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Fanfiction voting 2018

rhombus · 30 · 8474


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Alas, it's almost the deadline and I'm unable to commit to reviewing everything... fully. Not to fret, I'll still review Mender's Tale and Separate Ways, but not to their full glory unfortunately.

I do sincerely apologize for this, especially to Rhombus and Sovereign. Believe it or not, I'd actually taken two weeks off from work in early November and was basically planning to binge through both longfics in that time, but by some insane stroke of luck I'd ended up catching a horrible bug/fever/stomach flu combination at the beginning of the period that knocked me out of commission for... two weeks. I only recovered in mid to late November, and even had to take medical leave when my annual leave concluded. Yeah, it sucked!

Oops. :sducky So yeah, with that completely wasted leave, I was basically forced to try and catch up to my best efforts in late-Nov when I returned to work and balanced it out with limited time due to coming back to a pile of stuff waiting for me in my in-tray. Life sucks sometimes. :P

I managed to get about a third of my way into both stories, so both of these reviews will be based on my thoughts from the first 13-14 chapters of both stories, about ~100K words in. (ironically I'd made right back up to where I originally stopped my original readthrough of Mender's Tale back in 2016-2017) It may not be the most accurate rating or review of their most updated plot points as a result, but I do hope that it will suffice. I'll continue to spam review those stories on my catch-up spree in December.

But at least I kept my promise to review every story! Without further ado, two incoming wall of texts will finish off my reviews for this year.

Name of Fanfiction: Mender’s Tale
Rating: 9.5/10
Review: Ah, Mender’s Tale. I’d first binge-read The Seven Hunters in 2015, then caught up on its sequel Song of The Hunters all throughout its admittedly slow release, and thereafter began reading Mender’s Tale until my studies caused me to take a hiatus around end-2016/early-2017. To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t sure what to think of it when I first read it, and now… well, I can say I understand it a lot better.

Firstly, the trio of Dodger, Tracker, and Violet. I’d have to admit — in their debut chapters I wasn’t sure what to really think of them, but the group really started to grow on me by the time they went on their first hunt together. The story does a really great job of fleshing out these OCs and placing them with tricky interactions with the pack we know and love.

The best thing about this story is how in-depth it goes into pack culture in the different assembled dinosaurs, even more so than its two prequels. Characters are something special in the TSH trilogy, since every character, even if relegated to a no-name single mention character, feels like a living breathing soul (even if most of those one-offs die in hunts :OhYou) No two species, individual, or groups in the form of herds and packs have the same mindset, and as a result it really feels as though they’re all real, living breathing creatures. Plus, the in-depth description of pack culture, how to behave with others, how a leader should think and behave to avoid losing power — it’s just fascinating to read, and very different from just about every other LBT fic there is out there.

There’s also a more mature air to the story than its immediate predecessor. Things get more serious even in the past flashbacks with Leap and Dodger’s animosity, for instance. And considering that I’m around the beginning of the hidden runners chapter, at one glance I remember my initial thought of the first appearance of Wrok way back when I’d read it years ago. It’s the same thought that I share when I re-read the story — he’s a manipulative, cunning person who utilizes others.

The very fact that I came to the exact same conclusion regarding Wrok is a show of character writing and how full of life everyone is in this... even if that life is spent making enemies, alliances, death threats, hunts, or jokes (in the case of Taunt). And speaking of Taunt, he is truly the example I have to point to when it comes to the characters written in Rhombus’ writing style. At his heart, he’s a walking trope, the Lovable Prankster. But the way that he’s written just somehow works, and we all love him, his antics, and Cera screaming at him for it. It’s stuff like this and a vat full of believable, fun characters that lends this story the feel of an epic.

Perhaps the best way I can sum up Mender’s Tale is that it is a character study of various interactions between a truly large number of factions and dinosaurs, leaf-eater, sharpteeth, and everything in between. And ironically, perhaps that’s because it is based a roleplay — a scenario where how a character would react to a given situation that a game master throws them can lead to really natural and organic dialogue and reactions, especially considering it is transferred to written prose from said roleplay. That might just be the secret ingredient to this fic's success.

Overall, I love it. Can’t rate it a 10 as I really haven’t got the meat of things, but to sum it up, Mender’s Tale brings the LBT world to life in a way that is completely unlike every other story I’ve read besides its prequel, and that’s the best praise I can say about it.

