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The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauru

Manny Cav

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Quote from: Malte279,Nov 8 2007 on  03:35 PM
Is disagreeing on an issue a bad thing?
No. My post probably sounded more negative than I intended (I do that sometimes :p ). What I meant to say is that LBT 11 is not often "preferred" around these parts (at least from what I've seen). Achillobator gave high praise to a sequel that I often see get just the opposite. I'm not trying to discourage a good discussion.


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It it weren't for the charcters of what'shername, and Cera's little sister hatching (I can never remember which one is which) in this movie, one could almost put it between the first and second movie and say Littlefoot acts like he does since he's much younger.  Though that may not fix all the problems with various characters acting like they do.


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Quote from: Manny Cav,Nov 8 2007 on  05:01 PM
Quote from: Malte279,Nov 8 2007 on  03:35 PM
Is disagreeing on an issue a bad thing?
No. My post probably sounded more negative than I intended (I do that sometimes :p ). What I meant to say is that LBT 11 is not often "preferred" around these parts (at least from what I've seen). Achillobator gave high praise to a sequel that I often see get just the opposite. I'm not trying to discourage a good discussion.
Well, I wouldn't say I gave it HIGH PRAISE, but I did enjoy it. I dunno what I liked about it, just that it was amusing :p There were just a few parts in it that amused me. For instance, Cera snapping on Ducky.

Manny Cav

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Quote from: Kor,Nov 8 2007 on  05:11 PM
It it weren't for the charcters of what'shername, and Cera's little sister hatching (I can never remember which one is which) in this movie-
Actually, Tricia hatched in The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers.


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This is a movie I have alot of respect for, because it was the movie that helped me get back into the franchise after several years of avoiding it as if it were the plague. :lol:

It was bad, but in a good way.  It's hard to find a good bad movie. (Yeah, kinda strange. :P:) I wasn't bothered that much by Littlefoot's voice.  I actually rendered it okay than anything else.

Littlefoot out of charcter?  Yes, but it's what made the plot work.  None of the good stuff would've happened if Littlefoot stayed in charcter.  I doubt they would've learned about the tiny little longnecks if Littlefoot didn't make all the treesweets fall off the tree.  Also, I doubt Cera would've looked at Tria differently without spending time with Lizzie.  The two had so much in common. :^.^:

I've noticed that certian people around here don't like the idea of tickling sharpteeth, but I felt okay with this crazy little method.  It was kind of creative in my mind.  Not only that, it kind of made it interesting.

In my mind, it was all about bad that they were going with, and they did it the right way. :D


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I guess the egg didn't appear till the next movie then.  Or was just an egg in this one.  

I'm one of the odd sorts who thinks character should come before plot.  To me it ruins the story for me if they have a character act in a way they would not just so the plot can  happen in ways they want.  I think it's best,to look at other characters, even minor ones, and ask, can one of these fit this role better.  No reason a character can't return, and / or become one of the main characters for a movie or episode to fill a role the main characters would not do.  Just my thoughts though.  I know most, if not all, will disagree.


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I felt somewhat disappointed by LBT 11. While it did not make any of those gross errors which, in my opinion, messed up LBT 10 there were many weaknesses. They beat the bush about the fate of Cera's mother. With her being explicitely mentioned for the first time since the original movie I really would have hoped for some kind of explanation. The absence of Dinah and Dana in this movie also goes to show that characters are not just excluded from reappearance for lack of anything to do for them, but also for being "inconvenient" in another movies storyline. The over-stressing of the morals is another point about LBT 11 I wasn't too fond of. There are morals in most LBT movies, but usually they are given in a more subtle (and in my opinion preferable way). I guess the only LBT sequel which rivals LBT 11 for the prize of the "golden moral club" would be LBT 3 (a movie which in my opinion had a better storyline which was better realized than that of LBT 11). Another point against LBT 11 are the silly sharpteeth. While awkward, clumsy, unthreatening sharpteeth have been around since LBT 8 (LBT 9 being the only exception ever since) it does not make the problem any less disturbing. Sharpteeth being defeated by tickling? Come on, what would the original movie's sharptooth say! :huh:
Finally I think the xenophobia of the Great Valley inhabitants was absolutely overdrawn. After all there have been small dinosaurs and lizards in the Great Valley before. I really don't see how the grownups can freak out the way they do. The story would have been a lot more plausible if for example the tiny longnecks had been replaced by tiny sharpteeth; too small to be a thread to any of the Great Valley dinosaurs but still no herbivores. It has frequently been mentioned that the Great Valley is in need of scavengers to exist and while I don't think such a point would be put forth explicitly in a movie I still think including a "more interesting" kind of tinysauruses would have been practicable. Last (and probably least) what kind of title is "Invasion of the tinisaurs"? There is no invasion whatsoever and the very word is one which I would not count among the usual LBT vocabulary.


