and Mr. Bigmouth get decent treatment from the inhabitants of Ponyville (due to Strut's lack of a cutie mark and Rime and Mr. Bigmouth having non-martial cutie marks).

The rest of the group is not too upset until they see ponies with similar martial cutie marks (not realizing that they are members of the Royal Equestria Army) and said ponies get good treatment. This then severely pisses them off. Deimos, Ms. Swimmer, Captain Fairchild, Lt. Martin and Major Lockie take it the hardest because all of them are very proud of their martial prowess. Dr. Kerzach is also angered because his cutie mark clearly shows a weapon (switchblade) but he feels that the locals ignore his talent in cooking and focus only on the weapon on his mark. Zachary, being an equine, is incensed about the poor treatment he receives.

In a fit of rage, the others then completely shun Rime, Strut and Mr. Bigmouth. Of course, Deimos and Captain Fairchild (being rather violent and hotheaded characters) try to pick fights with the locals in retaliation for the poor treatment they received.

It then takes something MAJOR like an attack on the downed starship by Chong's hired muscle to get the others to work together with Rime, Strut and Mr. Bigmouth. Of course, I imagine that some of the ponies help to repel the attack. They then learn about the plot to assassinate the Wonderbolts during the debriefing.

Even then Deimos, Zachary, Captain Fairchild and Ms. Swimmer are reluctant to help protect the Wonderbolts because of the poor treatment they received from the locals. In response, I imagine that Stripetail or the other player's characters chew them out for their horrible behavior. This then shames them into assisting in thwarting the plot to kill the Wonderbolts.


Wow, that was a wordy plot summary. Complains, questions, comments?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 23, 2011, 08:53:15 PM
And thats just a subplot :)  the main challenge will be to kill Chong, as Stripetail will have put a massive bounty on Chongs head, which Angela Ratchet and clank will be aiming to collect.. And yes Stripetail will probably chew them out for thier complaining..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 23, 2011, 10:03:56 PM
I've no idea who they are so my comment may not make any sense.  But mean it to be sort of silly, maybe serious or not:

& they can maybe tell him if he wants no complaining that costs extra.


Also not sure if some are annoyed with Jason being a time lord or the difference between the current tv series and jason's time lord history.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 23, 2011, 10:40:08 PM
I have no problweem wiith Jason being a time lord. I think of him as like Paradox in the Ben 10 series.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 24, 2011, 01:02:23 AM
So which arc will be first?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 24, 2011, 01:54:27 AM
well the irst part will be the party/wedding then the first reports that Nick and Aves are in trouble.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 24, 2011, 02:02:38 AM
I just watched the 2nd half of the episode where he appears.  Interesting character.  

Jason could be from another universe from the one where the current tv series happens.  I don't really like the current series of dr who.  I watched it for the first 2.5 seasons before I quit.  Since Jason is from an era far far after the doctor's time and instead of being stuck going only forward and back in 1 universe (except for some exceptions like Inferno and the e-space though espace was connected to the so called n-space)  the modern tardises can go forward, back sideways, slantways, ect to time, and other universes & alternate time lines easily.

I would say how the history may be different from the classic dr who series, I started to but it would be a very loooong post so I changed my mind.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 24, 2011, 02:06:13 AM
Then you can base him more on Paradox if you wish.. i like the ben 10 series but the whole " open as a superhero' idea doesn't sit well with me. Superheroes are supposed to have secrets thats part of the allure..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 24, 2011, 02:19:01 AM
I may take some ideas from that 10 minute clip I saw of the 2nd half of the episode he was in.  Seems an interesting character.  

Jason when he appears may be far older.  Maybe he was before.  Traveling around in time and to other universes, alternate time lines, one can lose tract of time so he may be tens of thousands of years old or older.  

I'll likely keep his being a time lord and having a tardis since if I changed that it would change a lot of the character as he was before and his concept.  And as he's from another universe then the tv doctor some details are bound to be different.  Like it could have been the 3rd doctor who is responsible for erasing the daleks from history of the universe he's from.  I'm the only dr who fan I know of who dislikes the daleks, never liked them.  & the only one also who dislikes the current series.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 24, 2011, 03:07:33 AM
no Kor, in any series there are people who dislike certain aspects of the show. You are certainly not the only DR who fan who doesn't like the new series very much, or who dislikes the daleks..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 24, 2011, 03:35:57 AM
Maybe but I'm the only one I've come across online.  in rl no one I know of really watches dr who or only saw a few episodes when pbs use to show it.  and online everywhere I look, and ever dr who podcast when they mention the daleks talk about how great they are and how scary.   If they are that popular I wonder why the bbc doesn't give the dr a dalek companion.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 24, 2011, 10:35:55 AM
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 24 2011 on  01:54 AM
well the irst part will be the party/wedding then the first reports that Nick and Aves are in trouble.
So once the wedding is over the two starships land?

Can't see how a starship the size of a small town can land. I wonder if they'll use shuttles to carry everyone to the starship.

I can also imagine rivalry between my characters and those Ratchet and Clank. Though my characters just want to kill Chong out of vengeance.

Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 24, 2011, 11:38:36 AM
Well Nick and Aves will leave first ans then after a couple days or so there will be a distress call. and having a rivalry is a great idea...yes they will need shurrles, as the ships are huge..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 24, 2011, 10:06:39 PM
Which wedding will it be?

Who will they send a distress call to?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 24, 2011, 10:21:56 PM
Scooby and Dixies wedding Kor. and they will swend a call to Stripetail.. naturally, Nick still has his ringphone from the first story..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 25, 2011, 12:19:54 AM
I didn't know they had cell phones where stripetail is from.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 25, 2011, 12:23:26 AM
its magical. actually
 iand irs kinda like a walkie-talkie rather than a phone
 aestorica really doesn't have phones, but they do have lots of magical items..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 25, 2011, 01:17:15 AM
I guess it's a place where magic & magic items are the technology.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 25, 2011, 12:36:51 PM
Precisely Kor. Stripetail will be doing business with President Qwark from ratchet and Clank ( hes a buffoon with an ego the size of a planet) and will be arriving for the reception.. Bart from part 2 will be coming along ti give Spyro and Cynder new armor.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on August 25, 2011, 05:50:13 PM
Hey, guys. Nick's been keeping me informed on the RP and I'm thinking about joining in on the fourth part. I've got no solid ideas on who or what I'll play as yet though.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 25, 2011, 05:53:14 PM
Well Drake, whatever characters you'd want to play as, they'll fit right in. Good to have you back, by the way.. perhaps you should look back at parts 2 and 3 and see if any of your characters would work for part 4
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 25, 2011, 09:43:43 PM
Any idea what characters you may do in the next part?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 26, 2011, 12:44:40 AM
Actually, I want to finalize the ship designs.

Engines - Bussard fusion drive and Hyperion jump drive
Armament - 30 light laser cannons (standard) and mining laser (custom - from wrecked mining ship)
No space trooper garrison.
Primarily occupied by Nick's resturaunt.

Spire of Winter
Engines - ion drive (4x) and Strelka jump drive
Armament - 20 light laser cannons, railgun (custom - from mining colony on a planet), mining laser (custom - from a wrecked mining ship)
Has full garrison of space troopers
Has miniature town inside


Let me clean this up again.

The mining laser can fire much more rapidly than the railgun but it is much less powerful. It works by firing rapid pulses of intense laser light to vaporize the target material and cause it to expand violently, producing damaging shockwaves. This was intended to fracture small areas of asteroids to allow easier access to the minerals. Its accuracy is somewhat limited because it was never intended for use as a weapon.  

It takes about a minute to charge all the capacitors. It can fire up to three 10-second pulses before it must cool down (takes about 3 minutes or so)

The railgun is a mass driver launch system taken from a mining colony. It was originally intended to launch ore and other materials into orbit so transport vessels did not need to land on the planet. It takes a day to charge the capacitors to full power but it can be fired without a full charge but velocity is compromised. At full charge, it can hurl 200 ton container at speeds approaching Mach 12. At this speed, said projectile carries enough kinetic energy to reduce a small city to a smoking crater.  It is surprisingly accurate because of its previous use (hurling multi-ton cargo containers at hypersonic speeds requires good accuracy to ensure that they don't strike other containers or ships).

And of course, they intend to use these on Chong.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 26, 2011, 01:19:07 AM
sounds fine Serris...great ideas..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 26, 2011, 01:31:42 AM
On a side note, I want to see these used in the MLP arc along with the Elements of Harmony rainbow beam.

This insanely powerful combination of "rainbow beam", railgun and mining laser will be used to battle some sort of abomination on the moon.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 26, 2011, 01:40:24 AM
Sure that sounds like a plan...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on August 26, 2011, 06:53:12 PM
I don't know what characters I want to play as. There are a few Kamen Riders I could choose from like I did in the last few stories, but I want to use some characters that are more of my own creation.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 26, 2011, 07:23:29 PM
I also want to add some characters that anyone can control (as long as continuity is maintained):

Spire of Winter Crew

Chief Engineer Ashton Gibel (Anthropomorphic Ferret)
Gunnery Master Gary Parker (Human)
Captain Sharon Carson (Human)
First Mate Molly Samuel (Anthropomorphic Peregrine Falcon)

I think the MLP arc needs some touching up on who's going to play who.


I don't know what characters I want to play as. There are a few Kamen Riders I could choose from like I did in the last few stories, but I want to use some characters that are more of my own creation.

Why not use both?


And I want to see my characters riding speeder bikes. Well, it would make sense for a long range starship to carry some vehicles, wouldn't it?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 28, 2011, 09:15:45 PM
sure, whatever you guys want to do.. :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on August 30, 2011, 08:17:19 PM
So let me get this straight, the first section of this RP shall be at a wedding? If that is the case, then that'll give me some extra time to get things sorted with my characters, as considering the fact that my characters have no reason to be at the wedding at all.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2011, 08:18:50 PM
Yes the first part will be Scooby and Dixies wedding.. which will give your characters time to get introduced..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 30, 2011, 09:07:52 PM
Dr. Kerzach will be aboard the Phoenix with Nick.

Two questions,

When will Nick be rescued from the ship that was hijacked by Chong?

Which "arc" will be first after the wedding? MLP, Ratchet and Clank or something else?

Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2011, 09:10:39 PM
It'd going to be awhile
 because the struggle to free Nick and the others from chong will take awhile.. as for thenext subplot, I will bring Ratchet Clank and angela in shortly after the wedding.. so i guess we could do the MLP subplot..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 30, 2011, 10:23:46 PM
I guess the 2nd part will happen during part of the wedding or reception, or will some time pass then it happens, or do you not want to reveal it, or not decided yet?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2011, 10:31:23 PM
I haven't decided it yet
.. it depends on how quickly we progress through the first part of the story..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 30, 2011, 10:44:24 PM
Well, the characters could board the starship after the wedding then they give chase to Chong.

A running space battle ensues which results in The Spire of Winter going down on (Pony Planet or Ratchet and Clank Planet). Everyone survives but the engines, life support and weapons are severely damaged.

One question, should Chong be forced down on the same planet that the others crash land at?

Yeah, the MLP arc could be next.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2011, 10:50:26 PM
no he will escape nattowly and force  nick and aves onward to another region of space..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 30, 2011, 11:21:12 PM
Will they get lost?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 30, 2011, 11:32:27 PM
not sure about that yet, although its noy unklikely given how big space is
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 31, 2011, 12:51:50 AM
Guess Chong not being on the "Pony Planet" throws my original plans for the MLP arc out the window.

I will keep the "guard the Wonderbolts" plot and the villains (the terrorist group known as the Shadowbolts) for that arc.

I am keeping the "internal divide" thing that is caused by the appearance of the cutie marks on my characters. Now the problem is that I need something that will have the ponies helping the characters, which eventually shames the group that previously shunned the ponies to start helping them.


As for how my characters end up with cutie marks, they are too close to the epicenter of a sonic rainboom, which bathes them in intense magical energy - knocking them unconscious - when they come to, they find these marks on their bodies. The space troopers are equally close by but are unaffected because their heavy armor also provides protection against radiation.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 31, 2011, 10:15:22 PM
On a side note, because the names "Zenyatta", "Meguial", "AcurarÈ" and "Akhisar" sound f---ing cool (racehorse names), can I use them for vehicles?

Zenyatta can be a class of hovertank (equipped with a heavy laser cannon, several small plasma bolt cannons and very heavy armor)

Meguial can be a speeder bike (unarmed)

AcurarÈ can be a small inter-atmosphere fighter (equipped with autocannon, missiles or even bombs)

Akhisar can be a landspeeder (or dune buggy) with heavy machine guns or even light rocket pods (or bothy).

These will be found on the Spire of Winter
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 10:23:36 PM
Dure you can use them Serris. and I guess we can have Chong land on the Pony Planet.. they'll chase him across the planet but hes able to escape at the last moment... Does that work?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 31, 2011, 10:53:36 PM
Quote from: Nick22,Aug 31 2011 on  10:23 PM
I guess we can have Chong land on the Pony Planet.. they'll chase him across the planet but hes able to escape at the last moment... Does that work?
Not quite. I'm trying to think of a situation that causes the ponies to ally with our characters, which then results in the shaming that some of my characters need to induce them to help guard the Wonderbolts.

On a side note, can another arc result in the characters facing "dark" (same skills and prowess as the normal counterparts but none of their good traits) versions of themselves?

Here are my counterparts:

Dark Deimos - has Deimos's sniping abilities and battle prowess but none of his sense of justice, teamwork and righteousness. (The egomanic soldier)

Dark Mr. Bigmouth - has Mr. Bigmouth's smarts but none of his morals. (The amoral scientist)

Dark Captain Fairchild - has Captain Fairchild's durable body, heavy weapons and martial prowess but none of his sense of duty or restraint. (The trigger-happy sociopathic soldier)

Dark Ms. Swimmer - has Ms. Swimmer's skill in melee combat but lacks her humbleness and gentleness. (The challenge seeking braggart)

Dark Lt. Martin - has Lt. Martin's skill in flying and dogfighting but lacks her humility, grace and kindness. (The foul mouthed braggart who sees everyone as inferior)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 10:57:10 PM
Alright then the arc will happen as you have suggested.. So when should we start? do you guys need some time to get ready?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 31, 2011, 11:40:10 PM
I was watching a pilot and opening of a silly superhero show from the 60's, captain nice. looks like he'd fit into the cafe, if it was on earth like the earlier versions were.  

Not sure which of my characters I"ll do.  I guess the logical ones who could go to the wedding, Velma and not sure who else would have been invited.   Though I can wait till folks get kidnapped or something and have velma call for help of she'd be the only one who would get invited since she does have what the current dr who would call a super phone, but an upgraded one since she can call from not only any time but any dimension/alternate universe/timeline also so could easily reach Jason or his tardis from anytime/where where she may be, ,maybe as well as a hidden communication device, if needed.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 11:42:04 PM
Veklma, guilmon Sara and the Rovers have been invoted out of your characters, Kor..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 31, 2011, 11:55:24 PM
Guess velma or guilmon could call jason for help then.   Doubt the rovers know Jason, except for that one cameo where they saw him and wondered who he was, some guy who called Muzzle Scout and was able to pat him on the head and not get eaten, and walked away.   a stupid scene I know, but I put it in there, no idea what page .
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2011, 11:58:31 PM
it was actually a nice scene did a good job..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 01, 2011, 12:17:47 AM
Quote from: Nick22,Sep 1 2011 on  02:57 PM
Alright then the arc will happen as you have suggested.. So when should we start? do you guys need some time to get ready?
You guys can go ahead and start it up.  As when that wedding scene thing is over and done with, I'll then be able to jump in.  As with what I stated before, I wont be part of the wedding thing, as my characters don't know anyone, so it wont really be logical for them to just randomly show up at a wedding.

