The Gang of Five
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The Mountains in the Mouth of the Clouds


  • Petrie
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The Mountains in the Mouth of the Clouds            
What could possibly go wrong?                                    
“Just as every cop is a criminal                                            
  And all your sinners saints                                              
  As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer                              
  ëCause I’m in need of some restraint                                                                                                                              

  So if you meet me, have some courtesy                  
  Have some sympathy, and some taste                          
  Use all your well learned politesse                                  
  Or I’ll lay your soul to waste”
- The Rolling Stones, ëSympathy for the Devil’              

In the middle of a pouring rainstorm, three pairs of seemingly unrelated dinosaurs come across the only dry cave for miles around. Although the cave is big enough for all of them, all three pairs are too greedy to share, so they argue and threaten over which pair gets to use it. Eventually, long after they’re all soaking wet and shivering, they give up and reluctantly go into the cave together.
They spend the first half hour or so muttering within their own groups and shooting nasty looks over their shoulders. It might have gone on like that through the entire storm, but then, by complete chance, a friendship was formed. A friendship that began when one of the dinosaurs spoke a loud three magical, beautiful words: "I hate kids."

These were three words all six of them agreed on so thoroughly that they rapidly built up a conversation around it. And that's when the six came to a realization.
"Wait a minute, you've run into those five valley brats too!? Yes, I know them! God, I hate those little twerps!"
As the storm went on, they rapidly built a rapport around their mutual hatred of the gang of five and the multiple deplorable personality traits they all seemed to share. They went on to other topics, and something even more magical than ëI hate kids’ ended up being spoken: "Treasure."

According to stories, several miles west, there was a mountain range that was nearly perpetually covered in low hanging cloud. The mountain supposedly was once a settlement for a group of sharpteeth that were able to raid fortified flatooth valley with the use of mysterious magical artifacts. Apparently, these artifacts were so potent that they had been able to conduct raids into the land of mists, the eastern mysterious beyond, and even the Great Valley.
Then one day, they disappeared.
Not a tear was shed at this story, but a good question ended up getting raised: "Couldn't those magical artifacts still be up there?"
Indeed, no one knew. In fact, none of them had heard any kind of recent history about the mountains. The idea of the six of them working together to find those ancient artifacts and use them to go raiding where ever they wanted was positively delightful.
When the storm finally ended, the six gave each other nasty grins, and headed out towards the Cloudy Mountains, arguing about the specifics along the way.

They were so deluded in their own self-confidence, in fact, that they never stopped to consider why the Cloudy Mountains were so mysterious. While it was indeed true that very little news ever came out of the mountains, that didn't mean it was uninhabitated. No, it had more to do with the fact that no outsider who had ever gone into those clouds has ever been seen again. Can six of the gang's previous foes get along well enough to navigate the bizarre perils of a legend that's been lost to history?

Cast of a̶s̶s̶h̶a̶t̶s heroes:
Ichy (played by ____________): The smallest and weakest of the group, he is inventive, obnoxious, snide, pugnacious, and has a tongue as sharp as a thorn bush. The anti Petrie.

Dil (played by ____________): Largest and strongest of the group. Blind and not very bright, she is quite street smart and knows how to use her imposing figure to her advantage. Very strong swimmer. The anti Ducky.

Sierra (played by ____________): Cruel, impatient, sarcastic flier who is difficult to fool and is very manipulative. Has a very dark sense of humor and dislikes taking orders. The anti Cera.

Rinchus (played by ____________): Eager, submissive, but deceptively clever flier who has the closest thing to a heart out of the group, and is good at finding elegant (and underhanded) advantages. The anti Chomper.

Ozzy (played by ____________): Selfish, stuck up, snooty egg stealer who is egotistical and witty. He is very finicky and flamboyant, he's none the less very good at coming up with plans. The anti Ruby.

Strut (played by ____________): Laid back, unassuming, but practical egg stealer that  prefers safer, easier common sense solutions over his brother’s grandiose schemes. The anti Spike.

Tryouts: Yes, this is quite an exclusive, snobby little roleplay. Normally on this site the first person who asks for a role will get it-- I say nuts to that, I want to give the roles to people who play the parts the best. So I'm holding a 'test' of sorts for anyone who's interested in taking up a role. I suggest watching footage of the character, note the way they think and see the world, practice writing out their speaking style, and getting accustomed to their particular flavor of nastiness. Think of this as trying out for an acting part.

To submit an application for a role, state the character (or characters) you wish to be considered for along with a demonstration of how you would play the role:

1. Why would you be best for this role?
2. While in character, describe the Great Valley.
3. While in character, come up with a funny/snappy insult to your partner (e.g. If you trying out for Dil, insult Ichy, if Strut insult Ozzy, ect.).
4. What do you think is most unique about your character out of the group?
5. Name an interesting situation you could see your character getting into in the story.
6. How can you balance your character being a jerk while still maintaining a feeling of camaraderie?
7. Finally, and be honest: how interested are you and how committed are you willing to be in this roleplay?

