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Messages - Gungrave

Pages: 1 2 3
Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: September 03, 2023, 08:16:40 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Fourth Floor?)

"Actually, spacetime isn't easy to do, even with magic." Threed put in from across the room in the corner he found to segregate himself.

"Not to be rude," Kit began again, "but my colleague has a point. If Chong is capable of any kind of spacetime manipulation, simply using those powers is a massive violation of temporal law. I'm surprised he's lasted this long without the Chrononauts on his tail, to be honest."

Threed strode over to the dragon, looking straight into his eyes. "We need everything you have on Chong. Everything. I'll not suffer any more time being wasted when all of spacetime could hang in the balance."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 29, 2023, 08:08:18 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Fourth Floor?)

"We don't have much in the way of superiors. We're more of a 'free agent' team. We just assist the Chrononauts. I'm sure you're aware of them. So, their intel suggests that Chong is armed and dangerous and that he may or may not have minor spacetime manipulation abilities. What were you told?"

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 27, 2023, 07:53:49 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Fourth Floor?)

"Is that so? Well then, you can suffer whatever fate Chong has in store for you."


"What? The big lizard started it."

Kit gave an exasperated sigh in response. "Look, let's just give him the lowdown and hear what he has to say."

"Better idea: you do that, while I find a corner to sit in. I'll involve myself once I detect a successful attitude adjustment." As the Triforian walked away from the professor, Tarrax and Kit, the foxgirl decided to be political and take over Threed's job for the time being. "I'm Kit. That there," she gestured behind her, "is Threed. Chong -- I take it you've heard of him since your colleague, Professor Stripetail, was on his tail for a while? Something like that. Well, he's broken out of prison and we're trying to apprehend him before he can cause more damage than he has already. A lead pointed us to Hogwarts, and we're just making sure he hasn't sundered your world, or is still here doing something nefarious. That about sums it up."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 27, 2023, 02:51:20 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Great Hall)

"I'm sorry--did you say squirrel? Did you then say that this squirrel is a lord? Well, I suppose it's that kind of roleplay, after all."

"What I think my partner here is trying to say," Kit put in, before Threed could say something foolish a third time, "is that the sooner we can have a conversation with Professor Stripetail, the sooner we can focus on finding Chong." She then lowered her voice and turned to Threed. "Aren't you paying attention? Those signals that led us here. They weren't from Chong. They're from the students practicing their magics. The fact that Chong has a bad record even here means he's even more of a psychopath than he was the last time he was locked up."

"I just figured he'd be a dinosaur given that this is a Land Before Time fan forum."

". . . Okay. So, anyway, if we--"

"Wait! Did you say Lord Squirreltree-whatever is friends with a dragon!? Would that be eastern or western? I'm more partial to the eastern design myself, but seeing as how we're in a Euro-inspired setting at the moment, it is likely a western or Arthurian dragon."

"Professor McGonagal, if you could take us to meet Tarrax, that would be great."

The two followed the professor to the fourth floor, Threed mumbling and muttering about Lord Stripetail the whole way there. "I'm just saying, why a squirrel? Why Hogwarts? I'm looking forward to this arc, or at least this world, being changed. Not a fan of spooky castles and talking animals. At least a dinosaur would make sense, after all--"

"Threed. Shut up."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 26, 2023, 06:37:40 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Great Hall)

Threed shifted uncomfortably at Negos' name. Electing to change the subject, he inquired more about Professor Stripetail and his role in all this.

"A couple days? Is there not anyone else we can talk to in the interim? Also, what kind of family name is 'Stripetail'? I suppose you'll tell me the poor sod is half dinosaur or something."


"What? I'm just saying it sounds weird, but then this entire place is weird. Why have this big, scary castle instead of something, I don't know, with more 'pop!'--you understand? You understand I'm sure."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 25, 2023, 10:25:17 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Great Hall)

Threed whistled at the list of offenses Chong allegedly accrued. "Sounds like Chong's been a busy boy. Let us hope that he doesn't get to number 36 then." At that, Kit shot Threed a disapproving look. "What? I'm just being factual."

Rolling her eyes, Kit put in. "Negos," she spat the name, "someone we suspect is working with him. There is no way even Chong could get out of his cell without help. We know him as Mister Negativity. We don't have any more particulars than that. Not his species, not even if he is, in fact, a 'he' at all. Consistently armed, and very dangerous. Perhaps even more dangerous than Chong. Especially when you take into account his abilities which . . . even we have a hard time explaining."

"And as for your other question, professor," Threed started, "We did pick up strange signatures which became even stranger when we arrived. There would be a crescendo of pings, then it would die down again. Almost like a pattern, if that makes sense." What Threed didn't know was that not all of these pings would be strange. In fact, most of them were simply Hogwarts students firing off their magical spells--as any aspiring wizards should be doing, to practice their craft.

