The Gang of Five
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LBT - War for the Valley

LBTFan13 · 120 · 19151


  • Cera
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Sierra glared back at Dromaeo. "Maybe you didn't hear me. I said I want them alive, understand? If you so much as spoil one child I will kill you myself. Besides, if children are taken, then the parents will leave the valley in an attempt to rescue them! That will give us the chance to take the valley ourselves!" He then glared back at the open valley. "I get first dibs on Littlefoot. The rest of you search the valley and round up any and all children you find. DO NOT KILL THEM! Now let's go!" With that, Sierra flapped his wings and took flight into the valley. The group behind him followed.


Zaine was the first to see it. A whole group of flyers, sharpteeth, and eggstealers entering the valley and charging towards them. Zaine couldn't move or even speak. He was too shocked by the sight of the huge army. Cera's question broke him out of his stare. "That's what's wrong Cera! RUN!"


Doc saw the group from the Mysterious Beyond enter the valley. "So this is it." He stepped forward. "Littlefoot, stay behind me and your grandparents."


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"Huh?" Cera said, still confused.  She turned in the direction Zaine was staring and saw the flyers coming their way.  "So what?  Its just a bunch of.....Oh" Cera suddenly realized what was happening.  She turned and began to run, screaming for her father as she went.


Spike looked up at the sky and saw the flyers.  He knew immediately that they did not have good intentions began trying shove Ducky into some nearby bushes.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Dromaeo shrugged. "Fine whatever you say. I just want to kill something." He marched along with the incoming group into the valley.

Deimos had long left the group and entered the valley entrance nearest Hyp and Ovius. "I'm taking a desperate gamble but I can't let invasion occur!" he muttered.


Hyp and Ovius looked overhead and saw the flyers. "Damn, that's new." Ovius said.

"Ovius! Stop looking at the sky and get to cover! Those flyers are hostile! Grab a weapon if you have to!" Hyp shouted.

"Screw that! Warn the valley first!" Ovius shot back.

Ovius and Hyp ran towards the elders.

Along the way, they ran into Deimos, who had emerged from one of the passages.

"Agh! Sharptooth!" Ovius shouted.

Deimos grabbed Ovius and gagged him with his hand. "Quiet! You'll alert the invading forces." He let go of Ovius's mouth as soon as he was sure Ovius would keep quiet.

"You...speak... our language?" Ovius panted.

Deimos nodded. "No time for introduction. Warn the leaders that a herd of sharpteeth is heading towards this valley; they are intent on conquest."

Hyp lunged at Deimos, who easily sidestepped his attack. "I am not intent on taking part in this conquest."

"You're a sharptooth!" Hyp shouted back. He picked up a large rock and threw it at Deimos who ducked out of the way.

"I cannot allow this conquest to occur, I will offer my own body to this valley to stop it." Deimos said.

"Hyp, if this sharptooth is right, we have an advantage and can prepare a defense more easily." Ovius said.

"He's...a...sharptooth!" Hyp said between gritted teeth.

"You're coming with us, sharptooth!" Ovius commanded.

Deimos shrugged and followed Ovius and Hyp.

They eventually made their way to Grandpa Longneck.

"Grandfather, this sharptooth we found claims that there is an invading army of sharpteeth and flyers coming into this valley. He also claims that he wants to help us." Ovius said. Despite the fact that Ovius was an adult, he still called Grandpa Longneck "Grandfather" as a respectful title.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Mister Threehorn stood upon a nearby hill, gruffly munching low greenery. Tria's constant fawning over Tricia, as justified as he knew it was, had kept him up half of the night as well. So his delayed notice of the force crossing the gap, despite his wonderful view of it, was certainly understandable. As a matter of fact, he may have gone on munching for quite a bit longer had Cera's voice not carried up from below.
"Gnrrrrr, what now?" His head jerked up.
He stared, dumbfounded for a moment, at the last thing he expected to see. With sudden comprehension, irritation melted into shock. Shock had already begun to give way to fury and horror as the large threehorn barreled down the hill.
"Cera! CERA!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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At first both Longtail and Cyrix were far too shocked to do much of anything...however after a few moments of shock a small grin began to form on Longtail's beak and then it evolved into a full blown smile.
He then laughed loud enough to break Cyrix out of his trance.

"Oh this is going to get wild!" Shouted Longtail with no fear in his voice as he crouched low to the ground and then pushed off running as fast as his feet would take him right towards the oncoming mass of fastbiters and sharpteeth entering the valley.

Cyrix realized he was too slow to stop his nephew, and was about to run off after him, and then remembered Zaine. He turned to the young longneck and said, "Zaine...I need you to listen...go and get help, go NOW before we run out of time!!!" He then pushed Zaine away from him and ran after Longtail hoping he could get there in time to stop his nephew from doing something stupid.