Once the danger starts up/the threat is shown, then I'll be able to introduce my characters, Aimee included.  And yes, she still has her same robotic arms as from Darwin's Soldiers.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 12:22:09 AM
alright mrdrake, that works fine.. so should i start this this weekend, or wait until Monday?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Petrie85 on September 01, 2011, 01:22:19 AM
Wouldn't mind joining but could use a little recap on what I missed.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 01:13:40 PM
well this story is set about a year after the events of the thirs dtory. Chong is in prison, a magical prison. Scooby and Dixie are getting marroed and the story opens at thier wedding reception at the mansion where they live and have gathered hundreds of family and friends to help them celecrate.. chong will escape frim prison and begin planning revenge against nick and aves..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 01, 2011, 01:54:00 PM
Quote from: Petrie85,Sep 1 2011 on  01:22 AM
Wouldn't mind joining but could use a little recap on what I missed.
We are on the fourth arc of this overarching story which chronicles the fight against the power mad mage named Chong. The first two arcs took place in a location known as the Insane Cafe. The first chronicles how Stripetail (Squirrel mage) and Nick (character played by the admin of the same name) led a rebellion to wrest control of the cafe from Chong and eventually have him arrested. The second  arc is a lighter arc about how the characters deal with an infestation of creatures known as Shurlups. This arc ends with the cafe being blown up, finally ending the Shurlup infestation. The third arc starts off as a light vacation in a hotel called the Inglorious Hotel, located in the coastal town called Surf Point. This vacation is interrupted when Chong escapes from prison and allies with a group of rogue soldiers known as Dragonstorm. They then attack Surf Point and the surrounding regions intending to enslave/kill everyone there. After months of intense fighting, Stripetail and his forces defeat Chong's army and strip Chong of his powers and imprison him.

This arc will be spacefaring one aboard two large long-range starships. One of which is a travelling restruant, the other is a colony ship. Chong somehow escapes from prison and hijacks the restruant ship. A distress signal is sent out and the heroes have to chase the ship across space.

The first subplot is a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic based one. There are more details in the above posts.

Finally, it seems like any character is welcome.

Nick, is this a satisfactory summary?

Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on September 01, 2011, 02:17:38 PM
Yeah, I've only got like one character in mind who it would make sense to have at the wedding. I can use the extra time to decide on my other choices. Unless the wedding is only going to be short. I think Nick wanted to start at the reception.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 01, 2011, 02:50:36 PM
Excellent summary Serris..and yes pretty much any character is welcome..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 01, 2011, 04:06:37 PM
As to when we can start, any time is fine.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 01, 2011, 07:37:07 PM
Looks like we may have quite a group of players and characters for this rp.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 02, 2011, 01:23:42 AM
Aves is going to post first as part of his comeback, so we're probably looking at next week to start..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 02, 2011, 02:17:55 AM
that sounds good.  Hopefully he can come back and remain active.

I may take some bits from the paradox character from Ben 10 to alter Jason slightly.  maybe his not aging, needing to eat, sleep, ect, maybe.  & an explanation of he got that way.  that is not a lot of power or overpowering I think.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Petrie85 on September 02, 2011, 09:50:41 PM
Ah okay so I can pick any kinda of character? And I could make one up?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 02, 2011, 10:01:52 PM
Yes you can, as lonmg as they don't have extreme powes like Superman, and do stuff like regenerate after being split in half..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 02, 2011, 10:14:59 PM
Do you have certain character or characters in mind?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Petrie85 on September 02, 2011, 10:38:30 PM
Trying to think of one. And plus I haven't Role Played in such a long time.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 02, 2011, 10:47:25 PM
You'll be on a learning curve peytie 85 we have a lot of good rpers particpatiung in this one..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 02, 2011, 11:27:29 PM
Do you have a favorite character from some tv series, video game, ect.  That could be 1 of your characters in the rp.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 03, 2011, 12:58:34 AM
We will be starting sometime around the 8th
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 03, 2011, 01:00:50 AM
Awesome! Can't wait!
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 04, 2011, 02:45:27 PM
If no one minds, I'm going to go all "techno-porn" and try and flesh out the fleet of vehicles that The Spire of Winter has. Look here for updates.

Akhisar-class dune buggy
Length: 16 feet
Height: 7 feet
Width: 6 feet
Weight: 4,000 pounds
Engine: 4 in-wheel electric motors producing a combined 450 horsepower. Powered by large rear mounted battery bank.
Payload capacity: 1,000 pounds
Range: 315 miles (700+ miles with optional battery bank)
Top speed: 120 miles per hour (4 passengers and 2x machine guns)
Suspension: Magnetorheological shock absorber on all four wheels
Armor: None
Weaponry: 2x .50 caliber machine guns (on turrets with 360 degrees of travel) controlled by rear passengers. Machine guns can be replaced with a rocket pod or anti-tank missile launcher at the cost of allowing only three passengers to ride on it.
Countermeasures: None
Unit cost: $25,000

Zenyatta-class hover tank
Length: 34 feet
Height: 9 feet
Width: 14 feet
Weight: 90 tons
Engine: Armored repulsorpod array on underside of tank. Powered by 5 megawatt palladium-hydrogen fusion reactor.
Payload capacity: N/A
Range: 700+ miles
Top speed: 70 miles per hour
Suspension: None
Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, power monitor, commander) Additional troops can ride on the outside
Armor: electrical armor plates plus ceramic and steel composite armor. Slat armor covers the reactor and fuel tanks.
Weaponry: 1x 10 megawatt laser cannon, 4x light plasma cannons.
Countermeasures: smoke grenade launcher, anti-heat seeker laser dazzler, radar jammer.
Unit cost: $15 million

Meguial-class speeder bike
Length: 8 feet
Height: 3 feet
Width: 2 feet
Weight: 500 pounds
Engine: Repulsorpod array on underside (battery pack in rear of vehicle)
Payload capacity: ~200 pounds
Range: 700 miles (at 60 miles per hour)
Top speed: 200 miles per hour
Suspension: None
Crew: 1
Armor: none
Weaponry: none
Countermeasures: none
Other notes: Possesses a "jump pod" that enables the bike to jump with a quick downward pulse of its repulsorpods. Can interface with specialized equipment to allow hands-free operation.
Unit cost: $11,000

Itania-class armored personnel carrier
Length: 21 feet
Height: 6 feet
Width: 6 feet
Weight: 21 tons
Engine: 650 horsepower from 6 in-wheel motors
Payload capacity: 4,560 pounds
Range: 445 miles
Top speed: 65 miles per hour
Suspension: Magnetorheological shock absorbers on all six wheels
Crew: two (room for six troops, twelve without turret)
Armor: light composite armor
Weaponry: 25 mm autocannon on remotely controlled turret (optional)
Countermeasures: smokescreen generator
Unit cost: $240,000

Charger-class heavy speeder bike
Length:  12 feet
Height: 3.5 feet
Width: 2 feet
Weight: 2,500 pounds
Engine: repulsorpod array on underside (battery pack internally mounted)
Payload capacity: 2,000 pounds
Range: 700 miles (at 60 miles per hour)
Top speed: 100 miles per hour
Suspension: None
Crew: 1
Armor: light steel plating. Usually supplemented with bolt on “barding”. Control lines and exposed wires are wrapped in metal coils to prevent them from being severed.
Weaponry: chin mounted 30 mm autocannon
Countermeasures: none
Other notes: Possesses a "jump pod" that enables the bike to jump with a quick downward pulse of its repulsorpods. Can interface with specialized equipment to allow hands-free operation. Based off the frame of a Meguial-class speeder bike.
Unit cost: $110,000
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 04, 2011, 08:47:14 PM
alright thats fine serris..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on September 08, 2011, 08:04:22 AM
Alright, Nick, I think you should start the RP as I've honestly forgot the plans of how it was going to start (and chances are, the plot has already changed drastically since we last discussed it a year ago.)

I'll have to enter this RP almost completely oblivious as to what's going on. I'll use my old fox character Aves, of course and maybe a few others as I go along. I'll just have to learn the recent happenings through the eyes of Aves and not risk having to read a huge wall of text to catch up on things.

So for the story on Aves so far, he's just now waking from some mysterious coma or something and he has to regain his memories :p

also keep in mind that I'm going to be a bit limited in my posting each day. I have other deadlines that must be met so I might post at least once or twice to this RP a day.

Also since its been a couple of years since I last RP'd, I feel my skills might be a bit rusty.

Please just be patient with me. :p
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2011, 12:23:44 PM
alright aves I'll start today. both Nick and Aves are working abord the third incarnation of the Insane Cafe which is on a spaceship.. Nicks had enough of Terra Firma and has started a new resteraunt aboard a spaceship..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2011, 12:34:13 PM
Aright everyone we are underway!
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 10, 2011, 10:01:49 AM
Uh, can I join the RPG as well? :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 10, 2011, 11:27:43 AM
What sort of characters do you have in mind?  Just curious.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 10, 2011, 11:59:12 AM
Well I wanted to bring GoldenStriker and several Digimon into the role-play and maybe some Transformers Ocs or canon characters as well. Although, I'm not entirely sure about the idea of bringing more transformers, I might do the idea once everyone goes to outerspace or something.  :DD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 01:04:20 PM
sute you can join CM! Welcome aboard :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 10, 2011, 01:07:47 PM
Really? Well, that's cool! X3
When may I start posting then, Nick? :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 01:20:50 PM
you can start now.. :) just have them come in the reception..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 10, 2011, 01:35:42 PM
Alrighty, I'll just have GoldenStriker drive to the wedding, and get her to ask if she's late or not. Also, do I have to create character profiles for the Digimon I'm using? Because I'm sorta scheduled with several RPGs on here and on another forum... >.<
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 01:37:19 PM
No you don't have to, if you don't want to.. i don't requite characters profiles like other rpers might
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 10, 2011, 01:44:15 PM
Okay, but if anyone is curious about my characters, I'm more than glad to answer and reply... But, I'll go and post now, so, cya in the role-play soon! :D
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 10, 2011, 01:55:36 PM
I want to modify the MLP arc and make a parody of the season 2 pilot.

They will still have to guard the Wonderbolts but then they end up being roped into a "Metal Gear Solid" mission where they have to infiltrate and recapture a kill sat that Trixie and Discord had taken command of. This satellite is my re-imagining of the Elements of Harmony, repackaged into a Tiberian Sun-esque kill sat known as H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. (High Altitude Rainbow Microwave Orbital caNnon Y)The Mane Six's jewelry are actually replicas and the real gems are inside said satellite (this is post season 1) as a power source.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 02:07:37 PM
sure that works... :) should be fun..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 06:01:48 PM
Great job, CM! nice first post!
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 10, 2011, 06:10:19 PM
Really!? Thank you, I'm extremely and utterly flattered by your complainant! X3
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 10, 2011, 06:10:55 PM
I'd like to point out that I've no clue on what My Little Pony is all about, so I shall just nod along as if I know what you're on about XD

Just be sure to tell me when the first signs of danger is suppose to be happening, so I can then....somehow, bring in my characters ;)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 06:13:39 PM
well there will be danger starting on page 3.. chong will escape and ruin all the fun..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 10, 2011, 06:16:23 PM
Ah awesome, sounds like a plan then, as I do have the characters....more or less sorted out for me.  Will be using at least 4 of them.  After all, makes up the team :p
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 06:22:15 PM
excellent.. looking forard to it..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 10, 2011, 06:34:50 PM
Yeah, cause it did take me a little longer than usual, but I've got the majority of it all sorted out.  I can give the names, gender, species and what have you of my characters soon enough, just a few things I still need to the names of the other two characters of mine and the final character do need to sort out a few things here and there.

Yeah, tweaking and what have you :p
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 07:55:07 PM
Well henever you can.. thats fine MRDRake..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 10, 2011, 08:44:31 PM
Yeah, well, just so you know, I should be ready for when the danger starts to show itself and the wedding is being crashed and the likes like that.  May even be a little bit after the wedding crash that I'll even bring my characters in.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 08:49:59 PM
Excellent..will be ready..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 10, 2011, 09:17:10 PM
I can give you lot the information on the first two characters....and yes, Aimee is one of them.

Name: Aimee
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Appearance: Has robotic arms in place of her real arms
Personality: Difficult to say with her.  It'l be easier to just RP her and show off her personality rather than describe it


Name: Riley
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: Has a shaved-like head. Like what happens with those in the army more or less.
Personailty: Does not talk all that much.  Does prefeer to keep to herself more than anything else.

And.....I'll do the other two at a later date XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 10, 2011, 09:48:23 PM
Great ...good to have them in..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 11, 2011, 02:57:14 AM
How will Chong break out from the prison planet?

Also, he can't hijack a giant starship without a spacecraft of his own, not to mention allies. Where is he going to get them?

I'll keep my hands off this time.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 03:16:28 AM
Yeah, and I don't exactly have any sort of ideas for allies for Chong either.  I mean, I could get someone for him....but eh....I don't really know if I want to right now.

After all, as I stated earlier on, I've still got to get the second half of Aimee's team all sorted out.  All that's left really is just their names is all.  And one of them, still trying to figure out what sort of species they'll be.  The other, I know he'll be a human like Riley.

Granted, the last one, still trying to decide between male and female.  Trying to figure out which is best and all XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 03:51:36 AM
With the help an ancient power named mertavius. mertavius is extremely powerful magician, he makes chong look like a carnival trickster, and he and Stripetail have faced each otherm, via proxies for many centuries, through only once face to face..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 03:57:45 AM
Ah okay, sounds interesting for sure.  Didn't expect another magician to be showing up to bust Chong out of prison and the likes XD

How powerful is he exactly anyway?  Can this magician fella bring anyone he wishes back from the dead and the likes to be their slave and what have you?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 04:04:32 AM
Bringing someone back from the dead is forbidden in the magical world. It is possible, but forbidden. Martavius has been around for many eons, he was one of the original Beings, and the most powerful of those. Stripetail is the only being to ever defeat him, but ever since that meeting mertavius has avoided direct conflict with him. as for his powers, they are immense, well calling them 'immense' is understating them.. in this story, Stripetail's 'omniderate will serve as his proxy, they and thier allies, will fight mertavius, and find it , by far, thier most difficult task..ever.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 04:09:11 AM
Ah okay, so it's forbidden eh? Sounds that much more interesting now XD

But yeah, I can just imagine he wone be all that easy to defeat.  Heck, Aimee and her team, they'll attempt to help out against them, but it'll be tough, since none of them have any sort of powers, only weapons to help them out and that's it.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 04:11:06 AM
precisely.. weapons, won't do much of anything against him..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 04:15:32 AM
Yeah, well, they'll certainly try and what have you, but in the end, they're not that stupid and wont try and shoot him after realizing their weapons are absolutly useless against him XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 04:25:02 AM
lets hope not..' its not working! keep firingh anyway! :p
its going to take all the characters working together to have any chance..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 11, 2011, 10:02:27 AM
Wait, what members are in the Omnidrate?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 11, 2011, 11:54:24 AM
You mean like happens in some godzilla and 50's horror movies.  

"None of our artillery is having any effect."

"Keep firing anyway."

Seems to be what is said ofscreen in some of those movies.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 12:41:20 PM
The Omniderate consuistr of 3 groups
 The Omniderin _Scooby-Dixie, Spyro-cynder, Agumon-Agumimna, Tiger-Tigeress and Stich Angel
 mathari-- no positions filled
 Liloonae- No positions filled
 The entire group is called the omniderate
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 01:29:42 PM
I think the Tv tropes entry for the insane cafe should be updated :)  Mertavius is the BIg Bad fior this chapter..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 11, 2011, 02:16:44 PM
All right, I'll do that when I have the chance.

So the Pelvanida Group are not members but allies/affiliates? In all honesty, I want it to stay that way.

Also, sometime later, a mention of Surf Point and a memorial should be mentioned.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 02:19:22 PM
Yes your characters are allies, and will stay that need not worry about that Serris :)  there will be plenty of action for your characters in this story..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 07:37:58 PM
Want to point out that once Chong does get released from prison and escapes, I'll be ableto have Aimee and her team make contact with Stripetail.  As I do have a better idea as to how they're introduced.

Sort of like, they're told about his escape and are told to get into contact with Stripetail ASAP sort of thing.  That way, it ties them and introduces them to thestory that much more easily.

If you don't mind that is Nick.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 07:51:57 PM
thats fine.. Mrdrake, great idea..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 08:08:25 PM
Yeah, just thought it'll be an easier way to introduce my characters properly as well as a way for Stripetail and co to find out about Chong's escape ;)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 08:26:37 PM
stripetail and the others won';t find out about it until the next day " we don't want to entirely ruin Scooby and Dixies wedding reception, now do we?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 08:43:01 PM
Hehe yeah, fair enough.  That is true.

