The Gang of Five
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TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


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Leatherhead looked at the growing army of Foot Soldiers. He then glanced over at Donatello, still slightly feeling bad over what he did to them not too long ago, regarding their face. He felt like he wasn't good enough for the turtles. That's when a thought crossed his mind. After all, there was no way they wouldn't beat the Foot Clan without some help.

''Donatello. Say the K-word.'' He tells the turtle with a determined but slightly pained look.

Meanwhile, Slash tried to fight his way through, eventually managing to make his way closer and closer to Shredder, slowly but surely..

Gentle Sharptooth

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Donatello blocked a ninjato when he heard Leatherhead ask him to say rhe forbidden word, swallowing deeply Donny seeing the waves of the Foot yelled, “Kraang!”

Donny then dove and shouted to Mikey, “hit the deck Mikey!”

Leo beat at Raph with his swords, which Raph met with Sais and gauntlet blades, finally Raph leapt into air and punched Leo as he sweeped with his blades, Leo fell on his face and his Ninjatos went flying out of hus gands. Raphael grabbed Leo by the nefo and raised him up.

Shuredda approached from behind, and whispered.

“Finish him.. and your loyalty will be proven.”

Raph looked into the eyes of his once brother.

A flash of memory flooded Raph’s mind.

Shuredda picked up one of Leo’s Ninjatos. Handing it to Raph.

“Use this.. it is fitting he die on his own sword.”

Raph took the blade in his free hand, and held it in reverse grip, the edge pointed behind his elbow. Raph raised his hand and thrusted the blade  with great force, Leo’s eyes opened wide as he jolted in his shell…

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Leatherhead's eyes turned white upon hearing that word from Donatello. He growled and started taking care of the foot soldiers fast and efficiently.

Slash snuck up behind the Shredder, held onto his mace and went in for an attack against him.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Raph had thrusted the blade backward in Ahuredda’s underbelly, where the plates of armor had a gap, he then knocked him back and let go of Leo with his hand and tossed hus Ninjato to his brother as he raised up his Sais and began beating The Shredder with the tips in flurry of punches. Leo grabbed his sword and cut down on Shuredda’s helm by leaping over Raph, both pushed the Samurai Armored One into Slash.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Leatherhead was dealing with the last few of the foot soldiers. As he bit into the last ones of them, he shook his head and tried to concentrate. His eyes slowly flickering between white and their normal green color.

Slash grabbed the Shredder by his shoulders and held him in one place. At least for a few seconds before a smoke bomb was thrown, blocking his view from all around. He started coughing and that's when he felt something getting inserted into him through his mouth..

Gentle Sharptooth

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The smoke cleared and Shuredda was gone, Leo and Raph stood and saw Slash, something protruding from bis mouth.

Mikey watched in awe as Leatherhead cleared the Foot.

“Woah! Way to go Leatherhead bro!”

Donatello rose up as Leather calmed and was relieved to see Raph and Leo side by side, no longer aiming their weapons at each other. But something was wrong with Slash.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Slash held onto his head with his hands, like he was having a headache. He struggled to stay standing before he smirked. He slowly removed his hands from his head and held onto his mace. He walked forward with the sinister smirk on his face.

Leatherhead looked at the situation happening, holding Michelangelo close to him just in case something were to happen.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Leo turned to Raph,
“You made your choice..”
Raph nodded.
“My aim was always to bring down The Shredder, not become him. I had to make you believe I would harm you and our family..”
Leo sighed,
“That was a big gamble.. but I see now why you did it, brother.”
Raph took off the Kabuto with its spikes and threw it aside, and tore off his gauntlets and pauldrons.
“I have learned Master Splinter’s lesson.. me and working alone is over.”
They then turned their attention to Slash and his smerk.
Leo asked the obvious,
“What did you do Slash?”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Slash slowed down for a second before falling to the floor.

"Hurry, I don't think I have much time.. before whatever Shredder brainwashed me with takes me over competely.." He managed to say before the smirk returned. Now it was obvious he got brainwashed during the smoke bomb:s distraction.

Gentle Sharptooth

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The ground below Slash began to cave and crack all over. Raph and Leo both tried to help Slash up.
Raph yelled to Leatherhead,
“Hey! We need your big croc arms!”
Donnie and Mikey came running to help stabilize Slash.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Slash laid there as Leatherhead walked forward and grabbed onto him. He managed to lift Slash up into his arms.

"Let's go, my friends." He then said as he began walking out of there.

