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Once more Into the Black Discussion

Nick22 · 48 · 12346


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this will be the discussion thread for the reboot of  the into the Black series. character threads., ideas, discussion, ooc stuff it all goes here.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Could the GMs post some explanations on how this role-play fits into the canon and what's transpired in-universe?


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This RP is going to be set in an alternate universe, where the attack by Kalis on the city of Lanthae (the events which lead into Racing The Storm) didn't happen. Instead, the pulse bomb devised by the Purifiers went off exactly as planned, resulting in the deaths of most of the civilian population of Lanthae. Soren Almaya and his team were some of the very, very few who managed to escape from the city alive.

A year passes, and in a neighbouring city (as yet unnamed), the survivors are trying their best to get their lives back in order. But when a new augmentation company begins to release new upgrades for existing physical augments, events once more start to spiral out of control.

This is along the lines I was thinking, unless Serris has something he'd want to add?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Some updates on my characters:

*The only characters I'm bringing forward are Emilena and Lily.
*Nairda dies between Into the Black and this one, presumably as a consequence of the pulse shutting down the cybernetic half of his body.
*A new version of Flora will also appear, with a single change in her backstory that results in a drastically different character.

I'll post character sheets soon, want to give the GMs time to establish character sheet format and lay down all the new RP plot distinctions first.


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I guess we'll keep the same sheet format as last time:






Bio, extra details

I'll get up the sheets for my characters tomorrow sometime.

If any newcomers are interested in joining then you'd be more than welcome :) Though it might be an idea to keep in mind that this series is fairly mature, so there'll more than likely be a certain amount of violence, sexual content etc.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Oh, and for the sake of closure I wanted to note that I wrote an epilogue for my characters from Racing the Storm. It won't affect this RP, since it'll be a reboot set after Into The Black, but it let me finish the storylines I wanted to tell.


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I suck so I just have one character sheet done, but I'll update this post as I finish more, hopefully tomorrow...

Name: Axel Whent

Age:  22

Species:  Rat

Augmentations:  Robotic arms and eyes after he was injured in a car accident several years earlier. His arms don’t come with any extra abilities, but his eyes let him see energy, which allow him to easily work on electrical equipment.

Appearance:  Tall, thin and gangly. Axel has scars across his face from where his face was slashed with broken glass during the accident that resulted in the replacement of his arms and eyes. His augmented arms are a pale grey in colour, while his eyes are a bright blue.
Axel also has a large scar across the right ear where it was almost torn off by Agent Lupis during the events of Into The Black.

Bio, extra details: After succeeding in reuniting with Lily North, helping to remove the mutations plaguing her and barely managing to escape Lanthae alive, Axel had thought he and Lily could try to start a new life together.

But the turmoil of suddenly being thrown in a situation where death could wait around any corner began to take its toll on him. The shock of living through, and being responsible for so much brutal violence began to gnaw away at Axel, and slowly but surely he began to show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. As the effects began to worsen, Axel started to drive away those closest to him, including Lily, his increasing bitterness and horror preventing him from maintaining his relationships.

A year passes since surviving the pulse bomb of Lanthae, and Axel has sunk into deep depression, and continues to suffer from PTSD. Just barely managing to scratch by and living rough, Axel is far from the happy ending he was hoping for. He didn’t think it could get any worse…

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Name: Emilena Echo
Age: 22, biologically 8 (see below)
Species: Vulpine
Augmentations: Hands have reinforced skeletons with lightweight dampeners and stability adjusters.
Appearance: Apparently she has snow-White fur and red hair with black markings on her arms and tail. Hell if I knew that, I've always pictured her as orange-furred but I wrote her initial character sheet so what the hell do I know
Bio, extra details:  Emilena was an orphan, the fifth who volunteered for a controversial "growth acceleration" process, designed to cut down on homeless children by rapidly aging them to adulthood. Her lack of empathy and complete disregard for Augmented rights made her a controversial figure during her policing years, and in the aftermath of the destruction of Lanthae she lost what little respect she had when she was connected to a band of violent fugitives. Now she lives a transient life in back alleys and hostels, yearning for the stability and security her badge once granted her.


Name: Lily North
Age: mid-twenties
Species: Human
Augmentations: None. Instead, she has the psionic ability to heal others' wounds with her touch. However she inherits any damage healed this way.
Appearance: Dark-skinned, with straight black hair and brown eyes.
Bio, extra details: Lily was an ordinary hiker whose body became possessed by a disembodied psionic entity last year. For days afterwards she witnessed it slowly mutate her into its own pseudo-reptilian form and murder numerous people in its desire to elude paralegal forces. Ultimately, Axel and her other allies succeeded in a daring plan to clone her human body and then transplant her conscience, giving her a new chance to live as her normal self. Unfortunately this chance has come with some severe trust issues, and she currently is attempting to remain under the radar, paranoid and separated entirely from the humanity and culture that had wanted her dead.