There are five available spots-- I'll take which ever character is left (unless someone really spectacular is gunning for the last spot). The three things I value above all are a multifaceted depiction of the character, the ability to hide the ëplot driveness’ of actions, and the ability to be consistently witty and funny. If you don't end up getting chosen for your character, don't fret! I have several roles that are farther down the road that I’ll need someone to fill.

Any questions? Feel free to ask.


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  • The Gang of Five
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Character Dil
Shes not afraid to use brawn, although shes quite shortchanged in the brains department making her a bit easy to control or guide as ichy demonstrates. her favorite insult for dil is ' loudmouth smallfry' although truth be told, he is her eyes, since she herself cant see very well. she has nothing but disdain for the residents of the Valley, calling them ' softbellies' and wishing very much that she could take over the valley and help herself to some of the kids, particularly Ducky and Petrie as they are ' small and crunchy'. she fits well into this group, because every group needs a strongman, or in this case strong dino, to throw his or her weight around. she'd be very useful in breaking down barriers with her tail, for instance. she wont be very trusting of the others at first, and since this rp will be filled with all sorts of insults, putdowns and trickery , this is NOT a buddy buddy rp, far from it. the only real thing that keep the group together, apart from the power that the treasure holds-or they believe it to hold- is the mutual distrust they have for each other- they all keep an eye on each other to prevent backstabbing. as for whether i am committed to this rp, i am as my past history in rps shows, once i star something i finish it. i have had rps with just one other participant, but i prefer havinf 3-4 or more.more ideas, more feedback, more fun to be had by all.
 In Character
 ichy's a worthless pieces of log, who wouldn't survive five minutes without me. he'd get eaten in no time flat if i wasnt around to save his sorry hide. he OWES me big time, the twit. now this treasure may solve all our problems if HE doesn't try to steal it away from me , that is.. i've got my eye on him, the little bugger.
 on the great valley dweller
 if not for that Great Wall of theirs, those little brats would be in my stomach by now. the lot of them are soft and weak, cowering behind the wall, afraid to go around the world like herds should.i'd especially like to get my claws on those two runts- whaternames- ah yeah petrie and ducky. they'll be a nice snack, before i'd munch on that threehorn Cera, use her horns for toothpicks i will..
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Character Ozzy:
"Oh, you want to know about me?  Hmmm.  Well, I suppose that I could spare a moment or two.  I'm sure you've all heard the malicious slander that those...foolish flatteeth in the so-called "Great Valley" have said about me, haven't you?  Well, that's nothing but lies and slander.  I am hardly the villain the paint me as.  Merely a victim of their cruel attempts to keep an honest eggstealer from his meal.  And of course, my dear, dear brother's utter incompetence was a fairly significant thorn in my side as well.  Now that this little band has gathered, well, I suppose they'll be useful to me.  At least, as long as I can get their little pebble-brains to cooperate with my vision and plans."

Character Rinkus:
"Why do you want to know about me?  I ain't nobody special.  Just another flier, lookin' for his next meal, that's all.  I figure that working with these guys'll be the easiest way to get that done.  Now, don't get me wrong, none'a these guys could even hold a candle to old Pterano, but at least they're smarter than those little hatchlings from the Valley.  Which is about like sayin' they're smarter than a pile o' rocks.  But whatever.  They get me a meal, I can't complain."


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I'd like to take one or two of the minor characters, not sure if I'll take a villain/main character. For the time I'm on holidays, I won't have time to write a 'test' post anyway.

I like the idea hence I'll definately join this RP, no matter who I play as :)
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Petrie
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Well, I'll elaborate a little more on what's actually in the eponymous mountains.

There's not much, to be honest. Basic stuff: there'll be a faction war over the magic artifacts consisting of allosaurs, dilophsaurs, trodons, some white rainbow faces caught in the middle, and one suspiciously familiar Gigantosaurus (the factions, that is-- not the artifacts). Ingenious booby traps and winding ruins will litter deep Redwood forests as blood-sucking fliers hide in the mist and attack wary travelers. There is your garden variety fuzzer tribe that hates dinosaurs with a firey passion and deals with them in a way that would make the dwarfs from Guliver's Travel's blush. There'll be you typical ancient cauldera containing an eldritch abomination that rips people to shreds, and caves, and long rickety walkways over giant misty chasms. There'll be other scumbags that try to out scumbag the main scumbags or the story, and plenty of hi-larious opportunities to be cruel to your fellow roleplayers. All in all, the experience will ideally feel like if the Honeymooners fusion-danced with the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and went on an Indiana Jones adventure through middle earth with all the restrained ethics of a Monty Python sketch.