Ducky wasn't sure what was going on but if Spike was pushing her as if to try and hide she wouldn't argue with him. However once both Ducky and Spike were safely inside the bushes and hidden, she turned to Spike and whispered,
"What is wrong Spike? Why are you pushing me? Is something bad about to happen?"


Rinkus laughed insanely as he flew behind Seirra and as he looked down he could see one of those pesky little hatchlings running..but it was in the wrong direction, going towards the group of charging sharpteeth, and he laughed again as he swooped down with frighting speed and in a flash gripped Longtail by his neck and lifted himself and his hostage into the air.
"Look Seirra I got one of 'em! This is too....YOWCH!!" he cried as Longtail bit down on Rinkus' wing causing both to fall into a nearby tree.


Grandpa Longneck could see what Doc meant, and he immediately turned to Littlefoot and said, "Littlefoot go to shelter rock, hurry there is no time for talking!" He then turned to his mate and replied, "Go with him dear, make sure he gets there safe."
He then stood back up and faced Doc. "Well...seems our valley is in trouble once again. I'm glad you came when you did...or we might be in trouble." he said with a light smile.


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Ovie had heard the screams and was just turning back to see what is happening, when he was bumped into by some small longneck, who almost knocked him over.

"Uh! Watch it kid!" fastrunner shouted, then he saw that the adult female longneck was following this baby. Ovie gulped. He hoped it is not some kind of overprotective mother or he might get into some serious trouble. After all he was stranger here, so she could see him as a danger to her kid...
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Ducky
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Shorty gulped at the sight of invaders, and quickly jumped back, not knowing what to do.

"They're shar-sharpteeth!" He stammered, "We should help them repel those sharpteeth away!"

"But the herd seems tired..." He thought, looking back. That was a critical situation. He couldn't do anything on his own.


Quickly enough, Kyro had reached a ledge over the mountain... from there, he could see large, rock spires, soaring walls of rock that surrounded what seemed to be n incredible paradise for leafeaters... water, grass...

But, what was that he was seeing, entering the valley...?

"Aren't those... sharpteeth...?" He mumbled, trying to decide if he'd continue onward or not. He had been told that it was a marvelous place... but never that it was under attack!

Kyro sped down the rocky cliffs, trying to find an entrance.


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Grandma nodded gravely.
"Quickly now, Littlefoot!." She urged as she led the way toward the rocks.


Bron stopped dead at the sight of the invading force, with a sharp intake of breath. The full gravity of the situation had barely set in his mind as he leaped into action.
"Everyone, listen!" He urged his herd over towards the wall of the great valley. "I want you all to stay here until I get back! Stay together and keep your eyes open! Things might not go over so well." Shorty was right: The herd was tired. They were many in number and strong, though, and Bron suspected that the sharpteeth would not risk attacking a group that size after their taxing raid on the valley. He believed that they would be safe. In a softer tone, he added, "Shorty, this could get ugly fast. I want you to stay here with the others."
With that, he was off at full bound. He knew Shorty to be stubborn, and could only hope that his order would be heeded.


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Shorty nearly felt insulted.

"No way! I'm not staying back!" He immediatly replied. "Why can't I help too?!"


Kyro walked very slowly when he approached a tunnell that seemed to head into the inside of the valley.

"Maybe it was from there that they went in..." He thought, looking around in search of sharpteeth.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Deimos was looking around nervously. One wrong move could get him killed.

"Grandfather! Hyp and I have found a sharptooth. He's right next to us and claims he wishes to help." Ovius shouted.

Hyp ran to Bron. "Bron, Ovius has found a sharptooth inside the valley. The sharptooth wishes to help us."


Strut and Ozzie marched along with the ground forces.

"I'm not sure if I want to do this." Strut said.

"Strut! Shut up! We're doing this whether you want to or not!" Ozzie shouted.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Petrie
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"Longtail!" Cera yelled as she saw her friend picked up by a flyer that seemed strangely familiar.  She watched helplessly as Longtail bit his attacker and they both fell crashing into a tree.  "What to do, what to do, what to do" she muttered to herself as she rocked back and forth from nervous energy.  She saw Zaine a short distance away and called after him, "Zaine, come on, we have to find help!".


Spike began pointing his nose to the sky while grunting, trying to point out the flyers to Ducky.


  • Cera
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"...Okay!" Littlefoot said and looked at his Grandfather and Doc one last time before running off after his grandma.
Just... be careful!


