The Gang of Five
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What you don't like

rosie · 81 · 19101


  • Chomper
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I have to agree about LBT5 it's my favorite of sequels 2-6, but I disagree about the auditory ,that 7-13 were(well 13 were) made more child like I think it's just that, the animators understood, that it was so to say be harmful for little children to see all these bones and shark who almost eats them. and for explaining that movies 7-12 are more family-like several examples:
The Stone of Cold Fire was made in such great stile, it was hard to understand even for me(teenager), that Pterano isn't a pure villian, as he seems, there is a lot of stile in his personality, his voice( guest actor is a star Micheal York, were there much such actors in earlier sequels???), seems heartless and selfish though saves children at the end.
also in this movie we hear from Littlefoot's grandparents that he is too young for knowing what happened to Pterano did, but we see this story anyway, how cruel it was that every member of Pterano's group was killed by sharpteeth, also we can see how the screen becomes more red when sharpteeth surround Pterano's group, meaning soon blood spilling, also this movie was the only one, which went into Science fiction, which is extremely rare for childish cartoons.
As for The Big Freeze, it really was more childish, but also looks more Family-like then any other sequel, (song Family ) also song (forgot it's tittle) "You  are never too old to learn" I don't think these are good words for children  :lol
Also it teaches of understanding old people, how hard is life for them.

Movie 9 Journey to big water was my favorite after I first watched it, so
bright ,colorful,  new charcter Mo, with such funny voice, and I disagree that it's very childish , because it was a really scary moment when they all were hiding in the log from the Swimming sharptooth(forgot that dinosaur species :oops ) and it grabbed them, it seemed for them no escape.
I can continue such reviews till 13(it's really very childish with it's "Wisdoms aka "Say-so-s"), but it's nearly sleep time  :DD

P.S. Sorry for my awful English :bang


  • Ducky
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I don't like how some characters whom are one off in the movies are also one off in the TV series - it really hurts the continuity.  Especially when Guido agrees to stay with Petrie's family, yet isn't seen or heard from again until the Black Rock episode.


  • Cera
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Going along with the songs, you notice how in the movies the only characters to really sing are the gang. Now in LBT III and IX, and XI there are adults who sing, and the villains sing in LBT II, IV, and VII, but in all the other movies it's mostly if not only the kids. I think the TV series should have kept the kids as the sole singers, because whenever the adults sang it was just unbearable, especially in The Amazing Treehorn Girl (god it made me sick lol).


  • Chomper
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The amazing threehorn girl was awful :lol  maybe the worst song of LBT ever
How silly were dancing dinosaurs looking there omg...
And I hate about LBT series how my favorite Petrie is stupid there, he believes in everything!!! In movies VI and VII he wasn't like that, he didn't believe in bad luck, he thought Stone of Cold fire isn't so possible, but in some episodes of the series, he just crazy reacts on The sun, volcano, and other, in the series he's almost useless character,but he's so cool in the movies, especially Great day of the Flyers :cry




  • Chomper
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I don¥t like the singing in the TV episode.

and I agree with Petrie157578641. In some TV episode Petrie is more a wimp and I don¥t like that.


  • Spike
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It is such low quality as someone already stated. Animation is even worse than the sequels, and the songs are bad.


  • Ruby
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Nice pic of the dino the yellowbellies were based of.

I personally disagree with including VII among the "kiddier" movies.

It had a lot of dark moments(Pterano's past, espescially), villains that had personality, were goofy yet still intimidating(Sierra mostly), and some of the best songs in the series. The new characters had some of the best voice actors.
It even had suspense, even if it was mostly Ducky and the fact that two out of three villains were ready to throw her off a cliff.

It was a lot darker than say, 5.

It's probably the best sequel.

I'm yet to watch the series, but I'm going to now.


  • Cera
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Even though LBT VII did have some darker elements to it than LBT V, don't forget LBT V included some brief use of blood in it.

Not all of the singing in the TV series was terrible. Most of the songs that Cera sings in sounds good, and I say most because Ooops Eeeps is easily worst LBT song in existence.


  • Ducky
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I agree with you on Oops Eeeps LBTfan13. That song is just...ugh...can't even describe.

Probably the singing is the worst part of the movies. I did like Bestest Friends from LBT10, even though it was kind of out of character for the gang.

Some of the stories for the sequels were decent, while others were goofy. I haven't seen all of 13, but you can tell they are not taking their audience seriously.


  • Cera
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Quote from: KingdomKey23,Dec 12 2009 on  10:24 PM
Probably the singing is the worst part of the movies. I did like Bestest Friends from LBT10, even though it was kind of out of character for the gang.

