The Gang of Five
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Wrongly Accused


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Enjoy chapter 11

Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Ruby were just about to enter the Mysterious Beyond when Grandpa Longneck suddenly showed up.

"Where do you children think you're going?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"We have to save Chomper grandpa!" Littlefoot said.

Grandpa Longneck sighed heavily before saying, "Chomper has been banished. You children are not allowed to…"

"Roar!" All of a sudden a loud roar was heard! The elderly longneck looked to his left and saw a sharptooth attacking some of the residents! Mr.Three-Horn and Ducky's Mom being one of them! "Children stay here! We adults will handle this sharptooth!" Grandpa Longneck then ran as quickly as he could towards the battle.

The sharptooth had entered the valley wanting to prevent the kids from resucing that pathetic purple sharptooth when these brainless leafeaters got in his way! "What are you doing here sharptooth!" Mr Three-Horn asked before attempting to charge at him. The sharptooth managed to dodge but also managed to scrape his leg on the three-horn's horn. He was well prepared for a fight when he saw the elderly looking longneck enter the scene.

Despite the fact he was unnaturally [perhaps even supernaturally] strong for a sharptooth, he wasn't about to fight all the dinosaurs. So, with his mind made up, he quickly retreated into the Mysterious Beyond

"Who was that sharptooth?" Ducky's Mom asked. "I don't know. But I bet he won't come here again!" Mr Three-Horn said with determination. Grandpa Longneck on the other hand was thinking of that sharptooth then of Chomper. He then looked over where he had left the kids and saw that they were gone!

"They must've went after Chomper" He thought. He then decided to go after them
Life Is Good


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Please enjoy chapter 12. This will be the last chapter I post for good long while. Also I don't know if  Screech and Thud are indeed brothers but felt it made the story more intense

Somewhere in the Mysterious Beyond a blue fast biter named Screech was accompanied by his brother Thud, a green fast biter.Towering above them was their leader, the sharptooth Red Claw!
Said to be the biggest and meanest of them all!

Sniffing the air Red Claw noticed the scent of an intruder."Get Ready!" Red Claw told his two minions in sharptooth language

Appearing in their presence was a sharptooth that struck fear in the hearts of Screech and Thud. Red Claw however, was not fazed.

"Who are you?" Red Claw asks angrily

The sharptooth just looked at him and said nothing

Red Claw, now extremely upset looked at his minions

Screech and Thud knew what that look meant. So without warning they attacked the sharptooth! But the sharptooth was unfazed as he easily dodged their attacks
He grabbed Screech by his tail and with unnatural strength twisted his tail which in turn caused Screech's whole body to twist until a loud SNAP! The sharptooth then dropped Screech's dead body to the ground

"Screech? Brother?" Thud's eyes filled with anger as he jumped towards the sharptooth's throat but the sharptooth simply tail swiped him to the side. He then ran towards Thud and stomped hard on his back before rotating his foot to snap Thud's spine! Thud was now dead

Red Claw was in utter shock at what he had witnessed! "How did you?" He asked the sharptooth in fear.

The sharptooth just smiled and said "Allow me to show you!" With that he ran towards Red Claw! Red Claw tried to put up a fight but everything he did was useless against the stranger. Finally the sharptooth had enough and put Red Claw in a chokehold with his tail laughing as Red Claw gasped for air

But as Red Claw was gasping he took a good long look at the sharptooth

He gasps and says "Wait you're Sharptooth's"….. But Red Claw couldn't finish his sentence as the sharptooth snapped Red Claw's neck. He then released the now dead Red Claw
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Is everyone enjoying the story so far?
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Glad you're all enjoying the story  :)
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Please enjoy chapter 13

It has been a couple of hours since Grandpa Longneck left the Great Valley to search for the kids. "Where could those children be?" He asked himself out loud. He then looked towards the horizon and saw a sharptooth chasing the kids!