"How much further?" Fry asked Skitter as the tunnel became more verge.
"Not far... yeah here it is!" Skitter replied as a beam of light became visible before them. A small hollow space right below the ground.
They stopped to cathc their breath, when hearing an awful lot of noise.
"Uuum... was that Cera?" Fry asked with a vauge expression.

"Part of it... but the other?" Skitter replied with nervousity.

"Let's go up where we can see..." Fry said and slowly began climbing his way up the hole with Skitter behind him.

Up at the surface again, they we're blinded by the bright circle, and for a second they couldn't see a thing. Fry could only hear alot of voices and the sound of moving feet, rest of the world had somehow stopped. The ground was suddenly shaking under his feet. He needed to see.
He strained his eyes. Something he shouldn't have done.
Fry leaped straight out to the left with a shriek, avoiding getting crushed with only a hairs lenght. For a second he was flying trough the air in slowmotion... then his side hit ground, and Fry tumbled a few metres before stopping. He felt an smell wet grass in his face as his face gor buried in it, and for a while acctually felt good to be up in the valley again. The feelings snapped away when he realized that he had mud in his mouth and he started to caugh it out and spit to the ground. When he looked up, he could see Cera, and some other dinosaurs he didn't recognize...
Flyers crashing into a tree...
Fry blinked and shook his head. ! Skitter !
Quickly he turned to see if Skitter was with him, and to his relief he was. On the other side of the hole they came from, he had jumped to the left. Skitter nodded back. He was fine.
Then Fry turned around to see what nearly stepped on them, his angry little eyes landed on a young, green longneck. He recognized him as one of Blueberry's friends. Zaine. Suprised, he got up on his feet.

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Ducky
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More steps were heard nearby.

Kyro's look turned to his back, and he could have sworn that more of those foes were coming.

Run! He thought and immediatly passed on to action, running into the tunnel without hesitating.

MUST... REACH... VALLEY! He kept shouting in his mind so the speed at which he now ran wouldn't abandon him.


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After seeing that sharpteeth were invading the Valley, Ovie did the most reasonable thing to do: he tried to stay away from them. He was walking through some forest when he nearly bumped again on someone. This time it was two kids, purple sharptooth and pink fastrunner (Ruby and Chomper). Ovie was a little surpised about finding a small biter in Great Valley, but he hadnt a time to think about it.

"Oh... Hello... I wouldnt go that way if I were you, kids. The army of nasty looking sharpteeth is going this way!" he said loudly.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix had seen what happened to his nephew after telling Zaine to flea, but knowing taking on all the oncoming sharpteeth to be suicuide he turned and followed after Cera and Zaine, and as he did, he stopped and looked down to see two tinysaurs (Skitter and Fry).
"Hello little ones, you two shouldn't be up isn't safe."


Longtail and Rinkus were lying in a tree both stunned after their fall out of the sky. Longtail however recoverd first and realizing where he was and who was in the tree with him reacted faster than he thought he would, and using his tail smacked Rinkus out of the tree with a snap, and quickly jumped out of the tree to follow the older and larger flyer to the ground.

Rinkus landed on his back with a "oof" and tried to get up when he felt his body being pinned by something small. He opened his eyes, and was startled to see the child he'd grabbed before falling out of the sky was now holding him to the ground.
"Let me up ya little brat!" he cried out

Longtail scoffed and looked Rinkus in the eye and made sure to let the larger flyer see his right eye change color as he bared his teeth.
"You dare to order me around?! Do you know what I can do to you?! If you so much as breath the wrong way...I'll end you...and I won't even blink twice about doing such a thing either!" he said aloud.
"Now why are you here?" he asked as he tried to calm down.


Ducky looked and tried not to squeal in fear as she could now see all the sharpbeaked flyers in the sky and seemed to be attacking other valley residents. ", no, no! This is very is, it is." she whispered aloud.


Grandpa Longneck watched as his mate and grandson disappeared around a bend.
He then turned to Doc and asked, "So, how do we handle this problem? We can clearly fight, but I doubt we'll win."


  • Cera
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Doc sighed. "There's too many to fight all of them, but we need to hold them off as much as possible so the others can hide. Get ready, because here comes the first fastbiters!" With that, a pack of fastbiters quickly approached, all ready to feast. Doc stood firm and prepped his tail. "Things never change. It's a good thing sharpteeth are still not that smart."


Zaine watched in horror as another flyer picked up Longtail. "LONGTAIL!" he screamed out. Then he noticed the two of them plummeting to a tree. Cera then began calling out to him, and Zaine didn't know what to do. Cyrix told me to run, but I can't leave Longtail! He then nodded. "Cera head for that tree! Longtail needs us!" As they ran, he stopped as he felt like he stepped on something. He looked down and saw two tinysaurus's looking up at him. He recongnized one as Skitter, as Littlefoot had told him before, but the other he hadn't recognized. "Skitter! Are you guys ok?"