I actually think Bestest Friends was a perfect song considering the circumstances. It was their way of telling that Littlefoot that if he decided to leave the Great Valley to be with Bron, they would respect his decision and still remain his best friends.

I noticed a pattern in the singing aspect for the sequels. There was always one serious song, and two sillier songs. In my opinion, it went like this:

LBT II : Peaceful Valley (Even though it was light hearted, it was probably the most serious of the three)

LBT III : Kids Like Us

LBT IV : It Takes All Sorts

LBT V : Always There (Easily the best song of the sequels)

LBT VI : On Your Own

LBT VII : Beyond the Mysterious Beyond

LBT VIII : Family/The Lesson (This one actually had two serious songs, which was a nice change)

LBT IX : No One Has To Be Alone (One of the best songs in the series)

LBT X : Bestest Friends

LBT XI : If Only

LBT XII : Things Change

LBT XIII : How Do You Know (This movie had the worst songs of the sequels. How Do You Know was the only song that didn't make me go insane)

Paradise Bird

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If only they saved sining for special times. They were rather pointless.


  • The Circle
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As for the singing I am willing to accept an occasional "oops eeps" (horrible though as it is :p) if they also come up with the better songs.
"No one has to be alone" from LBT 9 is one of my favorites. There is a lot of meaning to the lyrics and I wouldn't want to get rid of "oops eeps" if this meant getting rid of such quality songs as well. I did not pay too much attention to the songs in the TV series so I cannot say too much about them. They seem to recycle the same songs relatively frequently which further lessens their meaning. Then again I found some versions of "I am so happy" kind of catchy :smile

Paradise Bird

  • Petrie
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Well if you like something as horrible as opps epps you can appreciate any song.


  • Ducky
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I couldn't find an any song from the show that I liked. They were all pretty pointless and really repetitive.

One thing (Well, actually two things) I couldn't stand were two certain episodes: Brave Longneck Scheme and The Amazing Threehorn Girl.

Brave Longneck Scheme- There was so much I didn't like about this episode. Not just Ali turning into a gullible moron who'll believe anything. The thing I hated most was how this episode made the Gang look like nothing more than bullies. I don't think Rhett deserved being humiliated like that, especially since he didn't seem like a bad sort. Yeah, he was a fibber and made himself look cooler than he really was but he wasn't doing any harm to anyone. Now if he were lying to try and manipulate Ali, then yes I could understand where the Gang was coming from but from what I gathered, it seemed like Rhett just wanted a friend. He probably didn't have any other friends and wanted Ali to think he was cool, thus the reason for his tall tales.

Now what I would have done is I probably would have had Rhett actually act like a jerk towards Littlefoot and Cera. I would have had him insulting them (Calling Littlefoot "Littleneck" Doesn't really count as an insult) or maybe have him say something like, "Ali's my friend now! She doesn't want to be friends with you anymore!" At least then the Gang's getting back at Rhett would have been justifyable and they would'nt have (completely) come off as petty children or bullies.

The Amazing Threehorn Girl-I had similiar problems with this episode as I did Brave Longneck Scheme. I didn't like how the adults were so quick to turn on Cera after they found out she was lying. Despite the fact it was really THEIR faults for not listening to her. Cera tried explaining that she wasn't the one who saved Littlefoot(I think that was it. I only saw the episode once) but she saw that they weren't listening so obviously she decided to just go along with it. On top of that, why were the adults angry at her anyway? She lied, yes, but she's just a kid! Kids will lie at one point or another. If anything, the adults should have been angry with themselves for not listening to her.


  • Ducky
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To LBTfan13: I dunno. I can understand they respect Littlefoot's decision, but..considering how close of friends the five of them are, I was expecting a bigger reaction from the gang.

The series also had a lot of out of character moments. Like the Ducky episode when they went to find those stones.

Ugh, don't remind me of the Brave Longneck Scheme, Animeboy. XD Ali is my favorite character, so seeing her treated this way just made it bad.


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  • Cera
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When I watched Brave Longneck Scheme, I thought Petrie would tie Rhett's stories into Pterano's and be the first to say "Waddaminute!" After all that happened with Pterano's stories and Petrie realizing they were all lies, Petrie probably has a little "lie detector" stored in his brain...'course, so did the others. Petrie could even have brought up one of Pterano's stories to Ali and linked it to Rhett's.


  • Ducky
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KingdomKey23: You're not alone in that feeling. I didn't like at all how either the gang or Ali were protrayed. The part where Cera was going over the plan to "get back at Rhett" (I use quotation marks since he didn't exactly do anything wrong), I was actually expecting Littlefoot to completely object to it. Not for Cera to say "Don't worry, Littlefoot, it's a great plan!" and to have Littlefoot just be like "Oh, okay." Really didn't like that part.

