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Tell Your Story About LBT

Petrie. · 173 · 70806

The Great Valley Guardian

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THere really isn't alot of racism where I live either, but I've been on two job interviews where the questions got kinda personal...and I refused to answer and didn't get the job at all! But most of Chicago is pretty well deversed and I love the windy city...well except during the winter!  <_<


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I've been on two job interviews where the questions got kinda personal...and I refused to answer and didn't get the job at all!

Refusing to answer questions shows that you are an uncooperative individual and that you won't do things because you're told to do them.  Employers typically use the method of asking invasive questions to see what kind of person you are.  If you're going for a typically lower job in the company, they expect you to act like a machine and just do what you're told.  If you're going for manager or something, they'll appreciate your independence and willingness to go against the rules for your principles.  Nevertheless, they never want you to act human.  All they want is good workers who don't ask questions and just do what they're told.  It most likely has nothing to do with what race you are (unless your boss is racist or something).

Anyway, we've side stepped onto a big issue here and it's gone way off topic.  Let's not discuss this anymore in this section.


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I really don't remember...

It was all my mom's doing. She knew I liked dinosaurs and when she saw the movie come out an equation must have popped into her head.
Dinosaurs + Children's movie = My son not crying for a while.

So, it was all her. She put the movie in the VCR and I stared in awe. TALKING DINOSAURS! HOLY CRAPSHAITH! Is what I probably would have said if I had been able to fully articulate my thoughts.

I started to understand it as I grew up... I know I was born in the year the movie actually came out, so I didn't actually watch it until a few years later. Besides Pinnochio, it was one of the only movies I ever actually WANTED to watch, so I did...and often. So, mom tried to take good care of it whenever my daily, or sometimes weekly whim came to pass.

The movie started to be an emotional attachment to me, and when I found out that I was getting the sequel for Christmas the year it came out, I was flying through the roof. I unwrapped it at my Grandma's house and probably watched it ten times within the following six days.

As the years went by and all the sequels started coming out I was getting disenchanted with the whole thing... There were just plain too many... But then there was another side of me that just wouldn't let go of it. I cherished these characters and grew up with them too much in my childhood to just let them go...maybe I'm pathetic, maybe I'm just obsessed. But either way, I rediscovered the series last year when I got sick and watched 1-12 on youtube.

I kinda rationalized it to myself that they were simply pointing it at the kids now. This isn't Don Bluth we're talking about with the sequels, I guess I just wasn't quite old enough to realize it. So I thought about it and gave up trying to be against it, I liked it too much. So now I own LBT 1-3 on DVD, and I'm trying to get the rest of them so I can watch them all I like...seeing as how youtube has frustratingly taken down all the full LBT movie parts, but whatevah.

Anyhow...I guess I have to attribute this obsession to at least my mom. She was the one who popped in the tape... Hehehe.  :lol


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We are not the only ones. 14 seems to be an age of significance if it comes to rediscovering LBT. A lucky number
Wow...i just realized that i was 14 as well when i got back into LBT. :wow

mcr mad

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well at about 8 or 9, one day there was nothing on the TV for me at that age so i watched a load of film that one of my dad's freinds got me one of them was the land before the 3 and it was the only one i liked aswell.
i thort i'd try and watch the other aswell if thay came on and thay did so i realy got into it at about 10 maybe 11.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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When my dad showed me my first LBT (don't know which one, probably the first, 'cause my dad's chronologically inclined like that  :lol ) I enjoyed it, and ranked it somewhere on my mental list of good movies. That was enough for mom, and she quickly bought the first three movies, which were all that existed then.

After that, she bought 4-7 (plus the Sing Along Song one) when each one came out. At some point, probably around 12, LBT became my favorite movie series, and I wanted to contribute. I had lots of of good ideas for future films, and for the next two months I typed up and sent a series of 15-20 letters to Universal Studios, each one teling them how big a fan I was, some ideas I had for future movies, and my exitement at waiting for The Big Freeze to come out. Each letter ended with a small request that they send a letter back, or at least acknowledge me.

I never got a letter back.

Seeing how this saddened me, my father decided to help. I remember how he actually called Universal Studios, got in contact with somebody high up, and spoke to them about the letters I'd been sending, and asked that they write one back. Whoever it was assured him they would. They didn't.

This (coupled with the fact that my brother, who had scribbled a hand-written "I Love You" note to the makers of G.I.Joe, and recieved in the mail a coupon for $3 off his next action figure) sort of turned me off the series. When Big Freeze came out, I watched it, and (probably because of the letter fiasco) decided that it wasn't any good. After that, I gave up Land Before Time entirely.  :cry

For the next 8 year of my life, I had absolutely no contact with anything LBT. I develope new intrests: Star Trek, soccer, Drama, this one girl in my English class  :lol: .

