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What happened to the LBT?!


  • Petrie
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Hi, my name is Katie. I just registered, this site seems like it keeps you updated on the LBT.

To the topic, I'm really miserable on finding out what Universal Studios is doing. I read on Wikipedia that the closed the offices. Why?! Are they going to make another LBT movie? What's with the whole "LBT Remake coming in 2015" thing. I tried contacting Universal Studios to ask but they never replied.  :confused  :cry  I remember being obsessed with the LBT. I still love it! But are they making another movie?!
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well the series ended after lbt 13 bombed and the tv series only lasted a year. the series had run its course anyway. there will not be an lbt remake, no need to remake a classic unless you have a new way of telling it.
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  • Petrie
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@Nick22 so their wont be a 14th movie I'm guessing? :( :cry
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no, since theres isnt a 14th, and will likely never be one. once the films from 10 onward greatly declined in quality with 13 being the worst entry in the series. no need to restart a dead series.also traditionally new members post in the welcome section, upon joining the board. say hi, what your likes and dislikes are etc. the welxcome section is near the top of the page
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@Nick22 Now I'm sad. Thanks so much, it's been killing me to get a real answer. I really don't mind if the tv series didn't continue (even though it was good), I just wished the movies would continue. I will definitely go to the welcome page.   :cry  :wow P.S. I wouldn't want them to remake TLBT ..... I love it the way it is. No matter what anybody says.... TLBT is classic.
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bestarianagirl1: I'm sad that LBT is "dead", too. :( You're not alone. I know it's been 6 years since the last movie. Nick is right about the quality of the movies going down in the last few movies.

In my opinion, I love 1-7, I thought 8 was "acceptable", but I don't like 9-13.  *9 had Petrie's embarassing "Imaginary Friend" song. *Ugh! Don't remind me.* And I can barely take the words "tinysauruses" and "yellowbellies" seriously.

Nick22's right about the last few sequels being terrible. To me, things started going downhill after "The Big Freeze". Especially plot quality, plus I didn't like there being more and more CGI/computerized animation effects, and less "traditional" movement in the late sequels (9-13)   *Do you notice how one of Petrie's dancing patterns before "Imaginary Friend" begins,  is the same computerish-repeated shuffling movement, before he starts singing the song? He doesn't even look "alive" when he does that shuffling before they get into the "follow the leader" position before the song starts. It looks like "computerized/robotic" movement to me.

As for my opinion on a remake of the original LBT?  :blink: No. It should be left alone. It is a beautiful, touching, classic, emotional masterpiece as it is.

I have movies 1-4 and 6-8, if I find 5, sure, i'll fill in the gap, but i'm not going to get movies 9-13. I don't like them compared to the early-middle sequels, and in my opinion, everything after "The Big Freeze", the writing quality, and animation quality of them is trash compared to the early/hand-drawn/traditionally animated sequels (1-6) which had a much higher writing quality. ;)

Movies like "The Great Valley Adventure", and "Journey Through the Mists" are examples of real Land Before Time adventures, not "tinysauruses"  and "yellowbellies".

Still, bestariana1girl, I do miss LBT. As a flyer lover, I miss Petrie. :cry and I miss Pterano, :cry and i'm really sad that they'll never be reunited again. I'm sad that LBT is dead, but you also have to think about what Nick22 said. Movies 10-13 took a big drop in quality, each movie seemed worse than the one before it, and the sequels got crappier as time went on.

The late sequels can't match up to the early-middle sequels in writing/plot quality, and i'm sure that we GOF members could've thought up better ideas than "the tinysauruses" or "the yellowbellies".


  • Petrie
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@Jrd89 I agree. I feel like 9-13 are for children, yes TLBT is for children but 9-13 was more for children than any of the movies.
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While I agree on the sequels 9-13 being somewhat written poorly, I however still enjoy watching them. I think that especially the backgrounds looked fairly good in those five sequels whereas the animation gor poorer and poorer. None of the sequels got even close to the original though.

I'm too very sad that there won't be more movies :( I wished we had some really skilled animators on this forum (maybe there are some but not enough). Then we could do a maaaaaaaaajor project, namely producing out own LBT movie... But that won't ever happen since we're 1. not enough members 2. we don't have a sort of budget 3. Many of us are pretty busied with their lives anyway...
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@Ducky123 Omg! THATS SUCH A GOOD IDEA! I mean like, as a website we could put the sequel together ourselves! Should I make a forum to see if their are any skilled animators? But I'm just worried about laws, like copyright.
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But I'm just worried about laws, like copyright.
That's a big problem and risk indeed :( I simply doubt we would get anywhere due to the points I mentioned above  :confused
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@Ducky123  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry  :cry I just hate seeing it go, I hate not being able to make a movie, I hate how our childhood said goodbye without us wanting it to go just yet, I'm going to do some research. I'm not giving up yet.
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Good luck, but I think you'll be hard pushed to find anything useful. I'm pretty sure Universal are pretty tough when it comes to their copyright. It is a little disappointing that the films kind of... fizzled out, but they had a good run while they lasted.

