The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Ask the Characters


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Dil, what are your thoughts on Icky? Has your relationship improved any?

Dark Pterano

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Spike: Are you kidding with this voice! (He's talking with a real deep man's voice.)

Pterano how did you end up meeting (Your former friends) Rinkus and Sierra?


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Pterano: College.

Dil, what are your thoughts on Icky? Has your relationship improved any?


  • Spike
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Dil: Nope, we don't get along very well.

Sharptooth, what would it be like to munch on those delicious leaf eaters? :p


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The most delicous thing I have ever had.

Chomper's parents, did you teach Chomper to hunt or did he learn on his own?


  • Ducky
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Chomper's Parents:  Actually...we just let him do what he wants; his mind is already corrupted with the rubbish the Gang put him through in the Great Valley.

Tria, what were you thinking when you made love to Topsey?  Is he really the right Threehorn for you?


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Tria: I have no idea.

Chomper's parents, what do you think is the healthiest thing for Chomper to eat?

Cancerian Tiger

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Chomper's parents: Meat!  Fresh, warm, plump, juicy, bloody meat! *Pause* Hey, is it time for lunch yet?

Littlefoot, do ya ever have felings for Cera?

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Littlefoot: No.

Pterano how would you  feel about taking a ride in a F-15?

Cancerian Tiger

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Pterano: Riding?!  That is a joke, right?  I'm a leader, not a rider!  I'm a very important creature and too good of a leader!  In fact, to prove my superior leadership skills, I shal lead the F-15, not ride in it!  What do I look like here?! *Continues to arrogantly ramble*

Tricia, do ya love your older sister?


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Tricia: Gu Gu Ga Ga (Me wove...Cewa...a wot)

Grandpa Longneck, are you thinking of retirement; is it ture that your going to giving your role of leadership to Mr. Threehorn?


  • Ducky
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*Spike just smiles as his answer*

Petrie, tell us honestly, when it's not the Day of the Flyers, do you like your siblings? and don't worry, we won't tell your mother what you say or anything :DD


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(I was hoping to answer a Petrie question :p )

Petrie: Me sometimes wish me were only flyer.

Littlefoot: Who inspired you to sing in the movies?


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Littlefoot: Producers. They were very "persuasive" about that.

(To entire gang + Chomper + Ruby) Do your species have something similar to Day of the Flyer?
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Ducky
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Littlefoot: Um, not really, unless you count the Brave Longneck test

Cera: does that time my mom made me show off to my grandma by butting my head against a rock right after I was born count?

Ducky: Oh yes, the day a swimmer can swim around the pond all on her or his own is a very big day, but my siblings are much nicer about it than Petrie's, I think we will get to do our day soon though.

Ruby: Not really, but that's ok
Chomper: Yeah, we have our first hunt without our parents...uh but I won't be doing that in the Valley or anything...hey! Does it count that I hunted buzzers on my own?! Am I grown up now?!

Strut, when did you first start eating green food?


  • Hatchling
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Strut: As soon as I saw Jennifer Lopez on the South Beach diet. :p

Archie: Are you a big fan of sweet foods?


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Archie: Yes, I am.

Ducky, being truthfully honest, do you have a crush on Petrie?  Don't worry, I won't tell. ;)


  • Ducky
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Ducky: I don't want to talk about it now no no no.

Littlefoot, do you sometimes get tried of be a Leader?


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Littlefoot: Yes, I'm just a kid, I can't do everything by myself.

All of the gang (Minus Chomper): What do you think it would be like if all of you were sharpteeth?


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Cera:  I would be the best hunter for sure.

Petrie: Maybe me would be more scary than scared.

Ducky: Then I would have to eat other dinos for food and that wouldnt be nice... No, no, no.

Littlefoot: Then Chomper could stay in Great Valley forever.

Spike: ....................

Ruby: I only wonder if we still had to look out for Redclaw, that's what I wonder.

Ruby, is it very hard for you to live without your family around?
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.