I don't know what got me reintrested. I think it was during a conversation a few weeks before with my firends about the "Good ole days," that I remembered my passion for the series. I looked it up on youtube, and watched a few clips. I decided that dislike for the producing comany is no reason to stop lovng the series itself, and two days later watched my first of the 'new' LBT movies, The Stone of Cold Fire (still my all-time favorite). One of the Youtube videos included the link to this forum, which is why I'm here!


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Wow, I haven't heard of a case before in which the parents have been as positively supportive of any fan's LBT enthusiasm as to get the movies themselves and support their kids in writing to to the studios etc. How old are you?
As for sending letters to the studios I too made a sad experience though one I'm not really entitled to complain about.
When LBT 7 was released here there was a leaflet in the video box (yes it was before DvDs had completely ousted videos over here). That leaflet was about a land before time painting competition. The winner would go for two weeks to Universals Fuerte Ventura (Spain) while the 2nd to (I think) 99th winner would receive one "surprise about LBT" (they sure weren't specific, were they?). I was curious about that "surprise" and send them this aquarelle picture:

I never heard anything about the competition again and of course the picture was gone (luckily I had scanned it before sending it). I wonder if even 100 people participated in the competition and I would love to see their pictures. Place 99 would have perfectly satisfied me. I guess I won't ever know what that "surprise" would have been.

Mistress Dragon

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I was only a year when the first LBT film was in theaters. It was until the movie could be purchased/rented (back in the times of VHS) that my mother got a hold of it. I do believe she bought the VHS around my older brother's birthday when he had a few friends over. I was still young and in the state where either parent set you on the floor near the TV and played a VHS tape to distract and keep you entertained with. This happens to be LBT for me. And yes, the movie was quite a distraction for me! I stared at the screen as Littlefoot traversed the Mysterious Beyond with a treestar draped over his back, when Cera was freaked out by the 'tar monster' Littlefoot and the others posed towards her, how I didn't give as much thought as I do presently with the relationship between Ducky and Spike as two different types of dinosaurs, and then finding Petrie's fears amusing itself. It was after seeing LBT when I was a few more years older that I came to have an intriguement for dinosaurs themselves.

Dating back to Elementary, whenever one of my teachers mentioned or said he/she would be talking about dinosaurs and then would ask for us to do a project about one of them, I was beyond excited. And as long as I can remember, I always chose along the lines of the Apatosaurus/Brontosaurus - so from this proof alone, I had a liking towards the longnecks. Of course, I love all kinds of dinosaurs, namely those such as Cera, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike.

Sometimes when I'd be at places like Walmart or Blockbuster with a friend or family member, the other side would come across another LBT that wasn't the first original. They'd joke: "Ha! Just how many sequels will this show go to?" I grudgingly chuckled along with them, giving them the satisfaction that I agreed with them, whilst in the back of my mind I desired to rent/buy the very one we passed. :lol:
The first LBT will always be the all time classic. At times when I would see sequels such as II-V be brand new and purchasable I was quite thrilled and interested to see what Littlefoot and the others had in store. But when it got passed those numbers, I grew a little concerned. Were they sucking this idea far passed dry? Weren't they overdoing this a little?

I've seen all of the LBT, except for VIII, IX, XII, and XIII. Yes, I can't lie; I have yet to see those yet; though I've had at least glimpses of VIII. I've heard comments on them, such as for XIII wasn't at all good, but I can't be sure until I see those I haven't for myself.

Favorites? Well, I like all I've seen, they each have at least one or more things I like about them whether that be development or plot. But for me, the ones that got to being my greater favorites were IV and X.
IV: There was the introduction of Ali. Big surprise. :lol  I also liked the idea of Grandpa Longneck getting ill, showing that without him both Grandma and Littlefoot were a lot more vulnerable. And as a writer, I kept thinking about what would have happened if they hadn't gotten the Golden Nightflower to him in time and the two had to actually leave with the migrating herd of longnecks. That and how it would be such a huge twist for Littlefoot and his friends and they didn't come across the other until further into their lives. Then there was the fact Ali's a female. Male + Female = hatchlings! I really would like to see Littlefoot and Ali become mates, or at least be given that lead that they would be in the end run. Of course, I find that to be pretty obvious anyway!
And then I saw Rhett's debut WITH Ali. When I was watching 'The Brave Longneck Scheme', I mentally fumed. There's no one meant for Ali except for Littlefoot!