Name: Flora
Age: 18
Species: Folf
Augmentations: None. However, when she was a young boy she discovered she had the power to psionically adjust her own appearance, though the changes need to grow in naturally and are tied to her subconscious desires.
Appearance: A pink-furred fox-wolf hybrid with a female body but a male reproductive system.
Bio, extra details:When Flora's body started changing, she almost ran away from her former life, afraid of being rejected by her peers, but ultimately she remained in school and embraced the chance to craft her identity into what she's always secretly wanted. By the time Flora got her high school diploma from Ywens, an all-boy boarding school, she had already established herself as a budding mechanic with a flair for the dramatic. Using her talent and self-confidence to break into show business, she experienced a meteoric rise to stardom due to her appearance and the self-designed over-the-top light shows backing her music. Now, under the name DJ Xyler, she's a media sensation with a thriving fanbase currently in the middle of a national tour. But, all fame comes with a price, and there are gossip mills and rumors that she's heavily augmented herself to get her appearance, making her a target for some underground political extremists.


I've got two more minor characters, I'll get their sheets out soon.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Name: Nigel Bailey
Age: 30
Species: Monitor Lizard
Augmentations: Enhanced memory capacity, several cosmetic surgeries to increase attractiveness
Appearance: A solid dark gold Australian Monitor Lizard with amber colored eyes.  Usually wearing silver-rimmed glasses and metrosexual suits.
Bio, extra details: Nigel's father was a distinguished scientist who fully expected his son to follow in his footsteps. However, Nigel couldn't find himself interested enough to dedicate his youth to studying, and so he dropped out of high school and used his triple-digit IQ to successfully sweet-talk his way into salesmanship. Now he works as DJ Xyler's manager and sees to it that his current moneymaker is bringing in enough commission that he can feel like he made the right career choice.

Name: Ashley Kinc
Age: 35
Species: Andalusian Horse
Augmentations: None.
Appearance: White-furred with black eyes. Muscular but short for his species.
Bio, extra details: Ashley was the oldest and smartest of three children, and for that reason he was the first to go to college with the well-wishes of his parents and their ranch hands. Two years later, a drought drove the family farm out of business and prevented his siblings from joining him, but Ashley was making enough capital as a day trader to complete his education and even afford a virtual reality treadmill for exercise and pleasure. His acquaintances don't know him very well, but most people agree he's a nice enough guy. Ashley's nothing if not self-sufficient.


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Marita Jones
 Age 25
Species canine(Great Dane)
 Augments none
 appearance: Brownish-tan fur, blue-green eyes
 Bio; gifted with computers and cyber security, Marita has found work at a local electronics company after the destruction of Lanthae. but the job doesnt pay great and shes forced to live in a small apartment with her friends Rose and Marie in order to keep a roof over her head.

Age: 24
 Species; Canine (great Dane)
 Augments none
Appearance: Tan fur, brown eyes
Bio: worked as a stripper for 5 years at the Electric Sheep where she acquired an addiction to bipropxytol. is currently undergoing detox which is a long slow drawnout process, but has worked enough to allow her to start work in theater.
 Age 24
 Species: canine Golden Retiever
 Augments none
 Appearace. Gold fur, Green eyes
 bio: Co-worker of Rose at the strip club, she joined her and marita during  the past few months. has become a  clerk at a local grocery store, called the  fresh apple.
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Name: B. Rhaegson

Age: Late 30s – Mid 40s

Species: Human

Augmentations: None

Appearance: Short, slightly stocky build. Dark blonde hair and dark eyes. Surrounded by the smell of cigarette smoke and the aroma of a strong alcohol of indistinct origin.

Bio: After successfully deploying the pulse bomb in Lanthae, Rhaegson began to enjoy a greater position of power than he’d ever experienced before. With the Purifiers now one of the larger powerhouses in Lanthae, Rhaegson began planning to expand the Purifiers’ – and his – influence.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Serris had still wanted to post his character sheets, as soon as he does then I guess we can start, unless he'd be okay with posting them after we start?


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ITB Codex is online!


Name: Soren Almaya

Age: 35

Species: Human

Augmentations: None

Appearance: Medium build (5’7”). Brown eyes, black hair, tan skin, almost always dresses casually.

