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Did a Disney movie inspire an LBT storyline?


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Relating to my topic about members here who might know the creators, it came about because I saw someone (who I shall refrain from naming for discretion) said this in a thread:

“  The kids were like John Smith from Disney’s Pocahontas, the tinysauruses were the Indians, and the adults were the other white men. Both groups could not accept the other on equal terms and wanted to be as far away from each other as possible. The white men (the LBT grownups) wanted to drive away the Indians (the tinysauruses) while John Smith (the kids) found peace with both sides at once. Whoa, hold the phone. This isn’t LIKE the Pocahontas movie. It IS the Pocahontas movie. The savages song from Pocahontas is just like the creepy crawlies song from the LBT movie. I can just see the director, trying to think of a plot for movie eleven, then his little daughter tugs on his pants and asks him to watch a movie with her. He refuses for days, then finally accepts, having found no ideas. As he watches Pocahontas, his eyes lights up, and he calls the writer team up. Sadly, the father never finishes the movie with his daughter. I mean, seriously, the plot theme was just like that Disney movie”

It’s weird because they almost act as if they know what they’re talking about. Even if it’s not a known fact, do you think there’s any validity to this speculation?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Personally I think it's more likely both filmwriters followed the same trains-of-thought to tell their stories. Both wanted to tell a story about prejudice and not judging foreigners based on their appearance, and there's a really obvious method by which to do that:

-Add a foreign race, make people hate them due to a misunderstanding
-make the protagonist the one who bridges the social gap
-make the foreigners help the people during some tragedy, just to really hammer home how wrong they were to judge them

After that, a song where the villains sing about hating the foreigners is a pretty obvious pick, since its the central conflict of the film. So I think it's a coincidence more than anything else, borne from both treading pretty safe and overdone themes.


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Why is almost no one posting here

Because I think aabicus already summarized how most other members feel about this topic. Read his post for the answer to your question.

You know, The Friendly Sharptooth (yes, it’s obvious who the member you were referring to is) never claimed the scenario he described in his post was factual. It was just an imaginary, speculative scene he made up based on the fact that, in his opinion, LBT 11 and Pocahontas had similar storylines.


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Why is almost no one posting here

Because I think aabicus already summarized how most other members feel about this topic. Read his post for the answer to your question.

You know, The Friendly Sharptooth (yes, it’s obvious who the member you were referring to is) never claimed the scenario he described in his post was factual. It was just an imaginary, speculative scene he made up based on the fact that, in his opinion, LBT 11 and Pocahontas had similar storylines.

But other people can add to the topic. Not everyone has the same opinion.

It just seem an odd speculation, like maybe he knew something other members didn’t.


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« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 02:39:42 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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I agree with Aabicus. Please also stop spamming your own topic in this way, @GreyLizard226 .


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I agree with Aabicus. Please also stop spamming your own topic in this way, @GreyLizard226 .

I’m not trying to spam…I’m just trying to help the thread get more attention. It’s frustrating because I feel I made this topic for nothing since almost no one is responding.   :neutral
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 11:15:33 AM by GreyLizard226 »


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@GreyLizard226: Erm, I also agree with @aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) , which means I wouldn't have much to add to the discussion of this thread. Just because nobody is responding doesn't mean people are ignoring you, could just mean they don't really have anything to add to this thread. And with the type of topic that you posted, I'm not surprised that only one person had really anything to say about it after he basically said what everyone else was probably thinking.

As for my own thoughts, while it is possible that the Disney movie that you pointed out inspired an LBT plotline... I mean, there are just so many movies out there that have the same plot lines as other movies in the past, I am talking about this in general. I can't name specifics off top of my head really, but there's just bound to be many cliche/reused/older plot lines that many movies will and have already used by their movie predecessors. I'd say its rare for a movie to be completely original/new these days, and that the strengths/merits of a movie will come from how they execute an already established trope instead. Execution being key is what I'm saying here.

I agree with Aabicus. Please also stop spamming your own topic in this way, @GreyLizard226 .

I’m not trying to spam…I’m just trying to help the thread get more attention. It’s frustrating because I feel I made this topic for nothing since almost no one is responding.   :neutral

Don't take this personally, but there are many topics posted by other people that hadn't really gotten attention either, just like some of yours. It normally isn't anything personal, just either a lack of anything to say or perhaps a lack of interest. Not every topic will hit, and that is okay. Embrace the topics that do have plenty of nuance and discussion towards it, and let go/not worry too much about the topics that didn't get any replies. I should know, since I've had some dud topics in the past I'm pretty sure.

