The Gang of Five
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FBS's New Art Stuffs


  • Petrie
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Made three pics, mostly Sierra of course... And I'm not the best artist in my family, so please excuse the general bad-ness of these three pics.

Our Flyer Trio as Babies-

A Pal's RP OC "Girlfriend" For Sierra ( he hates her sooooo much....)-

Sierra Being Pwned by Said "Girlfriend"-

I suck at coloring (the third pic, my pencils didn't like me at all). And backgrounds are never nice to me so I avoid them as much as possible by not doing them at all in most cases! Sorry for that...

Edit: I did it!! Thanks so much for showing me, Adder!!  :D


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Right click over the picture, and click 'properties', there's a link on the panel that pops up, copy that.

Paste it in between this [ img] [/ img] tags.

Like this:

Code:  on  

It makes:

It puts the image, but for a large image, just the link would be good.:)

Also, where I've put the spaces in the tag codes, remove those when you use it, like in the second example.


  • Petrie
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Thank you, Adder! I'm gonna keep the links there until I get better at everything here in general! I still gotta lot to learn bout this awesome place! :DD


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Argh! I’m so sorry for not posting a review of your artwork sooner! :bang I hope this hasn’t discouraged you from creating more artwork, because all of this is really good! My first impression is that you’re right up there with Ptyra in your skill at drawing LBT flyers!

I should warn you, I’m a bit of a nitpicker when it comes to reviewing artwork; constructive criticism is my fortÈ. I hope you don’t mind that; let me know if you think I’m being too harsh. Just remember that when I spend lots of time pointing out areas for improvement in a picture (or a story, for that matter), it’s because I love it and want to help the artist (or author) become as good at what they do as they can possibly be. :angel

I’m guessing from their proportions that Pterano, Sierra, and Rinkus in the first picture are supposed to be very young hatchlings, much younger than Petrie. Maybe it’s just me, but even without colors, and without looking at the physical characteristics that distinguish them (Rinkus’s tail, Pterano’s crest, etc.), it’s not hard to tell who they’re each supposed to be, because you’ve drawn them in such a way that their personalities come across quite clearly. Pterano, for instance, is the only one standing up, and is investigating a butterfly: it makes him come across as bolder, and perhaps more confident and adventurous. And the fact that he is stepping on Sierra’s wing (whose expression alone is enough to identify him :lol) might imply his habit of occasionally “stepping” a little on others. :p Meanwhile Rinkus is sort of off to the side, and almost looks to be rolling his eyes at the others, and somehow he looks to be deeper in thought than the others. I suspect I’m overinterpreting the picture, though; did you make a conscious effort to draw them this way?

I like the butterfly, too. You went into more detail than most artists; this is one of the few LBT butterflies I’ve seen drawn with visible eyes, legs, and a proboscis. :!

On to the second picture…

I’m always interested when a LBT artist posts a picture of an OC. What can you tell me about her? :) I could have guessed without even looking at the text that this is a pretty one-sided relationship as far as affection is concerned. :p I like the colors you used for her. They make me think a little of a seabird. She’d have to be a fictional species of pterosaur, by the way, since there is so far no known species that had both a long tail and a Pteranodon-style head crest.

As for Sierra, you succeeded spectacularly in making him look angry. :lol In fact, both characters’ expressions are just perfect! :yes I’m wondering, though…do you think it would be more appropriate for the little skull images resembled pterosaur skulls or dinosaur skulls? (I suppose those would be harder to draw recognizably from front view, though, especially with teeth.) I do have to say, Sierra’s upper legs look awfully thin, and the way his torso just seems to “stop” looks odd, while the OC’s stomach should probably be rounder and less squarish. The feet of both characters look very good, outside of Sierra’s extremely sharp and protruding heel. Both characters’ hands, arms, wings, and heads are downright astounding! :wow

I really like the perspective in the last picture; it’s very good, considering that, like my artwork, the drawing is two-dimensional, without much in the way of shading or other depth-enhancing features. You did a great job on your OC’s beak, especially the part where the base of the beak slants down; the crease where it meets the straight part of the beak looks just right. And again, Sierra’s expression is fantastic! :lol: You put a lot of detail into his eyes, which serves to make him look REALLY angry, and you did a great job drawing his mouth in a snarling-type expression: closed at the front but with teeth exposed towards the back. And yikes! He’s so angry that he’s tearing the paper! :p :lol

What’s the problem with the coloring in the last picture? It doesn’t look too bad to me, though if you have a problem with the pencils not coloring solidly enough, you could always try a different brand. I'm a colored pencil artist as well (my art thread is here); my brand of choice is Prismacolor Premier, which I previously mentioned to another artist. I’ll just quote from the post:
Quote from: Pangaea,Oct 29 2010 on  12:19 AM
A few months ago I found a brand called Prismacolor Premier, which I have come to like very much because the pencils give very smooth and very solid colors. They’re kind of expensive, but you can get them here and here for a pretty good price ($0.88 a pencil; a lot better than the $1.99 I spent on the individual pencils I bought).