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Sounds like 11 was badly done.  Tiny sharpteeth, like maybe compy's could have been interesting.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Creepy Crawlies cannot be forgotten once heard :lol.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Just saw this one yesterday. I didn't really care for it. :(petrie Thankfully it is pretty entertaining in places, albeit in a campy way.

The whole plot with the tree-sweets and the Great Valley residents forming a lynch mob was ridiculous. And Topsy's behaviour was strange. Like, I get that he's often abrasive and hot-headed, but he (and by extension the other dinos) seemed to be taking the whole situation too seriously. It especially clashed with how Topsy has otherwise started to mellow out by this point. Even the inciting incident for all this with Cera making fun of Littlefoot's size for no real reason, and then him suddenly being all insecure about it, was bizarre. The characterization here felt uneven.

The Tinysauruses themselves were kind of a lame concept. Especially "Big Daddy." I agree with some of the previous posters in that he was such a weird character. I groaned inwardly when he first showed up. More generally, I have read that tiny dinosaurs did exist in the prehistoric days, so I can see where they were coming from with the Tinysauruses, but eh, the whole thing could've been implemented better.

It's also similar to the problem I had with Journey to Big Water in that the stakes and sense of danger wasn't high enough. Even during the climax with the Sharpteeth, it just didn't feel scary or intense at all.

There were a few genuinely good parts. Despite my aforementioned issues with Topsy, he had some lovely character moments with Cera. And Tria is a nice new character. However, I still feel kind of frustrated and baffled that they never addressed what happened to Cera's original mother. Given how hostile Cera initially is with Tria, it really seems like something tragic happened. But, as Malte said, they beat around the bush with it. Regardless, the Tria subplot was interesting. More well-written than everything else going on. :p

“AAAAAH!” – Mr. Threehorn
“What was that?” – Grandma Longneck
“Eh…Mr. Threehorn again.” – Grandpa Longneck
“But what’s wrong?” – Grandma Longneck
“I don’t know, but I’m sure he’ll tell us…” – Grandpa Longneck

“Cera? Are you awake?…Look, I’m…I-I-I-I don’t…I…um, it’s just that…oh, this is so much harder than yelling…look. Tria is an old friend, and she doesn’t have anyone. She needs protection. And she’s really nice, and she…well, she likes me. And I like her.” – Mr. Threehorn
“But I want things back the way they were before! When you didn’t like anybody and nobody liked you!” – Cera
“I don’t think things are ever going to be that way again.” – Mr. Threehorn
Agreed. That was some great dialogue.

The funniest moment for me was near the end, although it was almost certainly unintentional on the filmmakers' part. When the tree-sweets regrow and the dinosaurs are all sharing them, the camera pans around in a circle, and you can see some CGI dinosaurs. Not the first time computer graphics have been used, but it's the first time they used it for the dinosaur animation, and it sticks out like a sore thumb. All the more jarring because the CGI dinos can be seen alongside the regular hand-drawn ones. Why on Earth did they do it that way? And it was for such a brief shot too, which only made it feel more unnecessary. It looked like something out of a PS2 video game. I actually laughed out loud at how jarring it was.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2019, 12:21:41 AM by StardustSoldier »


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Well, i thought Littlefoot did sound different in this episode, but i didnt notice any changes in his personality (maybe his personality develops more with each episode) besides the fact he was curious to have a tree sweet but knocked it down by accident and about Big Daddy his shadow was kind of scary but as himself i didnt really notice anything "creepy", but overall it seemed like a good episode none the less