Just a few miles away were Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Ruby. They had entered the Mysterious Beyond when Grandpa Longneck was fighting the sharptooth that had somehow invaded the valley. They were still searching for Chomper when a random sharptooth attacked them!

"Run!" Littlefoot said and they all started running for their lives. Unfortunately they ran straight into a dead end!

"What we do!" Petrie said with fear. The gang all cowered and prepared to be a sharptooth's lunch when a long tail smacked the sharptooth aisde.

The kids opened their eyes and saw Grandpa Longneck!

"Grandpa!" Littlefoot said with surprise.

"Run kids! I'll handle this!" Grandpa Longneck said. The kids all ran for cover while the elderly longneck prepared to fight the sharptooth.

The sharptooth had just recovered from the longneck's attack and was now furious! He ran towards the longneck but he simply dodged and swung his neck to head bash the sharptooth. The sharptooth was just about to attack the longneck again when it noticed a fast biter. Thinking the fast biter to be easier prey, it left Grandpa Longneck and the kids alone.

Littefoot and the others had looked on in awe at Grandpa Longneck and when they finally recovered Littlefoot said, "Thanks Grandpa".

"You're welcome children". Grandpa Longneck began, "But why did you kids disobey me?"

"Grandpa! Chomper's our friend! I just don't believe he killed those swimmers!" Said Littlefoot with fierce determination.

"You aren't going any further!" Grandpa Longneck said with rage.

They all gasped out loud. They had never witnessed Grandpa Longneck get this upset

"Ha ha ha, not without me that is." Grandpa Longneck said when he noticed the saddened faces of the children,

"HUH!" The kids said at the same time

Knowing they needed an explanation, Grandpa Longneck said, "When I saw that sharptooth in the Great Valley I was shocked at how similar it looked to Chomper! No doubt it was strong enough to kill a fully grown dinosaur. Now how could Chomper, who is still growing, be able to perform such a feat? That's when I realized that Chomper was innocent all along. Of course, heh heh, I always believed he was innocent."

"So you're going to help us?" Cera asked

"That's right children." Grandpa Longneck said

"Yey! Alight!" The kids all said in unison.

"Come on we still need to find Chomper! Chomper we still need to find!" Ruby said and they all continued their search for Chomper with Grandpa Longneck not far behind
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Woo hoo, time to get Chomper's name cleared and kill the bad Sharptooth!


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Thank you all for the positive reviews
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I'll try to update this as soon as I can. Stay tuned :)
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Please enjoy chapter 14!  :)

Meanwhile in the Mysterious Beyond…..

Chomper and Andrea were just walking along talking about different things.

"You think your friends will like me?" Andrea asked Chomper with worry.

"Sure they will!" Chomper said with confidence.

Chomper and Andrea were just about to rest when Chomper suddenly saw a large grey longneck walking towards them. "It can't be!" Chomper said dumbfounded.

"Can't be what?" Andrea asked

"That longneck is Littlefoot's Grandpa!" Chomper said with excitement

When he looked closer he saw that Littlefoot and the rest of the gang were there as well!

"Look everyone it's Chomper!" Littlefoot said.

The others all cheered with happiness

"But who that girl sharptooth"? Petrie asked.

"I don't know but Chomper seems to like her yep yep yep" Ducky said, noticing Chomper blushing when Andrea hugged him.

Finally the gang and Grandpa Longneck managed to Chomper and when they did they all hugged him.

"I missed you so much." Littlefoot said.

"We all did". Ruby added

"But why are you guys here! I'm banished remember!" Chomper said with sadness

"Well" Grandpa Longneck began, "It's possible that your banishment can be temporarily lifted.

"Huh"? They all asked in unison

"Since the Great Valley was attacked by that sharptooth I have a feeling that the residents might have had a change of minds and hearts about the true culprit." Grandpa Longneck said.

"So what are saying?" Chomper asked

"Would you like to return to the Great Valley? Grandpa Longneck asked.