And also, it's always okay to bump a thread every once in awhile if you want people to notice your older topic and hopefully have people respond to it. Put "bump" or something like that. And personally, while I do see why Mumbling hurtled the accusation of spam towards you, since I have noticed some of your past topics being bumped in the fashion of "Why isn't this getting enough replies" and whatnot (just a bit more subtle way of bumping a thread), though I don't think your spamming since its not like you've done this sort of thing, either not often enough, or not too much within a small span of time, or in the grand scheme of things, not enough to cause a nuisance in the community space in my opinion.

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f-22 "raptor" ace

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It was simply a coincidence. Least that's what I'm calling it.


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@GreyLizard226: Erm, I also agree with @aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) , which means I wouldn't have much to add to the discussion of this thread. Just because nobody is responding doesn't mean people are ignoring you, could just mean they don't really have anything to add to this thread. And with the type of topic that you posted, I'm not surprised that only one person had really anything to say about it after he basically said what everyone else was probably thinking.

As for my own thoughts, while it is possible that the Disney movie that you pointed out inspired an LBT plotline... I mean, there are just so many movies out there that have the same plot lines as other movies in the past, I am talking about this in general. I can't name specifics off top of my head really, but there's just bound to be many cliche/reused/older plot lines that many movies will and have already used by their movie predecessors. I'd say its rare for a movie to be completely original/new these days, and that the strengths/merits of a movie will come from how they execute an already established trope instead. Execution being key is what I'm saying here.

That makes sense. But just to be on the safe side, you did read what I quoted and was referring to?


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Quote from: f-22 &quot;raptor&quot; ace on May 28, 2024, 10:28:28 PM
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace on May 28, 2024, 10:28:28 PM
It was simply a coincidence. Least that's what I'm calling it.

Did you read any of what I quoted though or just the thread title?


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@GreyLizard226: Erm, I also agree with @aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) , which means I wouldn't have much to add to the discussion of this thread. Just because nobody is responding doesn't mean people are ignoring you, could just mean they don't really have anything to add to this thread. And with the type of topic that you posted, I'm not surprised that only one person had really anything to say about it after he basically said what everyone else was probably thinking.

As for my own thoughts, while it is possible that the Disney movie that you pointed out inspired an LBT plotline... I mean, there are just so many movies out there that have the same plot lines as other movies in the past, I am talking about this in general. I can't name specifics off top of my head really, but there's just bound to be many cliche/reused/older plot lines that many movies will and have already used by their movie predecessors. I'd say its rare for a movie to be completely original/new these days, and that the strengths/merits of a movie will come from how they execute an already established trope instead. Execution being key is what I'm saying here.

That makes sense. But just to be on the safe side, you did read what I quoted and was referring to?

Yes, I read the whole thing.

Though, I actually am curious on what the person you were quoting meant by "Sadly, the father never finishes the movie with his daughter." What was the person suggesting in this hypothetical scenario at the end? Was he saying that, in pitching his idea to the team of writers about this new LBT plot line, he missed out on implementing other things that the Pocahontas movie had? I'm curious if you know or remember what he meant by that line I mentioned.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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@GreyLizard226: Erm, I also agree with @aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) , which means I wouldn't have much to add to the discussion of this thread. Just because nobody is responding doesn't mean people are ignoring you, could just mean they don't really have anything to add to this thread. And with the type of topic that you posted, I'm not surprised that only one person had really anything to say about it after he basically said what everyone else was probably thinking.

As for my own thoughts, while it is possible that the Disney movie that you pointed out inspired an LBT plotline... I mean, there are just so many movies out there that have the same plot lines as other movies in the past, I am talking about this in general. I can't name specifics off top of my head really, but there's just bound to be many cliche/reused/older plot lines that many movies will and have already used by their movie predecessors. I'd say its rare for a movie to be completely original/new these days, and that the strengths/merits of a movie will come from how they execute an already established trope instead. Execution being key is what I'm saying here.

That makes sense. But just to be on the safe side, you did read what I quoted and was referring to?

Yes, I read the whole thing.

Though, I actually am curious on what the person you were quoting meant by "Sadly, the father never finishes the movie with his daughter." What was the person suggesting in this hypothetical scenario at the end? Was he saying that, in pitching his idea to the team of writers about this new LBT plot line, he missed out on implementing other things that the Pocahontas movie had? I'm curious if you know or remember what he meant by that line I mentioned.

I don’t know. It almost sounded like he knew stuff that happened behind-the-scenes, but unfortunately he’s long since left the GOF forums.


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Ah, I see. I suppose we'll never know for sure then. Besides, I doubt his speculation is true. Hence, it is just a speculation/theory on how the Tinysauruses movie plot line was conceived. It's pretty much all speculation anyway without any official information, so there's nothing more for me to say about this.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...