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Most broken thing ever in a video game?

Serris · 19 · 2118


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I'm real curious about this.

I'm just wondering what is the most broken (cheapest or unfair) thing you have ever seen in a video game?

For me:

Core Defender (Tiberian Sun - Firestorm) - highest HP and armor in entire game, weapon can destroy any unit or building in one shot.

Rahu III with all parts (Custom Robo)- very high armor rating, only robo that cannot be stunned (when a robo is on the ground after a hard hit or a series of hits and cannot do anything), all weapons have MASSIVE area of effect and cause major damage.

Crystal Strike weapon (Custom Robo) - mild homing ability, very powerful, fast projectile, easy to spam, hard to dodge, very easy to land multiple hits

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Super Smash Brothers Melee has a wicked glitch using Mewtwo and Bowser on the stage with the tree. :P:


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I wouldn't consider this a glitch, but it is an extremely cheap thing. In SSBB, Pit has his arrow and that side-B move which is unblockable, and is totally cheap.


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Unfair things in a video game? Look no further than Metal Gear Solid's Psycho Mantis.

Mantis is FOX-HOUNDs psychic member. You have to battle him in order to reach Metal Gear.

Before the battle even begins, Mantis will scan your memory cards to look up details of the tactics you employ, your strengths, your weaknesses and whatever else he can find. He is not even simply limited to your Metal Gear saves either; any Konami game he can find (in the remake he looks for Nintendo games, including SSBB!) He uses this infomation to form tactics of his own.

Next up is the fact that Mantis can "read your mind". In practical terms this means he has direct access to contoller port one, making defeating him this way impossible; he knows what you'll do slightly before it happens on-screen.

And it gets slightly worse. At some point in the battle Mantis will casuse your entire screen to go black, with the text "HIDEO" in green writing in the corner. This is a sly attmept to get you to panic and change the channel to find the Playstation again.

And what's most interesting of all? I love it. He has to be the best video-game boss of all time.

One more thing. Ratchet & Clank 2's Ryno II. Not too hard to get, eliminates the final boss before he has a chance to finish his pre-battle roar. Stupid.

F-14 Ace

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The ADF-01 Falken in Ace Combat 5 and Zero.  It has a freakin laser that pwns anything it touches.  

The ADFX-01 Morgan in Ace Combat Zero.  It also has a super death star laser of pwngage and a set of burst missiles that kill everything within a 2 mile radius of the blast zone.  

The CFA-244 Nosferatu.  This thing has a rail gun that fires unguided projectiles at 5 times the speed of sound.  It is an automatic 1 hit kill.  The plane also has a launcher that fires 12 guided missiles at 12 different targets.  The plane is a n00b mobile if ever there was one.  The n00bs love using it for online play with the stupid railgun.  Really, all you have to do to beat it is use a plane with long range missiles.    

The QAAM missile in Ace Combat 4 was a real tough missile to dodge.  It will follow you to the ends of the Earth.  In Ace Combat 5 and Zero, the QAAM was toned down so much that it was basically a standard missile with slightly improved accuracy.  In Ace Combat 6, it was tough again, but nothing like AC4.  

The SPARTAN laser in Halo 3.  This thing, along with the Gravity Hammer, is a favorite of n00bs on multiplayer.  It is a cool weapon and all, but let's face it, I beat my friend who was using it with a standard assault rifle.  Having the laser does not make you a god.  Again, the best thing to do is take them out with a long range weapon like a sniper rifle.

The Big Daddies from BioShock.  On Hard difficulty, it is like a major boss battle every time you have to fight one.  It takes like, 1000 hits to kill them yet they can kill you in 2 hits.  Heck, they are even tougher than the game;s main villain who you fight at the end! :blink:   :wow    Big Daddies are the most awesome game villains ever.  Even on Easy, they are hard to kill.  What I like to do is hypnotize them and make them protect me.  

Jedi leaders in Star Wars Battlefront.  In the first game, guys like Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker are impossible to kill with regular weapons.  They can deflect blasters, sniper fire, and even rockets with their lightsabers! :blink:  The only way to kill them is to hit them with a speeder bike going real fast or to land a fighter on them and crush them.


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New Super Mario Bros; the Fire Flower. It makes the game even easier then it already is by rendering the bosses extremely pathetic.

Bowser: Cheap flower...So cheap...

And while I haven't played it yet, I heard Mario Kart Wii's items and AI are pretty darn cheap. Apparently they all gang up on you in 150cc and completely murder you with what the players call 'item rape' where you get struck consecutively by a series of items all at once, causing you to lose 1st place and much frustration.


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Halo 3:

Plasma Pistols. Normally shooting these things is completely useless. Their only use is charging them and shooting the charged shots. They can break an enemy's shield in one hit, and they home in. So why even have the option of shooting regular shots?

SMGs. They're just horrible. They use up way too much ammo, you have to practically be in the enemy's face to do any real damage, and they have a kick back so intense, you have to constantly push the aim analog stick down just to keep it straight.

