The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!



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"Yes!" cheered Jake, using alchemy on his prosthetic arms top panel to mold it into a blade. Dashing forward, he assisted Lura, both of them back to back while fighting. The entity above them let out a bone chilling shriek of rage. More soldiers being dropped down.


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the fight raged on, but more and more continued attacking them and they were vastly outnumbered
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A voice began echoing in their heads, forcing them all to their knees. "Give in, give up, do not resist." it kept repeating, drumming into their minds like being hit repeatedly with a hammer.


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both ilsa and minna slowly got to their knees ignoring the voice. they stared up at the hole in the ceiling, defiantly.
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With a loud screech, the hands reached down for the group. Rendering them all unconscious.

He wasn't sure how long he was out, but Jake began to wake up after hearing a female voice calling his name. "Ugh... is it time to kill Kobolds again already?" he groaned, sitting up

"No you fool, we're in the middle of nowhere." replied Lura, punching his shoulder hard, making him wince "On top of that, those two female Mages were brought with us."


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mInna and Ilsa soon stirred. they were in the desert somewhere ' great now where the heck are we?' Minna muttered as she looked around. 'looks like it is just the four iof us "Ilsa sighed resignedly.
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Lura helped Jake to his feet. Around them was nothing but rocks and sand, what looked like a temple a few hundred meters away. "Well, guess we gotta work together to find a way to a city." commented Jake

"Why not just run away from those mages?" asked Lura

"Their magic can bind us at will" he said back

Lura growled annoyed at how they were stuck with powerful magic users


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Bump for response from Nick


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running away when you dont know where you are first is foolish' Minna said as she got to her feet. we might as well check out the temple' iilsa said as she began walking towards the structure.. ' you two coming or not? she asked looking at lura and jake.
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Jake gave Isla the finger, following along with Lura after a few moments. A few minutes later, they soon arrived at the abandoned structure, large claw marks reminiscent of a dragon were scraped along the walls, skeletons that were torn in half or limbless remained.


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minna abd ilsa cast light spells so they could see inside the dark ruins. ' wonder where this goes ' Ilsa said ' stick close' she said to jake ' as much as i dont like it, i very well cant leave you out here..
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He rolled his eyes "Up yours, I can survive out here with Lura quite easily. I've already been stuck in the netherworld for days, here is much easier."

Lura was surprised to hear that. Had the King made his mages force him into it for failing their second mission?


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my , my, arent you a charmer' Minna said, glaring at Jake ' we might as well talk to your friend Lura there instead. saves you from insulting us..
 less talking more walking people' ilsa said.
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Jake laughed at her "By all means, Lura is a delight to talk with" he said to her amused. Picking up his pace with the others.

Lura growled at him "Do not dump your friends upon me or I will remove your REAL fingers."

Jake gulped "I'll shut up now..."


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so how did you meet Jake here/ Minna asked ' and where are you from, originally, if i may ask?' she had caught the tone of voice in Luras remark and deduced she was not the type you wanted to be on the bad side of. " just making conversation you see."
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Lura narrowed her eyes "We worked together under the king of Hekaga, dealing with Dragons as well as demons." she replied


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hekaga, oh boy i don't want to know what that guy made you do' Ilsa replied, giving lura a second glance. ' he wasn't the friendliest type. and where are you from originally?
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"He was my father, he did not make me do what he did most others." she told her "I was born there as well, I am the most skilled that are closest to him in hand to hand combat and archery- that was of course, until Jake and I killed him."


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we aere noble ladies from naugoa' ilsa said ' while we dont condine what your father did, you are still nobility and we will grant you the courtesy given to a fellow noble. do you prefer Princess or Lady Luna?
you're his DAUGHTER? lets hope you're not like him "minna said.
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"Just Lura." she replied, then growling at Minna "I am nothing like that sick fool."
Jake remained quiet, not wanting a knife in his leg later on.