I take it then you wont want Aimee and co to tell Stripetail about it till the following day?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 08:55:30 PM
yes, until the next day, chalk it up to being unable to reach him..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 08:57:06 PM
Will do.  That still works out just as fine ^^
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 09:33:44 PM
So Hailey will reach Chong in the next couple posts..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 09:38:41 PM
Yeah, she should do anyway.  And I take it that you'll do the whole escape plan all sorted out and the likes like that?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 09:42:00 PM
More or less
 given that Chong is weakened by the anti-magic field it will fall on Hailey to do the heavy lifting..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 11, 2011, 09:42:43 PM
Sounds like fun that does XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 11, 2011, 10:07:48 PM
Hope my post isn't to odd.  I did take some bits from the first episode paradox appeared in.  

The Danny dunn and antigravity paint is from a series of juvenile books I read as a kid way way back in the 70's and 80's.  Doubt anyone knows of the character but me.  Same as encyclopedia brown, that I read some books of also, among other series.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 11, 2011, 10:08:46 PM
The post is fine KOr.. i remember reasding the ecgyglopedia brown books in grade school..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on September 12, 2011, 12:17:39 AM
uh... woah...

guys, I really cant keep up with this :(

between me trying to get this other project finished before a deadline and other things I can only post once or twice a day. but I dont have time to read three whole pages with blocks of text that accumulate over a day

I hate to ask y'all to slow down..  that would make me feel like a complete party pooper... But I had some pretty cool plot ideas and I'm not even sure how to apply them at this rate.

uh.. yeah... I really just dunno :(
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 12, 2011, 12:20:20 AM
So sorry about that.  Didn't mean to go ahead that quickly like that.  I do apologize in regards to that.

Still would like to hear what sort of plot points you have to offer us....yes, you've got me intruiged about them now :smile
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 12, 2011, 12:20:31 AM
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on September 12, 2011, 12:22:40 AM
well, I was going to send someone in particular to Chong to develop a new interesting plot device.. but I'm not sure that would actually even work now.

sorry, guys.. I would had given a heads up but I didnt want to spoil anything
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 12, 2011, 12:25:14 AM
You can still do that.  I mean, I have no arguments against it myself.  Heck, Hailey's only part of his team because of what that other magician fella did....reviving her and the likes.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 12:26:13 AM
wE can remove the posts so you can add your idea in. Sorry about that Aves.. We'll slow down from here on in..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on September 12, 2011, 12:28:51 AM
well naw, I dont want y'all to alter anything. what's done is done.

for me to step in and have you alter things would make me feel selfish

I'll just try to make due.

I'll try to get around to reading everything in the morning

this oher project is due out on the 14th but I need to have it ready on the 13th so yeah.. crunch time has me stumped on time
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 12:31:13 AM
we want to keep you involved, and we can find a way to make things work, besides chong and Haieley will be willing to go anywhere with your character if it means getting away from the prison planet..and they'll be more than willing to listen to your characters plan/..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 12, 2011, 12:32:46 AM
Exactly, since Hailey doesn't exactly have a choice in the matter either.  Besides, i doubt she would really mind all that much in the end XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on September 12, 2011, 12:35:53 AM
well, alright.. but it may be a few posts before I do what I must do... and it has much to do with that strange wrist computer that Aves is stuck with and the strange character who communicates with it.. I'm sure that some of y'all have some clue as to who that character is :p

anyway.. give me a briefing.. what's going on at the cafe and where does my character stand? is he still in the kitchen muttering to himself or what?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 12:38:34 AM
in the cafe they are dealing with a small group of customers, and Nick and Kerzach are taking turns with cooking, we'll say aves has been baking stuff.. and prudicing weird loooking cupcakes :DD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on September 12, 2011, 12:40:16 AM
Quote from: Nick22,Sep 11 2011 on  11:38 PM
in the cafe they are dealing with a small group of customers, and Nick and Kerzach are taking turns with cooking, we'll say aves has been baking stuff.. and prudicing weird loooking cupcakes :DD
ha! well if you kn ew half the truth about the cupcakes bit it might actually frighten you

I dare not mention that particular... fanfic...

yeah, I'll just stop right there
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 12:41:48 AM
yes i've heard about the MLP fanfic.. and there will be a MLP subplot to this story Aves.. we're calling it Provisionally "Pony Planet"
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on September 12, 2011, 12:45:20 AM
Alright.. well I'll go ahead and make my post to the RP and then I need to get back to work

this other project is pretty damn huge.. excuse my french there but that word is necessary to describe my hard work

y'all will be hearing about it on the 14th... mark my word! and y'all will absolutely love it!... the bronies here will anyway...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 12:48:39 AM
You've piqued my interest my friend.. will be looking forward to it..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 12, 2011, 12:50:22 AM
That MLP one shall be interesting for me considering the fact that I have yet to even see te show as it is.  So seeing how all these ponies will react around everyone that is invading their planet shall be rather amussing indeed :lol
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on September 12, 2011, 12:59:07 AM
I should probably also point out that one of the major reasons I havent been able to keep up today was aldo because the invision e-mail notification system seems to be failing me

whenever I get an e-mail about a certain topic I usually check it right away.. but I havent gotten any e-mails today for some odd reason

so the invision system is partially to blame
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2011, 01:02:35 AM
hmm thats rather off.. hopefully its just a glitch or something..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 14, 2011, 12:24:56 AM
Um, not to intrude on any possible conversations or become a nuisance.. But, may somone please summarize the past events of the RPG? I'm afraid that I am to too far behind, and may be unable to finish reading every post and have enough time for my school assignments as well. Also, I'll try to find time to post in this role-play regulary, luckily being sick gives me a little time to catch up. :)

Also, if there are any typos please forgive me, I am typing on my IPhone and it lacks the option of spellcheck. >.<
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 14, 2011, 12:35:49 AM
Nothing much has really happened.  Everyone who's not evil I believe is still at the wedding reception and I believe that your character was on there was to it last I checked, unless they made it there.

But yeah, other than that, nothing else save for Chong being busted out, but you neededn't worry about that since your characters aren't involved with that ;)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 14, 2011, 12:47:54 AM
Thank you very much for explaining on what has happened, I was terribly worried that I missed something fairly important these few days. So, once again thank you. :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on September 14, 2011, 12:50:50 AM
Nah, you hadn't missed anything important on your side.  But it's no problem, glad I could help you out with that.  Even if my explation sucked :smile
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2011, 12:57:22 AM
just focus on the wedding CM... :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 14, 2011, 06:49:19 PM

Nonetheless, thank you for helping me! :)

Um, quick question. Since I have Gabumon is he already at the wedding or something?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2011, 06:58:01 PM
Yes he is, all the ioriginal Figidestined are there.. although not all of them will be in the group that begins going after chong
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 14, 2011, 07:12:05 PM
Okay, cause I wanted him to be one of the guests witnessing GoldenStriker's holoform perform her eye scanning moment. XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2011, 07:25:23 PM
you could have had him just notice that in your klast post , you know :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on September 14, 2011, 07:29:54 PM
Nah, it would be funnier if his fellow Digimon notice or heard him say that he just saw some random blond teen 'shoot blue lasers out of her eyes'. And everyone else basically joins in, or at least my small group of Mega/Ultimate leveled Digimon. XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2011, 07:31:01 PM
Whatever works for you CM..  :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 14, 2011, 09:09:08 PM
During the "pony arc" they will arrive at the end of winter and they end up assisting in Winter Wrap Up as a way to help warm up with the inhabitants of Ponyville. Yes, they will be using vehicles and heavy equipment but no magic.

*Imagines Lt. Martin and Rainbow dispersing clouds by flying through them and shattering them with their sonic booms. And Zenyatta hovertanks and Akishar dune buggies hauling away snow, hauling nesting material and pulling snow plows.*

The major xenophobia will be by from other locations, this unfortunately causes relations to get pretty ugly... a major problem when the other locations are what's vital to guarding the Wonderbolts AND taking back control of the commandeered H.A.R.M.O.N.Y. satellite.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2011, 09:20:15 PM
that arc works fine.. serris..nice work
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 14, 2011, 09:43:26 PM
Not sure how, or if, any of my characters can fit in.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 14, 2011, 09:45:40 PM
:) you'll fir in fine kor. don't worry..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 21, 2011, 08:50:15 PM
Is Chong still trying to escape the prison planet or is he already aboard a stolen ship?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 21, 2011, 09:07:22 PM
Still escaoping, he will escape in the next couple posts. i'm holding up so Aves doesn't fall 20 pages behind..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 21, 2011, 10:15:55 PM
Maybe he can pm you when he's fully caught up, or something.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 21, 2011, 10:38:52 PM
Okay, I guess I'll showcase the defensive capabilities of the Phoenix and possibly introduce the Spire of Winter in the next few posts.

Also, MrDrake's character is also important during the prison arc.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 21, 2011, 10:41:30 PM
Yees I know, I'll pm him, and get him caught up, as well as Drake..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 21, 2011, 11:18:44 PM
MrDrake or Drake?

So do I have permission to showcase the defensive capabilities of the Phoenix and introduce the Spire of Winter?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 21, 2011, 11:20:23 PM
Both of them actually.. and yes you have my permission to show them off..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 29, 2011, 12:19:31 AM
So now that Chong's back on the prison planet, now where do you plan to take the story?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 29, 2011, 01:09:14 PM
well he will be broken out by one of Aves characters which he described to me as a female Joker. Which i'm looking forwward too..
We'll have the wedding reception continue on for a few more posts then we'll begin the transition to space..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on October 01, 2011, 05:38:51 PM
I am currently writing a short story about the "Pony Arc". I will put up in its own separate topic somewhere once I get the first chapter done.

Note that I will only be using my characters.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on October 01, 2011, 05:56:39 PM
Sorry for the absence, I uh, I got preoccupied with my new games and yeah.....XD

I'll get to work on a reply sometime today ;)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 06:56:15 PM
its alright. just post when you can...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on October 01, 2011, 10:46:16 PM
Yea, no hurry.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 01, 2011, 10:50:34 PM
Your Turn Kor. have the Turtles showe up with some pizzas to add to the festivities..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on October 04, 2011, 11:50:44 AM
Okay, so what do I need to know to be caught up on everything?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 04, 2011, 12:04:04 PM
Well there are three separate storylines going on right now. The wedding reception, inside the Insane Cafe and at the Prison Planet..  i'm winding down the wedding reception right now, so onlt the characters who will play important roles will be left. in the insane cafe space pirates are breaking into the resteraunt while another group is ransacking the shops.. there will be a fight in the resteraunt.. using whatever advanced weapons you feel is necessary.. on the prison planet. chong and hailey were prevented from escaping by bizarro pinky.. who has them over a barrel so to speak. Chong wants to escape obviously, but he can't be sure whether to trust this strange creature..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on October 05, 2011, 06:23:15 PM
And so, well, Nick and Aves at least know, Aimee and her small team of four, which includes herself, will show up there, but not until after Chong, Hailey and Bizzaro Pinky have left/escaped.

Aimee will want to know what the hell had happened in there, that's for sure :smile
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 05, 2011, 07:11:46 PM
sounds like a plan MrDrake. Your turn..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on October 08, 2011, 07:50:07 PM
Drat, I have no idea what's happening in the RP now... Ugh, if only school didn't take up so much of my free time.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on October 08, 2011, 09:20:05 PM
Quote from: ChaoticMistress,Oct 8 2011 on  07:50 PM
Drat, I have no idea what's happening in the RP now... Ugh, if only school didn't take up so much of my free time.
The main characters are staying over at Dixie and Scooby's house.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on October 10, 2011, 01:29:15 AM
Hey, a question about the MLP: FiM arc thing that's being planned.  Are any of the mane six going to show up by any chance?  If they are, would I be able to take on the role of Rainbow Dash at all?

Just wondering is all, as I'm still not entirely sure on what was planned with it.  All I remember seeing on the first page of the discussion page was the mentioning of the Shadowbolts, and that was it.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on October 10, 2011, 01:51:43 AM
Yep, the Mane Six will appear.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on October 10, 2011, 02:00:32 AM
Ah awesome, then I do wish to be Rainbow Dash.....if ya don't mind.  She's the only one I believe I'm able to play well.  I mean, on another site I'm part of, I play as her, and they believe I do a rather fine job as playing as her XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 10, 2011, 12:36:19 PM
sure MrDrake. I'm hoping to have Chong escape soon, but that largely falls on Aves..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: AvestheForumFox on October 11, 2011, 08:52:06 PM
So, any thoughts to the new Bizzarro Pinkie villain?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on October 11, 2011, 09:38:05 PM
Quote from: AvestheForumFox,Oct 11 2011 on  08:52 PM
So, any thoughts to the new Bizzarro Pinkie villain?
Quite interesting.

She reminds me of the Joker in a way.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 11, 2011, 09:54:03 PM
yes shes very much like the joker, completely insane, but very endearing.. if thats the right term..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on October 21, 2011, 05:16:35 PM
Hey, I am writing a short spin off story about the Insane Cafe Pony Arc.

So far, I am only using my characters.

Do I have permission to use other peoples' characters?


On a side note, ship names I came up with:

(Most of them are ripped off of equestrian forums. Show names for horses sometimes make great names for starships! At least, if you don't mind following in the vein of Halo.)

Williamsburg class guided missile cruiserDescending Down to Earth; Unchain the Rain; Stakes are High

Norfolk class logistics shipRainbow Arc; Incandescent Moon; Aurora's Light

Arcadia class frigateLouisiana Lightning; Dark as Dark Can Be; Maid of Fire

Camden class destroyer - From Dusk to Dawn; Rising Sun; It’s Getting Far Too Late

Abbey Road - class corvette - Islands in the Stream; Swept Away; Symbols of Forgotten Times

So what do you think?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 25, 2011, 06:01:39 PM
Sure you can use my characters Serris. Feel free to use them as needed.and those name ideas are cool..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 30, 2011, 11:09:15 PM
MRDRake, I need to get some posts from you so we can officially escape the Prison planet..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on October 31, 2011, 06:23:59 AM
Alright, done.  I would assume in the next few posts, Hailey and Chong should be off the planet for good.

And Series, you can use my characters if you wish as well.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 31, 2011, 10:36:25 AM
that is correct MrDrake then we can proceed to the main portion of our story..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 05:33:19 PM
we are moving to the main part of the story now..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 05, 2011, 05:44:30 PM
Will you want Aimee and her team to join up with Stripetail and the others then?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 05:49:32 PM
Correct, they will be part of the group that chases Chong throughout the story..anbd mertavoiius will be giving hailey a means to contact him, if she needs it, but like with all things with him, theres a price to be paid..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 05, 2011, 05:52:10 PM
Ah, awesome.  Aimee and her team do use firearms and all, so yeah ;)

As for Hailey, the poor girl getting herself into trouble all the time.  Should be interesting though XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 07:21:05 PM
there will be a brief reunion between aimee and hailey on the pony planet before chong escapes again and drags hailey along with him..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 05, 2011, 07:22:56 PM
That would actually be good I think as well when that does happen.  Especially Aimee wondering why Hailey's helping out Chong in the end XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 09:11:10 PM
yes although i do plan on a happy ending where those two are concerned..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 05, 2011, 09:29:37 PM
Oh? Send me a pm about it, as they are my characters and if that ending will suit them or not would be ultimately be up to me.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2011, 09:57:56 PM
will do MRDrake.. I like happy ending thats all.. :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 06, 2011, 06:06:26 PM
Oh I know people do.....but not all stories have happy endings after all....
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 06, 2011, 06:23:10 PM
very true drake, very true, now lets move to chong and hailey taking over the phoenix..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 06, 2011, 06:38:16 PM
Yeah, I know, but as it was stated, it would be a few hours till they arrive, not sure how you want to tackle that as isn't there already a fight of sorts going on at The Phoenix?