Also, is it just me or does Littlefoot not even seem to care as much for his friends in the TV series as he does in the movies? I seriously doubt he would have been so willing to put Chomper in danger like he did in Brave Longneck Scheme. And even if he didn't know of what may happen, I still have a hard time believeing he would be so willing to go along with it.

Ptyra: I think that would have actually made for a much more intresting episode. Maybe instead of using Chomper to scare Rhett, Petrie, as you said, brings up one of Pterano's stories to Ali and compares it to Rhett's. They then decide to see if Rhett is all that he says he is, so they take him to a small rocky mountain in the Great Valley to see if he really can build a mountain of rocks with his tail. Rhett then confesses that he can't and that he made all the stories up. The episode could probably end with a Sharptooth chasing Rhett and Littlefoot and the gang save him, and as a result, they become friends. That's just my idea for an episode rewrite.


  • Ruby
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I have to say the songs get old, but I quite like the fleeting characters. Something new all the time, it keeps it fresh-tasting. What disappointed me greatly throughout the stream of movies and into the series was that, and I know why they would do it but come on, right? Get over it!- they never tweaked the designs to be more- well, dare I say it, anatomically correct. I don't mind it so much that I dislike it, but If I had kids (Here comes the dinosaur obsessed nerd in me) I would want them to be a little more clued up on what diosaurs were actually like. a little. For instance we have some pinfeathers on Ruby, which I was pleased about, but the flying reptiles seem to be bald. Screech and thud are bald. Everyone has archaic posture. I hate the majority of therapod tails, how they are so flexible- actually most of their tails.
 Oh yeah; and the carnivores are always the bad-guys lacking in intelligence. WTF?!

Cancerian Tiger

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Okay, time for more of my two-cents :lol.

Not all of the singing in the TV series was terrible. Most of the songs that Cera sings in sounds good, and I say most because Ooops Eeeps is easily worst LBT song in existence.

I would not say Cera's voice contributed to the "song" being so bad (if that's what I'm reading.  I could be wrong :bang).  She does have quite a nice voice.  Judging by the sound and rhythm of the song, I would not blame it on any of the Gang.  In fact, I blame it on the individual who came up with this insanity-inducing silliness.  They certainly did not have a good ear for rhythm at all, in my opinion anyway :p.  I would not be surprised if the said "composer" is deaf.  No, wait.  That would be an insult to wonderful deaf composers like Beethoven :oops.  I'm not sure what to classify the "composer" as... under the influence, perhaps :rolleyes:?  This noise about made my ears bleed.

The series also had a lot of out of character moments. Like the Ducky episode when they went to find those stones.

Once again, I was thrilled (after getting over the "having been in ice water for ten minutes" feeling of numb-shock :blink:) to see Ducky really does have a dark side.  She actually has a FLAW, just like the others :o!

Also, is it just me or does Littlefoot not even seem to care as much for his friends in the TV series as he does in the movies? I seriously doubt he would have been so willing to put Chomper in danger like he did in Brave Longneck Scheme. And even if he didn't know of what may happen, I still have a hard time believeing he would be so willing to go along with it.

I did not care much for Littlefoot's totally out-of-character arrogance in the TV series.  It's just like the case of Ali: Take the imposters and give us the real Littlefoot and Ali back :anger!  It seems like Littlefoot was attentive to Chomper's needs, but he seemed to be more...arrogant and indifferent towrds his friends since hatchlinghood <_<.  I was shocked at his reaction in "The March of the Sandcreepers" episode after it seemed like poor Cera had drowned.  He just did not seem to be emotionally appropriate for someone who had presumably just lost their best friend in the whole world, and possibly someone he sees as a sister.  I know it probably seems dramatic and cheesy, but I was kind of expecting him to continue frantically searching for Cera while shouting things like: "Don't do this to me, you silly threehorn!" or "For the love of sharpteeth, why did you do that?!  Why?!  WHY?!!!!!!"  His reaction when she resurfaced seemed to be lacking in emotion as well :crazy.  

The Amazing Threehorn Girl-I had similiar problems with this episode as I did Brave Longneck Scheme. I didn't like how the adults were so quick to turn on Cera after they found out she was lying. Despite the fact it was really THEIR faults for not listening to her. Cera tried explaining that she wasn't the one who saved Littlefoot(I think that was it. I only saw the episode once) but she saw that they weren't listening so obviously she decided to just go along with it. On top of that, why were the adults angry at her anyway? She lied, yes, but she's just a kid! Kids will lie at one point or another. If anything, the adults should have been angry with themselves for not listening to her.

