The Gang of Five
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Messages - Sovereign

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 117
Starday Wishes / Re: Happy birthday, DiddyKF1!
« on: November 05, 2020, 03:08:44 PM »
Happy starday!

Silver Screen / Re: So I've been watching the old Disney classics.
« on: October 30, 2020, 03:38:11 PM »
I know. :PLoofah The animation in the Golden Age films is something else and everything in Fantasia and Bambi especially is unbelievable. There was a reason I got several books concerning the issue back in the day as learning about those films and their creators was beyond intriguing. :duckyhappy

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Re: Fanfiction Voting 2020
« on: October 26, 2020, 11:29:41 AM »
And here are my last reviews. I'm sorry for giving lower ratings but these fics... well, I said what I have to say. Still, it was nice to see even this many participants this year and I hope to see many more voters in the coming month. :^^spike

Fanfiction: Lost in Nightmares

I rate it: 6,5/10

This fic… is a tough one. It seems to almost be divided into two as it started very strongly and opening many possibilities into Shorty’s deepening mental issues. It was simultaneously intriguing and saddening to see him starting to see his dead friends in his mind and that alone opened a chance to explore completely new aspects of the hapless longneck’s character. But what we ended up with wasn’t the best outcome, imo.

The first chapter showed the dynamics between Shorty and Bron excellently and I liked seeing Bron having to act both as the foster father and the herd leader and you established the duo’s troubled relationship excellently. Shorty’s mental breakdown at the end was understandable even if it didn’t make things any less dramatic for him. And as I already said, his deepening longing for his old home after being bullied was very clear soon enough. All of this was good, intense and well-written.

And then comes the third chapter. It isn’t any more badly written than the first ones but I’ll start by saying that you just don’t squeeze the 10th film into one chapter. There was a reason Shorty’s Dark Past filled it with new stuff, in order to give it more depth and to really show what was going on. I understand you meant this to be a short story but nonetheless, I just don’t think an initial in-depth perspective followed by a sprint work well in a single story.

I hate to be this blunt but also, the two first chapters proved you still have what it takes to write a great story. Here, the problem was the pacing but should you continue writing, you still have a lot to offer to LBT fics. So don’t let this review keep you down as the issues I raised up are very fixable.

Fanfiction: Our Past and Our Future

I rate it: 6/10

Because: I’m not exactly fond of giving this rather well-written fic this low a rating but after a few years of following it, my main question concerning it is: why? Yeah, I get that it is supposed to be centered around Arya’s character and you have created good dynamics between her and the Gang and that is respectable. However, things haven’t really been moving forward and at least imo, Arya hasn’t yet justified being this important a character.

In the latest chapter we mainly saw Cera being a racist towards sharpteeth which really isn’t the freshest idea in the franchise and neither is others persuading her to apologize. The thing is, all of these chapters are well-written and the chars are mainly in-character which is why I’m not giving this a terrible rating. To be sure, this tale has many things going for it and imo, you have what it takes to make great fics.

But the problems are numerous. First, we’ve thus far seen very few original ideas here which obviously isn’t the best place to be in. Second, Arya is a decent char in the way that I really don’t have any opinion of her. But that doesn’t alone justify a fic centered around her and I can’t say I’m super excited about her future. Third, the fic doesn’t have a whole lot of suspense rn. There isn’t a lot of stuff in the horizon or anything to look forward to which is a problem.

I know I sound overly negative and for sure, I mean those points. But the depth in which you can analyze a character’s motives and thoughts and how you overall build scenes are almost up there with the best LBT authors. That fact makes the relatively lackluster plot even more frustrating but I hope you don’t find my words unjust. I hope you have something in store for us in this fic as it can still be a good one if you put Arya’s character to good use.

Fanfiction: A Glimpse Beyond

I rate it: 7,5/10

Because: My thoughts are a bit divided on this one. I really like the idea of the stone working that way, quite literally being a message from Beyond the Mysterious Beyond. You also managed to get a lot of emotion to the text as Littlefoot and mis mother’s conversation was quite well built. That being said, I have a few issues I’d like to mention.

But first things first. Littlefoot’s reaction to the miraculous reunion worked really well and the warmth and longing were more than tangible through the scene. It was easy to understand just how much it meant to Littlefoot and because of that, this fic was a rather strong one. I’ve read a fic of your fics and I must say this is the best.

