The Gang of Five
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Sharptooth's return RP

Chomper98 · 82 · 24187


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This is an RP based on what if Sharptooth did return, and he is looking for Littlefoot to take vengeance. It basically starts with Sharptooth coming to the Valley, teaming up with Redclaw, and they invade the Great Valley

Here are the characters

Grandpa and Grandma Longneck
Topsy/ Mr. Threehorn

These are the characters, now just tell me what character you want, or you would like to have.


  • Cera
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This is a good idea for an RP, but you need to have posted this in the discussion board first. That way we can figure out people who are interested and what not.

If one of the mods could move it that would be very much appreciated  :D


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You can ask a mod or admin to move it if you want.  

I guess the rp would start in the Great Valley?


  • Petrie
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That's a common trope, but another would be to start in the Mysterious Beyond and introduce the antagonist in the introduction.


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Quote from: LBTLover1,Jul 22 2012 on  10:16 AM
That's a common trope, but another would be to start in the Mysterious Beyond and introduce the antagonist in the introduction.
Yes, that is what I have in mind, but in it, Redclaw and Sharptooth form an alliance instead of Sharptooth killing Redclaw, as most authors do, but yes, it will start in the Mysterious Beyond.


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Some movies start like that, showing the main villians first.


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The bright circle rose over the Mysterious Beyond, and the sharpteeth that inhabited the region began their daily activities, but one stood out in particular, he had dark green, almost black skin, and his right eye was sealed shut, he was bent on revenge.


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Meanwhile in the great valley, Ruby and Chomper were waking up and heading over to find the others.

Bron and shorty were waking up too, ever sinse moving they're herd here, Bron and shorty had become a bigger part in littlefoots life.


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As Sharptooth continued his vengeful trek, he spotted somone familiar, his younger brother, Redclaw. He smirked to himself, perhaps they could work together to trap the kids, and end their pathetic existence.


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At first, Reclaw didn't seem to notice his older sibling, so intent he was on getting his regular morning drink from the river. It was only when Thud glanced up from his own morning drink that any notice was given.

"Redclaw! We got company!" The green Fast Biter hissed and the larger predator turned a glare in Sharptooth's direction, growling instinctively, before he paused. Of course he recognized his sibling and he seemed shocked on seeing him.

"I thought you were dead..." he hissed under his breath, looking like he was seeing a ghost.


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Littlefoot had just finished another good sleep story when the bright circle blinded him through his eyelids. He yawned out loud and stretched his legs out in front and behind him. "Morning already?" He looked over at his grandparents who were still sound asleep. He smiled and slowly stood up. "I'll let them sleep a little more." Littlefoot quietly crept out of the nest and then started walking at a leisurely pace. The Great Valley was very peaceful today; it's residents were either still asleep or just waking up and getting ready for breakfast. Littlefoot wondered what his friends were up to and whether or not they were already awake.


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Chomper and Ruby smiled when they saw littlefoot's brother shorty, Bron had gone off on his own, confident the three kids would not get into any serious trouble. Shorty however had let chomper and Ruby in on a harmless trick to pull on littlefoot. They found a tree star, a vine that was the same color as the grass, and adding a bit of honey. This would make it so the tree star would stick to the vine and they could pull the treestar along the ground.

They had finished setting up and hid before littlefoot would walk by.


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Petrie awoke, along with the rest of his sibblings.  Some waking up a bit before others, but once some started to wake up all the rest would soon wake up, due to so many being around and the noise they made and such.  Soon they started eating breakfast.  Petrie wondered what his friends were up to, likely what he was doing, he thought.


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"Dead?!" Sharptooth asked as he looked at his younger brother, how could five hatchlings kill me when the 'great' lone dinosaur couldn't?" Sharptooth laughed, though his one remaining eye was filled with anger. Soon, they would pay dearly for attemtping that.


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As he walked by, Littlefoot noticed a tree star lying on the ground. Normally, he would proceed to eat it, but then he noticed something else. The tree star had a vine attached to it by honey that ran through the grass. Littlefoot giggled at the sight of the obvious prank. I guess I'll play along this time. He whistled around a little bit before putting on his best act. "Oh look! A tree star lying on the ground! How fortunate that I find it here!"


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Redclaw gave his brother once last glance over before giving a soft, almost irritated huff. "Granted, you make a point. But you have been gone for a couple of Cold Times, so forgive me for jumping to conclusions." Growling softly, he smirked at the anger in his brother's eye, knowing that look well.

"Um...Boss?" Glancing over to his side at the green Fast Biter, he saw the raptor looked very much confused. Glancing at his blue counterpart, Thud continued, eyeing the large and honestly quite menacing newcomer. "I'm lost here. You know him?"

"He's my brother." Redclaw replied gruffly, returning his attention to Sharptooth. "We've been trying to kill those hatchlings for what they did to you, but they're a slippery bunch. They even managed to convince a young sharptooth to join them." He said the last part with a hiss; stupid little sharptooth traitor...


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(Hope this is OK)

Unaware littlefoot discovered their prank, Shorty , ruby and chomper waited until littlefoot tried to eat it. once he did, they pulled it along. The three hatchlings repeated this untill the led him to where they were hiding. " Morning little foot." Shorty said. "How'd you like our prank?" He asked his adopted brother.


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Sharptooth's eye flashed with anger, a sharptooth befriending a leaf-eater, absurd! Not only that, one who was friends with the very hatchlings that tried to kill him. Then, an idea popped in his head. "We can use that traitor to find a way into the valley."


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"Brother, I never knew you had a brother." Screech said, surprised at the revelation showing in his body language and expression.  

Screech hmphed at the mention of Chomper, "I wonder if the little long neck was that persuasive or if the little sharptooth may be up to something.  Maybe some plan of his own." Screech said, those were the only reasons he could think of why a sharptooth or fast biter would willingly be with flat teeth instead of trying to catch and eat them.


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Sharptooth growled at the thought of it. "The fast biter is right, why would a sharptooth betray his own kind, never the less, he will be useful." Sharptooth said.