Also in a game called .hack G.U. there are some weapons I got that I think are pretty cheap. I can't remember their names but one had an effect where for every critical you deal with them, they halve the enemy's HP. Another one had a 10% chance to reduce the enemy's HP to 10% of its max PER hit. In the original .hack as well, there was a weapon that had an even higher chance of reducing the enemy's HP to like 10-20% of its max or something.

In a game called Champions that I play, the weapons are totally unbalanced. You'll find that all of the cool looking ones have inferior stats compared to the more average, blah looking weapons. Scythes, cool looking swords like ones with dragon designs on them, all have crappy stats while ugly hammers, and plain old long swords have the best stats.

In Resident Evil 4 you can unlock a weapon called the infinite launcher after beating the game and collecting $1,000,000, which is a rocket launcher that has unlimitied ammo. Once you have this, the game will become a cake-walk and you will NEVER have to use any other weapon. Naturally the rocket launcher costs $30,000, takes up alot of inventory space, and can only be fired once, which means it's pretty dang powerful.

In Dead Rising there are countless objects that you can use as weapons which are completely useless. This includes toy swords, stuffed animals, water guns, frisbees, and many other ones. I guess they stuck these in so you could have a little fun in killing off zombies, but still, they're awful and you could never really depend on them at all.

Diablo II has so much of this crap I could never list it all. This is one of the most notorious games for having countless skills that become completely useless. What's the point of even having them if you know you're never gonna need them later on in the game. It just makes the game unbalanced and not as enjoyable as it could be.

And that about sums it up for my list of games. If I think of more I'll post them.


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The Japanese Fan (The Sims) - It can be bought for 99 Simoleons and after 1 day it can be sold for several hundred Simoleons. This basically obliterates the need to have a job.

Tabuu (Smash Brothers Brawl) - Off Wave attack is almost impossible to dodge and results in instant death if hit.

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F-14 Ace

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Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,May 19 2008 on  04:02 PM
The Osean military in AC5.
Agreed.  The crappiest military I have ever seen in any video game.  It is also a perfect example of what happens when you let hippies with little experience run the military.

I am quoting the following from the Ace Combat fansite.

I saw a topic earlier about how Emmeria had the most competent military so I decided to discuss how badly Osea's military sucks.

Let's look at the facts, shall we?

1. Idiots in the command room give their pilots incorrect information which results in 8 people dying.

2. SAMS can't manage to shoot down an SR-71 even though it is damaged and flying at low altitude and low speed.

3. Taken by complete surprise by the enemy multiple times. (Narrow Margin, First Flight, Rendevous, Chain Reaction, Journey Home.) Like Grimm said, their air defence system is a wet paper bag. What are their radar operatos doing all the time? Are they too busy smoking hippie drugs?

4. Losing 2 aircraft carriers during a single attack because they were too stupid to try and evade. Don't give me the "But they were in a confined space" crap because the Kestrel managed to avoid the burst missiles so why didn't the other two?  Actually, the real question is why would you have three important carriers in the same place anyway?

5. A highly incompetent AWACS. Thunderhead (AKA Thunderbutt) allowed the enemy to get within missile range many times before alerting allied forces. See the list above for a few of those. Also the fact that Thunderhead was oblivious to the Arkbird was just plain stupid. Wouldn't the military officials have at least informed their AWACS operators about it?

6. Sending suspected war criminals back into battle.

7. Allowing former enemy pilots to join their military.

8. Sending untrained pilots into battle resulting in them all getting shot down. (I'm looking at you, Parault.)

9. Trying to have their best squadron arrested as spies even though there was no proof of that. (Once again, I'm looking at you, Parault.)

10. Unable to shoot down four unarmed trainer planes.

11. Not having any records on the 8492nd Squadron. If their squadron didn't exsist then who did they identify themselves as when they took off? The level of incompetents seen there is just dumbfounding. If I lived in Osea and I found out about that, I would seriously consider moving to Emmeria or Usea.

12. Army units needing the air force to fight all their battles for them.

13. Thunderblock-head refusing to give pilots permission to engage ene though they are being fired upon. Eagle Eye warned the enemy one time and then said, "Alright, whoop their @$$es!"

14. Taking forever to send reinforcements to relieve reinforcements and then thinking it was just a drill. Duh! I mean, Thunderhead only said it wasn't a drill like, five times times. Idiots.

15. Somehow allowing an armed enemy spy on the same plane as their president.

16. Crappy equipement. Jammers that can only be used four or five times, radars that can not detect enemy planes due to snowstorms, continuing to use old, outdated planes like the F-5E and F-4E even though they have newer planes (think how much money they could save by getting rid of the old planes), missiles that suck so bad that it takes 3 of them to shoot down a Mig-31. Osea needs to change weapons manufacturers because Grunder Industries is seriously lacking.