X: Seeing several longnecks was a joy itself for me. I loved Sue. When she found someone taller than her, I was happy she was no longer the 'big one' to everyone and hoped that turned out to be her mate. Then there was Bron, Littlefoot's long lost father. Bringing back characters we never really saw such as a main character's parent is an instant plus for me. We got to hear his story when the earthquake separated them and how he never gave up looking for Littlefoot, despite he was now seen as a leader of a separate herd. Shorty annoyed me at first, but it was made up for having Littlefoot have bonding time with his father. Then Littlefoot had a talk with Shorty and wanted to consider the other like his brother. THEN I liked Shorty. Finally, there was the debate of whether Littlefoot would go with his father and herd or stay with his Grandma and Grandpa. Again, as a writer, I couldn't help but imagine if the alternative had happened, but Littlefoot is such a sweetheart, he stay with his Grandparents. But hope was not all lost; Bron and Shorty may appear at the Great Valley. The one thing about this movie I was disappointed with was that Ali let alone her herd was never there. If they say 'Longneck Migration' I expect MOST of them to be there, including a reoccurring of characters in a previous movie. Alas, one can still dream, can't they?

With that, I can't help but just picture Littlefoot, Ali, Rhett, and Shorty as a group of friends together with the others.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Mistress Dragon,Jan 25 2008 on  06:18 PM

I've seen all of the LBT, except for VIII, IX, XII, and XIII. Yes, I can't lie; I have yet to see those.
Finally, someone else who hasn't finished watching the series! I still haven't seen the 9th one (Journey to Big Water), or the... 11?, 12? (the Tinysaurus one).

I also agree with you on many points, including having to laugh about the excessive number of sequels, while secretly wishing the movies would never stop. Kinda gets to be a little trying after a while.

Also, Malte, that is an awesome picture. I once drew the five original characters, though not original drawings (I traced their images off the back of VHS boxes, and colored them in.) Sorry about the contest letdown. Personally, I'll bet the "surprise" was a coupon for a free Littlefoot plush toy :wow .

By the way, I'm 20 years old now. At the time, I was around twelve.


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The only two I haven't seen are LBT XII and LBT XIII. Otherwise, I have seen all of them.


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Jan 24 2008 on  10:08 PM
At some point, probably around 12, LBT became my favorite movie series, and I wanted to contribute. I had lots of of good ideas for future films, and for the next two months I typed up and sent a series of 15-20 letters to Universal Studios, each one teling them how big a fan I was, some ideas I had for future movies, and my exitement at waiting for The Big Freeze to come out. Each letter ended with a small request that they send a letter back, or at least acknowledge me.

I never got a letter back.

Seeing how this saddened me, my father decided to help. I remember how he actually called Universal Studios, got in contact with somebody high up, and spoke to them about the letters I'd been sending, and asked that they write one back. Whoever it was assured him they would. They didn't.

This (coupled with the fact that my brother, who had scribbled a hand-written "I Love You" note to the makers of G.I.Joe, and recieved in the mail a coupon for $3 off his next action figure) sort of turned me off the series.
I'm not really surprised. Companies are really busy in general, aren't they? They may not have the time to reply to fan letters. With all the stuff they may have to worry about (keeping schedules, hiring quality help, etc) they could forget to reply to fan letters.


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Sorry for being so late on putting my reply in here, i hope i didn't ruin it by bringing this topic back up.

Anyways, when i first saw the LBT, i was about 9 years old, and i just sat there and watched it. I loved the characters personality, the theme the way they talked, and the characters themselves. I just took so much of an interest in it, i never wanted to rid it from my life. It was like when i saw the first disney film i've ever seen, which is The Lion King, i just loved it and and made a promise to myself that i will never forget it, and keep it in my life forever. And as for MY favorites, my main one is LBT IV and for almost the same reason as Mistress Dragon. (except i hoped they would have sort of a young love boyfriend/girlfriend thing, and also hoped they'd make a movie about it, although my hopes have nearly been crushed, they'll never disappear.) And another late reply, maybe the reason Ali's herd wasn't at the great longneck migration was probably because they were too far away, or migrated in the opposite direction from where the other longnecks migrated.

