The Gang of Five
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Character House Madness


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Ilsa gave in to her desires and pinned Sue against a nearby wall and began to majke love to her.
 Outside of the closer, minna abnd the others had decided to go check out the sounds of the noise, and had found the golem wally and the creature fighting. minna had shot fireballs at both of them and the battle was joined.
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  • Petrie
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"Hey look! I found Wally!" Drago cried as he transformed his arm into a giant mallet and lept into the fray without a second thought. The blow connected with Wally's back, who distractedly tried to swipe him away. Just before Drago rolled out of the way, he caught a glimpse of a truly hideous looking cat creature with furious looking eyes and frayed whiskers. When he finished his role, the creature was gone. "Where did it-" he was about to say, when the creature reappeared next to him and took a huge swipe at him, knocking him away. He was distracted: he could hear Sue's voice coming from the closet, making loud moans. "Hurry!" Drago roared. "Sue must be hurt!"

"Oh my god, Ilsa!" Sue quailed in ecstasy.


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ilsa tensed as she heard voices outside. she was sweating now from exhertion, her body entwined with sues. at the sound of minnas voice ilsa broke from sue.. ok.. ok.. thats enough ' she panted softly ' get dressed.' she said going over and putting her clothes back on.
 Minna was firing spells at both wally and the cat creature.
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  • Petrie
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Sue blushed fiercely, gathering her clothes together as quick as she could, repeating in her head that it was a pretty dumb idea to be doing that kind of thing right outside a fight between two terrible beasties.
"R-right," she panted, soaking in sweat. Thinking about damness in her underwear and how to avoid it, her hand landed once again on the object from earlier. She paused, picking it up. It was heavy-- heavy enough to be a dangerous weapon if it was swung at someone-- but it was so balanced it didn't feel cumbersome. Not thinking, she pressed the button on the handle, feeling it retract to it's smaller state, then quickly slid into her underwear and pants.


Wally was flailing around, trying to attack the creature while avoiding the others. The creature seemed to be doing the opposite-- it was trying to attack the others while trying avoiding getting hit by Wally.


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minna   continued firing at both creatures, and Utena and Juri slashed at wally wuth their claws.
_ ilsa opened the closet door and jumped into the fray " where the heck have you guys been?' Ilsa Asked Drago asked " We've been Running from these things' she added  as the two draconesses combined their powers.
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  • Petrie
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"Oh were have we been? Where have WE been!?" Drago shouted as he tried to jab both wally and the creature with arm lances, both failing. Sue limped out next to Ilsa, holding her arm to her side and wincing. Wally eventually roared and hit the cat monster in the face. It fell to the ground, limp as a rag.

Wally turned around, dumbly looking at the charging power of Juri and Minna's attack.


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the combnied blast shoved wally into the wall ' lets find someplace safe to get caught up shhall we? Juri said to Ilsa as the Fauxen trurned and began running the other way..' you were supposed to get food and supplies..'
 well we didnt find any, and we had that cat thing chasing us wilynilly all over the place.. and Sue got hurt' Ilsa said ato her as she ans Minna joined the rush to get away from wallly.
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  • Petrie
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Sue nodded. "It's not too bad," she insisted, trying to act as best as she could. "Nothing's broken, or anything. I just slipped on some stairs." It was a poor excuse, but it was the best she could come up with at the moment. Thankfully, she had hidden the heavy cane in the makeshift sling she was pretending to cradle her arm with, which convincingly made it shudder. "Either way, I agree-- let's go someplace safe."


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Minna lead them down the hallway to a pair of ornate doors ' she threw them open reveaiing a large fireplace and rows odff bookshelfs. this was not the same room, minna and the orgthers had been in, and the fire looked inviting ' Alright Everyone inside" Minna said motioning to the others to enter Juri and Utena went in first..
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Sue scrambled in obediently, seeing the fire in the corner and, again, was able to recognize it instantly. As the final person shut the door, they heard a thud as something large slammed against the door, followed by the catlike squealing of the thing that had been outside. "They... can't get in here, right?" Sue asked.


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we should be fine in here' Minna said taking a deep breath as he made her way towards the warm fire in the middle of the room. ' so whats the plan/ how the heck do we get out of here?" she asked the others.
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  • Petrie
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"Why can't we just fight our way out?" Drago asked. "We've taken that golem before-- I doubt that cat thing will be any harder to stop." Sue kept pretending to cradle her arm, the strange baton/cane sill in her makeshift sling. How long could she keep this faƁade up, she thought? Eventually, someone was going to need a hand, and it was going to look really awkward if her arm was suddenly fine in a moment when it was needed.
"I don't think that's such a good idea," Sue said, reflecting this anxiety.


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qwe need time to rest and recuperate' Utena said as the banging began to quiet down. "We ned to find food, and some clue as to get out of here.Juri put her aerms around her friend and gheld her to her. " We'll be fine ' she said soothingly. calm down.
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  • Petrie
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Drago shook his head and slunk to the door. "We keep saying that to ourselves," he muttered loud enough for the others to hear. "... Alright. It's probably getting late. We can sleep in the library for the night. Maybe I can find a useful book in the mean time..."


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we;'ll have to pair up for the night. minna said ' juri, utena, you're together. ilsa you're with me. sue and drago. you're together.' any questions.
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