And, I still have to get Aimee and her team to where Stripetail is, and that would essentially take a few hours of space travel.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 06, 2011, 06:47:11 PM
good point, so that will have to wait until after aimee and her friend reavh scoobys house..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 06, 2011, 07:01:07 PM
Yeah, I'll probabally try and have them reach there in my next few posts.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 06, 2011, 07:05:41 PM
sure thats fine. any ideas guys on when they should reach pony planet..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on November 06, 2011, 11:44:26 PM
I guess it'll be up to Sara to tell Jason about what's been going on?  

Will some crash on the pony planet, or land there?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 07, 2011, 02:52:06 PM
thats a goos question kor. we could have both happen..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on November 08, 2011, 01:05:10 AM
I thought the colony ship is forced to land at the "Pony Planet" after it sustains critical damage during a space battle with Chong?  

I imagine that the Phoenix is also damaged but it manages to escape.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 08, 2011, 11:03:12 AM
sure that works Serris, and gives a story and epic feel..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on November 10, 2011, 04:08:39 AM
Are Nani, Lilo, Stitch and Angel present in this RP?

My story will have Nani doing some fighting like in the last RP.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 10, 2011, 01:16:00 PM
Yes they are present in the rp..they are part off the team after all.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 14, 2011, 02:20:48 AM
In regards to the time difference in the RP, would it still make sense to have Aimee and her team show up at Scooby's house, even though, as far as I know, everyone's headed off for the airport instead?

So, by the sounds of things, they'll be arriving at an empty house, unless of course, Stripetail gets in contact with Riley who's the pilot, and tell them to meet them at the airport instead.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 14, 2011, 02:45:19 AM
i'll have stripetail contact them..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on November 19, 2011, 07:00:10 PM
All right, here is the first chapter of my Insane Cafe - Pony Arc novelization:

Chapter One: Emergency Landing (

I'll create a new thread for the whole thing some other time.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 19, 2011, 07:13:55 PM
Nice work Serris. very good read so far..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on November 21, 2011, 03:08:33 AM
Okay, I'm a bit lost.  Where is everyone heading to now? As no one's told my characters on what to even do.  Last that was told was to rest up and that was it.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 21, 2011, 04:16:15 AM
All the characters are getting on the shuttles to go to the spaceship..once they get on board then they will begin the hunt for chong..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on December 21, 2011, 10:15:42 PM
Drake its your turn. Chong and Hailey have reached the Phoenix and will begin to take it over..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 01, 2012, 03:07:50 AM
Happy New Year guys
 hope to make progress on the story in the next week or so..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: LBTLover1 on January 03, 2012, 10:23:09 PM
Can't wait for an update since Nov.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 03, 2012, 10:24:12 PM
Would you like to join LBT Lover? if you want to, you are welcome to..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 05, 2012, 01:48:47 AM
Well an update for you mRdrake and anyone else who asked:
 The Main characters are now on the "DSpire of Winter' and are slowly making thier way towards the Phoenix's location
 Hailey and Chong have stormed abord the ship and in the process of taking it over
 Nick will send out a distress call to Stripetasil, confirming that Chong has taken over the ship
 this will enrage the wizard who puts a 30 billion bolt (or dollar) bounty on Chong's head. Further proof why you should never piss off Stripetail..  :DD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on January 05, 2012, 01:54:04 AM
Quote from: Nick22,Jan 5 2012 on  12:48 AM
this will enrage the wizard who puts a 30 billion bolt (or dollar) bounty on Chong's head. Further proof why you should never piss off Stripetail..  :DD
Because you will have his very powerful friends come after you. And it will not be pretty.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 05, 2012, 01:58:10 AM
Precisely serris..course I will be having Mertavus appear some more in the coming pages.. to slowly leak out his plans..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on January 06, 2012, 03:11:17 PM
Umm...may I ask what I've missed while I was gone? :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on January 06, 2012, 05:06:53 PM
The wedding's over and everyone is now aboard the long range colony ship RICMS Spire of Winter, which is trying to intercept the Phoenix. Which Chong has forced his way on.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: ChaoticMistress on January 06, 2012, 06:08:13 PM
Thank you for explaining, Serris! Although, is there anything else I should know before I start? :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2012, 01:04:41 AM
that is pretty much it. except for the fact that everyone is staying in a town called Winterville onboard the ship..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 07, 2012, 01:29:16 AM
Well Chong has overwhelmed the laserr defenses on the phoenix, so the takeover of the ship won't be long now..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 16, 2012, 05:07:07 PM
Hey, just in regards for when it comes up, the Pony Arc that is....I know I had said I was going to be Rainbow Dash....yeah, mind if I change that request to both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie instead?

Though when they arrive there, still unsure on that one myself, but I take it after what happens against Chong?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2012, 06:05:15 PM
Chiong and Hailey will flee fromk the Spire of Winter and begin a galactic chase, the pony arc will be the first planet they land on..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 16, 2012, 06:16:54 PM
Ah okay, I understand now.  Should be fun regardless to see what happens.  I take it that other than the pony planet, that other planets will also be involved as well? And if so, what sort of things would be on said planets?

Just to get a rough idea is all.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2012, 06:19:44 PM
I've got a fdew ideas like a Monsters Inc world.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 16, 2012, 06:25:50 PM
Ah, so based upon movies, games and TV shows in general.  Interesting indeed.  I might get an idea or two in the course of it perhaps, but not sure at the moment.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on January 16, 2012, 06:51:01 PM
Yeah, I might come up with some ideas through the course of the story but nothing as of now.


Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 16, 2012, 11:22:05 PM
we can also spend time having our characters interact with the newcomers, lion the pridelands lions, ratchet angela clank etc..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2012, 03:43:32 AM
So I take it that after the pony planet, everyone will at least get to rest again? I just ask as I have a small idea with two of my characters to do something in their relaxing particular, a simple card game is all, one I do enjoy playing XD

As I am guessing that in this time before said planet, there's no real time for them to rest right?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2012, 12:34:21 PM
that is correct.. once we  hiot the first planet, it will then move to a series of planets..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2012, 04:35:06 PM
So, who will then be playing which ponies? I mean, I'll be playing as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy if no one minds, as they are the ones I am comfortable as playing the most.

Though, after said planet, not sure if they're joining in as well, if the whole, going from planet to planet is to also gather an army too.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2012, 04:56:49 PM
they will be helping the group chase chong, so yes they will be part of the army..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2012, 05:18:42 PM
And it'll just be the mane six that goes I take it? Or would, say the Cutie Mark Crusaders be able to go as well? Or stow away like children may tend to do? XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2012, 06:25:39 PM
how many you can comfortably play i think..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2012, 06:29:53 PM
Well, I know I at least want to play as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.  But I may also grab Apple Bloom as well perhaps, leave Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to whoever else wants to play as them. Though, having the CMC sneak on board without the others knowing afterwards, might be interesting.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 17, 2012, 08:08:46 PM
whatever you want to do MRdRake is fine with me..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 17, 2012, 09:56:49 PM
So, who else will be which ponies anyway from this first planet? As the ones I've stated will be the only ones I'll be playing as.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on January 18, 2012, 12:51:04 AM
Yeah, the Mane Six and can join in.

I will take Twilight Sparkle and maybe my OC from the cyberpunk pony RP.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2012, 12:54:23 AM
Alrighty, cool.  My pony OC, who is the sameage as the CMC will make an appearance, but that's it, she wont join in or anything like that.

I guess for now I could use the CMC in having them sneak onto the Winter ship and all that, be part of the army without them knowing.  Though in the end, I'd rather just be Apple Bloom herself, leaving Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle open to whoever else wants to play them.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on January 18, 2012, 04:19:42 PM
Hey, let's toss in a cyberpunk/high-tech dystopian city in the Pony Planet!

Maybe we can call it Minneighpolis (Minneapolis - most high tech city in the US)?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 18, 2012, 04:31:24 PM
It depends really, as that wouldn't interfeer with say, the mane six, the CMC and the likes right?  I just ask as with Dawn, there are two versions of her, the older one from your Cyberpunk RP and her usual, filly age (who can fly mind you).  granted, she's still not going to really have any screen time, if any really.

It'll just be weird is all, if there are two versions of her around and what have you.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 20, 2012, 06:00:04 PM
In regards to the pony planet, is anyone going to be playing Luna and Celestia as well? I wont as I wont be able to play them all that well, same goes for Zecora if she's going to show up as well.

Granted, Zecora could join as well, perhaps as a herbal medic like zebra? As in, what she does tend to do, but again, I wont play as her,as her whole rhyming ordeal is just difficult for me to get in as replies in general for her.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on January 21, 2012, 01:36:04 AM
So is this the regular Eqestria like in the tv series, or is it the cyberpunk thing from the other rp ?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 21, 2012, 01:38:21 AM
As far as I know, it's suppose to be the TV series version.  I think Serris just wanted some cyberpunk elements added in is all.  For me, I'd rather it be the TV series version just makes sense.

After all, the ponies can get new things from the Spire of Winter anyway I would say.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 21, 2012, 05:18:34 PM
So for the mane 6, who wants to be the others anyway? You know, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity, as I am going to say that they may be needed.  Granted, I might be wrong on that part myself.  I wont be taking another pony character really myself, especially not Applejack nor Rarity.

Applejack for her accent and Rarity cause of the ordeal and what have you :p

But yeah, I am also going to be Trixie as well....and not as a villain either.  She too will end up helping out the good guys here.

Spike though, he would probabally be needed, sending letters from Twilight to Celestia and vice versa sort of thing.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on January 21, 2012, 05:26:52 PM
not sure if you've seen the Bravestar Series.  Magnum is the same species at 3030, but from thousands of years before the Bravestar series takes placet. & I guess to the pony folks he'd look like he was wearing some sort of armor.  Not sure of if he'd be larger then the ponies or huge compared to them.  

I may do my OC unicorn Myrdinn, that I have rped a bit in another rp.  I can do Spike.  I've done him some in the pony rp.  I'll have to watch some more episodes to be sore I can get his personality down again.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on January 21, 2012, 06:53:39 PM
Yeah, I want some cyberpunk elements added in.

I will try to play Rarity (playing against type!) and Twilight Sparkle.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 21, 2012, 10:03:27 PM
I thought Kor said he'll want to play Spike.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 23, 2012, 09:30:27 PM
Alright with the planets they're going to visit, will they all be animated related ones? Or will real-life ones be added in as well? As in, live-action sort of thing too?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2012, 09:41:58 PM
i'm not sure yet
 there could be a mixture, oif you guys want to go that route
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on January 23, 2012, 10:21:35 PM
Some could be animated and some live action.  What sort of planets would you folks like to be visited?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 23, 2012, 10:23:40 PM
I just asked as I was also considering none other than Captain Jack Sparrow as well to help out the heroes....on his own occord of course.  But how and why he would....unsure at the moment.

Granted, there could be a planet as well where other characters gather where they aren't on their own planet sort of thing.  Like a hub world world sort of thing.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on January 24, 2012, 01:22:58 AM
That could be interesting, a hub thing.  

As for Jack Sparrow, I'm sure either Stripetail or Jason could offer enough money to get his notice.  

Or maybe he'd do it just because he's bored and it'll be something to do.  Better then being bored.  As for how, maybe found some doodad that can take him places, or went through a door or gate thing.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 24, 2012, 01:52:28 AM
Hehe yeah, cause from the first 3 movies, well, the first one he wanted to get the Pearl back, 2nd and 3rd movies, clearing his debt his Davy Jones and the 4th, dealing with Blackbeard.  So I would assume something similar to the movies would be a reason as to why he'd be on the Spire of Winter in the first place.

But I'm sure I'll think of something, as Jack does have his compass that shows him what he wants the most sort of thing.  But as I said, I'll think of something with him ^^

And I do wonder too, if the TV Tropes page should be updated again at some point as well.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 24, 2012, 08:52:21 PM
we should definitely update the tropes page as the 4th story goes on..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 25, 2012, 11:25:38 PM
So, how long is everyone staying on the planet for anyway? I mean, is Chong, Hailey and their crew going to escape first? And then everyone else pursuing them afterwards sort of thing?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 26, 2012, 12:29:01 AM
Yes thats the plan. they'll visit Princess Clestia and get a few ponies to join the team..and then the chase across the cosmos will begin..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 27, 2012, 09:28:57 PM
Not sure if Hailey is to be captured here or if she's to head to Chong again, cause if it is the latter, Aimee will let to escape and all that sort of jazz and hopefully by then, the ship will be fixed and they can get off the planet.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 27, 2012, 10:06:21 PM
Hailey will escape, it will be a few planets before they capture her. Chong will be dealt with until later, and Mertaviuus looms at the end..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2012, 12:58:27 AM
Maybe an odd edit to my post, adding in Granny smith, but I got the idea & found it a but humorous.  

I guess the folks won't be staying on the pony planet for to long then, the way things are looking.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2012, 01:01:02 AM
not the plan at least, but there will be some ponies joining then. kinda like in the Whees Waldo books, he always had people from each location tagging along
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on January 28, 2012, 01:02:47 AM

Imagine Waldo as a Pony.  Sorta like they are doing with Derpy in some episodes.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 28, 2012, 01:04:11 AM
Well, Hailey's escaped after their little fight.  Yes, a real fight, yet, they were having a rather casual conversation and all that where Hailey explained her so-called "plan" to Aimee.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2012, 01:10:16 AM
Hailey will be spared  once she is captured, and will switch sides.. at least thats what the plan calls for..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 28, 2012, 01:13:09 AM
Perhaps, well, I know she'll be spared, Aimee will make sure of that.  Switching sides, unsure at the moment, it all depends on what happens is all.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2012, 01:22:34 AM
we'll see as the story goes along..chong wil remain unaware of Haileys intentions, for now..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on January 28, 2012, 02:23:13 AM
I was under the impression that the fallen ship wasn't that far away from Canterlot, as in, not actually in Canterlot.  That, and most of the ponies are gone all thanks to Hailey as well.

Though the Wonderbolts are there, but down for the count, injured and all that.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2012, 06:48:28 PM
also nice work on updatiung the tv tropes page. there will be more to add as the story goes along..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on February 02, 2012, 04:33:45 AM
I know, doing it bit by bit is all.  But thanks regardless, even though I did add like 2 things to it XD

But anyway, what will be the next planet that the group will stop by?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2012, 11:00:07 AM
it will be one based off monsters inc.. so we'll run into mike scully aand the others
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on February 02, 2012, 06:17:12 PM
Alrighty then.  And in regards to the tropes page, I am trying to figure out what trope would apply to Trixie and her reason for helping out the other simply show/prove that she's better than Twilight.  I mean, I'm sure there's a trope that's suppose to be attached to that sort of reason, but I'm unsure of it right now XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2012, 08:13:20 PM
whatever works Mrdrake :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on February 02, 2012, 08:16:29 PM
I guess the monsters would not like seeing humans in their world?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on February 02, 2012, 08:44:17 PM
I just wonder something, as I'm looking at the Character Alignment on TV Tropes and was wondering if what I was stating before about Trixie, if she would fit in under Neutral Evil herself.  As in, didn't really want to help out and all, but will just to show up Twilight and afterwards, may even just desert the heroes for showing up Twilight.

Either that, or she's just a True Neutral in that sense.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on February 02, 2012, 11:30:11 PM
Or she may be Chaotic Neutral.  Only cares for herself.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on February 03, 2012, 12:59:54 AM
Well, I did look at the Chaotic Neutral thing and that seemed to be rather chatotic characters that has no side sort of thing, and Trixie aint exactly chaotic.

But I did put it into Selfish Good, Silfish Evil, in particular, the Selfish Neutral category of it: (
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on February 03, 2012, 01:16:35 AM
She may be that.  It seems to fit what I've seen of her in the 1 episode I saw her in.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on February 06, 2012, 03:32:52 PM
Heh, RPing as Trixie in here is rather fun.  Writting her in third person is also rather fun.  And reason she's talking like that all the time, well, she's just gotten used to talking like that that she just finds it too difficult to talk normally.

Also, whatis the deal on the planet now? Would the group be spending one night on said planet or what? I just ask as a hotel was mentioned and all that.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on February 06, 2012, 07:51:08 PM
Princess Celestia's meeting wil not be ready until a few days have passed. So they will be spending some time on the planet.

And there's little twist I am throwing in...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on February 06, 2012, 07:54:09 PM
Ah okay, that's all good.  Trixie wont mind, besides, it'll take her a bit to clean up the library for Twilight as it is.