17. Relying on a single squadron to fight their entire war for them.

Looking back at these, I can't help but laugh at Osea. Give Blaze and Nagase a trip on Erusea Cruise Lines, and while they're on vacation, lets all invade Osea! Osea would fall by the end of the day without Blaze and Nagase there to save the day. Grimm would run away and cry and Snow would just plain suck.

Osea is supposed to be the Ace Combat version of America but I don't think so.  
Some people would argue that Osea is a peace-loving country, but in Ace Combat 6, Emmeria was a peace-loving country as well but when they had to fight, they didn't hesitate and their military could actually hold their own in battle without the airfore holding their hands the whole way.  Emmeria could PWN Osea big time.

While we are on the topic of Ace Combat, another cheap piece of crap is the jammers.  Radar jammers in AC can only beused four or five times.  They are a waste of time because not only do they replace a valuable special weapon slot, but all they do is stop a missile from hitting you  Anyone with any skills can just outmaneuver the missile.  My point: Jammers are useless.  

Another cheapo is the basic attacks in the recent Spyro game.s  I wish they would have left the gameplay the way it was in the old games.


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Diablo II has so much of this crap I could never list it all. This is one of the most notorious games for having countless skills that become completely useless. What's the point of even having them if you know you're never gonna need them later on in the game. It just makes the game unbalanced and not as enjoyable as it could be.
I completely agree. Though thinking along the more cheaper skills. Have you ever dueled a Hammerdin? Its a paladin that uses blessed hammer, most cheapest build ever. They wear the runeword Armoe "Enigma" so they can use teleport and they teleport, use there hammer once, does 15k dmg and kills you. Not fun.


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Tabuu (Smash Brothers Brawl) - Off Wave attack is almost impossible to dodge and results in instant death if hit.

You mean Tabuu's 3 Red Rings of Death (Xbox 360 reference XD) attack? Good Lord, how I despise those three rings. If you can't dodge them then forget about trying to beat Boss Mode on Intense for that challenge box...


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Quote from: F-14 Ace,May 18 2008 on  03:01 PM
Jedi leaders in Star Wars Battlefront.  In the first game, guys like Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker are impossible to kill with regular weapons.  They can deflect blasters, sniper fire, and even rockets with their lightsabers! :blink:  The only way to kill them is to hit them with a speeder bike going real fast or to land a fighter on them and crush them.
I've only killed one once.  And that took me shooting a rocket at his feet, launching him into the air, shooting him with another rocket, throwing him off a platform, and shooting him with like 500 shots.  He died, respawned behind me, and killed me.  Not fun.

Also, Abyss and Cervantes in Soul Calibur 3.  Unblockable shots that hit across the ring and do ridiculous damage.  Cheap!
Yoshimitsu being played by a computer sucks.  He can regenerate full health with, like, 7 moves. Can you say obnoxious?

And just how are Spyro's melee attacks cheap?


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You mean Tabuu's 3 Red Rings of Death (Xbox 360 reference XD) attack? Good Lord, how I despise those three rings. If you can't dodge them then forget about trying to beat Boss Mode on Intense for that challenge box
I find it actually pretty easy if you stand in the middle of the stage when you see him charging it up. When he attacks, ground dodge 3 times, it only takes a couple of tries before you get the rythym of the attack.


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The ultimate weapon, spell, or technique, or ultimate anything that can be attained by the player in any Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts title (like Cyan's ultimate moves in FFVI, nothing, NOTHING, can survive those!).
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Many Spyro games, especially the early (but post-1) ones, have numerous unpatched glitches that allow our dragon to swim in the air to basically wherever he wants. This basically snaps the games like a twig - you can make it to areas you shouldn't be allowed to reach as early as you are in the story. :SharptoothAmused
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

Yacht life! :DD


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I was playing the remaster to Disney Magical World 2 for Switch and during one of the levels where I defeat ghosts, some ghost got pushed out of bounds and phased through the floor.  Few seconds later, it teleported back up and defeated itself.

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Red Dead Redemption 2's "wanted" system.  Commit some ridiculous offense that no lawman in the old west would have cared about?  Get ten lawmen on your tail who mobilize and coordinate  faster than modern-day cops do.  Rob some idiot way out in the middle of the wilderness?  A witness will always "conveniently" show up right afterward.  It's like the Old West was just full of tattletales.

I got knocked down by a random goat out by Emerald Ranch and I kicked the goat in retaliation.  Some busybody tattletale ran ALL THE WAY TO VALENTINE to report me to the law for "animal cruelty".

I'm trying to imagine how that conversation with the sheriff went.

Tattletale: Sheriff!  Sheriff!

Sheriff Malloy: What is it, son?

Tattletale: I just some some good-for-nothing outlaw kick a goat out by Emerald Ranch!

Sheriff Malloy: Kicking goats?  We'll have none of that in the state of New Hanover!  Mount up, boys!  Let's run this goat-kicking SOB down!

Player gets slapped with a $10 bounty.