Biography: A cyberneticist by day, but an avid tinkerer by night. He makes his living repairing and modifying external augmentations like artificial limbs. Ironically, despite being so intimately familiar with augments, he refuses to get one himself as he is afraid of surgery.

He had heard of "The Purifiers" before, but he dismissed them as obnoxious cranks. That all changed when his workshop was looted and everything in it destroyed. He immediately knew who was guilty thanks to the cracked gear emblem scrawled on the wall.

After the pulse-bomb and subsequent chaos in Lanthae, he fled the city in a stolen vehicle along with Anne. Having lost nearly all his possessions except for a few augment repair tools and personal belongings he was able to salvage from the ruins of his home/workshop. He scraped together what credits he was able to recover and was able to rent a rundown house in Seryet City. Since Seryet City does not recognize Lanthae’s augmentation repair licenses, he was forced to take various odd jobs ranging from janitor to cashier just to pay the rent. He splits the rent with two people (Uziel Bautista and Andrew Schatten). As of now, he works as a mechanic at Sky Farms. As a side job, he works on repairing augments…be they legal or illegal.


Name: Aaron Geasbrecht

Age: 41

Species: German Shepherd

Augmentations: None

Appearance: A tall and very solidly built German Shepherd (5’11”). He has brown eyes and tan fur. Almost always dresses in t-shirts and blue jeans.

Biography: A former construction worker who had his job replaced by an augmented person. Despite protests, he was let go. It was this moment that he felt resentment towards the augmented, feeling that they were taking jobs from honest, hardworking unaugmented beings. What finally drove him over the edge was that his own son had announced that he was going for augmentation surgery. Fuming, he severed all ties with him. Later that night, he read an article about an anti-augmentation protest by "The Purifiers". This eventually leads him into the ranks of this organization.

After the Purifiers’s pulse bomb plunges Lanthae into chaos, he narrowly escapes a lynch mob that had formed to hunt down remaining Purifiers by stowing away on a cargo truck. Finding himself in the small algae farming town of Braunii, he rents a house and finds a job as a day laborer.    


Name: Anne "Nitro" Phoe.

Age: 44

Species: Shetland Pony

Augmentations (Cybernetic): Implant that allows her to receive and transmit radio waves as an artificial form of telepathy. The antenna for the implant is disguised as a cosmetic "unicorn horn" implant (surprisingly popular with young Equines). This horn is both sharp enough and firmly implanted enough that she can gore her opponents with it.

Augmentations (Genetic): She carries some artificial genes that allow her to produce much more red blood cells than average and without ill effect so she resists the effects of low oxygen environments and has higher endurance than normal.

Appearance: A Shetland Pony (about 5’1”) with a brown coat and black mane and tail. Her coat from the elbow and knees down is black. A foot-long polished silver horn protrudes from her forehead. The horn is completely smooth except for some decorative fluting at the base.

Bio: She is an "oil farmer" (a vertical farm that grows genetically engineered algae that produce biosynthesized crude oil). She is very intelligent but few would know that because outside of work, she is almost always high on something. In addition, she has racked up numerous hospital bills due to her rampant drug abuse and subsequent injuries and/or overdoses.

Her drug dependency came about during her college and grad school years. Her perfectionist attitude meant that nothing less than the highest grade was acceptable. In addition, she often took numerous difficult classes (usually going over the permitted credits limit). As a result of this, to make perfect grades, she began using drugs of all sorts ó ranging from nootropics to classic stimulants. No one ever found out but she paid a heavy price ó she became a full blown drug addict. Since her job doesn't pay enough to fuel her drug habit, she has resorted to various legal and illegal ways to make enough creds to buy drugs ó everything from synthesizing and selling drugs, to assorted odd jobs. Currently, her alternative income now consists of stealing augments, parts and other electronic devices and hocking them to fuel her addiction.

After the Purifier’s pulse-bomb devastates Lanthae, she hitches a ride with Soren and later takes a maglev train to Seryet City. Unbeknownst to her, this is the same city that Soren is headed to. She is currently living in a rundown hotel and selling scavenged electronics out of her room.


Name: Uziel Bautista

Age: 24

Species: Human

Augmentations (Cybernetic): Left arm is a class 2 augment that contains an attachment point for various tools. It also contains shock absorbers and vibration dampeners to lessen the discomfort felt when striking with the arm or using the attached tools. The fingers can be magnetized at will to pick up and hold magnetic objects. Computers inside the arm also compensate for involuntary hand and arm movements for maximum precision when using tools.

Augmentions (Genetic): None

Appearance: An unremarkable looking Mexican man about 5’4” with brown eyes, black hair and tanned skin. His left arm is a sturdy but rather beat-up prosthesis with numerous scuffs and dings. He usually wears a tan jumpsuit with numerous pockets and a tool belt.

