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Paranormal encounters

inlerah · 92 · 13088


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Quote from: Justin1993,Jul 19 2011 on  01:18 AM
I've had many a paranormal encounter. When I used to live in an apartment, I would be walking to my room and in the crack under the door, I could see shadows running around the room as if someone was in there but no one ever was. And in my current home, the bathroom lit up one time, while the light was off. Every now and then I feel a tug on my back or shoulder. Once, I sat on the couch and right next to me I heard a sigh. No one there.  :huh: And every once in a while, I hear someone call my name. Even when I'm alone.
Whoa that's scary. Possibly demons.


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I had one once when I was sitting at my computer.  Thought I saw something move across, saw a flash of light.  Turned round, nothing was there.  But then again, I put that down to imagination...

Cancerian Tiger

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I had one just last night.  Someone posted a picture on FB of a house in which a double homicide had taken place years before.  I clicked on the picture to see it in full size, and about ten seconds later I felt an overwhelming sense of dread come over me as I felt like I had made contact with whatever evil presence lives in that house.  I've always been very sensitive to paranormal presences, and I can usually sense almost immediately if I am in or around a house someone had died in.  It's a strange feeling I can't describe.  However, if it is an evil paranormal presence, I feel so much dread it about puts me into a cross between an anxiety attack and a nervous breakdown.  I tend to come across as rather fearless, and few things scare me enough to make me cry.  I was nearly bawling after that experience, meaning it was very intense :crazy.  I was up almost the whole night and could not concentrate on anything after that.  I understand there had been the thought of destroying the house, but ultimately it was just cleaned up and folks moved in :!.  I feel sorry for them if they have any bad experiences.


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Quote from: DollFace,Aug 15 2011 on  10:26 PM
Quote from: Justin1993,Jul 19 2011 on  01:18 AM
I've had many a paranormal encounter. When I used to live in an apartment, I would be walking to my room and in the crack under the door, I could see shadows running around the room as if someone was in there but no one ever was. And in my current home, the bathroom lit up one time, while the light was off. Every now and then I feel a tug on my back or shoulder. Once, I sat on the couch and right next to me I heard a sigh. No one there. :huh: And every once in a while, I hear someone call my name. Even when I'm alone.
Whoa that's scary. Possibly demons.
Well, I'd say the odds of being a demon are pretty slim. It doesn't sound particularly malicious, just sort of clingy. By those descriptions it could be any sort of entity; Demon, angel, elemental, egregore, poltergeist, sprite, totem...

But to me it sounds like whatever sort of entity it is, it was eager to be in contact with you. If these happenings occur again, try to contact it, ask plainly and clearly who it is and what it wants. It might be that it wanted to become your familiar or servitor.

Heh, I know too much about this stuff for my own good. But if anyone seeks some advice on such a matter, I might be able to help. I'm good with the occult and paranormal, especially working with entities.


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I've also had many experience's with spirit's. I've also herd spirit's talking before in a creepy way. I was a little freaked out but not really. I've heard my  house doors open and closed by them self's And so on.


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Had a pretty serious occurrence last night. Around the middle of the night, I'm trying to get to sleep, and I hear this occasional thumping sound. And I know it's not my family, cos my parents are asleep and my sister is away. Needless to say it creeped me out big time.

EDIT: Aaand the thumping's starting again. Seriously, I'm getting a bit freaked out now

Cancerian Tiger

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Geez Allicloud, that sounds creepy :!!

Not that I don't believe in paranormal activity (everyone here probably knows I do :p), but have you been checked for tinnitus by any chance?  I've had it since I was still a little kid, and sometimes I hear a thumping noise that lasts a few minutes and grows louder and louder.  Again, I'm not trying to disagree with you.  I'm just curious, because before I found out it is tinnitus, I thought maybe it was psychiatric :bang.

As for me, I was recently out in my back yard with my dog.  It was a quiet morning, and I was out there pulling weeds while my dog was laying down near me and napping.  Just then, about fifteen feet away from me by my fence, I swear I heard a human voice go, "Psst!  Hey!  Psst!" in a whisper.  I looked up and saw nothing and heard nothing else.  Then, I heard footsteps running, and then my dog jumped up and started barking like his alarmed maniac self while staring at where the voice had come from.  The entire time, there was nobody by or on the other side of the fence :!.  Spooky indeed.


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I remember a few weeks ago, I saw an orb of light zoom past my living room. It came from the kitchen and disappeared in the living room. But the one thing that frightened me is that the orb of light was...HEADING STRAIGHT INTO MY BED ROOM!!!!!! :blink:
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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So, I was sitting at the computer, browsing Amazon for games when something poked my hand. The only things on my computer desk are all wireless devices so it sure wasn't a wire. I thought nothing of it until it happened again. I got a little spooked so I left the area and went outside. I was taking pictures of my niece and nephew who were playing and something pushed my hand.  :blink:
Not only that, but the name calling is becoming more frequent. I hear my name being called a lot nowadays.


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I believe that my house is haunted and apparently I'm the only one that notices.

*Every once in a while I will hear my name being called by my mom. I rush to her and she looks at me all confused. She says she didn't call my name, so who's doing it?
*I see very brief flashes of shadow apparitions, once I saw one looking over at my bed, that was freaky! I usually see them in my room and the living room.
*I get this weird feeling that I'm not alone in my room. It's like someone is sitting by my bed or something. Whatever it is I don't like it.
*I have a fear of the kitchen for some reason. It's like if I don't get out fast enough, something is going to pull me in and kill me. I always feel a prescence in that kitchen.
*Usually at night I feel a unusual breeze. My back gets colder and I keep feeling this wind all around me. I'm feeling it right now as I write this!
*Sometimes I hear footsteps at night and I'm the only one awake!