Also, if you want to change the colour of your post writing, you put [*COLOR=blue] on one side of the writing, then [*/COLOR] on the other side, except without the *  :)


  • Spike
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I watched all the LBT films back to back over the past week and I can say for a fact that the animation of frames got better with each sequel (at least consistently starting with 6); though, as is typical with LBT sequels, some parts can seem Ok while others are amazing.

LBT 9, 10, 11, and 12 had great animation. Though in 12 the resolution had been decreased and the expressiveness of the characters were a little diminished, while in 13 the actions of the characters were less concrete (EDIT: but after watching more, some are just lazy; EDIT: woah they really lowered the quality 1/3 way through ha creepy). I think what people dislike are the style changes over the years rather than the actual frame by frame animation or the backgrounds. LBT films gradually became brighter and more 'friendly'. Backgrounds, especially in 10 and up, had lots of moving layers. The character designs have changed with almost every LBT. Each movie it seems the characters are represented a little differently. Looking at the Littlefoot Styles topic I made only proves the point. It's mostly noticable with Cera though. In the very beginning sequels of LBT, she didn't use her 'skin brows' when she was angry. They didn't exist. she had eyebrows on her eyes that went down when she was mad. However, in later sequels, here skin eyebrows would eventually appear. In some of the last sequels, she would be made to have bigger eyes and, lighter line colors, and other changes per sequel (like in 8 she had big cheeks that gave her a thinner mouth).

From what I read on LBT wiki, 2-4 were being made concurrently, so if you think all those have the same style and you wonder why later ones don't, that's because they were not part of the same 'team'. Also, I heard LBT was supposed to stop at LBT 6, but look how many things we learned about characters and all the characters we were able to see, and all the expressiveness of characters like Littlefoot and Ducky we would have NEVER seen had it not been for the sequels after LBT 6. Even in LBT 13, with the weird kiddish plot it has, I still saw good expressions and scenes.

I think the stylistic change over the later years and the fact that the older LBT fanbase was 'growing up' was what alienated some of fanbase by the last sequels. In fact, when I first saw 9, I didn't like it much; when I first saw 11, I was really upset by the voice change and the some of the floridness; and LBT 12 and 13, released around when I was 12 and 14, were released when I was no longer much of a real 'kid'; and so obviously did not fit as much my demographic anymore; and when I had watched them, I found LBT 12 not very memorable and LBT 13 really weird.

Watching the LBt sequels again 5-6 years later, and in order from first to last, I appreciate LBT 9 more now, I view LBT 11 in a happy light despite Littlefoot's voice change, I very like LBT 12 now, and-- well I'm watching LBT 13 at this very moment haha but yeah.

EDIT: I do understand the plots kinda became less "grand" in the later sequels, and maybe a little 'easier' for kids. Still, good movies lol

I wonder if some of the fanbase disliked the later sequels because LBT was gradually changing its demographic to a different generation WHILE some of the fanbase was likely more disapproving of the films because of the "coming of age" or "start of adolescence" time they were experiencing at the time... like me. I was at an age where I was wondering "should I stay or should I go?" and the LBT films become a little more child-catering didnt' help that fact

I think most people aren't lucky to have watched fun but somewhat serious early sequels like LBT 2-4 and so would have a much different view later on than someone who would have.

I guess.


Btw, just so you know where I'm coming from. LBT 2-5, some of 6 (could never get a hold of it) and then later 7-8 were my 'Classical' period of LBT. The first ones I watched and the ones I knew about for the longest time, mostly before I was 9.5 years old. I had lived in Ecuador from age 4.5 to 9.5. Don't think of that as just a coincidence though; I just felt older in general, especially over the next years.

Each LBT has its own charms :3


  • Petrie
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@Ludichris1 each LBT I love I just have different thoughts for them. When 13 came out I was 6 I'm almost 13. I was still a kid so it was a good sequel for my age.
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1-8 were my classical period as well lol :DD LBT 9 grew on me as well as soon as it was released but I can't remember how I received 10-13 as a child/young teenager.

I remember that I was like 'WHAT?!?' when I saw LBT 12 & 13 almost two years ago when I rewatched the whole series after at least two years of not watching them :D I just couldn't remember anything whereas I could still summarize parts of LBT 3, 4, 7 & 8, my most watched movies of my childhood (and for some odd reason I didn't like watching the Original back then  :huh: )

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Lol yea. Ah child; why you make me biased??  :confused