The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe

Manny Cav

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The words "flotation device" gave Manny grave worry. Since he didn't know what that was, he hoped for the best, and prepared for the worst -- but got more than he even thought possible. He heard something pop underneath him, and before he could say anything, his seat exploded and rocketed into the air, flames coming out of the bottom. Manny's head busted through the ceiling, and the offending portion of the booth he was sitting made it's way back to the floor.

"I knew the food here was very greasy, but that's just plain ridiculous," a regular visitor here noted, thinking the flames to have came from something else.


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Joe (the tourist) takes out a pocket watch and opens it to take a look at the time.   He looks at it, mutters to himself, "A few seconds if it's on time."   He puts the watch away and reaches into a few pockets, finally finding what he wants.  He pulls out a 6 inch rod that has circuitry on it. His other hand he pats Mim's hand, "Relax." He says.  He takes a look at the rod, selecting the correct button to press as he says, "I must thank Ted Knight again for letting me keep this spare of his." He says.  He presses a button and a force field appears just over their table, deflecting a flaming meteor that falls through the ceiling and through a wall to elsewhere.   "What do you know, it was a tenth of a second late this time." He says, turning off the cosmic rod and putting it away.    

Mim is at first terrified of the falling rock till she sees the glowing thing above her head and the falling burning rock bounce off.  She calms a bit.

Mim eats a bit more, looking around at the general chaos going on.  "Not a very restful place to eat." She says.

Joe nods, "Yes, and this is a quiet night too."  He says before going back to work on his meal.


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"Aves!" shouted Chong from his office. Aves mumbled something as he finished pouring some brown yucky liquid into a heated vat. He turned and went to Chong's office where Chong was seated indian style on a red mat and several candles were lit.

"How go business, fox?" questioned Chong

"So far, only one has died from your recipe of fungal nuggets. Another was injured by a meteor after trying your unlucky charm breakfast cerial. And a child has obtained the power of to make things hover freely in the air after trying the new green ooz pudding. thirteen guests were scared away for unknown reasons, and two were cut open by a mad Jedi wannabe."

"Ohh, business is good as usual then!"

"Yes sir." nodded Aves "Never been better"

"Good! Now go get back to work!"

Manny Cav

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Manny observed something with his view of the second floor he was not meant to see. There was a large, unmaned machine that keep poruing out this "brown yucky liquid" into molds, and then *gasp* artificial coloring was used to color the molded and solidified liquid to look as various food items.

"Cut down on the labor, I guess," Manny quipped. Suddenly, a chef walked in, saw a "moving skull" on the floor, and immediately screamed and ran back out. "Now they're going to find me here, soon. What has been seen cannot be unseen."


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"If anyone asks, the world will end in ten minutes." Said Doug Adams.


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"Quite the pessismist aren't you?' Strripetail replied . "in my existence, the creation and destruction of worlds is part of life. No matter the size or shape of the planret, or the advancement of its inhabitants, the destructyion of the worlds are inevitable, the only question is whether it occurly naturally or through artifical means. In other words, someone destroys it.
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"No, not really. It it just that the world is about to end." Said Doug. His voice was filled with worry. He was holding his towel tightly.


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Aaren't you aware by now Mr Adams, that there are many creatures here, myself included who can survive such an event?. At any rate,This cafe is located in just the point, where rifts betwen time and dimension occur, In other words. you''re safe in here. The world outside may well be destroyed in a few minutes, but the inhabitants here ewill be unaffected. SO STOP WORRYING" Stripetail said clearly.
(OOC: Put some more detail in your posts one-liners inbhibit the flow of a story)
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"That is a relief. I will need some beer, though." Said Douglas. His muscles were relaxing, so much that he began to do yoga.


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Joe finishes his meal, "If it is about to end then Mim and I had best be on our way then.    We've other places and times to be and a world being destroyed is a rather noisy and messy affair." He looked at Mim, "You done?" He asked.

She nodded, "I just finished, were are we off to this time?" She asked looked at him as she put down her now finished glass as she got up.