Sierra noticed Rinkus grab a child flyer, but then the two went plummeting into a tree. Sierra considered going back to help him, but he decided to leave him be. "Rinkus can handle himself, at least he better be able to." He kept flying through the skies until he caught a glimpse of his prey. A small longneck child running near a larger one. Sierra immediately remembered him. "Littlefoot, you are mine!" With that, he dove towards the ground ready to grab the longneck.


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"Just stay safe, Shorty!" Bron shouted back. He almost overlooked Hyp's small form, but stumbled to a halt a close few feet in front of him.
"I- but- wait, what? A sharptooth? Aren't the sharpteeth invading the valley, though?"


Mister Threehorn quickly spotted Cera and a few others heading in a direction that was not directly away from the invaders, which was the chief thing that be bothered to notice about it.
"HEY! Get away from there! Just what are you all playing at?!" He shouted as he bounded up beside them.


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Cera had began chasing after Zaine without really thinking, but her fathers voice caused her to stop.  She looked back at her father and than over to Zaine, noticing that he was now joined by Skitter and another tinysaurus.  Cera was too scared to think straight, but she had to make a decision fast.  "Daddy!  Come help us!"  she yelled back to her father before turning to follow Zaine.  She had to help longtail, she couldn't just leave him.


Spike looked out from the other side of the bush and saw Littlefoot running with his grandmother on the other side of a large clearing.  The spike tail then looked to the sky and saw a flyer closing in on his friend.  He began to make a series of loud groans, desperately trying to warn his friend.


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Hyp shrugged. "Well, that what he says."


Suddenly, an enemy flyer dove from the sky and tried to fly off with Ovius.

Deimos reacted instinctively and grabbed Ovius, and pulled him back to the ground. The flyer was overpowered by Deimos and crashed to the ground in front of him.

"You'll pay for this Deimos." the flyer spat.

Deimos beckoned towards the flyer. "Bring it on."

The flyer leapt at Deimos and slashed him in the face, drawing blood.

Deimos grabbed the flyer and tossed him to the ground with a loud thud.

The flyer rolled away from a stomp aimed at his head and tried to get back onto his feet but Deimos tackled him and pinned him to the ground.
Deimos received several bites to the neck in the process. He headbutted the flyer, dazing him, and grabbed his neck with both hands.

"See you in hell." Deimos whispered before he strangled the flyer. After the flyer was dead, Deimos threw the body aside andturned to Ovius. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ovius panted. "Why did you do that?"

"I told you, I'm joining forces with you." Deimos replied. Now, take me to the leader.

Ovius nodded and ran off, with Deimos following, to where Bron and Hyp were.

After several minutes, Deimos and Ovius arrived next to Bron and Hyp.

"Bron, this sharptooth killed a flyer who was trying to kidnap me." Ovius said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

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Cyrix looked up at both Zaine and Cera after addressing the two Tinysaurs.
"I thought I told you two to get out of here and get help!" he didn't mean to yell, but this was rather stressed at the moment. But as he looked up again he spotted Topsy coming to their aid and he sighed.
"Good to see a friendly face Mr. Threehorn, take these young ones including the Tinysaurs and get them somewhere safe! I'll go back for Longtail and help him!" he said as he turned around and prepared to run off...he heard a familiar sound, like a stick hitting a rock.


Longtail was about to ask another question to Rinkus when he heard voices he recognized and as he turned his head to look which turned out to be a big mistake.

Rinkus was getting tired of this kid trying to call the shots. So when the child flyer turned his head to look away Rinkus thinking quickly picked up a stick and using all the strength he could muster on his back, which turns out was alot smacked Longtail off of him and sent the child rolling away and through a bush.
"Take that ya brat! No one stops Rinkus!" he shouted in triumph.

Longtail rolled for several more feet before coming to a stop against something soft. He looked up with blurry vision and he rolled to his feet and growled thinking it was a threat when in fact it was Zaine!


Grandpa Longneck knew Doc was right and he raised his tail into an attack position and said, "I am beginning to wonder if Sharpteeth have any brains at all?" He then swung his tail as one of the fastbiters tired to aim a bite at the elders neck.


Ducky could see the same thing Spike could, it was Littlefoot and he was in danger so she did the only thing she could immediately think of she ran forward out the bush she was hiding in and screamed at the top of her lungs, "LITTLEFOOT LOOK OUT!!! A FLYER IS TRYING TO GET YOU!!!"