Yet, there are two main things that bother me. First is the fact that his mother’s only regret here is that she’s a racist. That was both a cliché and it wasn’t something that felt fitting there. It just seemed to make the whole sequence cheaper and made me roll my eyes a bit. The other problem is the ending where it becomes apparent that Littlefoot comes to believe the meeting wasn’t real. That isn’t the best way to make an impact.

But overall, this was decent work. These short, introspective stories are often quite emotional and you certainly knew how to make one of those. Despite its problems, I give this a pretty good rating and I hope to see truly great fics from you in the future.

Fanfiction: Hidden Needs

I rate it: 9/10

Because: Lastly, this was a good fic. The opening scenes of the Gang just being the Gang worked perfectly and it was a bit tough to watch Petrie trying to hide his secret. It was clear he wanted to keep the mask on and he had to go to great lengths to hide his real diet from his friends. Even then, the group had fun together until Ruby found out the truth.

And that scene was quite well written. It was nice to see Petrie being able to let others know the truth even if he was quite overly lucky that it was Ruby who surprised him. However, I’m not exactly sure why the secret was so touchy for the flyers. I don’t really see how eating fish would be a problem but okay, I guess. That was one of my only nitpicks in the first chapter. The latter part of the chapter was what you’d expect as it was never likely that the revelation would change much.

As for the second, it wasn’t really needed, imo. Very little happened there and while the final conclusion to the installment was worth a chuckle or two, it ultimately wasn’t anything special. This fic would have been better with only one chapter but I won’t decrease the rating as the second chapter still had a few good ideas and it was well-written as always.

Overall, this was a very good story from you. The first part had many intense scenes and it flowed forward naturally while also building on its promise in an interesting way. It’s clear you still have what it takes and even if it’s bit of a shame that this was your only entry this year. Hopefully the next year will be a better one but as it is, this fic was still a very worthy entry for 2020.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Re: Award Winners 2020
« on: October 26, 2020, 11:24:26 AM »
Congratulations to all of the winners and runner-ups! You guys deserved your awards. :duckyhappy

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday Hypno!
« on: October 25, 2020, 01:41:22 PM »
Happy starday! :)petrie

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Re: Fanfiction Voting 2020
« on: October 25, 2020, 06:05:11 AM »
It seems to be up to me to start the voting. Here are my five first votes and considering we have quite few participants, there'll be need for only one more post which I should have ready in a few days.

Fanfiction: The Battle Before Time

I rate it: 7/10

Because: This fic is a bit hard to evaluate but I’ll try my best. You are a pretty good writer and clearly capable of creating an original and interesting narrative. You had a very personal plot going on here and it was built quite nicely. It was deliberately outlandish and you knew how to make it work that way. Yet, this tale was perhaps even too outlandish for most readers and it was pretty tiring stuff to read through. That isn’t to say it was bad but the way I see it, there could have been room for improvement.

The premise of Littlefoot training under Doc while also having with Cera is pretty fun and something that is easy to see in LBT. However, the stuff that follows gets pretty outlandish. It is a testament to your skills as an author but the Baby Moon and supernatural fight gets pretty intense. The story has its good parts and the characterizations work quite well but the way I see it, the high tempo gets tiring. The fic is long as it is and it had pretty much no more silent scenes where to catch my breath. It was pretty much all action which made it quite heavy to read. This genre has its own appeal but it isn’t my piece of cake.

That being said, I still give you a rather high score for simply your abilities and fluidness in fusing LBT, fighting and comedy together quite nicely. I hope you won’t mind my criticism but I want to be as fair as I can. It will be interesting to see where this fic will go next as the battle for the Valley isn’t over. Overall, you did a good job in the genre you went with but magic and comedy just aren't my nr. 1 things.

Fanfiction: Weathered Gorge

I rate it: 8/10

Because: I liked many aspects of this fic. The first chapter portraying the demise of Petrie’s father in the first chapter was portrayed pretty believably. Likewise, it was good to see another take on Petrie’s issues with his family and how he tries to get over the bullying. This tale was written nicely as your stuff is but the quick ending to this fic left me with bit of a empty feeling. It just felt like there was potential for far more here but your compromise was good enough as well.