Cancerian Tiger

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I was seven years old when LBT 2 came out.  I was in the process of learning about dinosaurs in the second grade, and in doing so had developed a love for dinos :D.  Anyhoo, my neighbor's oldest son who was roughly my age came over one Friday afternoon with the newly released sequel.  I loved it immediately.  It was my father's weekend to have visitation with my sis and myself, and I talked him into getting the sequel that night.  I never saw the original until the fourth grade, when we were discussing dinosaurs and cavemen again :p.  There was never a movie that made me cry so much.  What I found strange was how Cera's attitude problem was not to the extent of the original by the time the first sequel came out :wow.  It does not matter, though.  My favorite dinos are threehorns, and she's my favorite threehorn thus far :^.^:.  I don't care what anyone says.  I'll be 22 years old in July and still love LBT just the same.  It's part of who I am and if folks have a prob regarding it I don't give a darn!


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my story is this that i was younger at the time and loved dinosaurs so my mom got me a land before time tape and i loved it it was one of my favorite movies now it is my favorite movie i had almost all of them up to part 8 on tape. Then i stoped watching it for a while now that the series is on i am back in to it, and even more hooked on it now. It never got old for me. i still like it and think its cool i now like it more than i did before. :D  :lol:  B)  :)  :DD  :wave  :yes


  • Petrie
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I really don't rmember much of my childhood, just glimpses and flashes. I completley forgot about the Land Before Time for many years, until a friend one day said somthing along the lines of "Hey, do you remember...?"

At first I was thinking... "Yeah....sort of..." and this grew and grew until I searched "Land Before Time" into Youtube, and found real memory joggers. My friend and I then arranged to meet up to watch my old VHS copy of the 1988 release, which wasn't even bought, just taped. Fortunately my family was out at the time, so we didn't have to worry about people being curious as to why we were watching a children's film. I found it hard to gage my friends reaction to it, but I fell in love with it. I have no recollection of crying in the past few years, but watching that again brought a lump to my throat.

Soon I got ahold of another friend who, despite having no idea why I could possibly like LBT, agreeded to get hold of the 1-11 box set off Amazon for me, as I didn't want to approach my parents about it. I'm writing this just after watching number four for the first time in years, and although I enjoyed it, nothing can stand up to the original.


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I watched it originally since it was on cartoon network at the time.  Don't recall the first one I saw.  It may have been 4, or 5, but not sure.  I liked it right off.  The seriousness, some danger, comedy, and the music/songs.  Though I find I prefer the earlier stuff.  Though the more comedy of the latter sequels is fun to watch also.    Some of the animation mistakes of the movies and tv series can be pretty funny too.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I still remember my first time was my grandmothers house...I fell in love with it almost immediately...and my firneds know about ti now too, so they don't hastle me about it anymore!


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It was a boring day like others. My brother was watching cartoons while I was doing my homework for school tomorrow. After I finished homework, I then saw a commercial on TV about a movie with dinosaurs in it that was airing next week. Since dinosaurs were my favourite animals, I checked it out. A week later, after wachting the original movie, I was like: "Wow. That was so beautiful. Why can't there be more movies about dinosaurs?". After saying that, another commercial began, showing LBT2 next week.
And it was going on all weeks until LBT6. Then there where no more. I was quite sad as it wasn't going on anymore.
Time passed (about 1 year) and my memories about LBT was vanished.
Until I saw a commercial of LBT8 coming out on VHS. "Wait a minute...LBT8? Where's LBT7?" Running to a store with that mind I looked everywhere and found the two movies. Though, I didn't have any money to afford any but bought them later. So I watched LBT7 and LBT8. I was kinda shocked after seeing the new colors and animation quality. Then LBT9 came out. Mo is such a cutie. ^^
And again, time passed and I lost interest in LBT. Though, I bought LBT10 too, but it wasn't so great to me any more with dinosaurs. I lost my interest. About 1-2 years later, they were airing LBT2 - LBT10. A small memory came back why I actually love LBT.

And that made me curious if there will be any more movies to come. And they did. I instantly bought LBT11 and LBT12. Seeking for more information I "accidently" bumped this forum. Today I have all 13 movies and I'm still really enjoying watching them.
And this forum kinda made me an artist. I haven't drawn that much in my life, especially LBT related works. ^^

A big "YAY!" for LBT.  :lol:


  • Spike
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I was about five when I first saw the LBT movie (it first came out in theaters the year before I was born) and I remember watching it over and over again. And after 17 years, I felt that I could never grow out of it. :^.^:


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I watched it alot when I was younger, and it sorta stuck with me ever since. ;)

EDIT: Ok, I lost interest after seeing Star Wars at 5, but I rediscovered it during a casual web session about three years ago. I've been hooked ever since, but I have had to carry out this hobby without drawing attention from others. That's people. <_<