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Fanart Prompt Challenge Discussion

Ducky123 · 455 · 109889


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Oc stands for "Own Character," right?

How free am I in the invention of a character? Does it have to be similar to the dinosaurs in "The Land Before Time", or can it be different? Can it also be something unrealistic? Can it even be something completely different than a dinosaur? In which scope can I still participate?

Maybe I can give it a try.


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I believe it stands for 'Original Character' so it doesn't specifically have to be your own character. I'm not sure on the rules but if you do decide on someone's OC it's a good idea to get permission first to be safe.

For the next question I'm not entirely sure but I imagine it should be within the standard LBT universe so nothing too wild (though drawing a dino species not shown in LBT before would probably be fine).

If you do join that would be awesome! So far I'm the only one whose announced that they're working on this prompt so far so it would be great to see someone else join in! :smile


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OC means that you may draw any character (provided it is somehow related to LBT obviously) that is not canon, which means that you may not draw any character that appears in the movies and the tv-series. It means, as flathead pointed out, that you may draw an original character for this prompt. Whether it's a character you created or a character someone else came up with, doesn't matter (however I'd advice to ask the creator just to be safe :) )
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It must not be a direct character from LBT, but it must be something that could match LBT.
Am I understanding this right? So it must have something to do with dinosaurs?

Does it have to be a real species, or is it allowed to invent an own one?


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that's a difficult question hmm... the story has to play in the LBT universe yes but I wouldn't know why you shouldn't create your own species for this. Obviously something like a lion or tiger-like species wouldn't really make sense but, generally speaking, I'd be rather curious what you can come up with there :)

So, in short, I'm fine with an invented species as long as it fits into the LBT universe. If you're not sure feel free to ask me/show me what you have in mind :)
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How is everyone's drawings coming along? I know Flathead is pretty close to finishing his entry but otherwise haven't heard from anyone. If any deadlines need to be extended, you've just got to let me know

(To be frank, considering I barely made it to the planning stage and some terrible sketches so far, it'd make my own progress a lot less stressful :lol )
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I should have something done... probably very rough though :P


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I'm almost done. I think I will be able to upload it in time.  :)


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DarkWolf you too? Dang, the OC prompt is one to reappear next year for sure haha :D

Can't wait for the submissions, my own idea is slowly taking shape as well, this week will be busy trying to figure everything out haha :P
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Well, we have our first entry. Zero-point, you should upload your entry on here so I can list it :)
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Well, we don't have all entries uploaded yet (yours truly is guilty as always, still need to colour my background :angel) but already now we can safely say to have 6 wonderful entries to review and vote on! How awesome is that? :wow

So far, this challenge has constantly suffered from either me or Darkwolf dropping out due to time restrictions or lack of ideas (or skills in my case :angel) thus ending up at only two entries. I'm so glad this has finally changed at least for this time! :)littlefoot

So, what now? Well, as soon as all entries are up (I think noone is going to be mad if we wait for all entries to be submitted :angel) I'll open voting and all 6 participants will be entitled to vote for everyone but themselves (obviously :OhYou ), if possible with a short explanation of your choice :)

On a related note, the next prompt is already open, so feel free to start brainstorming! Would be amazing to get more than 2 submissions again next time, yep yep yep :yes

Anyway, here's the next prompt as a reminder:

July/Aug- Daily life/Survival.

As always, the following is an option as well:

You can draw a scene of your choice from any previous entry to the Fanfiction prompt challenge, or from the ongoing "LBT Roleplay in the style of the original movie" RP, found in the Land Before Time RPG section.

If you have questions, this thread is the place to ask them  :exactly
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I haven't forgotten about voting btw but if it's ok I'd like to wait until I'm out of hospital again. Hope that doesn't stop you from working on the next prompt ^^spike

We kinda have to think about a small reward for the winner anyway... [\s]
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My apologies for the terrible delay but we will now finally by able to hold the voting for the winner! All entries can be found in the masterlist and votes may be cast in the voting thread (please include a short reasoning :) )
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@jassy @Flathead770 @DarkWolf91 @zero-point @LeventeII

So... you guys don't wanna vote then? Will I be winner by default?  :nyah

I also sent you guys a PM a while ago but I guess it didn't work?  :confused
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Just out of curiosity, is anyone beside Flathead going to enter the ongoing round? Seeing as it is getting closer to the deadline... :P
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I am sorry for not being particularly responsive lately.
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I am not sure if I will participate because I have a lot of things to do lately. I will try to create a picture, but I am not sure if it will be suitable enough for participation.


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There's a very real chance that I'm going to need an extension to get mine finished. I started it fairly late so if you feel like joining in don't hesitate! (Plus, if I'm the only one participating then I'm sure Ducky will be fine with it)

And all levels of quality are suitable for participation, it's all about having fun with this! :DD


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Hey, guess what?

I'll probably need an extension of the deadline myself  :sducky :bolt :lol
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