I really hope to see more artwork from you. :) Keep drawing! :DD

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I really like the artistry myself. :)

I'm not really a fan of making up a fictitious dinosaur in the LBT universe, (unless it's a fursona of some kind, like a cat with a dinosaur or one species of a dinosaur with another to express who the person is as a certain creature)

I LOVE how the characters are drawn though. :yes With Sierra's annoyed/angry expression to the girl's "Wacha goin' to do now boy?" expression.

I had an idea for a relationship for Sierra myself, though my character is definitely not as "outgoing" as your character. :p Mine is definitely a LOT more...reserved then her and I actually have Sierra mostly trying to call the shots. :p

Anyway, keep up the good work and I hope to see more art from you! :D


  • Petrie
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Wow, reviews for my pics.... *glittery eyed* I'm sooooo happy!!

Response for Pangaea:
I take construstive critism well when it comes to drawing (I'm probably a bit more sensitive to it when it's on my writing, but I'll happily accept it if it helps!) since I know my drawings will be flawed in some way and my younger sister will always outshine me on that department (thankfully, to make up for that, I'm a better, more creative writer than her! *sibling rivalry moment here!*).

Baby Flyer Pic:
Yeah, they're way younger than Petrie here and I added my own flare in making them a bit....chibi-er (is that a word?). Plus, at the time I drew this, I had no memory on what a baby Flyer would look like, so I winged it. As for the interpretation of their actions, I suppose it's a bit conscious. I wanted to apply some of the personality I've managed to pick up in the film and put it here. It took a couple minutes' thought on whether I should make Pterano step on Sierra's wing and it obvious won out in the end. In fact, originally I wasn't gonna have Pterano in there and just have it as Baby Sierra being annoyed by the butterfly and Baby Rinkus hiding behind him (I always imagined that while Rinkus' the brains, he would rely on Sierra for physical protection). Then at the last moment before inking the outlines, I decided to change it up a bit to what you see here. Pterano just came across to me as one to really appreciate the beauty of a butterfly. Rinkus-wise, yeah, he's in his own little world where only his tail exists. As for the butterfly, that's my lazy work. Insects are one of my stronger points in drawing, but I wanted to put minimum detail (including my unusual lack of patterns on its wings) on the butterfly while still making it recognizable, so not to distract attention away from the babies.

Second Picture:
This one was an experiment as far as shading. My sister was trying to teach me how to shade on this one and she seemed satisfied with how it turned out ("Not bad for your first try!"), which made me extra-happy. And yeah, our girly here is a fictional species that actually has my two favorite characteristics of Flyers, the crest and tail. More info on our female friend will be included after this long response is done! The skulls, they're my own little whenever I decide to adds skulls and stuff, it's always in my 'signature' way! I guess it's an individuality thing. Anywho, yeah I have noticed some errors, but unfortunately the discovery was made after I had inked it (something that happens to me all too often). You have no idea how extensively I've studied Sierra, pausing the movie frequently just to stare and try to memorize every feature (my dad called it a waste of electricity...). For our OC pal, Pterano's design was chosen and I also spent a great deal of the movie watching Rinkus' tail. Overall, since the animation of that movie wasn't particularly great, I was just trying to get a sense on what was consistent enough to be considered their actual appearance.

Last Picture:
Shading and backgrounds are my worst enemies; two-dimensional art is probably my way to go too! I just looooooooove expressing Sierra's angry (permanent?  :p ) side. It's just so much fun! And bad Sierra! Stop tearing paper and killing trees! :DD  Coloring, I think I chose a bad surface to color it on as I know it's not nearly as good as my previous pic. Plus, the lighting I was in made the color yellow really hard for me to see. Hmmm, I should bug my artist sister to bug our parents to get those pencils. Maybe that's what my lack-luster coloring skills need.

