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This is, frankly, quite ridiculous . . .

Phantom · 14 · 3153


  • Spike
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So by now I'm going to assume that 98% of us know about Wikipedia describing a cut scene that made it onto the early VHS and Laserdisc versions of The Land Before Time. Now, I'm not saying that this is entirely implausible, but on top of its already iffy-sounding nature and Wikipedia's untrustabilitity (yes, I'm making up words now), everyone who has owned one of these VHS tapes has "given it to a relative" or "can't upload it because of technical difficulties". Right  <_< . So, I'm here to propose a little challenge. I've been working on this for a while, but due to the nature of this quest, more people = more efficient. Whenever you see a VHS from '88, buy it. No, don't walk away, you cheapskate. VHS tapes are only a buck or two nowadays at goodwill, hell, I can even get them for a dime at some shops. So buy every '88 copy you can find. If you aren't sure if it's an original, check for a later date. If you still aren't sure, just buy it anyways (again, you won't be weeping over your lost pocket change). So now we just have to systematically watch every LBT we find. We're fans, we can do it!
So let's bust this myth!  :DD


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  • Ducky
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I actually do have a copy of the vhs somewhere at home, so when I get back from holiday I could watch for it. What's supposed to happen in the deleted scene?


  • Spike
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Quote from: bushwacked,Aug 9 2013 on  09:10 AM
I actually do have a copy of the vhs somewhere at home, so when I get back from holiday I could watch for it. What's supposed to happen in the deleted scene?
When sharptooth jumps on LF's mom's back, it isn't in shadow.


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  • Littlefoot
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I've gone around and bought every lbt 1 film I could find up to this date, but never found any vhs tape with the information on it. Keep on trying though!


  • Cera
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Yeah there has to be a movie out there for the information about it.


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  • Ducky
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I'll need to watch the tape I have again, but I'm sure that we can find it somewhere.  :)


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Good Luck everyone :) Perhabs checking ebay would be helpful, too?
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Ruby
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I actually found my first run copy of the 88 VHS tape, run time 69 minutes. It does include LF's mom with the bloody flap but other than that, the same.


  • Spike
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Quote from: newkirk32,Aug 11 2013 on  01:58 PM
I actually found my first run copy of the 88 VHS tape, run time 69 minutes. It does include LF's mom with the bloody flap but other than that, the same.
Bloody flap?

Bruton the Iguanodon

  • Ducky
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Gosh I've heard about this myth about LF's mom getting her back torn open not in shadow...I seriously doubt it's true cause if it was it would have been on Youtube YEARS ago...but I still think it's worth looking into.

Also, the movie came out at the end of 1988, so it wouldn't have been released on VHS til the following year...

  • Ruby
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I have a copy of my old 1989 VHS tape, I'm sure it's 1989, it includes that danged shadow shot, I'll check again but I'm sure that what I've seen.


  • Petrie
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I have my tape till,but it in a box in a shed having been replaced by DVDS. I'm gonna have to dig it out and check this..if it still works since I watched it that many times.


  • Spike
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Recently I rescued a 1989 cardboard slipcase VHS tape of the original out of a box from the library where I work. The cardboard is rather beat up, and I was afraid that it would just be thrown away. What I want to do is to first watch the DVD version, then watch the VHS version, to see if there are any differences.

But before everyone gets excited about the possibilities, I feel that it should be said that all of the 1989 release tapes I've seen have a runtime of 1 hour 9 minutes, which is the same as the 69 minute runtime on the DVDs. So there really might not be anything different.  :neutral
What I think people should watch out for is smaller edits, like longer transitions between scenes. Those would have been more plausibly cut out in later releases. I don't mean to be a killjoy, but everyone I've seen in other threads get their hopes up only to be disappointed.

I do still hope that something will be found.


  • Spike
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Alright, so I spent the first half of today watching the DVD, then the VHS from '89 (taking notes), then going back to the DVD and skipping directly to the scenes.

There are no differences.  :cry

The only things I wrote down in my notes were small scenes where I couldn't really remember them being in the DVD, but upon watching the DVD again I confirmed that they were in both the DVD and VHS. Such as when Littlefoot, Cera, and Sharptooth all fall off the cliff, I could have sworn that the scenes were a bit longer in the VHS, but I don't think they are after going back to the DVD.

When sharptooth jumps on LF's mom's back, it isn't in shadow.
Unfortunately I have to say that the attack is seen in shadow in both the DVD and VHS. However, you all may be forgetting that in both releases, there is a very brief shot of Sharptooth landing on LF's mother's back and getting ready to bite, right before the shadow shot. But everything else is the same. No berry scene, no mirrored shots, and Sharptooth's death is the same length.

Sorry guys.  :( But FYI; if you want to check for yourselves and aren't sure which VHS to get, look at the barcode on the side of the case. The UPC is 047897808647 (Hope that's okay to share).