And a twist, sounds interesting indeed.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2012, 12:13:03 AM
Soiunds interesting.. The Next world will have all of my group together..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on February 08, 2012, 12:18:17 AM
Well, I'll have Aimee and her group stay together as well.  But not really sure who was going to be on the next planet and who will stay behind.  Granted, Trixie probabally will if Twilight goes sort of thing XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 18, 2012, 02:13:54 AM
well once they have the meeting with Clestia they'll depart a day or so after that.. meanwhile Chong has captured Kratois (from god of wart) and Kratos is NOT happy. Course, Kratos is Never happy :lol
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on February 18, 2012, 02:22:08 AM
Sounds like the bad buys have most of the power.  

Though I got a sorta silly idea of 2 of the zords.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 08, 2012, 10:03:17 PM
So this day in the RP, what is to be happening now? As in, still hanging out on the planet for the day? Or will Princess Celestia get in contact with them this day?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2012, 10:23:53 PM
we should have celestia contact them. Also one of the worlds they wil be stopping at is called "Khan World, ruled by Shere Khan from the jungle book. Khan is revered there as a god, and has an ego to match..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 08, 2012, 10:26:14 PM
Yeah, that's true.  Not sure who will be playing as Princess Celestia though.

As for other worlds, what about The Land of Ooo? Based upon the cartoon Adventure Time? Just another idea I had just then.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2012, 10:28:06 PM
sure we could do that too.. there are literally dozens of worlds we could visit
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 08, 2012, 10:29:45 PM
Yeah, throwing Adventure Time in there as I started watching the show, and it's an enjoyable one.  And perhaps one based around Total Drama Island as well? Though, not too sure if that will work out or not with TDI.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on March 09, 2012, 12:56:10 AM
PokËmon world as an option?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 09, 2012, 12:58:21 AM
Could work as well.  Granted, I would only know the original 151 Pokemon, other ones after that, not so much....that, and yeah....I don't like them as such so uh yeah....

Point is, to me, there are only suppose to be 151 Pokemon, other ones don't count to me :p
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 09, 2012, 09:42:50 AM
sure we ca n do a total drama world and a pokemon world as well..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2012, 02:59:46 AM
Alright, in the Total Drama based world, I'll only be taking on the role of Chris then, the others can be for anyone else....though I might also grab Izzy, not sure on her though.

Also, with what is happening right now, with the captured squad characters, would it also be fine for the CMC to arrive there first, attempt a rescue operation on their own and....probabally get captured in the process? As that's all I can see happening, that the three of them just end up failing the rescue operation in the end.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on March 18, 2012, 03:21:06 AM
Fine by me. I assume that there will be a lot of planning/tactics involved before the squad gets moving.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2012, 04:00:06 AM
Well, I would imagine so.  Granted, the CMC are planning their own thing, so once Scootaloo returns with the scooter and wagon, they'll be heading off without anyone else knowing that XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 18, 2012, 04:24:58 PM
Thats fine, guys.. feel free to go ahead.. also i will be focusing on nicks plifght aboard chongs ship..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2012, 09:10:56 PM
What about Cybertron itself? You know, the Tranformers verse? And I do mean to keep with G1 Transformers, when it was good, not Transformers Animated (which I can't stand as a show), nor anything like that.  Either G1 Transformers....or not worry.  Sorry I'm being picky, but G1 Transformers has always been the best version of Transformers imo anyway.

And if we were to go there too, I'd probabally only play as Soundwave from there.  Well, Soundwave as well as minions that are his casettes that is, such as Laserbeak, Rumble, Ravage and the likes.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on March 18, 2012, 10:13:55 PM
I guess by G1 you mean the seasons 1-3 and not the season 4 which introduced the american version of the animated headmasters.  Different then the animated Japanese version.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 18, 2012, 10:21:59 PM
Yeah, and where Soundwave looks like a proper casette player....and not anything else, like a satellite (yes, I'm looking at Michael Bay right now).  I mean yes, he's the Communcations Officer for the Decepticons, but his casette player form is the best form for me.

So I do believe it is G1, seasons 1 to 3.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on March 18, 2012, 10:37:52 PM
& you'd have to also decide if it is during or after season 3, is it before or after Optimus returned since he came back at the end of season 3.  

At least Blaster got cassettes in the movie and I think season 3.  I didn't see much of 3.  I wondered why while I watched season 2 he didn't have any when Soundwave did.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 24, 2012, 02:15:45 AM
The fight that's to happen in Bridlehem.....will that be after the CMC are to be captured? Or in the middle of it? As in, the CMC getting caught in the crossfire sort of thing?

And also....anyone going to get injured? If so....I volunteer Trixie to be one to get injured in the battle/fight.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 24, 2012, 12:46:38 PM
hmm lets have them get caught in the crossfire...and yes there will be injuries..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 24, 2012, 06:38:07 PM
Well with the CMC, I was just going ear by ear right now.  But wanted to at least show two possibilites that could easily happen with them, as either way with what happens to them is fine by me.  I mean, I'm not too sure if the ones who did capture the "alien" soildiers are present throughout the town or not.

I mean, I do want them to be caputured, but after in, if they will make an escape plan and actually escape, running into the crossfire, or if they fail and just stay in their little cell and in turn, are rescued by the others.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 25, 2012, 06:43:15 PM
I guess if the CMC are to be captured, now would be the best time, since they are all together in an alleyway sort of thing XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2012, 07:21:14 PM
you can have that happen now and we'll start the process and freeing the captives
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 25, 2012, 07:23:50 PM
Well, I was going to leave that to Serris, if he'll end up getting the CMC captured, as I'm not sure on where the others are suppose to be held and all that sort of jazz.  As in, let him play out the part of the captors finding the CMC, surrounding them and all that before doing the whole capturing ordeal with them.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 25, 2012, 09:03:46 PM
Good idea.. we should have the meeting with Celestia in the next page or so, and begin the mocve to the next planet.. the first of Mertavius' pawns will show up there..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 25, 2012, 10:34:12 PM
Well with Celestia, I've no clue on what's happening there, nor on who will be playing as her.  I know I wont be, that's for sure.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 27, 2012, 10:12:04 PM
Now I am going to guess that the fight is about to break out in the next few posts? Cause if so, that'll be all good, Pinkie Pie will surely be ready with her party cannon and will be able to show off the different settings she has on it....yeah, I'm going to be having it so that her party cannon has more than just a cannonball and party setting XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on March 27, 2012, 11:55:08 PM
I will indirectly play as Celestia.

So are the CMC, Fluttershy, Spike, Trixie and Pinkie Pie gonna be joining the crew?

If they are, I will bring along Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Twilight. And anyone can control them as long as continuity is maintained.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on March 28, 2012, 12:00:25 AM
What do you mean? For the ship? If so, well, I know I'm still going to have the CMC smuggle themselves onboard afterwards.  Trixie will go....only if Twilight goes....and Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie will be going as well.

Though I'll just keep on playing as them myself.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on April 06, 2012, 03:09:40 AM
So....when's the big fight going to be started anyway? Would it be when they break the barrier?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 06, 2012, 09:33:56 AM
Yes Serris those will be joining the merry band of stripetails irregulars bonus points if you get the series where the irregulars ioorigibnaly came from) and yes the battle will be happening soon..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on April 06, 2012, 09:34:36 PM
I know of 2 groups that refers to, doubt it's either one of them.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 10, 2012, 10:15:11 AM
Its from Sherlock Holmes, the Baker Streeet Irregulsars were a group of young street urchins that holmes trained to provide him intel and information on people and cases he was working on that dealt with the london underworld.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on April 10, 2012, 05:47:50 PM
That was one of the 2 places I can think of where the term Irregulars is used, in Sherlock Holmes, and also, likely more obscure, in the Astro City comic series there is a superhero group called the Astro City Irregulars.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on April 20, 2012, 09:12:12 PM
Can anyone remember what rank I had given Aimee? I know I had given her a rank, but I can't recall which rank it was.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 20, 2012, 09:20:57 PM
Captain I think it was.. I'd have to look back to be sure but I think it was captain..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on April 27, 2012, 05:29:36 AM
With the unicorn Twilight's going up again, not sure if she will end up actually killing him, or weakening him enough to have him captured and detained instead.  Up to you guys if you want him to die or to have him captured, even if I'm controlling the unicorn in question, as I'll be happy with either choice.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 27, 2012, 09:22:18 PM
lets have him be captured.. so the group can shut down the slavers for awhile.. My characters have defeated the slavers they were fighting..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on April 27, 2012, 09:28:07 PM
Yeah, he would be more or less the last one left.  Still gotta give him a name too, but not too sure on a good name at the moment.  Granted, if he is captured, he would still be a villain and all that sort of jazz, but could also help out the group too, although them having to keep a bit of a close eye on him too....since he can't really be trusted all that much.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on April 28, 2012, 12:19:35 AM
Plus there are all the injured that need to be treated, Like Trixie.  I guess there are others besides Jason who can do some medic or healing.  I think one of the dinos can, forgot which one.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on April 28, 2012, 12:34:53 AM
Yeah, that's true too.  I mean with Trixie, she's just badly injured, still in her serious condition and all that.  So against the armored unicorn, she'll be no use now....I guess for now, it's just Twilight against him.  I mean, he has a power level equal to Twilight in general.

So yeah, detaining him will be tough as well, but I guess if Twilight can weaken him enough, then stripetail could use his own power to just keep him trapped and try to strike a deal with him sort of thing.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 28, 2012, 11:09:21 AM
Stripetail's powers are stronger than the unicorns and its really not close. Just have the battle continue for a couple posts and Stripetail will step in and end it..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on April 29, 2012, 06:23:30 PM
If they're trying to drain Twilight's powers, I do wonder if that will be enough for the unicorn to overpower Twilight....and then, Stripetail could step in that way perhaps?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 29, 2012, 07:34:19 PM
Not Drain, but coointain.. but yeah we could have that happen..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on April 30, 2012, 12:34:57 AM
Alright, from I am gathering now, the other attack that Twilight has ready, once she fires, will weaken the unicorn quite badly, but not kill him yeah, he'd then be able to be captured by that point.  So in other words, the fight is just about over and they will be able to move on from there ;)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on May 04, 2012, 04:33:56 AM
I just realized something else that should've at least, shown up in the order to mess with Trixie's fears a fair Ursa Minor....well, either that, or an Ursa Major.  Cause yeah, Trixie....I'm sure she'd be terrified if either of those had shown up in said battle....too afraid to even move for that matter XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 12, 2012, 09:48:44 PM
lets have the meeting between clestia and  stripetail and his friends happen in the next page or so..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on June 12, 2012, 10:02:11 PM
SOunds good.  I wonder if Celesitia and maybe Luna may want a tour of the ship also.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on June 12, 2012, 10:05:52 PM
Up to whoever's going to play as them really.  Well granted, not even sure if Princess Luna is suppose to show up or if it's just Celestia herself.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 12, 2012, 10:15:25 PM
lets have both show up, I guess
 also the next planet will be based on monsters Inc. If anyone wants wants to play as thier favorite monsters pick them now.. :)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on June 26, 2012, 04:51:21 PM
After the Changelings have been fought off, not sure if I'll have Queen Chrysalis captured as well, or if I'll just have her bugger off instead.  Haven't decided on that just yet.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 26, 2012, 05:42:19 PM
that will be bup to you Drake. either way is fine with me..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on June 26, 2012, 05:52:00 PM
Yeah, like I said, I'm unsure at the moment, but I'll figure it out as we go along.  The battle wont go on for too long anyway....I mean, I don't want to drag it out myself.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on June 26, 2012, 10:20:11 PM
Quote from: MrDrake,Jun 26 2012 on  05:52 PM
Yeah, like I said, I'm unsure at the moment, but I'll figure it out as we go along.  The battle wont go on for too long anyway....I mean, I don't want to drag it out myself.
Same here. Besides, insectoid ponies vs. a group of soldiers fielding high tech weaponry and the EoH and an air force?

Yeah, stomp time!
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on June 27, 2012, 06:26:12 PM
Um, there would still be plenty of changelings left to fight.  if you've seen the episodes.....there were quite a few as it was....and they wouldn't drop so quickly.  Besides, I do have a way on how Queen Chrysalis and her changelings can be beaten.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 27, 2012, 07:08:38 PM
I'll make the change Drake as I got your pm..thanks
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on June 29, 2012, 12:17:44 AM
So I'm guessing that now, the meeting with Princess Celestia shall commence? Well, shortly anyway? Though, will she be the one that will make a personal appearance in Ponyville? Or will everyone have to head to Canterlot to see her?

And....I might play as Princess Luna if need be....though I wont use her royal speaking tounge....I can't write that well myself.  Besides, one can always say that she has learnt how to speak normally now after being with her sister some more XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 03, 2012, 10:39:22 PM
they will be having it at the palace so my characters will bre dressed formally.. lets get this show on the road./ we've got other planets to visit..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on July 05, 2012, 04:07:52 PM
Yeah, as you can see, I had Pinkie Pie pretty much do a time skip thing XD

But yeah, I do agree in getting it to move along somewhat.  Someone can go and get Jackson if they want to as well.  Though I'll point out that playing as Zecora for me will be tough, trying to get her rhyming down and all that.

Which is why I wont really be playing as her as such....just this appearance really.  Maybe later on if I feel more comfortable with her.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2012, 06:17:04 PM
thats fine.. i will have a scene with chong so nick and kerzach can have some screentime
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on July 05, 2012, 10:22:52 PM
That'll be good actually, that way, I'll be able to do something else with Hailey too.  But question.....what planet are they suppose to be on anyway? Just so I know.....cause I might use a character or two from that place as well, who knows.

Also, once they get to Canterlot, the others....I can post as Princess Luna.....but I am not doing her royal speech thing....she is going to talk normal again XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 06, 2012, 07:11:33 PM
they are a planet with characters fro monsters INc.. which will be visited by our group as well..after chong leaves...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on July 06, 2012, 07:29:15 PM
Strange, cause I figured that Chong and his group would visit different planets than what the heroes would.  You know, to mix things up more easily that way.

But once we get to a Looney Tunes planet, then I wanna be able to use at least two of the Looney Tunes characters as is XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 06, 2012, 10:07:23 PM
actually drake, your idea is better. i'll have thyem travel todifferent planets.. the one they are currently on ios the one from monsters incx. the next planet the good guyss will visit is ruled by shere khan from jungle book. khan has an ego-there are statues of him all over the place- but hes not a bad ruler...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on July 06, 2012, 10:33:50 PM
I guess you'll give out information about each world that some may need who may not know about that world, or if it's an original world?

I guess all the good guys will be together, or will they be scattered to different worlds?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: tempestwheel on July 07, 2012, 12:08:42 AM
I could be Khan if you guys want  :)  :DD  :lol
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 07, 2012, 12:15:48 AM
sure brek you can be khan.. as well as any other characters you want to be..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on July 07, 2012, 12:33:48 AM
Might I ask as to what demonic pony you're even talking about right now? Just curious as I saw that part in your post and was just wondering is all XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 07, 2012, 02:04:53 AM
it is a different pinkie from pinkie pie it was a demon who took half of chongs soul in exchsange for freeing him from prison.. a heavy price for chong to pay..
 as foir khan woirkld
 it is 10 tim,es the size of jupiter but it has water land and lots and lots of khan statues. it is somewhat smilar to india in climate it is inhaited by tigers elephants panthers and other jungle creatures.. khan is a just ruler , but one who never is above getting groveling attention from his subjects or guests..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 11, 2012, 10:40:34 PM
btw serris could you clean out some of your opms? i've been trying to pm you, but your inbox is full. anyway the next planet- Khan world, will have more exploring as a group and mertavius wioll reveal his first move..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on July 14, 2012, 12:02:51 AM
By the way, on Monstropolis....might I ask two things about the scream canisters they're gathering up.  one is why they're doing that in the first place, as in, what need does Chong and his group need for them?  And the other one.....I thought that scream was replaced with laughter at the end of the movie?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 14, 2012, 11:54:52 AM
chong has created a energy system that feeds on fear and screams of fear are very powerful energy. afterall expressiong your feelings requitre energry. as for the other question monsteropolis is a long way from the "earth Zone" as they call the world where the first film takes place. so while that area did convert to lasughter , this world has not complied with that decree, they still use fear and screams..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on July 18, 2012, 11:26:09 PM
Hey, can we have Briggins (from Insane Cafe 3) keep in contact with Stripetail and the rest of the group? He won't actually appear but maybe he can help provide the group with info (from overhearing guest conversations or whatnot).