Name of Fanfiction: Separate Ways
Rating: 9.5/10
Review: The funny thing is that I’d seen this story written by Sovereign in the fanfic section of FFN last year, though I never had the chance to read this story until this review spree because last year was quite the gap year for me regarding LBT. Still, I always had the feeling that it was at least somewhat good (probably the fast word count/update rate was a hint). But now that I’ve caught up… to a certain extent, at least, I’ll share what I feel about it.

Petrie and Ruby are the focus of Separate Ways, and in a way this is clear even from the first two chapters. It’s truly interesting to note how their mindsets change… because this actually happens very rapidly. Of note in this story is the changing opinions and mindsets faced by the duo, which is emphasized in just about every chapter in the fic (that I’ve read, at least :p) via internal thoughts from either one of the two.

Separate Ways actually starts out fairly tame, but by Chapter 3 you start to realize that this is one of those stories that goes places and isn’t afraid to do so. Fast forward a bit more and Chapter 8 is pretty much the equivalent of opening Pandora’s Box itself, a sharp contrast from the lighthearted first two chapters.

And just when you think things are looking up, this fic can and will sucker punch you out of nowhere. That’s just the feeling which I get from my initial impression, considering that the prose itself hints that this “adventure” will not be one of joy like before for either Petrie or Ruby… or the others. The thing about this fic is that it feels like a tragedy much akin to that of a traditional Shakespearean theater play, one that takes LBT’s more darker elements and then decides to run a goddamn marathon with it. But it does so in a psychologically manner, playing with and breaking character belief and expectations.

Some examples include Petrie and Ducky’s feud, and Ruby blaming herself for her error and leaving the gang to fend for herself in the aptly-named chapter that shares the same name as its parent story. In both cases, the respective dinosaurs assume a certain outcome and end up getting a sharp shock as a result when fate messes with them — like with two best friends’ final interactions together possibly being an argument, and Ruby’s own guilt in leaving Cera and the gang behind to save herself. And much like that theater play comparison I made earlier, what is there left to do but the respective characters to lament and regret…

Perhaps the best example so far is Chapter 8 itself, although I’ll spoil anyone who hasn’t read it by saying why. Let’s just sum it up by that fate is a cruel mistress, and that actions really have consequences in this fic, something which the prose really hits the nail home whenever it happens with the respective character's introspective narrative and reflection upon events that happened or are happening.

Long story short, it’s an emotional read. The best part about Separate Ways is how much it tears your heart out with the ever-desperate characters' inner despair and hopelessness… although that last part is debatable since I personally tend to avoid really dark stories, I cannot argue that it works and you just really feel for them as a result. Personally, the half-point drop is because a story that runs on despair will never be my cup of tea on a personal note as a person who likes positivity, but I cannot deny that this story works overall and never fails to grip my heart whenever I open up a new chapter to read.

I apprehensively cannot wait to read more, even in spite of the fact that I know this story will tear my heart out whenever I read a new chapter. Still, I have no choice but to love the development it brings to the characters… even if it’s their life spiraling further and further out of control. :p
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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This is way overdue, but I finally managed to take some time away from my usual gaming habits and read some more fanfics. I'm obviously not going to be able to review them all, but here are two more.

Name of fanfiction: The Reluctant Goodbye
Rating: 10/10
Review: As I mentioned in my original review for this story, the premise of Chomper's separation from his family received the justice it deserved here. The idea that his parents were willing to leave him in the care of a Fast Runner family for his own safety shows that despite their gruesome nature, Sharpteeth truly do have feelings and they care so much for the safety of their children to keep the future of their families alive.

In Chomper's perspective, though, being just one year old and having to leave your family behind in such a dangerous world is something that no child should ever have to go through, but, like I said, the world can be cruel, and you'll have to make a decision that could change your life forever. Thankfully, it seems to have changed for the better.

This story was so brilliantly laid out with all the reasons and emotions behind it played out perfectly, and those dark emotions and slow pace made this almost incapable of being read without feeling as if you were there, knowing full well that you are in for a change you will never forget while coming at such a terrible price, and for that, I feel that this story deserves a perfect rating! I will admit I would have given that to "The Road's End, The Friendship's Rebirth," had that story been entered. Personally, I think it should have been, because it may have had great potential, but that's just my view.