Ideally, of course. It could very well be we won't get around to that much stuff, and the story is liable to change with the storytellers who tell it. So, again: the roles are still open, guys.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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1. Well, why wouldn't I be best for this role? I'm pretty sure that I can keep Dil in-character and develop some new traits of how not shown in LBT 4 as she has to deal with new situations.
2. (+3) The Great Valley, eh? Well, let's see... It'd be great to live there. The water there is just great. However, that place is infected with those creeps. Their drooling poisons the fresh cool water that should be mine alone! One day I shall rid the world of them and the Great Valley will finally be ruled properly. But without that goof of Flyer... That son-uffa-tarpit is only gonna spoil me...
4. Well, Dil haz dat power! She's the strongest of the group. What could a Flyer or a stealer do? Not much... But Dil? Pure DESTRUCTION! MUHAHAHAH!!!
5. Dil getting separated from the others due to a catastrophy of some sort.
6. Well, Dil hates Icky because she secretly envies him for having such a great sight she never had. Therefore she insults him regularly. However, whenever she needs her comrade, she'll be nice to him to benefit from the Flyer.
7. Well, this hasn't been done before so I'm eager to find out how this RP will work out. I'll try to put in as much effort as you do in my RP :)
1. Strut is a funny character to play. I'm pretty sure that I can bring his love for greenfood to perfection and maybe make him develop some resistance against Ozzy's bitching? Sounds like a plan to me :)
2. (+3)Oh, I'd love to live there. There's so much vegetation to munch on forever. It'd be so cool to be protected from Sharpteeth. Oh how I HATE to keep running into them while starving out therer in the barren lands...  If only that mulish, all-time-bitching brother of mine would accept my fancy for green food. Stealing is just too dangerous for my taste.
4. Strut's relative lack of malignancy. He could be used to act nice towards some leafeaters to get some information from them or lure innocent children into the opened mouths and beaks of his comrades.
5. Strut being kidnapped by the Gang.
6. Well, Strut isn't the biggest jerk walking the earth to begin with. He'd often subordinate and work with the team but if he feels treated bad his jerky side will wake up and he'll show 'em.
7. see above

I'm available for several less important characters as well :)
Inactive, probably forever.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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1. Ichy is one of my favorite antagonists in the LBT series, and I included him in several chapters of my fanfic. I'm used to writing him, and I believe it takes dedication about a character to write them well.

2. The Great Valley? That's where those brats live! I shudder at the thought of such a nice, safe, DISGUSTING place! If I wasn't so small, I'd fly in there and show those kids what was what! To me, the Great Valley is nothing more than a place to exploit... that is... if I was a bit bigger and more dangerous *snaps beak* However... perhaps a formidable team could pull something off. Now we're talking!

3. Dil, you have got to be the blindest idiot I've ever had the misfortune of working with! You couldn't bite the flank of a sleeping longneck, you're so blind! I laugh watching you constantly run into the walls of our cave because you think some poor, helpless creature has wandered in and you want a piece of it! You're nothing without me!

4. Ichy is not physically imposing, nor is he capable of hunting for larger prey, so he really has to rely on stronger, more powerful creatures to help him out. Yet he's got such an arrogance that isn't commensurate with his size. He's not afraid to speak his mind with whomever he pleases.

5. Having to be the scout for the group once they get to the mountains, but being almost helpless in fights. He'll have to rely on ingenuity if more than brawn if he's going to help his comrades out, such as swift diving attacks that go for the eyes of his opponent.

6. I've written many jerk characters over the years that have had to stick to part of a larger group. I always consider it fun, but the thing holding them all together will be their mutual ire of the gang, and hatred is a powerful thing!

7. Very interested and very committed. I love Ichy, so I'd certainly love a shot at playing him in this. :)

(runner up)
(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Petrie
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Excellent! Looks like we've got at least five players so far! Let's see if we can't get one more person to join-- if not, then we've still got enough to get going with the RP. I'll give it... about a week for another member to audition. If no one does, then we can just go ahead and start. Thanks, you guys!


  • Petrie
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I thought I'd give this RP another try-- given how long it's been, I'm not gonna go through the 'interview' thing I did last time. If you want the character, feel free to nab them! If I get at least two or three other people on this besides me, I'll start it up!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I'd be still in. Pterano isn't active around here anymore, so you probably need another player to play his part. Also haven't heard anything of StarfallRaptor recently...
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Petrie
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I'm very glad to hear you're on board, Ducky123! Now, let's just see if we can get one or two more people to join up.


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i might be willing to resume, time permitting
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