"Also, if I may . . . why did you wait until now to start the effort to finding Chong? Surely you weren't waiting for a pair like Kit and I to show up and do the heavy lifting f--ow! Will you stop pinching me?"

"Apologies again, Professor McGonagal. We're been on Chong's tail for . . . well, it's complicated, when you take into account time travel and dimension jumping and whatnot. Let's just say, a while. We need every ally we can get. These two are that serious."

If Negos did, in fact, have something to do with Chong's escape, it meant he was far more significant of a threat than Kit realized. Moreover, why would Negos free Chong? What purpose does he have in store for him? Sadly, these questions needed time to answer. Time, a resource which, they lacked more and more of as time went on.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 22, 2023, 09:40:57 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Great Hall)

As the two took their seats, Threed decided to start before Kit could cut in. "It's not a case of how you can help us, Professor. It is a case of how we can help you avoid total destr--ow!" Kit pinched Threed's elbow before he could tank the meeting with Professor McGonagal before it even fully began.

"Real sutble, Threed. Just drop everything on her like that."

"Wha--but this is literally how I was instructed at the Academy."

"Okay, and? We're clearly not on Triforia, are we?" Before Professor McGonagal decided this was a pair of clowns and kicked them out, Kit got in there with some damage control. "Apologies, ma'am. My friend here is special. Anyway, we're detectives chasing some very bad--"

"And powerful," Threed cut in."Don't forget powerful."

"Very bad and powerful fugitives."

Seeing his chance, Threed shot to his feet. "This is where I come in!" He cleared his throat and began. "We tracked an anomalous disturbance that led here, to this very timeline, to this very place. At first, I had concerns, you see. Concerns that our big bads had gotten their mitts on you and your world. I am beyond relieved to learn such is not the case. But--ah, allow me to make this simple before I continue. Does the name Chong mean anything to you, Professor? Or perhaps Negos? Might be using the moniker Mr. Negativity."

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 21, 2023, 07:47:41 PM »
Posts will probably be short for a while. I figure that there isn't much that needs writing for two characters to walk down a path and to a door.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 21, 2023, 07:46:35 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Outside Hogwarts (Main Gate) -> Entrance Path -> Main Hall

Kit strode up the path, while Threed emerged from his hiding spot to follow. He fumbled with his coat, likely looking for another gadget. When he couldn't produce it, he sighed woefully. "Four-dimensional geospatial technology and I can never find the right thing when I need it."

Kit hummed in response. "So, here's the plan. I'll speak with Professor McGonagal and bring her up to speed on what's going on beyond Hogwarts and why we're here."

"Excellent, Kit! What's my role in this?"

"You're going to be less . . . you."

Threed blinked. "That's not nice. Not very nice at all."

That earned a tiny smirk from Kit. The two eventually reached the entrance to the main hall. A large, wooden door stood before them.

Kit put a hand on the door and paused, turning to Threed. "Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained."

"Come what may, we are ready my young protege!"

Threed's hand went on the other door half, and the two pushed them open. What greeted them was . . .

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 16, 2023, 08:33:56 PM »
Based is a good thing. Consult "Urban Dictionary" for an exact 411. It's hard for me to explain.

The new Digimon anime. The "appmon" thing. Have you seen it?

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 16, 2023, 07:12:08 PM »
It's a reference to Metal Gear Solid 5. It's me saying you're based for having Digimon in your RP roster. You'll find that I make plenty of references, especially when posting for Threed, as that's the fourth wall breaking/reference character. The "Deadpool", if you will.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 16, 2023, 04:25:16 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Outside Hogwarts (Main Gate)

Threed darted behind a boulder and peered over its top. "Hmm," was all he muttered before revealing a pair of binoculars from his coat and putting them to his face.

Kit's eyes rolled so hard one would think them in danger of being stuck. "What are you doing now?"

"Be careful rolling your eyes like that," Threed replied. "They may get stuck." He returned to the binoculars. Scouting the area beyond the gate, he noticed a few wizards going about, holding their wands or carrying broomsticks, but otherwise the campus seemed fairly light in activity. "Looks like they have a sentry on the left . . . and one on the right." Kit opened her mouth to say something, but Threed jerked her behind the boulder and to his side. "They're armed with five-five-sixers and pineapples."

". . . What?"

"Well, I can't just knock on the door and ask them to let us in." Threed continued almost forgetting Kit was there.

In response to this, Kit stood up and walked over to the floo fire, revealing a pen and paper, and began to write.

"Kit? What are you doing? Get back here and help me conduct reconnaissance."

She ignored Threed and continued writing.