It's be a good way to link the two RPs.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 18, 2012, 11:54:20 PM
Sure we can certainly do thgaat Serris. Good thinking..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on July 19, 2012, 12:23:53 AM
He could appear in a cameo even, like they show in phone or using a communicator the other person speaking sometimes rather then just 1 side of the conversation.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: MrDrake on July 19, 2012, 12:48:06 AM
Would be like in some video games too, where you hear the voice, but never see the person.  Such as Batman: Arkham Asylum, you hear both the Riddler and Oracle, but never see either of them.  But yeah, I would say that would be a rather nice idea as well XD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 19, 2012, 12:58:54 AM
I'll bring him in once the meeting is over.. we'll have him be patched through to the group..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 25, 2012, 12:52:40 AM
ok folks we'll be reaching khan world in the next few posts so once everyones on boared. we'll go. also we'll post  more from kerzach and nicks perspective as we really havent done much of that..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on August 25, 2012, 01:08:16 AM
Sounds like a good idea, showing us what Nick and the others are up to.  

So the group will go to Khan's world instead of the monster inc world?  Or is that the evil guys who'll go to Khan's world?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 25, 2012, 01:16:33 AM
no the bads guys were on the monsters inc world
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2012, 09:49:29 PM
Drake its your turn here.. just a heads up
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on September 07, 2012, 10:59:09 PM
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm planning to rejoin the Insane Cafe RPs. I'm currently working on characters and hope to be posting by Monday.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 07, 2012, 11:38:57 PM
Has Nick briefed you on the current plot and goings on, or have you read enough to have an idea of what is going on?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 08, 2012, 06:26:34 PM
I have told him a ploit breakdown.. and I gladly welcome him back..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on September 09, 2012, 12:20:21 AM
It'll be good to have him back.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on September 09, 2012, 10:59:47 PM
Nick's givin' me a plot breakdown, but I'm going to go ahead and read through the fourth series to try and catch up.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 09, 2012, 11:03:45 PM
thats fine so that you are fully caught up with what is going on so far/..besides 51 pages is less than the 430 or spo you woyuyld have to read to finbish part 3
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2012, 09:27:28 PM
Serrris its your turn here.. Same with you MRDRake
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on October 18, 2012, 10:28:41 PM
So, I'm going to start claiming Skylanders Characters if that's all right with everyone.

I'm going to go with the Skylander version of Spyro and Cynder to start with, along with Flynn the balloonist. I'd call more, but I want to give other people a chance.  :DD
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 18, 2012, 10:41:09 PM
Thats Fine Drake, play whoever you want.. I know kor has a few he wants to play..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on October 18, 2012, 10:47:22 PM
The 2 who's names I know of, from youtube videos I watched months ago, are Drobot and Terrafin.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on October 20, 2012, 01:23:36 AM
Oh man, I wanted to play as Drobot (
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 20, 2012, 01:24:35 AM
you can play as Drobot Serris.there were 32 characters not includiong the Giants..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on October 20, 2012, 02:38:16 AM
Plenty more I can pick from.  Terrafin, Sunburn, Trigger happy, and others I can pick, 1 or 2.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 18, 2012, 03:51:34 AM
i'm trying to get more posters involved here. anyone you think might be interested?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on November 18, 2012, 02:18:34 PM
Kenjiro? StarfallRaptor?

I know Cyberlizard used to RP. Dunno if he still does.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 18, 2012, 04:18:40 PM
i;ll pm them serris. good thinking..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on November 18, 2012, 04:44:50 PM
Perhaps some others who use to be in the previous insane cafes, or other rp's may be interested, like if there are some who are in the toon one but not here.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Bruton the Iguanodon on November 26, 2012, 02:31:57 AM
I've agreed to play am I supposed to pick a character or something? (I'm not familiar with roleplays)
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 26, 2012, 02:50:22 AM
there are a nearly infinite number of characters you could play. you could play as digimon, pokemon, or other characters that you like...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on November 26, 2012, 02:51:08 AM
Quote from: Nick22,Nov 26 2012 on  02:50 AM
there are a nearly infinite number of characters you could play. you could play as digimon, pokemon, or other characters that you like...
Or you could what I did and create your own.

Heck, you can play as one of the many colonists aboard the Spire of Winter if you want to.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on November 26, 2012, 02:54:47 AM
Are there favorite tv show, movie, or video game characters of yours?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Bruton the Iguanodon on November 26, 2012, 08:27:20 PM
How about Snape from Harry Potter? He's one of my favorites.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 26, 2012, 09:25:27 PM
we havent used harry potter characters before. this story takes place in space and involves travel between worlds. wwhile i suppose there could be a harry potter world, the plot would need to call for us going there in order for the character to be used. do you have any favorite cartoons you like to watch..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on December 01, 2012, 09:53:55 PM
Or other types, cartoon, video game characters, or other movie characters you like?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 28, 2013, 01:39:09 AM
Drake? Its your Turn..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 08, 2013, 12:23:09 AM
so drakes back, good to have you posting again Drake.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 21, 2013, 02:52:11 AM
serris its your turn.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Belmont2500 on April 14, 2013, 09:12:38 PM
I suppose I'll join.

I've already decided to bring in two characters for now.

Dante from Devil May Cry(the classic version)

and Vertigo from the massively underrated fighting game, Primal Rage.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 14, 2013, 09:47:05 PM
welcme belmont
 we will be traveling to various worlds, chasing after chong
 you can bring in worlds from those games if you want..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Belmont2500 on April 15, 2013, 01:39:48 PM
Will do.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 21, 2013, 03:36:40 PM
if you have any ideas beknmont, post them here..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on May 07, 2013, 10:34:02 PM
I'm bringing in the characters from Team Fortress 2. I'm planning to paly the Heavy, the Medic, the Pyro, and the Soldier. The Engineer is up for grabs if anyone wants him, but if not I'll play him. I may play the rest of the classes too if no one's interested.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on May 07, 2013, 10:47:04 PM
bring them in drake, the more the better. since I've never played that series, you can play them as you wish..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on May 07, 2013, 11:25:29 PM
Will they come in on a ship or already be around in the background?

I've only seen a few minutes or so of the game here and there sometimes as part of the pre show or post show of the Brony Show I watch on Mondays.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Drake on May 11, 2013, 07:35:00 AM
I'm having them show up in a ship which I plan to promptly trash so they have to join up with one of the groups running around.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on May 11, 2013, 01:44:20 PM
sounds like a plan drake
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 28, 2013, 08:43:00 PM
we've reached khan..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Petrie85 on June 28, 2013, 10:34:50 PM
Ah that's awesome okay I'm new in joining this Role Play. I know I missed a ton of stuff but I will try and follow along if I make a mistake please don't be to harsh on me. The characters I will play are Rainbow Dash Apple Jack and Matt from Digimon for now.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 28, 2013, 10:43:41 PM
welcome to the rp petrie
 any question you have post them here, as the rp is used for the story
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Petrie85 on June 29, 2013, 07:01:46 AM
Thanks man ah okay I will do that. I'm try to remember how to Role Play since it's been years since I did it. I will just follow along with what you giys post and things should be fine.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 05, 2013, 08:21:09 PM
that's fine. post when you can.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on July 06, 2013, 01:06:23 AM
Quote from: Petrie85,Jun 28 2013 on  09:34 PM
Ah that's awesome okay I'm new in joining this Role Play. I know I missed a ton of stuff but I will try and follow along if I make a mistake please don't be to harsh on me. The characters I will play are Rainbow Dash Apple Jack and Matt from Digimon for now.
Dash and Applejack as well as Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie are aboard The Spire of Winter.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Petrie85 on July 06, 2013, 11:36:24 PM
@Serris ah awesome and alright thanks for the information. I will get right on Role Playing tomorrow I'm very tired right now.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2013, 09:03:04 PM
nice post petrie, just remember to use punction marks to mark when say applejack is talking.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Petrie85 on July 08, 2013, 10:54:45 PM
Thank you very much nick. And okay I will do that from now on. This RP looks very fun and I'm gonna enjoy being a part in it. And thanks again for inviting me to the Role Play.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 08, 2013, 11:10:08 PM
we're glad to have you patrie. be sure to keep up..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 15, 2013, 11:04:59 PM
I'm kinda interested in jumping in. Would I be allowed to play MrDrake's old characters, Aimee and Shakila? I might give them amnesia as a cheap way of explaining why they have no clue what's going on.

What Darwin's Soldiers characters are currently running around in Insane Cafe?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 07:26:12 PM
sure you can grab them lBT. as for old darwins characters, theres kerzach, and zanasisu and a couple others.. you are also free to add in new ones.. so hop in , the waters fine lol
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 16, 2013, 07:35:24 PM
There's also Zachary.

The starship's gotta have a control room for...say, the industrial plants. Shelton couls resume his position as the control room admin.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 08:07:16 PM
oh, and haylee was revived by martavius the bad guy in this rp. you can play her too. haylee is helping chong, at knifepoint, lets say..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 16, 2013, 10:12:57 PM
Probably just Shakila and Aimee...after all, I killed of Shelton.

Where was the last time Aimee and Shakila appeared in the roleplay, and where/what were they doing?

And what's happening right now?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 10:16:35 PM
aimee was helping search for chongs ship, although its been awhile since shes been written about since Mrdrake was the one playing as her.. shakila was part of her group as well.. as for whats happening right now. the main grup is on a planet called kHan, named after -and ruled by- the Tiger from the Jungle book. Khan has a lot of things to do, most of them with khan insignia on them..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 16, 2013, 10:30:35 PM
Is Khan a villain? What if he has, like, brainwashed slaves from throughout the galaxy, and Aimee and Shakila are among them?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 16, 2013, 10:34:27 PM
Khan's greedy and narcissistic but not evil.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 10:36:08 PM
khan is neutral, as far as i know. hes allowing the group to refuel there, and the group is resting for now.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 16, 2013, 10:36:15 PM
Okay, how about Chong has the same thing? I can be prisoners for the time being.

Who plays as Chong?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 10:38:48 PM
i'm playing as chong.. and the last time both shakila and aimee were on the spire of winter with stripetail and the others. perhaps have them going over the cases of haylee and that of chong too..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 16, 2013, 10:42:32 PM
Oh, you said they were looking for Chong's ship so I figured they were in space...
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 10:44:32 PM
no, they came on the spire of winter to help stripetail find chong..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 10:52:00 PM
so  you can post whenever, if you need a basic plot, i'll provide it for you.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 16, 2013, 11:15:01 PM
What ship positions have been established? Like, do we have a security chief, etc?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2013, 11:21:05 PM
captain carson is in the charge of the ship, there is , as far i can recall, no security cheif. you can put thier character in that position..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 22, 2013, 02:19:21 AM
Could someone just let me know when they've gone back to the ship? Cause it doesn't look like my characters get re-involved any time soon.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 22, 2013, 02:26:13 AM
i'll have the contact from the ship call them again so as to give them something to do.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Petrie85 on August 22, 2013, 10:51:07 AM
Ahhh sorry for not posting in a long while I've been super busy and do on. I will try to post again on the Role Play soon. Sorry for not posting my characters also.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 22, 2013, 02:31:25 PM
its ok petrie. post them when you can.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 31, 2013, 12:32:24 AM
So yeah, someone like tell me when 24 hours have passed in game, and they contact the SS Mercenary.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 31, 2013, 12:37:38 AM
i will do that LBT.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 07, 2013, 05:54:38 PM
LBT, i'd like you to take over playing aimees friend hailey so i can focus more on chong in the upcoming pages.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on September 08, 2013, 03:08:00 AM
No problem. Is she brainwashed, blank-eyed, willing, what state is she in at the moment?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 20, 2013, 07:30:44 PM
shes more less forced to serve chong, due to mertavius' reviving her. shes not a willing participant.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on November 02, 2013, 01:33:23 AM
The only animated movie with a mechanical whale ship I can find is one not to old.  IMDB says it came out in 2003.  Aero-Troopers: The Nemeclous Crusade (
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on November 02, 2013, 01:50:20 AM
Ah, that was it! Thanks!

Man, I was 13 when I saw that. I wonder if its actually any good.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 02, 2013, 02:54:31 AM
Never saw that movie. I guessed titan Ae, but I was way off..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on November 02, 2013, 03:51:19 AM
If you look on youtube under the title Aero-Troopers there are some clips.  I don't think any of them have the whale ship.  But they'll let you maybe see what the movie was like, or at least part of it.

Friendship (1.22 minutes) : (

Early Trailer (3.10 minutes) : (

Turret Row Demo (5.12 minutes) : (

5.44 minute demo reel posted by someone who says they worked on the movie: ( has various clips to background music.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on November 05, 2013, 03:54:30 PM
Nine of the crewmembers are, of course, the classes from Team Fortress 2. The remainder is the Nurse (, a tenth class I came up with myself.

Each one's got this badge ( to show they were part of the crew of the Soldier of Fortune. Unless otherwise stated, they're using stock weapons, though they have a resupply locker they can swap out for unlocks if the need ever arises.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 05, 2013, 05:54:52 PM
Thanks for the notes LBT. this should be fun.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on December 02, 2013, 02:05:05 AM
we have reached skylands, and will be exploring the regions in the morning.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on December 08, 2013, 09:38:16 PM
the next world after this is called clockwerk, named after the major villian in the sly cooper series of games. so characters from those games are available to play. so pick out the ones you want, and have at  it.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on December 08, 2013, 11:37:56 PM
I wonder if many here have played that series.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on December 09, 2013, 12:18:40 AM
I'm gonna admit I have no idea whats going on right now. Are search parties checking out Skylanders or what?

And I just rewatched Aero-Troopers and it was a halfway decent animated film, but what bugged me that the Whale ship was never the star of the screen. That shot on the front cover is better than any shot you get in the film, the rest are closeups of teeth or dutch angles of the broadsides or radar screens. Man, somebody worked too hard on that model for it to go to waste not being ever completely visible.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on December 09, 2013, 12:30:11 AM
the search parties will start searching in the morning as they just arrived and most of the inhabitants are asleep. they will go out in a big group. ill move things ahead to the morning  with the next page..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Belmont2500 on December 09, 2013, 05:31:39 PM
I will be playing Mz. Ruby and Dmitri in the next world.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: tempestwheel on December 09, 2013, 07:31:00 PM
Which Sly characters will be on Clockwerk and what should their roles be?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on December 09, 2013, 07:50:47 PM
all of the main characters from the 4 games. clockwerk runs the place with an iron cklaw, and the gang are the resistance. you can have the vother villans servindg clockwerk or running thier own fiefdoms. up to you really..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on January 22, 2014, 06:56:53 PM
I propose Page 93 of Insane Cafe be filled with nothing but posts that are incredibly long.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 23, 2014, 09:10:29 AM
proposal accepted!, this will cetainly be a change of pace.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 08, 2014, 01:20:33 AM
serris its your post, well keep the long posts gong as long as possible..
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 04, 2014, 04:40:22 PM
the group is nearly to rainbow and lockie a couple more posts should suffice.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on May 11, 2014, 03:10:45 AM
the next planet after clockwerk will be called magawashi, which is an attire worn by sumo wrestlers. its brekclubs idea.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on January 14, 2015, 08:27:16 PM
So Mawashi's weight division would look something like this:

Lightweight: 250-450 pounds

Middleweight: 451-700 pounds

Heavyweight: 701-1,000 pounds

Superheavyweight: 1,001+ pounds
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: tempestwheel on January 14, 2015, 08:46:39 PM
Good suggestions for the divisions. for each weight class and gender, there's 16 competitors, so technically there's 8 separate competitions of 16 going on
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 09, 2015, 04:26:30 PM
serris its your turn.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on January 19, 2016, 04:35:30 PM
Hey guys! I'm rejoining, I'll be playing Eric Cartman from South Park, only as a mature and responsible adult. So there'll be no cursing and he'll be mild and well-behaved. Look forward to RPing with you!
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 19, 2016, 09:00:54 PM
welcome back lbt.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: LoyfeCycleProtector on January 25, 2016, 06:02:53 PM
Hey guys! I'd like to join your roleplay! I tried to narrow the number of characters I wanted to do down to ones I'd be passionate playing, but I know they might be obscure to some people, so I included some information so no one's too lost.