Name of fanfiction: Not Supposed To Be
Rating: 7/10
Review: Although this story is apparently nowhere near finished, I do have some interest in this one, mostly because I'm a DuckyxPetrie shipper, too, and I don't care how many people disagree with me on this pairing. The story has already offered quite some conflictions that the Swimmer and Flyer are already facing, and should this story be continued, I sense that this will only be the beginning of an event that will change their lives for the better or the worse. Ducky has been grieving endlessly over Petrie's departure ever since he left, while Petrie is being treated like an unworthy outsider in this strange Flyer gathering he's gotten himself into. I have a feeling that he's not going to be having the adventure of his life, but future chapters should hopefully bring us further developments into these Flyers who are treating him like a runt.

This 7/10 rating I'm giving this is not just bias I have towards the DuckyxPetrie pairing. This is a story that should be able to have more potential, should future chapters come along, and I think it's already gotten off to a great start. Ducky123, should you ever get back to writing this story, keep up the already good work you've done so far.  :)
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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(Hey! Just wanted to let you guys know I have some reviews to post tonight, but they're going to be slightly late x.x )


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(Hey! Just wanted to let you guys know I have some reviews to post tonight, but they're going to be slightly late x.x )

No problem!  I think there would be no objections if I allowed an extension of a few hours.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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My apologies for the delay in getting your reviews in, Sovereign.  As I mentioned a few days ago this week has been a rather difficult one.  Though these reviews may not be as detailed as you deserve on account of the time constraints I am operating under, I do hope that I have done your stories justice in the following reviews.

Name of fanfiction: Separate Ways
Author(s): Sovereign
Rating: 9.5/10

Of all the stories that I have reviewed during this year’s fanfiction awards this one has taken the longest to develop a somewhat concise summation of my thoughts.  This is good thing and a result of trying to read and review an expansive and engrossing narrative which often defies a less verbose discussion.  Though I have doubts in my ability to adequately cover everything in this review (especially while avoiding spoilers), I do hope to capture the essence of what makes this story a fascinating one that makes me look forward to each update.

Separate Ways dares to venture into territory that many other authors tend to avoid.  Not only does Sovereign force us to confront two of our beloved Seven dealing with the loss of their friends and separation from their families, but he also forces us to witness what they become when their previous identities and lives are left behind in the most traumatic and permanent of fashions.  Such a narrative runs the obvious risk of turning off readers with the darkness and seriousness of such a tale, but for the most part Sovereign has succeeded in making me both dread and look forward to seeing how our two heroes deal with the hopeless reality that has taken the place of their joyous childhoods.  Along the way the in-depth explorations of flyer and fastrunner society further enriches a fascinating narrative while forcing us to question what we have thought that we knew about these species and characters.  Has darker times forced Pterano, Detras, and others to take on harsher perspectives of the world, or is this ‘change’ a manifestation of our two main characters opening their eyes (be necessity) at a part of their world that they no longer can ignore?  The answer, as can be seen in the story, is a bit of both, but I will spare those of you reading this from spoilers.  I will simply encourage anyone reading this review to take the time to explore Sovereign’s expansive narrative.  It is a long read and a slow build, but it is well worth your time.  :yes

Name of fanfiction: The Perils of the Deep
Author(s): Sovereign
Rating: 9.0/10

This story was one of several in the last year that elaborated upon a seldom-explored character in the fandom.  In this case: Mo and his herd.  Though our previous experiences with Mo would seem to lead to a shorter story which is lighter in its emotions, this story defies expectations by presenting a very dark and emotional tale that elaborates upon the nature of Mo’s kind and their unique culture.  As I re-read this story I was again struck by the pacing of the story and the growing sense of dread as it continued.  This simultaneously provided much of the pacing of the story and also allowed us, as readers, to grow interested in the characters.  This made its inevitable ending all the more powerful.

Finally, as I said in my original review, the exploration of the cultural dissonance between Littlefoot and the swimmer morality to be quite an instructive one, and one that is seldom explored in the fandom.  In many ways the swimmers seem to have an element of the Bronze Age mentality in them, as I have mentioned before, in that the need to secure a reputation for oneself could overwhelm other considerations, such as safety.  Though this cost them their lives in the story it does show the distinct value system of Mo’s kind and adds additional depth to his character.

Name of fanfiction: A Quest Among the Frozen Sky Stars
Author(s): Sovereign
Rating: 8.0/10

I don’t have much to say about this one except that I did enjoy your exploration of Ruby’s family and how fastrunners view their place in the world.  Though the exploration of Orchid’s ordeal provided much drama in this tale, the main portion that grabbed me was nice dichotomy between how the children saw the coming of winter and how the parents saw the same occurrence.  This was a nice juxtaposition of parental pragmatism and childhood innocence in a nice feel good story.

