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Coffee lovers hear me

Petrie. · 13 · 7449


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I don't remember who here has a taste for java, but I'd like to recommend my favorite coffee company to purchase from: Green Mountain.

I first discovered this coffee up in Adirondack Park of upper New York State while camping.  Bought some, made it perked over the stove, and its absolutely wonderful stuff.  :exactly  :exactly  At home its the kind of coffee I turn to time and time again for a good cup o joe, whenever the mood suits me.

Personal recommendations:

Wild Mountain Blueberry (#1 - cannot find a better blueberry flavored coffee)
French Toast (seasonal only - winter months)
Island Coconut (seasonal only - spring months)
Southern Pecan
Chocolate Raspberry Truffle


Hazelnut (tastes no different than Foldgers, so why spend more)
Peaberry (did not like the flavor one bit)

Otherwise its a home run!  :DD


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I love coffee but it's a completely unnecessary expense and I like white teeth so I stopped drinking it.  But oh do I long for the days when I'd spent long nights on the computer using coffee to help keep me awake for 2 and 3 days straight.  Those were the good old days, that's for sure.  *sigh*


  • Hatchling
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You can keep white teeth.  Brush twice a day with Arm and Hammer baking soda toothpaste. ;)


  • Cera
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I have had Green Mountain Coffee. And it's really good. I like all coffee brands. I like Folgers and Star Bucks and Dunkin Donuts also. And sorry for bumping a old topic.

Cancerian Tiger

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^Never feel bad for bumping an old topic.  Topics can easily be forgotten, and then when someone stumbles upon the topic and gives it a bump, it could be revived and catch the interest of other members ;).

Anyhoo, I too have tried Green Mountain coffee.  My household uses a Keurig, and Green Mountain coffee has been a big hit :).


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I've never tried Green Mountain Coffee before, but I drink about 6 cups of NescafÈ a day. I'll have to give that one a try.


  • Spike
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I've never seen Green Mountain Coffee in supermarkets and I can't find this on German online stores. :(

However, I LOVE iced coffee and I've been drinking iced coffee since 2006/2007. My favorite iced coffee drink was the "Muellermilch Coffee Amaretto" but it seems that the company stopped producing "Muellermilch Coffee", maybe because of low sales or something.

Nowadays I buy iced coffee by "Emmi", but it is getting more and more expensive. Months ago a small bottle of 230ml cost Ä0,99, now it costs Ä1,29!!


  • Cera
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^ If I did the math right one pound and twenty nine pints is around 2.13 American dollars. That is still a lot cheaper that why I pay for a coffee. A large coffee with tax is 2.66 to 3.05. So yeah that is very cheap.


  • Spike
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This may be true, but compared with the cheap brands in the supermarket, "Emmi" is still expensive. There are 230ml bottles for only Ä0,69.


  • Cera
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Than get the 69 pint coffee than if you're complaining about the more expensive one.


  • Timeless Wanderer
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Hey, thanks for the recommendation, Adam. ;) I don't drink coffee constantly anymore, as it raises my anxiety level too high, but a few times a week at most, or so, yeah. :p I'll bookmark the site, and check it out one of these days. :p
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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F-14 Ace

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I buy cheap store brand coffee from Dollar General.  I don't care for the fancy stuff or the overpriced name brands.