Rogan & G
Origin:  House of The Dead
Species:  Human
Age:  Both in their early thirties
Birthplace: Unknown
Occupation:  AMS agents
Family: Sophia Rogan (spouse), Lisa Rogan (daughter)
Enemies:  Dr. Roy Currien, Caleb Goldman, Type-0 'The Magician', Type-alpha 'The Emperor', Type-0000 'The Wheel of Fate', Type-beta 'The World'.
Allies: James Taylor (KIA), Gary Stewart, Dan Taylor, Daniel Currien, Amy Crystal, Harry Harris, Issac Brown
Weapon of Choice: Firearms
Video of the Know:  Introductions (, Rogan, 20 years later (, G, 20 years later (

Two legendary AMS agents famous for handling the 1998 Curien Mansion case. They’re highly trained in disrupting illegal experiments into human gene splicing and necrotic resurrection. Rogan is sharp and daring while G is cool and calculating.

Thomas Rogan and the agent known simply as ëG’ didn’t become partners until about two years before the 1998 Curien mansion incident, and were reassigned to separate units not long afterwards for bureaucratic reasons by the AMS, but their effectiveness as a duo is legendary. Their quick and thorough handling of the Curien incident is widely believed to have staved off the apocalypse that would eventually be touched off by the second Goldman incident by six years. Rogan specializes in tactical command and operations, while G specializes in intelligence-gathering and strategic planning. The two men couldn’t be more different: stubborn, hot-blooded Rogan is a vocal man with a persistent will strong enough to move mountains, while G is a soft spoken man with an ice-bloodedly calculating nature that’s lead some people to joke that he’s secretly a robot. What they both share in common is a literal lack of fear, and the two are quite possibly the greatest zombie hunters to ever live. Their experiences both together and apart have had them face just about every type of undead mutant foe imaginable, and no two men are more effective at applying a small force with meager supplies against a vastly more numerous and powerful foe than they. But will that help them now?

Their incarnations in this story take place before their team up in the 2019 Curien Resurgence case but after the 2004 Pandora’s Box incident.

Bowser Jr.
Origin:  Super Mario Sunshine
Species:  Koopa
Age:  Thirteen
Birthplace: The Koopa Kingdom
Occupation:  Prince of the Koopa Kingdom
Family: Bowser (father)
Enemies: Mario, Luigi, Yoshi
Allies: Bowser, Kamek, the Koopalings
Weapon of Choice: Magic Paintbrush, Junior Clown Car
Video of the Know:   You know him.

Heir to the Koopa Kingdom and noted obnoxious brat. Aside from his innate koopa abilities of shell spinning and firebreathing, he’s gifted with building and piloting machines and wields a magitek device called the Magic Paintbrush.

Diddy Kong
Origin: Donkey Kong Country
Species:  Kong
Age:  Fifteen
Birthplace: Kong Island
Occupation:  Adventurer
Family: Donkey Kong ('uncle')
Enemies: King K. Rool
Weapon of Choice: Peanut Popgun
Video of the Know:   You know him.

Donkey Kong’s young sidekick. He’s an acrobatic young kong with access to the finest barrel-based technology and packs the most dangerous legume based firepower the world has ever seen.

Joshua Graham
Origin: Fallout New Vegas, Honest Heart’s DLC
Species: Human
Age: In his forties
Birthplace: New Canaan (Ogden, Utah)
Occupation: Religious Leader
Family: Unknown
Enemies: Edward Sallow, Salt-Upon-Wounds
Weapon of Choice: .45 Auto Pistol
Video of the Know: Dialouge (

A disfigured mummy-like figure of the Mojave wastes, Graham was once the feared general of Caesar’s legion, a highly feared regime in post-apocalyptic Nevada. Burned and thrown into the grand canyon to die, Joshua returned to his Mormon faith to find the strength to redeem himself of his past sins and cool the raging demons that continues to burn within him.

The man who would become the mythical ëBurned Man’ of the post-apocalyptic Mojave wastes was born in the remains of the northern Utah city of Ogden. Like many who lived around the remains of old Salt Lake City, Joshua Graham was a New Canaanite, inheritors of the spiritual traditions of the pre-war Mormon faith. He acquired a good education thereóincluding how to use the traditional New Canaanite .45 Auto, a descendant of the Colt 1911 invented in his hometown by fellow Mormon John Browningóand he soon set out on his mission to spread the word of god once he came of age. He eventually joined a man named Edward Sallow, and got caught up in his growing ëLegion’, slowly growing into a vicious commander that was feared across the desert.

Although the fires in him have eased a bit by his encounter with the courier, Joshua is not at peace, and still struggles with his inner inferno on his ceaseless quest for redemption. Only god himself knows how he’ll handle his new mission…

Joseph DÈfago
Origin: The Wendigo, by Algernon Blackwood (1910)
Species: Human/Wendigo
Age: Unknown
Birthplace: Quebec
Occupation: Former Woodsman
Family: Unknown
Enemies: Unknown
Weapon of Choice: Himself
Video of the Know: None. He’s a literary character who hasn’t been adapted to any cinematic medium. A free online pdf of the short story can be found here here ( Warning: it has some unfortunate 1910 sensibilities in it.

A former woodsman of the Canadian wilderness, Defago was touched by a Wedigo and afflicted with its curse, becoming one himself. To control his torturous need to wander the winds, he walks in shoes that contain ice water, wears thick gloves to prevent his curse from tainting anything it touches, saws off the wild untamed antlers that sprout from his head every night, and wears a mask to keep his cannibalistic urges in check. Only through focus does he keep enough humanity about him to be of help to others.

Defago is a strange being: both man and Wendigo at the same time. Wendigos are cannibalistic giants with terrible supernatural powers. Defago can only access these abilities by surrendering more control to the Wendigo, creating greater and greater risk the more he accesses his cursed powers. Before his change he was a French-Canadian woodsman with the kind of hearty personality that the salt-of-the-earth life tends to bring out in men. After his change he still has this personality while his humanity is in control, but behind it lies the ancient and sinister creature he’s now become.

Usso Evin
Origin: Mobile Suit Victory Gundam
Species: Human (newtype)
Age: 15
Birthplace: The Space Colonies
Occupation: Farmer, Former Mobile Suit Pilot
Family: Hangelg Ewin (Father, KIA), Muller Miguel (Mother, KIA), Char Aznable (Great Grandfather, long deceased)
Enemies: Katejina Loos, Chronicle Aster, the Zanscare Empire
Allies: Shakti Kareen, Marbet Fingerhat, Romero Marabal (KIA), Jinn Gehenam (KIA), Cony Francis (KIA), Miliera Katan (KIA), Francesca O'Hara (KIA), Juca Meilasch (KIA), Helen Jackson (KIA), Suzy Relane, Odelo Henrik (KIA), Karlmann Dukartuse, Warren Trace, Ester Chavarri (KIA), Leonid Almodovar (KIA), Oy Nyng (KIA), Junko Jenko (KIA), Oliver Inoe (KIA), Otis Arkins (KIA)
Weapon of Choice: LM314V21 Victory 2 Gundam
Video of the Know: War Experience (, Another War Experience (, V2 Gundam in Action (, Memory of the Last Battle (, Memory of the Zanscare's Guillotine (, Kate's Death (

 A young mobile suit pilot from the dying years of the bloody Universal Century. He was the ace pilot of the rebellious League Militaire in their war against the Zanscare empire, the last of a line of inheritors of the legacy of the old Zeon empire. Like his distant predecessor Amuro Ray, Usso suffers from severe PTSD caused by the horrors of war. He pilots the LM314V21 Victory 2 Gundam, the last great mobile suit of the legendary ëGundam’ line before the secrets of making such powerful weapons were lost in the regressive and comparatively peaceful Corrected Century, a time period the shell shocked young man would have gladly been a part of if not for a sudden outside interference…

Although he will never know it, he is a direct descendant of one of the most legendary mobile suit pilots to ever live: the Zeon super-ace Char ëthe Red Comet’ Aznable, the opponent of the equally legendary Amuro Ray, the dreaded ëWhite Devil’ of the Earth federation and pilot of the original RX-78 Gundam during the One Year War. Like Char, Usso is only a modest newtype but an almost super-humanly skilled pilot. However, the cruel brutality of the Zanscare war has virtually broken him and the poor boy would rather die than use a mobile suit to kill ever again. His V2 lost many of its original parts in the final battle of the war, and the battle-ravaged state of near-Corrected Century earth meant he was forced to repair it with the spare parts of lesser mobile suits, making it significantly weaker than it was in its primeóincluding being unable to use its iconic ëWings of Light’. The almost total annihilation of everyone he cared about through the course of the war has left him extremely hesitant in letting himself get attached to anyone, but his kindness still remains. ^^spike
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 25, 2016, 06:24:40 PM
welcome to the rp LCP. Good to have you aboard. the world your characters are entering is peaceful, although there will be fights ahead on other planets.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Kor on July 14, 2016, 08:45:04 PM
Got the idea to add in Indiana Jones & his father as well as Daniel Jackson.  Anyone can rp them who wants to.  Thought someone may have fun rping as 1 or more of them.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on May 06, 2017, 12:47:41 AM
we are entering the Apollo lens subarc of the story, as a headsup
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Hypno on February 01, 2018, 10:45:36 PM
I'm truly astonished that this has lasted this long. It was started in 2011 and is still going today :wow
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 01, 2018, 11:03:36 PM
yes, it has been 7 years Hypo. Would you like  to  join Hypno?
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Hypno on February 02, 2018, 08:11:03 AM
No, thank you. I’m busy and have other things to do, and I’m already in an RP, but thanks for the offer.
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Sneak on February 02, 2018, 08:16:41 AM

wow,what is it roleplay even about? (And where's three first chapters)

There's even TV Tropes page!
Title: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 02, 2018, 07:12:43 PM
the role-play is about a series of adventurers pitting the wizard Stripetail and his friends against the evil mage Chong.  the fight has spanned 4 role-plays now, and I'm planning a 5th
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on July 23, 2018, 11:54:42 PM
Would it be possible for me to rejoin this RP? I was thinking I could play Mercy from Overwatch.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 24, 2018, 02:50:38 PM
Sure you can rejoin. Just jump right in
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on July 30, 2018, 05:37:09 AM
Thanks for the shuttle introduction Serris! You can have my character in cryosleep, I'll come up with a reason she was in there. Maybe she was traveling from Earth to the Horizon Lunar Colony and an asteroid swarm knocked her automated shuttle badly off course.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 05, 2018, 05:28:54 PM
we're starting the Hoolefar vacation subarc as well as the  Dreadzone subarc now.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on September 12, 2018, 08:15:00 AM
Do either of these involve combat or warfare?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2018, 11:22:24 AM
The dreadzone arc will involve fighting, as members of the group will be sent as ' contestants' to various planets to help rescue prisoners from Vox and Chong.  mercy can volunteer to go as a contestant, and she will be allowed to bring her weapons with her.  Think Gladiators in ancient Rome.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 13, 2018, 01:17:01 AM
Nice job on your post LBT.  we could put in some limitation on the ' revive' ability, say, no more than 3 times in a given fight.?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: LoyfeCycleProtector on November 18, 2018, 02:29:05 PM
Yo. I'm back.  :OhYou And ready to write. What've I missed, and what do I need to do?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 18, 2018, 02:30:37 PM
just have all your characters sitting at a beach ice cream shop . Have Duddy and Juniopr discuss the horror film they saw. Have Usso be on patrol for security reasons] and have yoyr other characters  enjoying a quiet moment.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on November 18, 2018, 05:59:28 PM
Nice job on your post LBT.  we could put in some limitation on the ' revive' ability, say, no more than 3 times in a given fight.?

Up to you, in Overwatch her limit is one revive every 30 seconds, but if that’s too much we can nerf her
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 18, 2018, 06:06:10 PM
thats fine, in the fights they'll be facing 30 seconds will be a long time to wait.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on November 18, 2018, 07:45:32 PM
LCP, do you still use Skype? if so  we can have a plot discussion session with your characters
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 27, 2019, 06:44:52 PM
Hi guys, just reviving the thread so we ccan discuss what happens after the Ratchet and Clank arc.
 Serris LBT, brek, the floor is open. where should we go next?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on June 28, 2019, 02:20:15 AM
I heard Serris suggested Harry Potter world, I'm down with that
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on October 03, 2019, 11:50:46 PM
Actually, I had also suggested Terraria.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on December 21, 2019, 07:43:35 PM
we're doing both of those. Any other ideas guys?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: LoyfeCycleProtector on February 17, 2020, 09:25:55 PM
Hey guys, I'm back and about to put a post up
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on February 17, 2020, 10:35:17 PM
Hi lCP! Glad to have you back! Any new characters you might bring in?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on March 26, 2020, 03:54:19 PM
I'm back . . . my friends of Gang of Five.

In all seriousness, I have some character ideas in mind. I'll eventually write up some stuff for them but I'll just make a placeholder for now and tag it when it's relevant.

Grenadier: ShowHide

Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 26, 2020, 04:15:03 PM
welcome leap. any worlds you'd like to see us visit ion the story?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on March 26, 2020, 05:19:15 PM
Not really. I'm starting off slow here.

You said someone broke out of prison or something?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 26, 2020, 05:30:37 PM
chong broke out of prison at the berginning of the roleplay, and now is enjoying the high life - or the underworld equivalent.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on March 26, 2020, 06:12:16 PM
Are there any magic users in the RP so far?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 26, 2020, 08:11:39 PM
yes lots of them.  Stripetail, obviously, if you remember him from iC2, then theres the  dragons and digimon, plus the magic rings Stripetail's team has. which chars are you leaning towards adding?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on March 26, 2020, 09:04:59 PM
Definitely tech-users/guns/grenades. Wondering how to break into the RP here. First two characters are split--one does guns and some grenades, the other is pure grenades.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 26, 2020, 11:03:22 PM
we have plenty of tech users in the rp too. serris characters use all sorts of weapons and gadgets. my advice wouldf be to have your characters approach the Spire of winter in a space taxi, carrying a print out for a job application. we could say they're mercenaries looking fore work.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on March 27, 2020, 12:09:43 AM
That actually works because they're mercenaries in their home setting. Nice idea, Nick.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 27, 2020, 11:51:04 AM
no problem. just list their names and we can get them involved.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Sneak on April 09, 2020, 06:00:20 AM

Insane Cafe 1 - ~250 pposts, ~20 days
Insane Cafe 2 - ~2100 pposts, ~1 year
Insane Cafe 3 - ~8650 pposts, ~2,5 years

Insane Cafe 4 - ~4950 posts, ~8,5 years - ongoing

Guys, when will we see Insane Cafe 5? XD

I am just wondering, what should happen in context of story so you would feel it's time to move towards finish line?  :thinking
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 09, 2020, 10:25:42 AM
we're moving there sneak. would you like to join? the more people posting, the faster we move. the story has been impacted by the gebe3ral decline in activity in the forum, and the moving away of several reliable rpers.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Sneak on April 09, 2020, 01:11:46 PM
uh oh...
I would have to reread all the story to know everything that happened here so far, to properly join. :O

It's... long way.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 09, 2020, 02:24:12 PM
i can give you a abridged version
 so you dont need to read everything.

chong, the villain from the previous 3 chapters, has been going from world to world, trying to find ways to get revenge on his enemies, particularly Stripetail the wizard and his former employee Nick. Chars from the various worlds the group(Nick and his friends)  has visited have joined the cast along the way. Think of it like a Wheres Waldo book, if you ever read those. waldo usually had characters from earlier pages join him along the way, at the l;ast pagev there would be lots of chracters from the entire story hanging around.