For Rat_Lady7:
I love their relationship, a literal Love Hate kind thing! ^^ And Oh!!!! Are you making a story or a pic of your OC "girlfriend"? If so, I'd loooooooooooove to see/read it!! Also, a bit off topic and random regarding your name: .......Do you have pet rats?

Now for details on the female Sierra hates most:
Her name's Serena and she has a twin sister who basically a silver version of her. She's bold and fearless and very determined. And of course very flirty with Sierra, even from the moment she met him. Despite her obvious attraction to our favorite brown Flyer, she's a carnivorous 'sharptooth' Flyer that learned to speak Leaf-Eater along with her sister. The story with her and Sierra goes like this: After the explosion near the end of the movie, Sierra managed to go off on his own, although he intended it to be temporary in that he just wanted to be alone to burn off some pent up steam and hatred and stuff. Of course, that was before he encountered Serena, who immediately made herself known by making snide remarks on Sierra's burnt condition and calling him the forever nickname of Sir CrispALot. Not to take the insults lightly, Sierra immediately started a fight, though it became apparent that with his burns, he's more than outmatched. Serena realized that the burned and weakened Sierra would be eaten without her help, so she literally dragged him to her home (in the form of a large hollowed tree) against his will to have his injuries tended to. Course, Sierra's not happy with this and tries many times to escape and return to Rinkus, only to have it foiled by one of two things.... 1. Serena would stop him herself before he even reaches the exit or 2. Sierra would make it out of the nest only to be nearly eaten by our familiar Fast Biters, Screech and Thud. In fact, this brings out how brave Serena is and how much she truely loves her reluctant charge. When Sierra's having his near-death experience with the sharptooth duo, Serena quite readily risked life and limb to save him, succeeding only due to a distant companion of hers that'll probably be brought up later. And even then....Sierra is far from grateful and still hates her, frequently saying with venom how he'd rather get eaten than stay with her. Serena's not fazed by this at all and actually finds his stubborn attitude and violent nature amusing (as well as attractive) and she taunts him on a daily basis to purposly goad him on.
That is the progress made so far!

And thanks for the praise and feedback on my drawings! It gives me confidence to know that my drawings aren't entirely hopeless and cruddy. Maybe I could transfer some of my fanfics here too!


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Nov 12 2010 on  11:10 PM
For Rat_Lady7:
I love their relationship, a literal Love Hate kind thing! ^^ And Oh!!!! Are you making a story or a pic of your OC "girlfriend"? If so, I'd loooooooooooove to see/read it!! Also, a bit off topic and random regarding your name: .......Do you have pet rats?
I did have a story of her as a character in a VERY OLD story a few years ago. I don't have her as a character for anything right now, but when I have the time, I'll definitely get her picture up! :)

Hehe, I don't at the moment, but I would love one! :) I just have a pet cat right now. :yes


  • Petrie
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Yayz! Can't wait to see it!!

And ya should get ratties, they're awesome pets!!


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It’s not often that I see an artist write such a long and detailed response to his or her reviewers. :! I commend you for that! :yes

Your story about Sierra meeting Serena sounds like it could be a LBT TV episode, :lol if the series focused on characters other than the gang. (I’m wondering what happened to Rinkus during that time, by the way.)

I’m not quite sure of the best way to put this into words, but your description of Serena really “fits” your drawings of her. To put it a different way: having seen the picture, the details about the character you shared in the description sounded exactly “right” to me; they just sounded like the sorts of things the character in the drawing would do, even though I had known virtually nothing about her beforehand. I’m honestly amazed by how much you convey about the personalities of the characters you draw through your depictions of them alone.

I forgot to comment on the shading in the second picture. :slap I thought it was pretty good; better than anything I’ve ever done. :yes

I'm the same way with shading and backgrounds; I'm not very good at them, so I usually don't draw them.

Does Serena have teeth? Or is she like real-life Pteranodon and Quetzalcoatlus: a toothless carnivore that just swallows food whole?

(You know, maybe you should start your own “ask me” thread in the Party Room, with me asking all these questions. :p)

Can't wait to see more art! :D

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Thank you. The way I see it, if someone's kind enough to give a long feedback, it's polite to give an equally long response! But that's just me.

