The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.


Nahla · 87 · 28495


  • Ducky
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Grandma rested her neck so that it took the brunt of the cold winds for her grandson.

Tria pulled Tricia (OOC: <that's Patricia, some call her that for a weird reason :/ ) close, wrapping her legs around the small, shivering form. "Yes." She answered Cera.


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Littlefoot sneezed again before whining "Grandma,Grandpa I'm really cold" he complained almost crying,he was scared someone would get sick or hurt from this fog and wind "What if.." he was cut off by his own yawning.


  • Petrie
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(OOC: Realized forgot to post for Mama Swimer oops,also Nahla we starting next  day soon?)

Mama Swimmer sighed "Just go to sleep Ducky,it's late" she whispered placing her daughter in the nest,trying to hide  the worry on her face.


  • Petrie
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(OOC: Oh god, has is really just supposed to have been foggy all this time? I am so sorry; I'll go back and alter my posts accordingly.)

Cera nodded acceptingly. "F-fair enough," she sighed, looking over her shoulder back into the thick, churning fog. As pretty as the frost was when it was kicked about by the wind, the fog itself was foreboding. She crawled over to Tria and huddled against her, trying to stay as warm as possible.


  • The Circle
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Though worried about Spike Ducky did her best to cuddle with the rest of her family in the nest to try to keep each other warm and try to go to sleep.  She did think of Spike, hoping wherever he was that he was ok and just went to sleep and he would be found soon.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Mr. Thicknose remembered the last time when a Cold Time started far too early..
He was still a young adult back then. He was just having a conversation with some members of a Thornthumb herd when he noticed a wall of almost black clouds moving quickly towards the Great Valley. It was a fairly warm day, actually, but soon markable colder gusts of wind blew in the Valley causing some weaker trees to crash to the ground. "What's going on here?!" he wondered. Now that the clouds were almost above them they were no longer black but white. "Looks like a... blizzard!?" one of the Thornthumbs stated in a questioning voice.
"It can't be! It's not even the Time of Changing Leaves!!!" Mr. Thicknose shouted.
The first White Ground Sparkles began to fall, they were blown into their faces by the more and more icy wind.
"I suppose we try finding a cave or something the like!" the Thornthumb suggested.
"That's probably a good idea, some shelter makes a blizzard easier to stand!"

He remembered sitting in the very cave he was just sitting in right now seeing the exact pictures as back then.

"We're in big trouble!" he dejectedly grunted.
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Petrie
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(Ok since Dosu on Holiday I'll play Spike til he gets back so he not ,missing)

Suddenly a large green shape walked through the fog-it was Spike.

Mama Swimmer sighed with relief seeing her son was safe and sound.


  • Ducky
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(OOC: Genderbended Littlefoot there :lol)

"Everything will be fine, Littlefoot." His grandmother soothed him, nudging him closer to her own body. "Try to rest a bit. We'll keep watch."


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  • Cera
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Littlefoot nodded lowering his head to the ground,his eyes were heavy with sleep. It was as if the wind was lullabying him,with one more yawn he was fast asleep.


  • Petrie
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They talked a little. Sometimes it was about which member of the great valley council her dad found the most annoying, and sometimes it was about Tria talking about some of the gossip she heard from her friends.
Cera stayed quiet, looking out into curtain of fog that windowed the threshold of the their cave.
She mostly thought to herself. Right now, the thing that sprung to her mind was not the great freeze that happened a few years ago, but something she hadn't thought of for many, many years: the mountains that burned. The fog rolling in looked just like the smoke that constantly billowed off of those cruel mountains. The only real difference was that instead of being blisteringly hot, it was freezing cold, and instead of constant, booming eruptions there was only the sharp sound of the wind.
But the feeling was similar. It was eerie and foreboding in a way that seemed decidedly unnatural for a storm. Decidedly deliberate.
Her eyes quickly became heavy, and she began to feel herself struggling to stay awake. What a weird day. Good bye, and good riddance. She didn't even like the cold times when they came when they were supposed too.
Just as her eyelashes were darkening her vision, she saw two spots of lights blink back into the fog in front of her.
'...Shining buzzers?' she thought, and then fell asleep.


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  • Cera
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(OOC: From now on if I have something bolded,is the narrator (me))

So night fell upon the sleeping valley. As the sky darkened heavy snow began falling,spreading out soon as it hit the ground,Within minutes the green Great Valley fields were now patches of snow and ice. Each flake bought a chilling starting to like they were buried under the snow.