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"I wouldn't go if I were you. I would stay here." Said Douglas. He just finished his yoga practice. Now he was looking though his copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


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"All this place needs is Roger Rabbit doing "The MerryGo Round broke Down" Stripetailmuttered.
 meanwhile, dixie Doo entered the bar. She was looking for her older cousin Scooby, who was busy ,as he normally was, pigging out with Shaggy  in the stall near the back. Dixie was a very attractive Great Dane, today she wore a green and red gown, to accompany her red lips. In her paws she held a small fan, which she waved periodically in her face. , it was warm inside the cafe. Dixie had been a showboat performer in the past, but hadn't done many shows in recent times. She ducked quickly as a opie flew through the air, it had seemed to come out of nowhere and hit a customer in the back of the head and sent them face down into thier meal. "My goodness" She said in a clearly Southern accent, "this is quite a peculiar place. Not quite the place for a southern belle, but  for a hungry detective.. it's right at home.." She smiled as she finally saw those she was searching for. "Shaggy! Cousin Scooby! how good to see you again!' She called out, but was drowmned out by the hubbub and chatter, the sounds of a poor cover of YMCA by the staff, and other noises.
(Anyone want to be Shaggy? I'll be Scooby)
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Joe briefly turns to Douglas Adams, "Sadly I am not as invulnerable as my tardis is and neither is my friend here."  He said.

"But where are we going.. Joe." She asked as she go up and they started towards the door, pausing to setting their bill.  

"To visit some Yellowbelly friends of mine.  They enjoyed the moonwalk I showed them and promised them I'd teach them another dance.  I think I'll teach them the twist, they should enjoy that." He said.  The bill finished he headed out the door, opening it for Mim to go through first.

"Moonwalk? The twist, what are those?" She asked.  

"I'll teach you the twist as I teach the yellowbellies, I'll let them teach you the moon walk." He said smiling as he headed out the door.  They got to his tardis and once the door was unlocked she went in first he went partly in the door then turned back briefly.  "A pity about the world about to be destroyed, I had hoped to stay a bit longer this time.  Oh well, can't have everything." He said then turned to head inside the tardis.  The doors closed and tardis began to fade from sight with the usual sound.  Though not the broken down sound of the doctor's tardis.


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(No takers? alright, I'll play them myself)
 Scooby's ears perked up as he heard Dixie  'Rousin rixie!' he called out in his usual , rough tone. scooby really nedded speech therapy. he pulled away from his plate which was covered with liberal amounts of hard badly burnt chicken strips. But since Scooby was hungry, even burnt strips tasted good.  he had a secret crush for his cousin, as he did for pretty much any pretty dog that caught his eye..
sHaggy stopped eating, as he heard Scooby speak out. it was then he noticed Dixie "Dixie! Zoinks! You're a long way from the Showboat! have a seat!" he said, patting an open area of the stall. Scooby got up from his chair  in order to give Dixie more room. She slid into the open stall, there was enough room with the 3 of them, for one more person , or two smaller creatures.
_Dixie winced as she looked at the food. "That food looks horrible!" She said. "Eh, we've seen worse!" Shaggy said, and returned to his food.
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"Here's the chunky brown bits of random meat products you ordered, sir." said Aves setting down a trey of oddly sorted foods at the Scooby table. "Would you also like to try our mystery soup?It's quiet delish"


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Sure!' Shaggy said. 'We're starving!"
"excuse me sir" Dixie said. "could i have a menu please., I'd like to take a loook at what's available..."
"And reee raters rease" Scooby said. he had trouble with the letter 'r'.  He meant "three waters pleases" apparently his iuintent got through..
Meanwhile stripetail was finally seated by a waiter and given the menu..
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"Yes, sorry about the delay in service, the waiter who was supposed to be serving you was gobbled up by the hairy black beast that lives in the men's bathrooms." Aves sighed "What a pity, that's the fifth one this week"

he then handed Dixie the menu

"Our specialty today will be the charcoal biscuits in green gravy, I'll return to take your order momentarily"


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"Sounds DElish" Dixie said sarcastically once Aves was out of earshot. "Don't they have chicken? burgers? Fries? " At each of her queries she reacieved two shaking heads. "all they have is this weird and replusive stuff?' Two nods. "I know the two of you have trash cans for stomachs, but aren't even you a little grossed out?" "Eh, put a little salt on the stuff, and it tastes better. POlus we put a lot of mustard ans ketchu[p on it too. " Shaggy replied.
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Aves soon returned with a notepad and a pen

"Ready to order, ma'am?" he asked


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I'll have the #6 the Egg Sausage and Spam... to the drink I would like a coca-Cola, and If I'm still hungry  after eating I'll try the dEssert.
Nick who was a server at the cafe walked in. He has 5 minutes early, and was greated with a pie smack in the face. "I walked right into that" He muttered wiping the pie off of him. The pies were the only good-tasting food in the cafe, but they sold very few of them because most customers either couldn't wait to get out after finishing dinner, or because many of them were eaten by the Shurlup who lived in the bathroom, and had a particular taste for young adult humans.. In Either case , they didn't sell many pies.
 Aves! How are you?' he said slapping the fox on the back "Your coconut pies are getter better every day! I know because I just got hit in the face by one!"
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