I wish it could be a TV episode, I would sooooo watch it with popcorn and everything! It'll be a decent change to what they always do! Don't get me wrong, I love the Gang of, but it'll be fun if they showed the point of view of another character they introduced. And I haven't really put much thought into what Rinkus would be doing.....Hmmmm, would he wait for Sierra, look for him, or think he ditched him and move on? That's something for me to think about, thanks for exercising my brain!  :DD

I always try to make my drawings as accurate as possible. Pretty much, a scene of what can and probably will happen goes off in my head and I can't resist the urge to take a mental 'photo' and try to put that photo on paper. I'm glad it comes off so perfectly!

Wow, we're having so much alike that it's scary! The Guido idea on the LBT Dream topic, and our dislike of backgrounds and shadings!

Technically, she's not supposed to have teeth, but with LBT's general animation, characters who aren't supposed to have teeth (like Pterano and Ruby) occasionally have them in some scenes!  :D But the edges of her beak is sharp enough to slice into prey.

Hmm, an Ask Me topic, I don't think I'm popular enough to do that ^^ But I like your questions, they're insightful and make me think!

Also, side-note: I love your avatar. It reminds me of the Walking with Dinosaurs Placerias (spelling?), LBT style!


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they lok very good FBS.  the Characters besides the 5 er 7 main ones don't get the airtime they need..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Nov 14 2010 on  07:38 PM
Thank you. The way I see it, if someone's kind enough to give a long feedback, it's polite to give an equally long response! But that's just me.
Well, I'd like to have you know that I'm most appreciative. :yes

I always try to make my drawings as accurate as possible. Pretty much, a scene of what can and probably will happen goes off in my head and I can't resist the urge to take a mental 'photo' and try to put that photo on paper. I'm glad it comes off so perfectly!
There you go; another thing we have in common! :p I have an obsession with accuracy when drawing, though I usually need to have a reference right in front of me.

Hmm, an Ask Me topic, I don't think I'm popular enough to do that ^^ But I like your questions, they're insightful and make me think!
Wouldn't hurt to try starting one. :) I'm a big question asker! :smile

Also, side-note: I love your avatar. It reminds me of the Walking with Dinosaurs Placerias (spelling?), LBT style!
Thanks. :) It’s a Lystrosaurus, an older relative of Placerias that was the most abundant backboned land animal at the beginning of the Triassic period (the time when the supercontinent Pangaea existed). I thought it seemed appropriately symbolic for my username.

By the way, I’d be honored if you gave me your opinions on my artwork. :yes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Just finished this and I'm actually happy with how it turned out.

An old OC pairing I had, kinda hard to explain, but I'll do my best. Ya see, I had some fun with the Land Before Time movies and imagined the Gang of Five as different species of dinosaurs. The list went like this:

Littlefoot= A female Rainbowface (I think they're supposed to be Gallimimus...) named Tiki
Cera= A female Stygimoloch named Tera
Ducky= A female Lambeosaurus named Cookie
Petrie= A male Archaeopteryx named Teryx
Spike= A male Ankylosaurus named Clubbie

After a while, I decided to even the gender score and turned Cera's 'replacement' into a male Pachycephalosaurus and was given the more masculine name of Tero  :D . Then....the pairing.....It didn't help that I find a lot of LittlefootXCera stuff. Now I can't get this couple out of my head!!!

Tiki= Calm, smart, a bit sassy, loving and caring, can't really lie to save her life, generally the whole good-quality package.
Tero= Aggressive, naturally vicious, strong and stubborn, naturally vicious, violent, crafty, naturally vicious and....well.....naturally vicious! Not much different from most Domeheads actually....

The story between these two (This takes place before the first movie) :
They first met as hatchlings in a time and place where species segregation is still strong. Although both were being taught to avoid other species, they were only toddlers and didn't understand at all. So one fateful day, they found each other and became instant friends. From then on, they would sneak off to play on a daily basis. But eventually they were caught by Tero's parents and Tiki's parents barely arrived in time to save their daughter from being killed. Tiki only got a gentle scolding, and as such still accepts other kinds of dinosaurs as friends. Tero, on the other hand, was severely reprimanded and he had it firmly drilled into his head to never make contact with other species again....

That is, until he met Tiki again when they were a bit older. Their friendship emerged once more with only a little reluctance from Tero. This time, they were more careful about when and where they'd meet to play and this continued throughout their childhood years. At this point, they both had a crush on each other, but won't tell the other about their feelings in fear of being rejected. Along the way, they found the other members of the gang (one-by-one, of course), each wanting to participate in the duo's activities. Tiki welcomed each new member with open arms; Tero however didn't take an immediate liking to being with them since his parents racial lessons were hard for him to overcome when not concerning Tiki herself (Plus, he didn't really like the prospect of sharing Tiki's attention) and he refused to interact with them for some time. But he eventually got used to it all and became friends with the newbies.

In adolescence, Tiki and Tero's crush only intensified and after finally telling each other about it, they became a couple, but secretly so not even their friends would notice. They most definitely kept their mouths shut around their parents, who will never approve of the mixed-species gang, much less a romantic relationship. So when they found out themselves... Once more, Tero's parents chased the gang back to where each came from (literally! Each was saved by his/her's parent) and Tero got the biggest scolding of his life. Being the rebellious teenager he was, Tero began a very heated debate with his parents, after which he ran away from home permanently. Not surprisingly, he snuck over to Tiki's nest, where Tiki was being scolded in turn.

Waiting for the right moment when the adult Rainbowfaces were asleep, he woke Tiki and they snuck off to where they can talk without disturbance. He tried to convince her to run away from home too and live with him so they can be together. They'll find a new place to build a nest, where they can do what they want when they want and never have to be punished for it again. Tiki, after very careful consideration and many tear-filled moments, agreed even if she knew it meant never seeing her family again.

So they live happily, visiting their friends as often as they could, but spending the majority of the time with their significant other. Then when the Great Earthshake struck and the segregated ways began to fade, they made a permanent herd with their friends, roaming and exploring the world as they pleased.

That's what I got so far. Sorry for all that info for people who wasn't interested; I just felt the need to explain everything for the sake of the more curious people. As for the picture, it pretty much shows past and future. Their friendship blossoming in their hatchling days (with a giant fruit! :DD ) to a loving couple in young adulthood. The green turned out a lot brighter and more neon than I intended, but I like it! Though my scanner didn't like the color of the fruit apparently...

I hope you guys like it, it's my first time drawing a Domehead and a Rainbowface. References were in limited supply so please forgive some inaccuracies...


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So great to see more artwork from you! :D

To be honest, I personally don’t care for interspecies pairings (mainly because I find them unrealistic, although there are real-life cases in which an animal develops a “crush” of sorts on a member of a different species), but the picture is excellent, and I like the story behind the characters. :yes The text is cool, too, even if the T’sóin my opinionólook a little like stylized F’s. :oops

I have not seen a lot of domehead art (not much rainbowface art, either, but more than domeheads), and you did a really great job on your domehead anatomy. The expression is especially good; he looks tough but affectionate as well. One suggestion I have is that the ring of white bumps around the dome should slope down behind the eye, with the ones at the back forming a “shelf” above the neck.

Awesome job on the hands of the characters, especially Tero. :D I might have said this before, but whenever I draw a dinosaur (LBT or otherwise), the hands and feet are the parts that always kill me. :rolleyes Speaking of feet, I also really love how you drew Tero’s right foot. That’s a really good front view of a foot. :wow

I think most LBT fans consider the rainbow faces to be are either Gallimimus or Troodon. (They looked fairly Troodon-like in LBT VII, but in their later appearances they had more Gallimimus-like proportions.) As with Tero, you did really well getting the rainbow face design down accurately. The arms are maybe a bit thick, and perhaps the ankles are a little too strongly bent, but otherwise there’s little to critique. And I love the colors. :DD

Personally, I think young Tiki looks maybe a little too Ducky-like in her proportions; I would have drawn her with a slightly smaller head and feet (notice that her eyes are bigger than when she’s grown up :blink:), slimmer neck, and more tapered tail. That’s not to say she’s not well-drawn, though. And young Tero looks like a pretty good design for a baby domehead. :yes Young domeheads have occasionally been shown on LBT before (most notably at the end of VI and during a song in XII), but it’s been so long since I’ve seen them that I can’t really offer a comparison.

To tell you the truth, I’ve speculated about alternative species for the gang myself (though I love them as they are :smile); it’s really interesting to see someone else doing it. (Yet another case of our ideas being almost scarily similar. :blink:) I must say I have a hard time imagining a character in the LBT universe being named “Cookie”. :lol By the way, it seems to me that “Tero” and “Teryx” are kind of similar names; is the “e” pronounced any differently?

One thing confuses me, though: why didn’t you post this in your first art thread? :confused Having a single thread for all your LBT art would mean that, whenever you post a new piece and people look at it, they’ll be able to look at your previous pictures as well, which makes things convenient both for established fans who follow your work, and for newer members who have never seen your art before. Furthermore, such a thread/gallery would show that you’re an accomplished artist, possibly drawing more attention to your art as a whole.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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To Mumbling=
Awww, thank you. I'm glad you liked it! *hugs*

Yeah, the interspecies thing is different from what I normally do in my drawings and stories, mostly cause I don't think real creatures would do that. But it's pretty interesting to think about just for fun, especially trying to compensate for the differences in physical and behavoral traits. Course that's all done in my imagining; closest thing I regularly do with interspecies romance (beside a RP I'm doing with TONS of interspecies love) is with different 'species' of Pokemon  :smile . I think this is the first time I put a non-Pokemon interspecies thing in public. As for the texts, my mom taught me to write my T's like that when attempting to do 'fancy' ways of writing. I blame my mom for making it look like an F :DD !

Yay! I did the expression right then! Tough is definitely a Tero-trait; Affectionate only when Tiki's around!  :D  And got it! The white bump things! I'll keep that in mind when I attempt to draw another Domehead! I couldn't really find any good Domehead references and I couldn't find my LBT movies (eh, my sister probably took them again, the little bugger...). I'm sure it would've turned out better if I had movies 1, 4, and 6 with me. I don't really trust the later designs with the different animation.

And yipes! Another thing we have in common! At least when it comes to drawing humans and primates and stuff, hands and feet are my worst enemy (along with feathers....that's why I probably won't be drawing Teryx anytime soon  :p ). Dinosaurs are a relief cause they're a bit easier for me. And thanks about the foot. It took me a couple of practice runs, but I too am impressed with how it turned out!

I heard about the Troodon option too; my sister thought that, but only cause the two in the seventh movie were so smart and we heard that scientist consider Troodon one of the smartest of dinos. To me, the Rainbowfaces were Gallimimus; I mean, wouldn't Troodon be considered a sharptooth? And yay! I was worried how the Rainbowface would turn out (Stone of Cold Fire is always the first movie my sister steals from me....I blame Pterano! ^^). Glad to know there were few mistakes that can easily be fixed on my next Rainbowface drawings! And yes, the color almost blinded me when I scanned it and my computer thought it would be funny to pop the picture on the screen when I least expected it... I did love how it turned out (for the first time in my experience, the scanner actually enhanced a color instead of making it worse!) And I love how brightly colored Tiki is compared to Tero; I guess that adds to the effect!

Yeah, I had no idea how the babies were supposed to look like. So I followed the baby rule of large eyes, head, and feet! Only true references I had available *glares in sister's general direction* was an old drawing I made of baby Chomper and a screenshot of baby Fast Biters from the TV series. I must've added my usual Chibi flare (their eyes are big ^^) , thought not quite as chibi as my baby flyer pic (their eyes were bigger  :blink: ). Again, thanks to my sister's courtesy, I lacked true refence for Baby Tero, so I followed the same concept I had for Baby Tiki.

I love the gang as they are as well; I just think its fun to have something different! Happy to know I'm not alone here! I'm starting to think we really are clones :lol !! Yeah, Cookie's name was just a joke initially, then it ended up sticking; I guess I just couldn't help myself!! The names Tero and Teryx are very similar and in fact, it's kind of a running gag amongst the gang to go "Ter......." Insert a long deliberate pause for both Tero and Teryx to react, usually with impatience. Then finish with whatever name they had in mind. Just a joke to get on their nerves! Tiki and Clubbie (unlike his 'real world' counterpart, Clubbie talks and is quite an amusing little weirdo  :lol: ) do it on a daily basis.

.......................................Why didn't I post it on the other thread............?
 :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  :slap  :bang  :bang  :bang  :bang  :oops  :oops  :oops  :oops
..............You think it's too late? I don't wanna lose your feedback, nor Mumbling's.......


  • Ducky
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Good pics. :)

Also, you can ask one of the admins to split the topic. An admin can move all the posts in this topic to your other fanart topic, then delete this one if you want. :)


  • Petrie
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To Adder=
Sorry, must've been writing my response when you posted!  :)

Thanks, I'm glad this pic is being loved here! And an admin can do that? None of the posts will disappear, right *is wanting to be reassured bout this part* ? Cause I love all your kind feedbacks...


  • Administrator
  • Littlefoot
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You know what? I will merge this topic with your old topic, so that all posts will stay intact :)


  • Ducky
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