  • The Circle
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Ducky awoke, shivering even before she started to yawn.  She quickly brushed off the snow that had fallen on her during the night.  

"It is cold, it is it is." She said as she shivered. "it feels colder then it was yesterday, it does, it does." She said.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Mr. Thicknose jerked as he woke up from a nasty sleep-story. Or was it just the freeze that caused him jerking? He didn't know...
He was startled as he realized just how similar everything is to that early Cold Time years ago...

He would've told everyone what he knew, if only he would be able to get out of his shelter... The ground sparkles already laid up to his hips, and the heavy storm brought more masses of them...
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Ducky
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Grandma softly raised her neck, carefull to wake neither of the males beside her. Sometime during the night Grandpa had settled down too, resting in a way that he took the brunt of the cold winds instead of her.

Tria peeked outside the cave. Sadly, unlike what Toppsy had suggested, the weather had not bettered, perhaps it had even worsened during the night!


  • Petrie
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Cera was already awake by the time Tria stirred at the threshold of the cave, and she was trying her best get back to sleep. She was still on her side, her eyelids were squeezed shut so tightly that her brow and snout were wrinkled, and if one looked very, very closely, they could see the vein on her neck was throbbing in irritation.
The cold had woken her up about an hour ago, and it most definitely was not on her accord, oh no. The moment she realized she was awake, Cera self-diagnosed herself with what she affectionately liked to call TFES: Too Friggin Early Syndrome. Symptoms of this deadly malaise include joints that felt like gravel, eyelids that felt like sharp rust, a supreme feeling of grumpiness and irritability without any of the feeling of satisfaction of being grumpy and irritable, a pathological hatred of light, the sun, day time, her life, and the lives of those around her, and a strong desire to drop off the face of the earth into oblivion.
After she had creaked her eyes open to see her position in the cave, she saw why she had woken up so early: she had fallen asleep too close to the cave entrance. What was more, it was now snowing.
She hated that! It was like she was being punished for a mistake she didn't make that she couldn't even take back! Now she was in a torturous state of body where she hadn't had enough sleep to get all the benefits of a full night of rest, but she had already slept too much now to go back to sleep. She had been trying in vain for the last hour to lull herself back to a light doze, and felt increasingly resentful as she couldn't.

When she heard Tria get up, she actually gritted her teeth together. She was going to have to get through the morning feeling like crud.
She rolled onto her feet, eyes squinted hard to block out the burning light coming through the haze of the snow, and in a gravely tone said: "I guess never trust dad for a weather report."


  • The Circle
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Ducky got all the way up & started to rub her body to try to warm up, shivering as well.  She looked around to see if Spike was nearby, use to sleeping next to Spike.  

"I do hope it is not like this for long, I do, I do." She said.


  • Spike
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"What?"-Said Mr.Threehorn,who just woke up to the noise made by his family.As he looked outside of the cave(which took him a bit of time,since he was still a bit asleep)he was suprised to see that the snow was still there.If it remained there too long,it may affect their lives as extremly as to be forced to leave the Great Valley.So,he wanted to see how bad it is.
"Well,our breakfast won't gather itself.Let's see if there is still greenfood around"-he said.


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  • Cera
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Littlefoot awoke with a jolt "Huh?" he questioned looking around,he only saw white. He was covered head to tail in  snow. He stood up and shook himself off "It's the cold time already?" he said confused looking around.


  • Petrie
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Mama Flyer awoke she looked out over the edge the flyers made home "Oh my.." she muttered when she saw the sight,


Tricia also awoke,the hatchling was covered head to tail in snow. She blinked trying to make sense of it,she didn't understand what was happening.


  • Petrie
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Cera gave an aggravated sigh, and rushed over to brush the snow off of her baby sister. As far as Cera was concerned, the first footfall into snow was almost no different than stepping on a nettle bush: it sent your blood roiling up your leg and your skin got that delightful feeling of being stabbed by tiny spikes. The only major difference was that stepping on nettle made your foot feel like it had been dying by an insect. That, and you could at least have the satisfaction of smashing the remainder of the offending plant under a rock. Good luck trying to do that with one hundred and sixty acres of snow.
"Do you think dad will call a meeting at the rock circle?" Cera asked as she guided Tricia back into the cave, looking up at her step mother with her lips drawn in a little.