Name of fanfiction: The Reluctant Goodbye
Author(s): Sovereign
Rating: 8.5/10

Though it may seem like a cop out, I honestly cannot think of a better summation of my views on this story than what I said on my original review, which I have reproduced here:

This was quite a nice depiction of a scene that we never got to witness in the television series.  Though we saw a brief flashback to when Ruby and Chomper fled to the valley, we never got to see what transpired between Chomper and his parents.  Of particular interest to me in this story is the depiction of the interactions between Chomper and his parents.  When reading the words and mannerisms of the sharptooth one gets the impression of parents who obviously love their child but that have a very different value system in terms of dominance and expectations of obedience. It actually reminded me of Topps a bit, which I am sure is a comparison that Mr. Threehorn would not appreciate.  :p  But with harsher demands for survival comes harsher demands for social interaction, so it is a believable cultural trait for the sharpteeth.

It was nice to see Chomper come to terms with his situation and to see the initial greeting between Chomper and the fastrunners.  Though, with Detras and his family being quite put upon (which in terms of emotional impact reminded me of Gandalf suddenly having dwarfs enter Bilbo's home in The Hobbit), I would be very curious to see how they became more comfortable around one another in the weeks subsequent to his arrival.

Name of fanfiction: The Flame in the Woods
Author(s): Sovereign
Rating: 7.5/10

This was a story that certainly lived up to the premise of a horror-theme story.  Though I do have some questions about the depiction of Topps’ obstinance in the story considering what has been implied concerning Mr. Threehorn’s mellowing during his time working together with the other herds to find the valley, the argument between Cera and Littlefoot was quite believable.  The true star of this story though is the horrifying apparition that lured Littlefoot in by using both Cera's and his mother's voice.  The ending of the story nicely shows that Cera’s and Littlefoot’s friendship remains intact despite the prior vitriol.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I have to apologize yet again for the scarcity of reviews this year! I meant to do these in several sets including one for each author, but time really got away from me. Hopefully I can do better at keeping up with reviews in the future, as I really appreciate all of the wonderful reviews I’ve received on my modest attempts at writing :smile

Name of fanfiction: First Impressions
Author: Rhombus
Rating: 8.5/10
A cute little tale with good comedic timing! This felt almost like a script for a potential show episode, and I found it very enjoyable to read. Unfortunately the reveal of Dalmar covered in sweetbubble juice didn't feel like it was quite equal in impact to the way the situation was built up, though I understand what the author was going for. But that's really a minor complaint, and on the whole I think this piece works very well as a funny slice-of-life tale.

Name of fanfiction: (Legends and) Adventures of Sucky
Author: Ducky123
Rating: 8.5/10
Aaaah, Sucky. I’m so glad this spelling mistake turned into a full-fledged story. And there's something kind of cathartic in reading about a character who tries so hard and fails anyway, haha. On to the review- I loved it, of course! The storytelling format with the gang worked well, and I thought each “Sucky tale” succeeded in its own way. The diarrhea scene might have been a bit excessive for me, but that’s a minor complaint. As a whole this story really works as the quirky, funny, weirdly tragic tale that it is.

Name of fanfiction: Our Past and Our Future
Author: LBTlover247
Rating: 7.0/10
Review: A simple but effective story. It’s kind of refreshing to see an optimistic take on Chomper getting older and hungrier in the Great Valley, and I love how you handled his worries and eventual acceptance of eating the scaled swimmers. The heavy reliance on the voice of the ‘narrator’ to explain characters feelings was a bit cumbersome in the beginning, but it eased up by the end and the pace became much more enjoyable.

Name of fanfiction: Five Stages of Grief
Author: OwlsCantRead
Rating: 10/10
Review: Wow! This tale was incredibly emotional, and an exciting new twist on an old story. I love how you portrayed Ducky’s breakdown, and the consequences of her actions. The five stages of grief setup was also a creative and functional way to frame the story. Great job with this!

Name of fanfiction: A Swim of Silence
Author: DiddyKF1
Rating: 9.5/10
Review: A truly powerful tale. I thought the pacing worked well with interspersed with the scenes of Ducky going on her night swim, and these really helped to add to the somber atmosphere. The characters were well-written, and I loved the idea behind the fic. My one criticism is that I didn’t really like that you named the character Judy- it was a bit too on-the-nose for me, and I think the allegory would have come across fine without having to use her name. Other than that, this was a stirring and emotional piece.