As I said, the first chapter was good as was the second one. At that point, the plot moved forward quite smoothly with certain tension hanging in the air. Petrie’s willingness to prove his worth is understandable and in-character though it was also foolish considering his young age. The premise of this story was thus established very effectively and I was left waiting for a real spectacle and a really intense conclusion.

Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t bad, it just felt sudden. Petrie just flew there, almost dies after which his mother gives him a much-needed lesson. I had expected a longer story and that made the ending even more interesting but in the end, I didn’t really feel we got much feeling for Petrie’s dad, for the Gorge itself or for the whole lesson. The whole fic felt like a 100k fic compressed into 20k.

However, I still give this a decent rating as I understand it was a prompt and you still provided us with memorable moments and places. Even if I can find stuff to point out, the overall picture is still positive and your skill as an author certainly helped in making this at least a bit more complete tale. So in the end, good job as always.

Fanfiction: Snowballed Lies

I rate it: 9/10

Because: I think this was your strongest prompt entry this year. Not only did it have a closer look on the main char but it also had the best plot. Of course it was a bit easier to build on top of your breakthrough story as Five Stages of Grief still stands as one of the best LBT short stories. This time we got a close look to Mr. Thicknose and really, you did a good job on fleshing out why he did what he did as despite everything, he wasn’t handled too well in the film.

It was a good decision to have a glance to Thicknose’s childhood as that laid the foundations for his rather eccentric personality. It makes sense he was a curious and analytical kid who wasn’t spectacularly well received by everyone. Even then, he loved to gather knowledge and grew to want to share it with others as well. Later on, that became the basis for his identity as we saw in the film. You showed his point of view on his mistakes very effectively and that’s one of the strong points of the story. Especially his hurt at being unable to answer to Mr. Threehorn was tangible.

The latter parts might have dragged on a bit as this story was a very long one for an introspective fic. Most of the scenes served their purpose, though, and the strict focus on Arbor/Mr. Thicknose was a good decision. Overall, it’s a very good sibling to Five Stages of Grief as you’ve shown that there were really many strong emotions around the events of the film that were completely cut out of it. It is nice that you’ve done so much to give us a more complete view of it and for that, this fic deserves this rating.

Fanfiction: Panicky Plumed Predicament

I rate it: 7,5/10

Because: This was a pretty simple and fun fic for sure. Guido was put in a very alien situation for him and considering the circumstances, he did pretty well. The premise worked even if Petrie had a pretty odd thought process when he implied that Guido’s day is worth less than his. Then again, I guess that’s understandable but it felt a bit bruh to me. It spoke a lot of the glider’s appreciation for jis friend to accept the job.

The latter parts were fun as well with Mr. Threehorn being just a bit apprehensive at the new babysitter. It’s clear that he doesn’t trust the glider but he has to accept the reality. Guido’s time with Tricia was quite well done (yeah, Greeny is a very good name for him) and his meeting with Ruby and Chomper was very nice. The shock at seeing Chomper was very easy to see coming and while the trio’s meeting wasn’t too long, it was good to see the secondary characters’ interacting for a while. I’m obviously biased towards that duo but their presence makes almost any fic even better. Overall, this story wasn’t the most ambitious one but it was chill and entertaining for sure.

Fanfiction: The Tragic Cycle

I rate it: 9/10

Thus far I’ve greatly enjoyed this story. It has presented us with a great version about Petrie’s early life and it has already offered us with many emotional scenes from Petrie’s point of view as well as Cerusa. It’s clear that both of them are having a hard time and it has been tough not to feel bad at them. The plot itself has been satisfactory too even if I have had a few issues with it.

First of all, you’ve done very well in portraying Petrie’s issues and his struggles to take even the first steps in his life. His inability to speak, his future fear of flying… all is very clear to the reader as are Cerusa’s efforts to both support her son and also trying to show him the cold truths of life he simply cannot escape. Petrie’s doubts about her words were also clear and it was rather sad to see him that fearful about his own future.