Bio: Born to a family of Mexican immigrants, Uziel was an exceptional student in high school and college. He graduated with a degree in agriculture and soon found a job as a farmhand at Sky Farms, one of the many hydroponic farms in Seryet City. He proved himself to be a hard worker and coupled with his degree in agriculture, he soon became the foreman of the farm. Unfortunately, he attracted the ire of one of the workers, who happened to be an ex-convict Bison. Angry that Uziel had been promoted over him, he plotted to kill him and make it look like an accident.

One day while Uziel was repairing the algae press, the machine suddenly turned itself on, crushing his left arm. When they finally freed him and took him to the hospital, his arm was so badly damaged they had no choice but to amputate. Later, he learns that someone had intentionally turned the machine on, despite the switch being locked in the “off” position.

At first, he was fitted with an industrial-duty class 1 prosthetic arm but he decided to exploit the potential uses of his artificial limb and applied for a class 2 prosthesis license.

Despite the wages he earns, he is barely above the poverty line due to the legal fees he sustained suing the equipment’s manufacturer.

Name: Doctor Andrew “Andy” Schatten

Age: 34

Species: Rhesus Macaque

Augmentations (Cybernetic): None

Augmentations (Genetic): Expresses GFP; as a result, his fur will fluoresce light green if exposed to UV light. Modified sodium pumps in neurons render him immune to sodium agonists or antagonists such as tetrodotoxin. Saliva is toxic, causing significant irritation if it gets into a wound, temporary or even permanent blindness if it gets into the eyes (from a Spitting Cobra).

Appearance: A Rhesus Macaque of average build (5’4”) with tan fur. His face has a few scars on it, including a rather long curved scar that stretches from his right ear to his neck. A freeze brand on his left bicep depicts the DNA double helix.

Bio: Born to genetic engineers of some fame, he expressed an interest in molecular biology since he was a boy. His parents encouraged this, hoping to continue their legacy. In high school, he proved to be an excellent, albeit troubled, ill-tempered and rather vain student. In contrast to his high grades and academic honors, he had significant disciplinary problems. Mostly fighting and shoplifting. He did grow out of this and later earned a Bachelor’s degree followed by a Masters and a Ph.D.

He was soon hired by the Seryetian biotechnology company Drosha Genetics as a gene mods scientist ó at the relatively young age of 24. Most of the gene mods that he researched were supposedly for medical purposes only as Seryet City bans non-medical gene mods. One night, while overhears some young Seryetians lamenting that the largest biotech company in Seryet City doesn’t do cosmetic gene mods.

Realizing that this could a very profitable side business, he opens up a black market in his lab specializing in various non-medical gene mods. Unfortunately, it did not last. He had found a way to target a viral vector containing the GFP protein to specific cell type and make it temporary. Seeing as he could not go through the company’s ethics committee, he decides to test it on himself. As it is a success, he rather foolishly decides to publish his paper in the journal Genetic Modification, claiming that the experimental “subjects” were “Rhesus Macaque Lab Body Model III ”. Since there is no such model of lab body, Doctor Schatten was very quickly found to have grossly violated the internal code of ethics of Drosha Genetics, several laws in Seryet City and the code of professional conduct for the Society of Genetic Engineers (SGE).

As a result, he is stripped of his SGE membership, fired from Drosha Genetics, permanently banned from ever working in the field of biological sciences, fined several million creds and sentenced to seven years in prison

Since he now has a rather extensive (albeit nonviolent criminal record), it is very difficult for him to get employment. He drifted between several jobs ranging from janitor to longshoreman to oil farmer. He even did a stint in a black market cosmetic gene mod company before they were busted.

Currently, he lives with Soren Almaya and Uziel Bautista. He works at a scrapyard at the edge of Seryet City as a “junkyard dog”.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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who should my girls run into among the rest of you? current;y they are enjoying a quiet evening at home.
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Axel or Soren seem like good bets.

Soren's heading to a rather rough area and Axel's wandering around Seryet City.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel's heading for work, if you get a post done before me we could have them interact a bit.

Also, I'm gonna be driving all day today and tomorrow, so might only be able to post tomorrow evening. Though I might try and use my phone to post before then ;)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora's not gonna be that useful in this gunfight, sorry :p

So the chop shop cop shootout, is the team escaping or standing and fighting?


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Standing their ground I guess. I'll try to post during the week but might only get to on friday


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Lore list is updated.

And a new ITB story is out: Dead End Job:

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.