"Really? That would be great! But what about Andrea?"

"Huh? Who's Andrea?" Cera asked.

"My new friend! She speaks leafeater like I do!"

"Uh Hi" Andrea said nervously

"Hello" They all replied

"Andrea would you like to come with Chomper? Grandpa Longneck asked.

"You think I could? Andrea asked.

"Sure you could!" Littlefoot said.

Andrea thought long and hard then said "yes"

"All right!" The gang all cheered.

A few minutes later…..

Chomper was getting really annoyed at Cera,

Andrea thought it was cute that Chomper was embarrassed.

Just a few miles back Chomper had revealed that he really liked Andrea which caused Andrea to blush madly and caused the others to go "Ahhhh"

This of course caused Cera to have the bright idea to make fun of Chomper for it so now Cera was saying the same thing to Chomper over and over again.

"Chomper has a girlfriend. Chomper has a girlfriend. Chomper has a girlfriend"

"Cera stop it!" Chomper said angrily

"Yeah Cera you should stop" Littlefoot added

"Oh alright! But you seriously need to take a joke Chomper." Cera said.

"Hey Chomper come here I have a secret to tell you." Littlefoot said

Chomper went over to Littlefoot and the longneck said…

"Chomper has a girlfriend! Chomper has a girlfriend Chomper has a girlfriend!"

"Littlefoot!" Chomper said in annoyance

The gang all laughed including Chomper and Andrea as they all headed for the Great Valley.
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Don't worry everyone I haven't forgotten about this story. Will update when I get ideas..... Stay tuned  :)
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Boy I seriously need to update this..... Still don't have many ideas and its been forever since I posted a chapter. Don't worry though I will continue this story sooner or later  :exactly
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  • Chomper
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Oh wow, I've never realized you wrote this! This is one sweet fanfic and have fun working on it!


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Quote from: AllegroGiocoso,Jul 3 2015 on  12:30 AM
Oh wow, I've never realized you wrote this! This is one sweet fanfic and have fun working on it!
Thanks  :)

I also wrote another fanfic called The Land Before Time: Corrupted which is finished as well as a sequel called The Land Before Time: Haunted which is still unfinished
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Please enjoy chapter 15! :)

When at last Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Chomper, Ruby, Grandpa Longneck and their new friend Andrea managed to return to the Great Valley they were each met with the other residents.

"Where have you been?" Grandma Longneck asked

"It's a long story." Littlefoot replied

Everyone was happy that everyone was safe until they saw a female sharptooth and Chomper!

"What!" Mr.Three-Horn began, "What is Chomper and that other sharptooth doing here? We banished you Chomper! Get out of here now AND TAKE THAT SHARPTOOTH WITH YOU!" He said as he stomped his foot furiously causing the kids including Andrea to run in fear.

"Mr.Three-Horn THAT IS ENOUGH!" Grandpa Longneck said as he smashed his tail against the ground. Grandpa Longneck rarely, if ever, expressed such rage that even Mr.Three-Horn was incapable of speaking.

"Dear you should really calm down." Grandma Longneck told her husband.

"Oh... You are right Grandma. Anyways to answer your question Mr.Three-Horn in regards to that sharptooth attack I have decided that the ban against Chomper be temporally lifted until we find out if that sharptooth was the true culprit that killed the swimmers".

"What sharptooth attack?" Andrea and Chomper asked at the same time

"Well, while you were in the Mysterious Beyond a sharptooth managed to get in the valley" Tria told them

"We had a battle against him and we managed to succeed." Ducky's Mother said.

"I still don't understand how the sharptooth managed to get in in the first place." Cera said.

"Beacause I'm a lot smarter than your typical sharptooth." Said an unknown voice.

The others looked towards the horizon and saw the same sharptooth from before.  

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Quote from: AllegroGiocoso,Jul 4 2015 on  04:00 PM
Ohohohoho! Great cliffhanger!  :smile
Thanks  :)
Life Is Good