True, they only have themselves to blame, but these are the grown-ups we're talkin' about.  They probably have some sense of superiority over the children and would not accept they, in Grandma Longneck's words, were "acting like children."

Petrie (interrupts): "We no act like that!"

Me: "Uh, Petrie.  Ever stop to think about the original source of that rumor?"

Petrie: :oops

This only goes to further leave fans with the impression that the adults are dense and incompetent.  I'm sure Mr. Threehorn's fire escape plan would've gone over better than them listening to Cera's side of the story :rolleyes:.

One more thing I've noticed is that it seems like the Gang randomly puts on weight in random episodes :huh:.  Jeez, what are they feeding 'em on their lunch break?  Pizza and Dunkin' Donuts one week, a head of lettuce and a carrot stick the next :blink:?  Am I the only one that noticed this?


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Jan 13 2010 on  05:19 PM
Okay, time for more of my two-cents :lol.

Not all of the singing in the TV series was terrible. Most of the songs that Cera sings in sounds good, and I say most because Ooops Eeeps is easily worst LBT song in existence.

I would not say Cera's voice contributed to the "song" being so bad (if that's what I'm reading.  I could be wrong :bang).  She does have quite a nice voice.  Judging by the sound and rhythm of the song, I would not blame it on any of the Gang.  In fact, I blame it on the individual who came up with this insanity-inducing silliness.  They certainly did not have a good ear for rhythm at all, in my opinion anyway :p.  I would not be surprised if the said "composer" is deaf.  No, wait.  That would be an insult to wonderful deaf composers like Beethoven :oops.  I'm not sure what to classify the "composer" as... under the influence, perhaps :rolleyes:?  This noise about made my ears bleed.

The series also had a lot of out of character moments. Like the Ducky episode when they went to find those stones.

Once again, I was thrilled (after getting over the "having been in ice water for ten minutes" feeling of numb-shock :blink:) to see Ducky really does have a dark side.  She actually has a FLAW, just like the others :o!

Also, is it just me or does Littlefoot not even seem to care as much for his friends in the TV series as he does in the movies? I seriously doubt he would have been so willing to put Chomper in danger like he did in Brave Longneck Scheme. And even if he didn't know of what may happen, I still have a hard time believeing he would be so willing to go along with it.

I did not care much for Littlefoot's totally out-of-character arrogance in the TV series.  It's just like the case of Ali: Take the imposters and give us the real Littlefoot and Ali back :anger!  It seems like Littlefoot was attentive to Chomper's needs, but he seemed to be more...arrogant and indifferent towrds his friends since hatchlinghood <_<.  I was shocked at his reaction in "The March of the Sandcreepers" episode after it seemed like poor Cera had drowned.  He just did not seem to be emotionally appropriate for someone who had presumably just lost their best friend in the whole world, and possibly someone he sees as a sister.  I know it probably seems dramatic and cheesy, but I was kind of expecting him to continue frantically searching for Cera while shouting things like: "Don't do this to me, you silly threehorn!" or "For the love of sharpteeth, why did you do that?!  Why?!  WHY?!!!!!!"  His reaction when she resurfaced seemed to be lacking in emotion as well :crazy.  

The Amazing Threehorn Girl-I had similiar problems with this episode as I did Brave Longneck Scheme. I didn't like how the adults were so quick to turn on Cera after they found out she was lying. Despite the fact it was really THEIR faults for not listening to her. Cera tried explaining that she wasn't the one who saved Littlefoot(I think that was it. I only saw the episode once) but she saw that they weren't listening so obviously she decided to just go along with it. On top of that, why were the adults angry at her anyway? She lied, yes, but she's just a kid! Kids will lie at one point or another. If anything, the adults should have been angry with themselves for not listening to her.

True, they only have themselves to blame, but these are the grown-ups we're talkin' about.  They probably have some sense of superiority over the children and would not accept they, in Grandma Longneck's words, were "acting like children."

Petrie (interrupts): "We no act like that!"

Me: "Uh, Petrie.  Ever stop to think about the original source of that rumor?"

Petrie: :oops

This only goes to further leave fans with the impression that the adults are dense and incompetent.  I'm sure Mr. Threehorn's fire escape plan would've gone over better than them listening to Cera's side of the story :rolleyes:.

One more thing I've noticed is that it seems like the Gang randomly puts on weight in random episodes :huh:.  Jeez, what are they feeding 'em on their lunch break?  Pizza and Dunkin' Donuts one week, a head of lettuce and a carrot stick the next :blink:?  Am I the only one that noticed this?
You know, you made couple points there,  the plots and Character behaviors are so unorginzed especially the songs (same rhythm but different words)  <_< seriously they can do better.  

 :) But I still like them all anyway.