Another thing I liked was Rantyl but I still am not completely happy with his fate. We’ve gone through this but I still think he had a lot more to offer us than dying in chapter 2. It just felt like it happened unnecessarily fast. Also, some aspects of storytelling feel a bit too self-indulging, most noticeably the emphasis on Petrie’s alleged autism. It just didn’t feel natural to put it so noticeably on display in a LBT fic.

But overall, this fic is a good one and it has much further potential. I hope we’ll see a careful, close development of Petrie’s character as he turns from a hatchling to what he was in the film. With Donnie’s presence and the dark, awesome world of the original movie, I’m sure we will be up for a treat later on. For that, I give this story one of the year’s best ratings.

LBT Fanart / Re: Sovereign's Fanart
« on: October 24, 2020, 03:13:05 PM »
Jassy: Yeah, I actually agree. The wings should be a bit bigger and I'll remember that next time. Thanks for pointing it out. :duckyhappy

OwlsCantRead: I liked the coloring myself and it's close to my best so thanks. As for him being pudgy, I felt like it'd suit him and besides, I think he looks better this way. But I'm happy you found the expression fitting.  :^^spike

Here's my next drawing, featuring Azurefin and Wol from my fic Perils of the Deep. Yeah, they're ghosts here and they're in the abyssal depths, watched by the same monsters who likely turned out to be their ends. Hopefully you like this one. :)petrie

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: October 22, 2020, 03:47:59 PM »
Very well done, Jassy. :^^spike The colors look phenomenal and I love the hatchlings' expressions.

LBT Fanart / Re: Fanart by Mumbling
« on: October 18, 2020, 03:14:03 PM »
This is a pretty sweet drawing. The overall layout works well and I really like the background. The colors and the flyer silhouettes are really, really nice. The chars are good too though the colors in them seem pale but we went through this on Discord. Ducky's beak looks odd but it's quite minor. Nice job overall. :DD

LBT Fanart / Re: Sovereign's Fanart
« on: October 18, 2020, 03:07:40 PM »
Here's my next LBT pic and it's my OC from Separate Ways called Ortin. Hope you like it. :duckyhappy

Mumbling: Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, I liked the face too but you're right about the tail. Sometimes I'm too eager to call a pic finished that I overlook such details but I'll keep the critique in mind.

StardustSoldier: Thank you as well. And i'm not sure about Ducky, they're all really difficult. :bestsharptooth Also, I used GIMP.

Flathead770: I'll certainly keep it up, no worries.  :littlefoot:)

RainbowFaceProtege: That's understandable considering I spent a lot of time with it and it's my biggest LBT pic of all. I'm certainly happy it turned out well after all the effort. As for the shading, could be, it seems quite simple but of course I need to get better in it too. Thanks for the comments, everyone!

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: October 18, 2020, 02:58:06 PM »
Yep, it's a great drawing, Jassy.  :^^spike All of the chars look great and Mo is the best one of all, imo. I'm not too sure about what Guido's expression is but that's quite minor. The colors and mood are just great here and both are of the quality we can expect from you. Keep up the good and consistent work. :DD

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Waves Crashing Upon the Sky
« on: October 16, 2020, 09:56:36 AM »
Yeah, this chapter seems like a clear harbinger to a change in this story’s future. Not only is Petrie starting to get a small reprieve from his torture but we are also beginning to get glimpses on the larger picture behind everything that has happened. And I’d say it’s about time for that considering we’re past 100k words and the other main char is still herself. :p There were some pacing issues here, imo, but more about those later.

I must admit, Ferris is a far better loser than I had expected. I had thought he would storm away immediately to plan some kind of revenge or even get violent but he could accept defeat quite well, actually. Valent’s teasing was quite fun to read and he and Jovi were portrayed very well here. As for Petrie, swimming lessons with Ducky might just well be something out of his dreams and it isn’t hard to see which way his mind is going to go regarding his transformation. Yet, all of that is obviously going to fall on its head after Ducky changes too.

About the ending, it isn’t exactly surprising that there is a bigger organization behind the stones. Cirrus seems like a danger to Vekal and obviously as a result to Petrie and eventually Ducky. Their struggle for power will obviously have wide-ranging results but as it is, we still know quite little of this mysterious clan. But you did a good job building up the hype and tension. It seems unlikely that Vekal isn’t prepared for challenges to his position anyways.