Gentle Sharptooth

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The Turtles followed Leatherhead’s lead, the battle was a stand off. The fate of The Shredder unknown. It was too dangerous to try and rescue the Major and his daughter with so many unknowns.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Moments later, Leatherhead managed to help the turtles get Slash back to their lair. He smiled when the task was finally over.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Raph and Leo stood beside one another.

“Good to have you back brother. I have to admit I was a little worried when you had my sword in hand.”

Raph sighed,

“I am ashamed I helped The Foot capture The Major and his daughter. Part of keeping my deep cover meant doing things.. I regret.”

Leo placed hand on Raph’s shoulder.

“Remember what Master Splinter says, ‘its only a mistake if you don’t learn from it.”

Raph nodded,
“How will I face our father? My honor caste down and all for nothing..”

Leo smiled,
“You start by forgiving yourself. We all failed, I failed you by not trusting you. I am so use to expecting all of you to trust me to lead, I forget the manhole spins both ways.”

As the two brothers had a heart to heart, Donnie took out a device and began scanning Slash.

“His vitals seem stable, but I am picking up traces of something.. could be that smoke bomb had poison in it. I will have to run some tests to rule oit some things.”

Mikey leaned on a pipe next to Learherhead,
“The way you took out that whole group of Foot Dudes was radicool Leather Bro!”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Slash now laid there, getting hooked up by Donnie into medical machines.

Leatherhead smiled over at Michelangelo, his tail wrapping around them softly. "It was no problem at all, my friend."

Gentle Sharptooth

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Donnie did some diagnostic tests. A screen illuminated with green lines that then beeped and rose and fell in jagged bolts.

Mikey smiled.
“You know what we need? Some pizza!”

Raph crossed his arms and stood with his shell against some brick and piping. He closed his eyes and saw Splinter.

“Raphael, my son, come home.”

Raphael bowee his head.

“I have failed.. failed to being down The Shredder.. failed you, and failed our family..”

Splinter approached with his beard long and braided like a tail.

“You embody what it means to be a true Ninja, Raphael. Your attempt to infiltrate the enemy as a shadow and defeat it proves you have mastered my teachings. All that stands in your way is your anger, it gives you strength in the moment, however, it must be tempered like a sword and molded by you, under your control.”

Raph bowed, “Yes, Master Splinter.”

Splinter in his burgundy Gi motioned.

“You are always welcome home Raphael. You are my son always.”

A tear cascaded down Raph’s emerald green cheek.


« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 12:05:06 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Leatherhead nodded. "Indeed, that would be great right now." He looked and smiled over at Michelangelo.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Inside the Foot Hideout, Shuredda in his armor laid on circle of red. Surrounding him was Foot Clan with torches, gathering wood to place around The Shredder, among them was one in black hood, who removed it to reveal a pale face with trident red marks at the corners of the eyes, and her bosom and body covered in black jump-suite and chrome armor like The Shredder.

Karai took a torch and held it over The Shuredda, tossing it on the pyre and causing it to combust in flame, the Kubuto turned red from the heat as Karai turned to to kneeling Ninjas who shouted in one voice:

“Hyo Sōzokujin no Shuredda! Hail Heir of Shredder!”

Karai smiled, her short black hair swaying as she raised a fist with two spike on it.


Mikey turned to Leatherhead.

“Hey buddy, I am gonna order some pizza from Antonio’s! Anchovies good?”

Leo sat down and crossed his legs as he rested.

Raph stood contemplating Sensei Splinter’s words. 

Donnie finished his diagnostics of Slash.

“Well it seems he has traces of the Oko plant, which is used in behavior conditioning.”

Raph turned and approached,
“Are you saying someone was messing with his mind?”

Donatello nodded.

“He needs a remedy, I need to study some Botany and see if I can create a counteractive serum.”

Raph sighed.

“How long will that take?”

Donnie rubbed his green chin.

“I don’t know, but until find an antidote, Spike is gonna be a threat.” 

TAG: @SammyTheSpiketail
« Last Edit: July 04, 2023, 01:30:55 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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Karai turned to kneeling Foot Soldiers.

“The Turtles and their Master will pay for what they did to my father! The Foot will stomp on their shells and we will have revenge! Smoke them out! Make them surface!”

The Footmen bowed and took branches from Shredder’s Pyre, and then dropped them down manhole coverw with other burning piles of wood. The smoke began to spread throughout the sewers, creating a grey fog. 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith