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The Dreams Thread


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Last night, I dreamt I was in this dark, creepy forest with three other friends of mine. I’m not sure who they were in correlation to my real-life friends, if there even was a correlation. In the dream they were just sort of featureless. Anyway, the four of us were wandering through the jungle until we came upon this large rocky wall. We climbed up the wall, still deep within the shaded jungle. On the other side of the wall was this massive pit filled entirely with medium-sized rocks. Most of the rocks were a generic grey colour, while some of them were a more vivid blue, but all the rocks were completely identical otherwise.

Then things got really strange. My friends and I gathered all the blue rocks and put them into this wheelbarrow. I then sat on top of all the blue rocks, while my friends pushed me in the wheelbarrow. The blue rocks were apparently magical, as when they were placed in the wheelbarrow, it gave the wheelbarrow the ability to fly. We had a couple false starts, as a few of the blue rocks kept falling out, and we needed to keep all the blue rocks securely inside the wheelbarrow for the flight to work properly.

But then we got it going. My friends got a running start and pushed the wheelbarrow off the other side of the rock wall, and then it took flight. So, yeah, it was essentially me in this magic flying wheelbarrow that was filled with all these blue rocks.

(Edit: Fixing my typo; I misspelt "wheelbarrow" as "wheel barrel")
« Last Edit: January 10, 2020, 06:38:01 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Oh man, dreams can be so wonky. In 2012 I used to keep a dream diary because I had trouble sleeping and had many nightmares. There was some weird stuff in there, let me tell you :P

So where'd you fly to? :D


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I too have kept various dream journals over the years, and yep, I too have some weird stuff in mine. I haven't written down a dream of mine in a while now, aside from a couple in the LBT Dreams thread, but this one was just too kooky not to make note of.

Alas, I didn't get to find out where I was flying to, as that's where my dream ended. Hopefully I'll have a follow-up dream sometime that continues the story.


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I love how strange dreams can be. I for one would not like to be in a flying wheelbarrow.

Also seems to be basically this :p [youtube][/youtube]

I don't remember a whole lot of dreams nowadays, but I do remember one still from a while back where I was scouting out a lake to take pictures of, taking note of how I was facing south so it would be a good spot for a sunrise/sunset (this was during last winter). The catch was that I was riding a bicycle that was hilariously too small for me for some reason :lol


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I had a weird dream that occurred...sometime ago, I forgot the time, but I do remember the details for the most part. I wake up in my room, everything around me seems the same, the TV is on for some reason, which still makes sense because I would sometimes fall asleep without turning it off. Nothing seems out of the ordinary...except that my right eye was permanently closed shut. For some reason, I couldn't open it at all, no matter how much I tried to do so. It wasn't anything terrifying really, but I did (sort of?) panic internally right there and then. I went to my brother's room to ask him what is wrong with me, but yet he wasn't even supposed to be at home during this time. He was only supposed to be home on the weekends and off to some kind of College Summer Program on the weekdays.

Also, very recently last Sunday, I've experienced something in the middle of the night I've never felt before.

Sleep Paralysis.

I was pretty scared in those few minutes, as I tried so hard to move an inch of my body to no avail. After that, it would stop and I could move around again. I try to go back to sleep, and I'm hit with it again for another few minutes. These few minute paralysis intervals would continue until I got up to turn on the fan (as it was feeling a bit warm), and then I finally got a peaceful (but very short) sleep. So apparently, your body produces these two chemicals, Glycine and GABA that are responsible for the paralysis that prevents you from moving when you are sleeping. So obviously, when your mind is awake but your body still thinks you're asleep, it is quite a terrifying experience. I was surprised to find out it is a very common occurrence among people, so it was weird to think I only had something like that happen just now. By the way, I was hearing voices during the all the times I was sleep paralyzed. I couldn't really decipher anything from it, and the voices just added to the fear factor. One may hallucinate during an episode, such as hearing, feeling, or seeing things, so at least I know its something normal that happens as well.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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I have had my fair share of weird dreams as well. I can probably try to remember some of them and post a thing or two about them here when I have more time.


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@Flathead770: Well that mine cart flying machine isn't nearly as nonsensical as my flying wheelbarrow with blue rocks, but same general idea I guess.

@ImpracticalDino: I've actually experienced that sleep paralysis many times, so I know exactly what you're talking about. I didn't know all that about the chemicals and hallucinating, however, but that makes sense. In fact, now that you mention it, I often find myself hallucinating as well during my sleep paralysis episodes. It would explain why I'm still in my bedroom, but then something weird might be going on that isn't actually there. It's like I'm in this bizarre reality where my dream world and my real world have merged into one. An eerie combination of real and unreal.

It's also freaky because I often feel scared by whatever it is I'm halucinating and I want to be able to get up and move, but I just can't, yet my mind is still aware of what's going on.

@Anagnos: Do let us know if and when you have time. I'd be interested to see what some of your dreams were like.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2019, 04:22:19 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Decided to update this into a general dreams thread where people can post all sorts of wild and wacky dreams. :D

Yesterday, I was arranging a game session with @OwlsCantRead for when him and I would go play Minecraft later today, and that caused me to have a Minecraft dream last night. I was playing Minecraft and he was playing with me in the dream, which gives him the honour of being the second GoF member now to appear in one of my dreams.

Unfortunately, I don't remember too much about the play session itself. All I recall is that Owls and I built a colourful castle together, and then later on we were exploring this weird volcanic cavernous ruins area. There was also another point when I was travelling along a sky rail in a mine cart; then I went AFK for a while, only to come back to the game later and see that a monster had knocked me out of the mine craft, whereupon my character plummeted to his death. Hopefully not a sign of things to come for our actual play session coming up. :oops


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@StardustSoldier: I don't know how you do it, but you always seem to have the most crazy, creative, unorthodox, and amazing dreams all the time. Yes, my dreams are very mind-boggling as well, but not to the upmost caliber that yours possesses. Don't worry about it, I'm sure your gaming session together will go splendid. And besides, you could always laugh off the bad things that happen. :)

Just curious, will both of you be using Minecraft Realms or like a normal server hosting?

I would share some more dreams I had even if they weren't LBT related, but unfortunately all memories associated with them are gone.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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@ImpracticalDino I always have bad luck in Minecraft, so almost dying multiple times in a row counts. It is the GoF Minecraft server you two were talking about once with Stardust. That's hosted on a dedicated server.

But to not go offtopic, a night ago I dreamt of this refugee who busked on public buses and managed to earn enough to donate to charity. Rather weird concept.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Had a LBT dream for once after so long. It wa rather mundane, can't recall much but I think it's just the gang playing around, but it's a LBT dream nonetheless. :)
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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@StardustSoldier: I don't know how you do it, but you always seem to have the most crazy, creative, unorthodox, and amazing dreams all the time.
I'll take that as a compliment. :yes

Don't worry about it, I'm sure your gaming session together will go splendid. And besides, you could always laugh off the bad things that happen. :)
Well thankfully nothing of the sort happened in our session together, not like in my dream. Although if I had died the same way in the session that I did in the dream, that would've been pretty funny. :p

I can't remember what I dreamt about last night. But the next time I do have a wild dream, I'll be sure to share it.


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There actually was one dream that I meant to post here a while ago, but I completely forgot about it until I checked this thread today. I've already told this to people in the Discord server, but long story short (or rather long dream short in this scenario) I had a dream where I was busy working in the school that I'm currently doing my civil service at, and majority of the students were actually dinosaurs. I also remember that there was a small fight going on between students, but I can only recall the other one being an old man. :rolleyes


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Hmm, the students all being dinosaurs? Sounds like that'd be an improvement. :p


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Hmm, the students all being dinosaurs? Sounds like that'd be an improvement. :p

Are you sure if that would still be an improvement for those that may be a little difficult to handle? I've certainly heard quite fascinating stories from numerous teachers concerning these daredevils. Now, wouldn't they be twice as destructive and annoying if they were dinosaurs with short temper? :p


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Hmm, good point. But you gotta admit, it would make things more entertaining, at least.


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I had a bit of a scary dream just recently. I was hiding in a closet that had a transparent glass door with someone else. I have no idea why I was in a stupid place like that, considering that we were trying to hide from someone, but okay...?

We we were both trying to urge a person outside to come in, but then a guy with a gun suddenly appeared and pointed at us in the closet, and we tried to close the glass door. It was too late. I woke up after that, and it seems like the dream ended before the shot was fired.

@Anagnos: Were any of the dinosaurs Sharpteeth by any chance? :p

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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@ImpracticalDino I can't recall if there were any. It almost seemed like every dinosaur was a herbivore.


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@ImpracticalDino I can't recall if there were any. It almost seemed like every dinosaur was a herbivore.

Interesting...a school that discriminated against carnivores? I’m sure Littlefoot wouldn’t approve of such insolence, and so wouldn’t his friends.

I wish you remembered who specifically, or what type of dinosaurs fought in that small fight. But oh well.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Do keep in mind, this dream happened like a week ago and I've never been able to recall my dreams for long. Be glad I can remember this much. :p