As for the pacing comment, the first part of the chapter seemed excessively long even if it obviously was a game-changer for Petrie. I just personally prefer to have relatively balanced chapters regarding action and dialogue but even then, you did a good here. The stage is set for a change to Ducky’s pow and the clan’s increasing internal instability. The next chapter will be an interesting one to see.

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday, Anagnos! ^_^
« on: October 14, 2020, 04:03:42 PM »
I really hope you had a great starday, Anagnos.  :ChomperPOG

LBT Fanart / Re: Sovereign's Fanart
« on: October 07, 2020, 01:00:41 PM »
Stardisk: Thanks for the comment but i really hope that isn't the case as in that case I would have just gotten worse. :p

Mumbling: Thanks for the detailed answers. :^^spike Yeah, in the Chomper pic the spikes were a clear afterthought and i actually forgot them at first. I didn't give them enough attention as I just wanted to move on. As for the cave pic, maybe... I spent a lot of time with it and I had to make many compromises to make it look even decent. I think it's fine in the end, however. But again, I'm glad you thought those drawings were good and here's the next one.

LBT Fanart / Sovereign's Fanart
« on: October 05, 2020, 09:22:46 AM »
Okay, this is a day I thought would never happen for years but here we are. :bestsharptooth I've made a couple of drawings that I've released on Discord already but I know that not everyone uses it so I might as well post the ones I've done thus far here too. I'll put the newer ones first to give you a better first impression. :lol

I'll also share this one failed drawing which I didn't quite finish as I rage quit because of Petrie's beak but I thought showing my mistakes hurts. It's the attached one. However, I won't be taking criticism of it. :petrienotamused

In any casy, I hope you like especially the first two pics and i hope to put more stuff in this thread in the near future. :)littlefoot

LBT Fanfiction / Re: The Swimmer Trials
« on: October 04, 2020, 04:14:41 PM »
This chapter was good stuff. Not only did it lay even more foundations on the upcoming Trials but it also created room for new conflict and drama. I really like how you’ve introduced the OCs as they don’t seem forced or unfitting to the story in any way. Likewise, Ruphus’ backstory was an interesting one though within it also lies my one major piece of criticism.

Nishir and Takari’s scene was quite fun and their chat with Echo and Opal was nice to read overall. While the duo’s denied love stuff was quite cliché, it still served as a good introduction to what they’re about in this story and I’ll follow their developments with pleasure. As for Whirlpool, you did justice to her. At first she seems like a complete jerk and someone you’d never want to meet and once she can see that you’re nice and capable, she turns into a more ordinary kid. I was happy to contribute to this fic and her fate in this story will be something to wait for.

As for Ruphus’ tale, it was good overall. It is now clear to us why he hates his own father with such passion as what Aophous did was horrible. In fact, it’s surprising Ruphus didn’t just kill him immediately as that’s what he would have deserved. That being said, the way their relationship is being built, it feels like there is some kind of reconciliation coming between the two, possibly as part of a future uprising against Sculra.

But that story also highlighted the way you handle traditions here. It makes little sense for someone to uphold purely bad traditions and tbh, Sura and Ruphus’ “tradition bad, anti-tradition good” preaches are really annoying. But I hope there will be more nuance coming to it in the future and overall, it wasn’t a huge point anyway. This was a good chapter and I hope we’ll see the next one soon enough. :duckyhappy

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Re: Appreciated Member 2020
« on: October 02, 2020, 04:02:43 PM »
I'll vote for the Lone Dragon. He has been a very uplifting presence in any chat and his informative posts about marine life have been interesting. Overall, he has been a great person both to me personally and to the community overall.

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy birthday, jassy and OwlsCantRead!
« on: September 17, 2020, 04:36:43 PM »
An amazing starday to both of you! :^^spike

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday, StardustSoldier! ^_^
« on: September 11, 2020, 04:44:51 AM »
Hope you had a happy starday. :)petrie

LBT Fanart / Re: Flathead770's Fanart
« on: September 06, 2020, 03:01:09 AM »
You clearly understand how LBT works.:PCera It was nice to have that extra screen of Littlefoot trying to process that monstrous a question before the ending as who could ever even expect such a question? :bestsharptooth But overall, good job with the drawing and with the screenplay. :duckyhappy

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