To Whom It May Concern,

I'm Kit ibn Kit, and me and my partner, Threed Fourson, have come from far away.
We are . . . detectives trying to apprehend fugitives, and believe Hogwarts may be in danger.
Even us telling you this may potentially put you in the crosshairs of some very bad, very
powerful people.
Time is of the essence, and we would appreciate your cooperation.

- Kit

"Done." She casually threw the note in the fire and leaned against the gate. "You can come out of hiding now, Bravo Six. All we had to do was write a missive and drop it in this fire."

Threed slowly stood up from his hiding place. "Hmm? O-Oh! I knew that! I was only testing your stealth skills and luckily for you, you've passed. Marginally, though. So we'll have to have you train in recon and intelligence before you enter into the big leagues."

"Right. Now hush for once and wait. The person in charge has ten minutes to get back to us. Not complicated at all."

"I'm going to keep gathering intel from my vantage point, just in case."

"You do that."

And so, the duo waited for a response . . .

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 16, 2023, 03:40:46 PM »
Nick22: What did Zero call it? A weapon to surpass Based Gear.

F-22 "Raptor" Ace: Ace Combat reference?

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 15, 2023, 07:43:50 PM »
Nick, is the Gabumon in your latest post the one and only from the greatness that is Digimon Adventure 01? If so, you will have attained levels of basedness that even I cannot surpass.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 15, 2023, 07:42:59 PM »
[ P O T T E R M O R E ]

"Hmm." Threed mostly hummed to himself, but audibly enough for those in his party to spur him to share his thoughts.

With a sigh, Kit, as usual, took the bait. "Go on, Threed."

"This . . . place. It showed strong anomalous signatures when we first arrived in the Waverider, yet the signals are growing faint. Are we not closer to the source? This was where the waypoint lead us."

Kit could only shrug.

"Wait a second . . ." Just then, a waypoint pinged on Threed's scanner, pointing in the general direction of a large castle in the distance, looking almost ominous in this overcast weather. "There!" he exclaimed, dramatically jerking his finger toward it. Then, he noticed his scanner would show several pings, all in rapid succession, and then would go silent for a few moments. Then again pings, then again, silence.

Kit snatched Threed's arm when he took a step and nearly fell backwards onto her. "I'm all for trying to find the most important people and getting them to aid us, like we usually do, but maybe we should take it cautiously this time. We don't know if this is one of the timelines allied with Negos. We still don't even know if Chong's escape was orchestrated by Negos or if the two are working together." All fair points. Last Threed knew, the Chrononauts had taken over the monitoring of both Negos and Chong when they were defeated and captured. That they should break out at approximately the same time, with currently unknown whereabouts, spelled nothing good for the fate of spacetime, or at the very least several timelines. Intel was needed for these particular foes.

". . . Intel we'd only collect once we meet those in charge, reader."

"Huh? 'Reader'? Who are you talking to, Threed?"

"Wha-" Threed sputtered in disbelief. "The readers. The people who come across the forum and--"

"I don't care. Let's at least go stake out the castle and see what's what. If anything looks hostile or fishy, or any sign of collusion with Chong or Negos, and we let the Chrononauts handle it."

"B-But Kit. If they show up there won't be any fun for us."

The foxgirl folded her arms. "And?" But before Threed could reply, she was off, heading for the castle in distance that, to everyone but this intrepid duo, was known as Hogwarts, with her Triforian companion behind her.

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 12, 2023, 06:14:45 PM »
You're one of IC's core members. I don't see anything bad with your posts, but I know that's subjective. Low-key, I would like to try spreading word about this RP elsewhere and see some new names up in this mf, but I do think the core team is solid. Try shaking the dust off and getting back in the saddle, man. Don't deny yourself some fun. I mean, shit. I'm a trash-ass writer and even I still call myself one. You can't be nearly as bad as I am. Get back in it, bro!

Also, question for staff: is it possible to add any forum skins that narrow the site's text? It's an odd request, I know. Purely a question for aesthetic reasons. And I admit that I AM a weirdo.

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 12, 2023, 04:23:50 PM »
Just saying. I don't want to get lit up because "you aren't letting other people post bro!!111 omg!!!"

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 11, 2023, 08:40:39 PM »
Are you SURE? I don't wanna hear "hey man wtf" when I get them posts up!

Your formatting is something I'm not used to, so if I miss character dialogue or seem to be confused sometimes, that's why. It's not me godmodding or pretending to ignore some of your characters. I just have to spend a bit to parse and see who's talking to whom about what.

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 11, 2023, 04:58:08 PM »
Nick, you might have to let me know when it's my turn to post. I see different names that kind of dip in and out of regular activity, and I don't want to step on any toes.

Role Play Discussion / Re: Insane Cafe 4
« on: August 10, 2023, 07:58:01 PM »
That isn't what I meant, Mr. Morrell.

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