Name of fanfiction: The Perils of the Deep
Author: Sovereign
Rating: 9.0/10
Review: I enjoyed this one a lot! I love Mo’s species and it was really cool to see their culture and one of their stories explored more here! You did a great job building tension, and I was drawn in all the way to the end. Really makes me want to see more LBT stories set underwater.


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For some reason I thought the deadline was this sunday evening. I'll have mine done by that time anyway :)
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Gotta keep up that reputation of doing things on the last minute huh? So sad to see some of my favourite stories aren't in the voting, means I have to read more  :sducky

Name of fanfiction: Peril's of the deep
Rating: 9/10
Review: This story is short but it has a lot of themes which I really enjoyed and the overall writing was excellent as always. Sovereign is a very talented writer especially when creating stories which are largely about OCs and not the main canon cast of the series. I really liked the sense of adventure and the uprising of the youth against established rules made by the elders here and I really like the way you've portraited Mo's species as a whole in this story.
The story had both action and nice dialogue and there really isn't much I can criticize here, not even the not so happy ending as that was well written and contributing to the overall lesson of the story after all  :^^spike

Name of fanfiction: Life went on
Rating: 9/10
Review: A very brief but extremely well done and accurate journey into the mind of Bron as he reflects upon all the mistakes he's made and all the things that went wrong. Bron has had to go through a lot of tragedies and this story shows in a very nice and believable way how Littlefoot's father learns to cope and come to terms with what had transpired and move on. A very emotional read, I really liked it :)

Name of fanfiction: The Curse of Speed
Rating: 8.5/10
Review: It's honestly become kind of hard to say something about any of rhombus' stories without sounding repetitive. The writing is flawless, the stories are always interesting and unique; and of course this one is also set in the TSH universe we all love. It was a really good story that utilized the prompt at hand really well :)

Name of fanfiction: A Swim of Silence
Rating: 10/10
Review: You know a story is gold when you're stunned into silence, when words leave you and all that's left are the emotions you've felt while reading. This was an extremely emotional read, and I have a soft spot for stories about tragedies which cause these emotions in me which I mentioned above.

Judith was a terrible loss. It was quite a shock to hear about her terrible fate. Now to read that story again, masterfully transitioned into the LBT universe... thank you for the experience. Magnificent writing!

(adding one more later)

Name of fanfiction: Our Safe Haven
Rating: 9.5/10
Review: Now, off the bat, I do not remember if I've read a story written by you before (with all those short stories floating around lately it's really hard to remember  ) but either way I must say that you certainly have what it takes to be a writer  

Let's see... I really liked the serene atmosphere you created, those descriptions weren't few and did their job well. The introspective nature of the story suited its main theme excellently albeit the dialogue between Spike and Ducky was just as well placed here. By the way you've captured their personalities quite on spot yep yep yep! The characterization of Spike at the beginning was good enough to be included in the LBT Wiki imho 

You chose a very interesting theme for this story and I've found myself thinking a lot about the matter myself. Certainly, at times I was almost feeling as if I was reading an essay about freedom in the Great Valley which is a compliment  You've done a very good job laying out the pros and cons of the valley and the beyond and I liked how you weaved it into the overall narrative 

Overall, a really nice story I enjoyed reading a lot :^^spike
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 03:58:09 AM by Ducky123 »
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Well, managed to get two more done before the deadline :p

Name of fanfiction: The Curse of Speed
Author: Rhombus
Rating: 8.5/10
Review: I enjoyed this one! Short and simple, but full of fun lore and a sweet moment for our favorite family of fastrunners :p The song/poem format is tough, and I think it was executed quite well here. Though there wasn’t much length to the story, I wasn’t bothered by it at all, and thought it worked very well as a fun cautionary tale.

Name of fanfiction: Scrambled Eggs
Author: OwlsCantRead
Rating: 8.5/10
Review: A really interesting “what-if” story that was very effective in conveying the possibly disastrous consequences of a decision. Particularly brilliant was the way you incorporated Littlefoot’s experiences with his mother’s death into his decision about Chomper. The main thing that threw me off about it was how absolutely cold-blooded Cera was. Her actions seemed like they’d be much more in-character for Topps. That’s my biggest issue, though. The ending was quite nice :smile


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Alright, the voting is now closed.  Thank you all for your participation in this year's fanfiction awards.  :) As soon as I get home tonight I will run the numbers in the spreadsheet and I should have a results post ready in the next few days.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.