 Currently the group is in the Polaris Galaxy, home of heros Ratchet and Clank, and are trying to help shut down an illegal fighting arena called Dreadzone. problem is, some of the group has been captured by Chong and forced to fight in the arena.  Where we are now is this:
 Some of the group has been doing undercover work at the arena , posing as a holovison crew ( the polaris equivalent of TV)
 Stripetail has been challenged to a fight in the Arena, with the lives of his friends on the line. If he wins, they will be freed.

 We accept chars from pretty much any canon or universe- we have Hanna Barbera chars, mario chars, Sonic chars, Sly Cooper chars etc.. So whatever chars you want to play, feel free to bring them in. You can play as many as you want.

Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 13, 2020, 06:44:57 PM
will the above work for you sneak?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Sneak on April 14, 2020, 04:41:49 PM
Definitelly not. I have to read all stories. AT LEAST very briefly. :D
Will do that from my personal interest.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on April 14, 2020, 11:28:40 PM
fair enough. i'll keep a spot open for you to join, once you have read everything.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on May 09, 2020, 09:49:31 PM
Nick, I'm using the whole wizard/prisoner clean-up arc to enter into things. Don't worry--I will NOT write it in a way where I said your character did or did not do something. It'll be left to interpretation unless you're willing to give an approval for co-oping a bit. Let me know if my IC post doesn't work and I'll change it around.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on May 10, 2020, 03:23:21 AM
nice job on your first post. you can land on bespl and either try and capture the prisoners or hear them out. we're moving towards the end of this arc anyway. the next arc will be in  PotterWorld.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on May 10, 2020, 09:00:30 PM
Thanks, mate. I'll be sure to get my character involved IC before the next arc begins.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on May 10, 2020, 10:41:16 PM
loking forward to it.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 04, 2020, 11:34:52 PM
good job guys. keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 26, 2020, 01:35:18 PM
i will be on vacation starting this Saturday, although i will be able to post from my phone. i'll be back in about 2 weeks
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on October 24, 2020, 05:05:04 PM
keep up the good work guys. Gungrave, you have any questions, put them here.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on March 07, 2021, 11:13:06 PM
Be sure to tag me when IC5 drops.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 15, 2021, 04:17:37 PM
will do,. after 4 is done i'll take a breather of a month or so.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on January 11, 2022, 09:02:12 PM
Any ideas guys for the Pottermore and Myaardi arcs? Any suggestions will be appreciated
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on March 02, 2022, 08:50:46 PM
Damn. It's really been a year already? WTF!!!
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 02, 2022, 11:09:28 PM
yes it has gungrave.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on June 18, 2023, 11:24:19 AM
going on a vacation for about a week to celebrate my younger brothers wedding. i will be able to post, so Serris, brek and loyfe, keep posting as you are able. i'll see you guys on  the 26th
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on July 28, 2023, 09:02:58 PM
Can you get me up to speed? I rejoined to RP but don't seem to be able to get in there (or wanted?).
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on July 31, 2023, 07:40:36 PM
sure thing. the main group is currently on a planet called Pottermore - based naturally on the Harry Potter series- and is just exploring the school.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 03, 2023, 11:13:55 PM
sure thing. the main group is currently on a planet called Pottermore - based naturally on the Harry Potter series- and is just exploring the school.
I mean a synopsis of this version of Insane Cafe. If you get me.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 04, 2023, 06:52:30 PM
This link might help, ( it's got summaries of the various RPs and some tropes appearing across the franchise
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 07, 2023, 12:26:29 AM
Any good tips for a potential new player?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 07, 2023, 01:46:13 PM
Don't worry f-22, you're more than up to the task from what I've seen RPing with you :D I didn't have any idea who any of the characters were back when I was in this RP, and it didn't bother me none, I just threw myself into whatever storyline I found most interesting
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2023, 04:46:21 PM
just bring in the characters you want to play f-22. we'll work them in.  the main locales in the story are the spire- the ship that takes the cast around the cosmios- and whaytever planet the group is currently visitiing, currently, one based on Harry potter.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 07, 2023, 04:47:39 PM
gungrave you should be able to post in the story.  if you arent able to, I'll look into it.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 08, 2023, 08:11:30 PM
Oh shit. Several replies since my last post.

Re: LBT || I'm aware of the tvtropes link. I think that's how I found you guys (again) after your forum going dark for several years and me not being able to find y'all. I'm an old man so I might be misremembering. Ninja edit, but are you the one adding to the tropes page?

Re: Nick22 || I'm able to post, I'm just trying to come in at a good point. Admittedly, that's what kept me out for months after I rejoined. I've been ready to get this thing under way for the longest, but lacked what I felt was the necessary jumping off point to get in there.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 08, 2023, 11:14:56 PM
Quote from: aabicus (LettuceBacon&amp;Tomato) on August 07, 2023, 01:46:13 PM
Quote from: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 07, 2023, 01:46:13 PM
Don't worry f-22, you're more than up to the task from what I've seen RPing with you :D I didn't have any idea who any of the characters were back when I was in this RP, and it didn't bother me none, I just threw myself into whatever storyline I found most interesting
Well i'll need to think of which character or characters i'll be using. Though i think i'm getting close to a decision.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 09, 2023, 09:39:32 AM
we accept all characters f-22. just jump in and have fun, and we'll work wi6tth you. if theres any world  you want to bring in or specific characters you want to bring in, then do so.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 09, 2023, 09:41:10 AM
nice post gungrave.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 09, 2023, 02:32:49 PM
Thank you. By the way, I wanted to bring in a new antagonist/big bad after IC4 concludes. But before that, a question. IC4 is about tracking down an intergalactic fugitive, right? I'm browsing through the last few pages and it seems to be more slice of life focused at the moment. Has the overarching plot of IC4 changed at all?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 09, 2023, 03:45:12 PM
no the overarching plot hasnt changed. the  hunt for chong is ongoing.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 09, 2023, 07:56:42 PM
Ah. I see. Well, I appreciate the compliment and I'll be looking forward to helping to build this RP.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 09, 2023, 08:28:17 PM
Re: LBT || I'm aware of the tvtropes link. I think that's how I found you guys (again) after your forum going dark for several years and me not being able to find y'all. I'm an old man so I might be misremembering. Ninja edit, but are you the one adding to the tropes page?

I think I created it, but I only added like a half-dozen tropes or so, other authors like Serris, MrDrake and nick22 stepped in and fleshed it out after that. Honestly I didn't play in IC very long and I didn't know the plot even when I did, I just like making trope pages for things, haha
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 09, 2023, 09:53:08 PM
Quote from: aabicus (LettuceBacon&amp;Tomato) on August 09, 2023, 08:28:17 PM
Quote from: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 09, 2023, 08:28:17 PM
Re: LBT || I'm aware of the tvtropes link. I think that's how I found you guys (again) after your forum going dark for several years and me not being able to find y'all. I'm an old man so I might be misremembering. Ninja edit, but are you the one adding to the tropes page?

I think I created it, but I only added like a half-dozen tropes or so, other authors like Serris, MrDrake and nick22 stepped in and fleshed it out after that. Honestly I didn't play in IC very long and I didn't know the plot even when I did, I just like making trope pages for things, haha
Based troper. I'll have to add my own into the mix, provided I stick around long enough to matter.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 09, 2023, 11:01:07 PM
we accept all characters f-22. just jump in and have fun, and we'll work wi6tth you. if theres any world  you want to bring in or specific characters you want to bring in, then do so.
not sure which world to bring the character in. Though for those who have read my Darwin's Soldiers story you may recognize the name of the character i'll probably be bringing in.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 10, 2023, 10:14:02 AM
Quote from: f-22 &quot;raptor&quot; ace on August 09, 2023, 11:01:07 PM
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 09, 2023, 11:01:07 PM
we accept all characters f-22. just jump in and have fun, and we'll work wi6tth you. if theres any world  you want to bring in or specific characters you want to bring in, then do so.
not sure which world to bring the character in. Though for those who have read my Darwin's Soldiers story you may recognize the name of the character i'll probably be bringing in.
just bring them onto the Spire, the ship that most of the characters are on, as a starting point. then you can decoide where to go afterwards.  there are two worlds we have characters ion currently- Pottermore and myaardi. serris is writing the myaardi arc, i'm handling the pottermore one.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 10, 2023, 04:59:55 PM
That's why I went with Pottermore. You seem more capable handling the driver's seat of a roleplay arc.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 10, 2023, 07:03:37 PM
serris is a very good rper, hes just busy atm with work. real life happens, and all that.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 10, 2023, 07:58:01 PM
That isn't what I meant, Mr. Morrell.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 10, 2023, 08:05:31 PM
fair enough.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 10, 2023, 09:15:47 PM
let me know f-22 when you are ready to jump in.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 10, 2023, 09:59:02 PM
Okay. think I'm ready. will get the post up after this one
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 10, 2023, 10:41:42 PM
great to hear f-22. Welcome to the rp.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 11, 2023, 04:58:08 PM
Nick, you might have to let me know when it's my turn to post. I see different names that kind of dip in and out of regular activity, and I don't want to step on any toes.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 11, 2023, 07:32:59 PM
no worries. just post as you like, and i'll keep everyone on the same page. you can post now.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 11, 2023, 08:40:39 PM
Are you SURE? I don't wanna hear "hey man wtf" when I get them posts up!

Your formatting is something I'm not used to, so if I miss character dialogue or seem to be confused sometimes, that's why. It's not me godmodding or pretending to ignore some of your characters. I just have to spend a bit to parse and see who's talking to whom about what.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 11, 2023, 10:24:34 PM
Gingrave, I've been role playing in this series for over a decade, so I'm used to rolling with whatever the posters add. Post as you want
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 12, 2023, 04:23:50 PM
Just saying. I don't want to get lit up because "you aren't letting other people post bro!!111 omg!!!"
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) on August 12, 2023, 04:50:20 PM
I think you'll find the GoF is way more casual than other RP sites you may have been on. We had a user named MrDrake who regularly had every other post for years, homie controlled like two dozen characters and had multiple roles in every single plotline. Then there was Mirumoto_Kenjiro who ferried all his characters onto a boat and just went on sideplots for years where nobody else's characters were even involved? And most of my posts were so bad I ultimately left the RP out of shame, but nobody gave me a hard time. Just be yourself and do your own thing, nick's a very patient GM and nobody's really policing for an excuse to get mad at the other players
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 12, 2023, 06:14:45 PM
You're one of IC's core members. I don't see anything bad with your posts, but I know that's subjective. Low-key, I would like to try spreading word about this RP elsewhere and see some new names up in this mf, but I do think the core team is solid. Try shaking the dust off and getting back in the saddle, man. Don't deny yourself some fun. I mean, shit. I'm a trash-ass writer and even I still call myself one. You can't be nearly as bad as I am. Get back in it, bro!

Also, question for staff: is it possible to add any forum skins that narrow the site's text? It's an odd request, I know. Purely a question for aesthetic reasons. And I admit that I AM a weirdo.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 12, 2023, 10:33:14 PM
We haven't had to have a" slow down to let others catch up" situation in years literally. Post as much as you want, it will be good to see the role play  regularly getting updated and added to again. We used to have a Roleplay Gamer Award in the forum awards, but we stopped having it, because so few posters actually roleplayed. And LBT if you ever want to come back, the door is always open. I can tell you exactly where you left off.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 13, 2023, 07:20:20 PM
as for the forum skins idea, you'd hacve to ask rhombus about that.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 15, 2023, 07:40:36 PM
theres a ' ask the mods' thread at the bottom of the forum page. you can post your question there and I'll contact the other admins and get an answer for you, if there is one.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 15, 2023, 07:43:50 PM
Nick, is the Gabumon in your latest post the one and only from the greatness that is Digimon Adventure 01? If so, you will have attained levels of basedness that even I cannot surpass.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 15, 2023, 09:33:58 PM
yes he is. the Agumon and Gabumon in the story are the original GOATs from the first Digimon season. i brought them in originally in thev3rd story and have had them coming along ever since.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 15, 2023, 10:59:18 PM
for those who have read my DS story, yes I have brought out Werner's grand uncle into the fold. I figured i'd give him some development.  along with him interacting with one of my older OCs.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 15, 2023, 11:37:10 PM
Very nice f22. Looking forward to seeing how he interacts with the others on the ship.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 15, 2023, 11:58:14 PM
they should both interact very well with the others. also quick question what's a spirian?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2023, 02:09:35 AM
spiriam is the name for residens of the ship- its called the Spire of Winter.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 16, 2023, 02:46:36 AM
are they human or anthro?  Friedrich being from the Darwins Soldiers universe would not bat an eye at either but Frank would if they weren't human since he is more or les from the our world. or i could save some time and just have him be the DS version of the character.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2023, 08:31:04 AM
They are a mix of both, but mostly human
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 16, 2023, 03:40:46 PM
Nick22: What did Zero call it? A weapon to surpass Based Gear.

F-22 "Raptor" Ace: Ace Combat reference?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2023, 06:17:58 PM
i'm not sure gungrave.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 16, 2023, 07:12:08 PM
It's a reference to Metal Gear Solid 5. It's me saying you're based for having Digimon in your RP roster. You'll find that I make plenty of references, especially when posting for Threed, as that's the fourth wall breaking/reference character. The "Deadpool", if you will.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2023, 07:30:48 PM
is ' based' a good thing or a bad thing? never played any of the metal gear solid games.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 16, 2023, 08:33:56 PM
Based is a good thing. Consult "Urban Dictionary" for an exact 411. It's hard for me to explain.

The new Digimon anime. The "appmon" thing. Have you seen it?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: f-22 "raptor" ace on August 16, 2023, 09:37:55 PM
Nick22: What did Zero call it? A weapon to surpass Based Gear.

F-22 "Raptor" Ace: Ace Combat reference?
Ace Combat reference for what my characters or my username?
the answer is no to both username is well the F-22 is one of my favorite aircraft. as for Frank he's a very old character of mine. Friedrich is relatively new and is a grand uncle of one of my more famous characters.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2023, 10:35:35 PM
No I have not seen it, yet. I might at some point gungrave
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 21, 2023, 07:47:41 PM
Posts will probably be short for a while. I figure that there isn't much that needs writing for two characters to walk down a path and to a door.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 21, 2023, 09:55:59 PM
thats fine Gungrave. i'll have McGonagal meet up with them and get an explanation  or something close to it.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 22, 2023, 01:33:21 AM
keep up the good work, everyone.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on March 30, 2024, 06:20:39 PM
hi guys. i'm having eye surgery on Monday and i will be laying low for a couple weeks as I recover
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on July 31, 2024, 02:45:36 PM
Going through a lot (trust me--it's not an exaggeration) of changes. I'm still interested in the RP and intend to get back into the swing of things. But my posts will be sporadic. I'm not abandoning the arc I had set up, though. I'll likely get a post or two out shortly.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 06, 2024, 12:10:44 PM
thats fine gungrave. just post when you can.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 13, 2024, 05:40:13 PM
Have to ask a few questions since it's your RP. Is the pacing out of wack for you since my introduction? I know my characters are winding up for a big push against the main antagonist and just kind of appeared out of nowhere. I'm not sure what your overall plans are though.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 16, 2024, 06:40:18 PM
No, it’s fine. It’s actually a change of pace compared to how things had gone previously
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on August 18, 2024, 09:23:21 AM
How had things gone previously?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on August 18, 2024, 08:14:47 PM
 we had gone from arc to arc mostly reacting to what chong was doing there
 this is more proactiove , in other words going after him.
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on August 24, 2024, 08:19:50 PM
So, how could Gungrave's characters interact with mine?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 06, 2024, 02:28:25 PM
That’s a good question Sherri’s. I’m not sure. Through communicators maybe
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Gungrave on September 08, 2024, 08:16:00 PM
I'm not sure either. I do want to keep the momentum moving along though. Especially since it seems we're coming up on the climax. Also, has anyone updated the tvtropes page for this thing?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Serris on September 08, 2024, 10:11:23 PM
The TVTropes page for this hasn't really been updated in a while.

But perhaps Stripetail decides to loop in Captain Carson to what the Chrononauts are doing?
Title: Re: Insane Cafe 4
Post by: Nick22 on September 12, 2024, 11:06:38 PM
Sure we can do that Serris. It’s a logical step