The Gang of Five
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Why is your fave character your fave character?


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I think I should have titled it, "Why is your fave character your fave character?"

I'm surprised this topic hasn't been made already.

I mean, one can talk about their favorites in the character topics, but I thought maybe this topic should be made simply to see the reasons as to why people like them.

So, please, go ahead and explain why you like your favorite character here. :)


  • The Circle
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I think you may be able to rename topics you started, if not I'm sure an admin can.  

One of my fav characters is Ducky.  I like her personality.  & she looks cute too.  Chomper is an interesting character also.  A meat eater friends with plant eaters.  Lots of character development, stories, and such one can do there.


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Cera is at the top because, what can I say, I'm attracted to tomboys. :P:

Mo is second and I like him because he's funny.  Universal just got it right with this guy.

Ducky is third because of her personality.  On top of that, her cuteness has always been quite the factor with her.


  • Ducky
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I like Chomper because of his personality as well as the nature of him being the only sharptooth good guy. Plenty of stories you can do with this character.

Ducky because of her cheerful and innocent attitude.

Littlefoot probably because of his love of adventure.


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I'm sure an admin can.
Yes they can ;)
As for characters, I frequently mentioned my not having one favorite character degrading everyone else to "not favorites".
I might get along best with Littlefoot, Ducky, and Ruby whom I feel are most capable of seeing the world from others' points of view.


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Thank you Malte. :)

And no one has to have only one favorite character or loathe another. I mean Pterano maybe my mega, ultimate favorite due to his humor, charming exterior, and insecure interior, I like tough characters like Sierra due to the fact that I wish I could be that tough and not really be too offended by anything or anyone. :p

I will say, ever since I met CT, over these few past months, Cera has started to grow on me. This is due to me realizing, "Hey I have a lot of qualities from this character, though she may still annoy in some cases due to the fact that she probably won't ever mature completely, I still somewhat like her."


  • Ducky
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I don't think it's possible to have one favorite character. There are plenty of agreeable characters in the Land Before Time, though there are probably some that certain people will indentify with more than others.

Ranking your favorite characters seems to be a rather daunting task, since it means comparing what makes them your favorites and what not and it's something that I've never been able to do very well.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Dec 22 2008 on  01:42 PM
I will say, ever since I met CT, over these new past months, Cera has started to grow on me. This is due to me realizing, "Hey I have a lot of qualities from this character, though she may still annoy in some cases due to the fact that she probably won't ever mature completely, I still somewhat like her."
Hehe, didn't realize I could do something like that :smile!

Cera is my favorite character 'cuz she's brave, independent, outspoken, strong, realistic, comes through for her friends which reflects her sweet and caring side, and straightforward.  She also shields her vulnerability from others.  She's not very feminine.  If the Gang were human, I bet she'd be outdoors as much as possible taking thrilling adventures.  

Ducky is my second favorite character 'cuz our personalities match quite well (she seems to have a cancerian's personality).  She's sensitive, caring, maternal, protective, sweet, and has a dark side that can rear its ugly head.  I love how they finally showed her dark side, for it gives her more of a "mortal" feel and not an idealistic feel.  Everyone else has a dark side.  What makes her different?  Also, she loves the water, is accident-prone, and small in size.

Dash The Longneck

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I have a few favorite charaters.

Petrie and Ducky.

Ducky: Because she is so cute and has such an innocent personality.

Petrie: I have always kinda liked Petrie  too because of the way the guy reacts and talks.


  • Chomper
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Grandpa Longneck is my favorite character. I like him the most because he always reminded me of my own grandfather, who I love very much.


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Petrie: because he always found alternative ways when he couldn't fly and still survived. :p  Plus his voice just seemed to fit a character who isn't really supposed to have human teeth. :p


  • Ducky
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:DD  Cera all the way because her personality is awesome, tomboys are cool you know.


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I really don't have favorite character, per se, but Littlefoot is my first choice. He's a leader, adventurous, brave, and smart. Chomper would be my second choice, he's probably the most articulate of the group, and there's lots of story development with him as the gang's friend.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Heh. I could go on and on about why Pterano was my favorite.

I first became a fan when I was seven years old. I'm really not sure what made me like him. But now I've really become aware of what he's like.

So he's got delusions of grandeur and is nuts about being recognized. And lemmie tell you, I daydream about being a recognized person myself. But UNLIKE him, I see the stresses of what could be glorious XD . His goals are somewhat stereotypical- evil uncle who wants to take over. BUT...he has some major regrets and he wants to achieve his goal without hurting and/or killing someone.

If there's one thing I will not tolerate, it's violence!
Also, unlike most evil-uncle-villains, he accepts his punishment, even though he doesn't like it. He asks for mercy at first, but then he takes the word of his sister. He knows that no matter how sorry he is, he must be responsible for what he did. And I'm sure we've ALL had to do that at some point.

Now as for the next thing, I'll have to compare him to Phoney Bone from the (awesome) "Bone" comic.
 Phoney is selfish, egotistical, narcissistic, greedy, and so on, just like Pterano. But he was the oldest of his cousins, and after they were orphaned, he had to take care of them and they were very poor. He was always greedy, but deep down, not all the greed was for himself, but for the survival of his younger cousins.
So perhaps for Pterano, not all of his greed is driven toward himself, but for his sister and her family. And you can REALLY see that he does love Petrie. Remember when Rinkus whacked Petrie? I think that some of Pterano's anger over that is because it was his nephew that just got knocked out of the air, not just the general fact that there was violence in their midst.
For another thing, there was ANOTHER threat to his nephew, when Sierra threatened to feed those "over grown eggs" to the sharpteeth. Pterano's reaction can be driven into many thoughts at once
  • Leadership blunder
  • General fear of sharpteeth
  • Those "over grown eggs" are his nephew and his nephew's friends, one of which he believed to have died
  • He's pacifist
That's a lot to be angry over.