That's basically it. I wonder how nobody notices these things in the house.


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Woah! Now THAT is scary! Hmmm I haven't been in my house that often due to school starting so I don't really have any more ghost encounters. But once I get one, you guys will be the first to know.  :yes
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Quote from: CreativePerson,Oct 2 2011 on  08:27 AM
*I have a fear of the kitchen for some reason. It's like if I don't get out fast enough, something is going to pull me in and kill me. I always feel a prescence in that kitchen.
That's like my sister's room. I don't ever go in it. There is something evil about. Once, I walked in there after my sister had moved out and when I walked out I felt like something was pulling me back. It wasn't a hard struggle, but it was a struggle nonetheless. It felt my energy was being pulled out of me and into the room. I cleansed the room that night, or at least I thought I had. I went in there a week after and felt the same struggle but this time it was more intense. I felt like I was losing. I even fell to the floor exhausted. My mom doesn't believe but my younger sister can feel the presence when she walks by the room. I just hope whatever is in there is confined to the room. I don't want anything bad to happen to my family.  :unsure:


  • Cera
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So apparantly, my current dorm room is haunted by a previous janitor of the college named Alfred. He lives underneath the floor of my closet and likes to come out every now and then. He is completely harmless, just wants attention. He apparently changed a $20 bill lying on the floor to a $5 bill in front of the previous students who lived in my room.

Now of course I say apparently because I have yet to encounter Alfred, but every student who has lived in my room tells the same story.

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The only weird thing that ever happened in my house is one time in the attic I threw an article of clothing over the balcony down the stairs, and later on I saw that it was back on the attic floor. But I was very young at the time, and probably brought it back up into the attic and later forgot I did. Other than that though, nothing has ever happened. Any weird things that may happen that freak me out are easily explained. Like our house makes random creaking noises at night, but that is because it is a very old house and the walls and floor settle. We also used to hear our piano playing late at night but quickly found out it was our cat walking on the keys. And for a long time late at night I would hear very low, creepy-sounding mumbling coming from the second floor of our house, but as I got older I realized that it was the low frequency sounds coming from our upstairs tenants' television. I have never in my entire life even come close to what you may call a "paranormal encounter", and I guess I hope it stays that way :p

Cancerian Tiger

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My latest one was last night, an it was an unusual but really terrifying experience.  I was sleeping on my belly which is unusual considering I'm a back sleeper, and I suddenly had a feeling of being watched by someone standing next to my bed.  Then, I heard a creepy male voice that basically said he was gonna do the dirty with me :blink:  :x.  Then, he jumped on me and started pulling my spirit out of my body.  I could actually see my mortal sleeping form below me.  It only lasted for a few moments, though, 'cuz I managed to jolt myself awake and whip around while swinging as if to knock him off me.  That was very scary indeed :!.

So, in a nutshell, I believe an incubus paid a visit last night and attempted to do the R word to me :crazy  :o  :slap  :x.  I read somewhere that women who are virgins and have strong belief in God are more susceptible to incubi attacks, as this is seen often in nuns, or so I read.  If this is the case, I hope he never comes back to pay another visit :!  :rolleyes  <_<.


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I have experienced something new! While I was in the kitchen doing some homework, I heard someone humming a tune. I thought it was my brother turning up the volume to loud on his computer or it was coming from the Plasma TV. I asked my father and my brother and they said there was no humming coming from either! So who was humming?

BTW, Cancerian Tiger I feel really, really, really, REALLY bad for you. Living with a perverted ghost, ugh.


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Quote from: CreativePerson,Oct 5 2011 on  12:36 PM
BTW, Cancerian Tiger I feel really, really, really, REALLY bad for you. Living with a perverted ghost, ugh.
Well, technically, Incubi and Succubi aren't ncessarily perverted, per se. That's just how they've adapted to survive.

But most of the time, rather than attempting to force themselves on their victims, they more often try to seduce them. (Speaking from experience; I've encountered a succubus before)

So don't rule Incubus out just yet, but I'd say it sounds like something else at the moment.


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Well, technically, Incubi and Succubi aren't ncessarily perverted, per se. That's just how they've adapted to survive.

But most of the time, rather than attempting to force themselves on their victims, they more often try to seduce them. (Speaking from experience; I've encountered a succubus before)

So a succubus is a female ghost who tries to seduce you? Is there a way to summon them  :D ?


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Quote from: bushwacked,Oct 10 2011 on  06:27 PM
Well, technically, Incubi and Succubi aren't ncessarily perverted, per se. That's just how they've adapted to survive.

But most of the time, rather than attempting to force themselves on their victims, they more often try to seduce them. (Speaking from experience; I've encountered a succubus before)

So a succubus is a female ghost who tries to seduce you? Is there a way to summon them  :D ?
Not a good idea dude. For onething, they aren't ghosts as in souls of dead people. They are spirits that may once have been human souls but were then corrupted, or naturally occuring succubi.

Also, they have a habit of leaving their victims pretty drained and exhausted after a...*ahem* session. And when they realise that they can get alot of sustenance out of you, they'll just keep coming back for more whether you want it or not.


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Then, I heard a creepy male voice that basically said he was gonna do the dirty with me.

So, in a nutshell, I believe an incubus paid a visit last night and attempted to do the R word to me

Living with a perverted ghost, ugh.

So a succubus is a female ghost who tries to seduce you? Is there a way to summon them?

Also, they have a habit of leaving their victims pretty drained and exhausted after a...*ahem* session.