The Gang of Five
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Littlefoot's hatchling series


  • Ruby
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A role play for Nahla and me.
Character cast
Nahla as Jenna
Kenneth Mars as Grandpa
Nahla as Littlefoot
This role play takes place in Nahla's alternate universe of the land before time where Littlefoot's mother named Jenna does not die and Bron was not separated before his son's birth, The five live in the great valley together as one family. The story begins with Jenna lays Littlefoot's egg and she surprises the rest of the family. Inside Littlefoot's egg, Baby Littlefoot has thoughts as an embryo. After Littlefoot hatches, He has thoughts as he learns about the world.  


  • Ruby
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One late twilight in the great Valley, A young Longneck named Jenna was lying on a grassy crevice and sight deeply. She was very exhausted, yet at the same time, She was unable to sleep. Her Heart was filled with Joy as she looked down at a freshly laid egg that she laid just a few minutes ago. She placed her egg in the dirt. She had a feeling that there was something special about her egg. She couldn't help but admire every one of the features of the egg. She rubbed her head and nuzzled against the egg. The egg was pulsated with life and joyous energy and it was also her pride and joy in the years to come.

Just then, Footsteps were heard. They were telling her that someone was coming. It was Her husband named Bron and Her parents named just Grandma and Grandpa. Jenna wanted to surprise them. So she covered the egg with some ferns and grass to keep it out of sight.

Bron and Grandma and Grandpa were carrying tree sweets and tree stars and berries.

Hello, Jenna. Said Bron.

Hey, Bron. Replied Jenna.

Hello there, sweetheart. Said Jenna's Father.

Hello there, Mom and Dad. Replied Jenna.

Jenna and Bron enjoyed a wonderful dinner with Grandma and Grandpa.

Gee, Thanks, Bron. you're the best husband a girl can ask. Said Jenna.

It's the least I can do, Jenna. Said Bron. They nuzzled each other.

Just then, Grandma notice there was an odd sort of sparkle in her daughter's eyes. One that was very familiar. She then saw a bit of the egg shell in the pile of grass and fern.

Jenna and her mother smiled to their husbands.

I think it is time I should tell you something, Bron.

Mom, Dad, Bron, We are going to have a baby.

Grandpa and Bron Gasped and smiled and Nuzzled their mates with tears of happiness.

After that, Bron, Jenna and her parents settled down for the night.

I can't believe it! Said Bron. We're going to have so much fun with him. Said Bron.

Who said the baby is a he? Asked Jenna.

Well, He is my son and he is going to take after his dad. Replied Bron.

The four grownups laughed and after a while, They grew tired and happy that they fell asleep at ounce. Dreaming about the excitement waiting to come out of the egg.


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  • Cera
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Umm wait when did I.agree to.a RP? Pretty sure I didn't...

If you wanted a roleplay with me and my alternative universe you could of asked me.