Whew. I'm still not done.

I do like to think of Pterano as someone who wants to keep everyone safe, hence part of the leadership thing. As the leader, it means that he would have to keep a huge group safe, and getting them out of a situation safely would mean an increase of "likeability". He wants to be important in a group. But he BLUNDERS badly. And boy does he know it. He KNOWS it was his fault that he led those followers to their deaths, but he's too upset by it to admit it.

I guess I like him because not only can I associate with him in some ways, but also because he's not all he seems to be. He's someone who wants to be a protector and someone who loves whatever's left of his family. He thinks of himself most of the time, but he can see that some good of his achievements can come to those he is in charge of.

And he'd probably be the ONLY adult to really listen to the kids and go "adventuring" with them. He'd know the Mysterious Beyond well enough to be a "guide"...or a "chaperon", as I can imagine him calling himself. I can see it now.
"Oh no! The water's gone again! We're just going to stand here and blame it on someone else!"
"You IDIOTS! The <natural disaster> caused <this to happen> in <Mysterious Beyond location's water formation> so now the water's blocked! And since the CHILDREN are the only ones who are willing to risk their lives and since I'M the only one who knows the safe routes, AND since I'm the only adult here that WILL really listen to them, WE'RE going to fix the problem!"
It would be nice for the kids to have a grown-up around who won't sass them into not going into "restricted zones". He'd know it well enough to say "Okay, there's a safer way around." or "There's a safe place to hide in the dangerous place" or "Watch me make the sharptooth fall over!" [/color]


  • Petrie
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The reason why I like Mo so much is because I can easily see a lot of myself in him in terms of knowing how to have a good time as well as having a quirky sense of humor. I'm also very brave and loyal to my friends and family, just like he is. We're both very warm-hearted, and let's not forget the fact that I can pull off a good impression of him as well. It's also interesting to point out I have the same eye color as Mo, except mine are a darker blue, while his are a light blue.


  • Petra (He/They)
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Dude, I'm like Ptyra. I can go on and on about how much I love Pterano an why. First of all, Pterano is awesome because out of all the evil uncles out there, he stands out the most. Why? Let's see here...

1. He cares about the children and would do anything to protect them, even if it means kicking sharptooth butt.  :lol

2. He may be a bit of an ego maniac, but hey that's just like Mr. Threehorn and Cera! He may not be perfect, but he regrets what he did. And it's not like he actually meant to lead half the herd into their deaths. So practically half of it is not his fault! and if i was the one to lead them into their deaths, I'd be pretty scared too. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be.

3. Also, he stands out because he is one of the most descriptive LBT character out there. And he actually became the good guy at the end. Otherwise, I wouldn't have fallen in love with him in the first place.
4. I just love his beautiful British accent. It's just so beautiful and smooth. And I love the sound of his breath and chuckling as well. He has a very nice laugh! You can clearly hear it at the end of the movie in which Topsy chases him and he says "Then again, (chuckles beautifully) there are others whom I shan't miss at all!"

5. I also find him very attractive. I just love the way he spreads his wings, especially in Very Important Creature (he was so beautiful there!!!!) And he has really nice legs and chest.

So yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I have more though...
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Allow me to play the devils advocate about Pterano:
1. He cares about the children and would do anything to protect them, even if it means kicking sharptooth butt.
Oh would he? What makes you think so? It would be awesome if we could say that, but in LBT 7 we never ever see him do anything remotely heroic. He saves Ducky when she conveniently falls off the mountain at the end of the movie, but in doing so he doesn't really risk anything.
And it's not like he actually meant to lead half the herd into their deaths. So practically half of it is not his fault! and if i was the one to lead them into their deaths, I'd be pretty scared too. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be.
Had he MEANT to lead them to their deaths he would be the biggest douchebag imaginable. Not being that alone however isn't much of a quality. I do not blame him for being scared and not even for making his getaway while the others were killed. What I DO blame him for is never taking responsibility for his actions. It was the other ones having "no vision" rather than him scouting ahead which as a flyer he ought to have been perfectly capable of doing. I could consider Pterano a lot more positively if only ever he really accepted the responsibility and said so. The half sentence at the end of the movie just after trying to weedle out of being banished doesn't really count in my opinion.

I find Pterano a most interesting character and let him play a major role in an (unfinished fanfiction of mine). In that story however he does something to earn my respect, in LBT 7 he clearly did not.


  • Petra (He/They)
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And where can I read this story of yours?

1. He cares about the children and would do anything to protect them, even if it means kicking sharptooth butt.

Oh would he? What makes you think so? It would be awesome if we could say that, but in LBT 7 we never ever see him do anything remotely heroic. He saves Ducky when she conveniently falls off the mountain at the end of the movie, but in doing so he doesn't really risk anything.

And HOLY SMOKES!!!! It's just an opinion! Sheesh! You got yer beliefs and I have mine, get over it! :lol Just kidding...

Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Cera
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Littlefoot, for being the only member of the main cast with a lick of common sense.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Ruby
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The Original Sharptooth. No other movie character has had such a lasting impact on me. Some of his scenes like these invoke terror

And others are awe inspiring

I think one of my favorite scenes in movie history has to be after the kids wake up from sleeping in his footprint. The part when he gets his head stuck, and he just kind of.....barks at the kids. Nightmare fuel. He,s like a storm, an almost unstoppable force.