The Gang of Five
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What does "x member" always say?


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Honestly, what do certain members always say? Post it here, just for a good laugh.


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There are probably only few examples to give here, so the most frequent would be "What would X member always say to ty situation". I think, anyways.

EDIT: I shall not talk beforehand. I shall not talk beforehand.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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f-22 "raptor" ace: Did I mention I love Ace Combat?

Serris: Did I mention I have a fan fic called Twilight Valley?


Jasper: Hey guys I got more character info!

Malte: Sorry but I don't feel comfortable putting the LBT movies in any sort of hierarchy.

Kor: That is a good point also.

landbeforetimelover: Excuse me, I've found another way to improve your avatar.

lbt_cty/lover: I've got another idea for a game in the Party Room section!

The Friendly Sharptooth: Wow an excellent point. I was acutally just thinking of something remarkably similar to that, but before I go into detail, I'd like you all to know that if you feel like kicking me off the site because of my opinion, I will willingly take whatever action you deem neccessary, which would be a shame since I'm greatly enjoying being on this forum, and who doesn't like to give their opinion? So I hope those of you who might possibly disagree with me please just take this incident in stride, and I apologize or any undue consternation I might have caused...

action9000: I've got a new version of the LBT RPG! Please try it out! (just don't jump sideways into the water)

Adam: I'm actually Petrie.

Mumbling: You guys are all so great!

Petrie: More board rules, people. Please see the thread dated "March 2005" for the most up-to-date information.

Malte: You make a good point, but here are three philosophers, four scientific papers, and a Shakespeare play that disagree with you.

Chronicler: Will someone post in the Geography Game thread already?

stars or rosie: what do you all think about (insert vague word here)

Over and Under: I've got another fanfic idea, what about (insert anything here) and LBT?

Arvens: Aargh I be a pirate! Who be up for another Jack Sparrow RP?

LettuceBacon&Tomato: It's nice how you can say whatever you want on a forum and no one really minds.


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:lol: :lol: :lol:

A couple of those are just dead-beat funny and so true!  I really don't think mine is accurate. :p  We don't revise board rules THAT often.


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Dec 28 2008 on  02:23 PM

f-22 "raptor" ace: Did I mention I love Ace Combat?

Serris: Did I mention I have a fan fic called Twilight Valley?


Jasper: Hey guys I got more character info!

Malte: Sorry but I don't feel comfortable putting the LBT movies in any sort of hierarchy.

Kor: That is a good point also.

landbeforetimelover: Excuse me, I've found another way to improve your avatar.

lbt_cty/lover: I've got another idea for a game in the Party Room section!

The Friendly Sharptooth: Wow an excellent point. I was acutally just thinking of something remarkably similar to that, but before I go into detail, I'd like you all to know that if you feel like kicking me off the site because of my opinion, I will willingly take whatever action you deem neccessary, which would be a shame since I'm greatly enjoying being on this forum, and who doesn't like to give their opinion? So I hope those of you who might possibly disagree with me please just take this incident in stride, and I apologize or any undue consternation I might have caused...

action9000: I've got a new version of the LBT RPG! Please try it out! (just don't jump sideways into the water)

Rat_Lady: What do you guys think about this disease?

Adam: I'm actually Petrie.

Mumbling: You guys are all so great!

Petrie: More board rules, people. Please see the thread dated "March 2005" for the most up-to-date information.

Malte: You make a good point, but here are three philosophers, four scientific papers, and a Shakespeare play that disagree with you.

Chronicler: Will someone post in the Geography Game thread already?

stars or rosie: what do you all think about (insert vague word here)

Over and Under: I've got another fanfic idea, what about (insert anything here) and LBT?

Arvens: Aargh I be a pirate! Who be up for another Jack Sparrow RP?

LettuceBacon&Tomato: It's nice how you can say whatever you want on a forum and no one really minds.
Every single one of those is pure gold. :p :lol  :lol


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Malte: I beg your pardon if I said anything offensive but... (fill in the rest)

Jason: Howz things?

Kor: I'm sure you will do just fine.

nabil: plz unbanned me

Tim: Howdy!

landbeforetimelover: Windows Vista isn't worth it and its better to rollback to XP.


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Dec 28 2008 on  06:02 PM
*grumbles* <_<
What's wrong?


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Some may see this as poking fun at others and your approval of what is said depends on how well you can take a shot at your personality.  As far as I can tell, the comments are really based on what the members have said or have acted on the GOF.


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I just made that comment because that one comment about me really isn't that true. It may appear it, but it's not.

Me and LBT already talked about it, so it's okay.


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I guess all I can add to this topic is to play nice.  If a member wrote it in the past, then its up for grabs to be repeated here.  If members can't laugh at themselves, then stay out of the topic.


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Adam: If you encode this music in 256kbps VBR .mp3, you will get quality almost audibly equal to that of an uncompressed .wav unless you're my pet bat.

Littlefoot Fan: Word :p


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Yeah, I love my pet bat. :D :D :p  I do say that a lot don't I?


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Dec 28 2008 on  11:23 PM
Mumbling: You guys are all so great!
I'm not sure why everyone keeps on thinking that lol :lol

Action: Hii?

The Friendly Sharptooth

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the comments are really based on what the members have said or have acted on the GOF.
Not as much freedom with what someone actually has said before, but Ill try. But I'll be basing these more on what people have acted on than actual quotes. Check the above quote by an administrator. This method I'm using is valid! These things I'll mention may have only occured once so far, but I have noticed other rare but true things people have espressed that others have listed in this topic. And since people can see actual quotes at any time from the forum, I found it to be more interesting to put these members' ideas in my own words, but still base them on what they have actually done. Of course, feel free to tell me if I go too far with someone.

f-22 (raptor) ace- (In the middle of story) I think I'll have Littlefoot start asking about some M rated video games.

Rat_lady7- (In the middle of a story) I think it would be interesting if Littlefoot's grandfather starts quoting tongue twisters.

Petrie- I've decided to start a thread where I list two options to a question. However, since I highly doubt a certain one of them could be the correct answer, I'll let everyone understand that by simply calling the topic something like, this answer isn't it. But I will still give both options and will hope that no one is influenced to choose the answer that the title doesn't speak out against before the replies even begin.

As I said, while there are hundreds of things to think of that someone wouldn't say, in a topic like this, requiring nonfiction answers, I had to think really hard for any interesting ideas that others have expressed before. Just like the opposite topic, I mean no offense to anyone and am simply trying to do what is expected here. Meaning, if this topic didn't exist, I wouldn't post these things. Just trying to have fun like everyone else is in this. I'm sorry in advance for any problem I may cause here.


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The friendly sharptooth : I hope I didnt offend anyone.

No offence mate ;)

The Friendly Sharptooth

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The friendly sharptooth : I hope I didnt offend anyone.
No offence mate
Thank you for the reassurance here. I'm really not as weird as I sound. There is a very good reason why I constantly repeat that phrase in some way or another. I used to be very naive when I was younger and didn't understand the meaning of tact whatsoever. In school, church, or even at my own home, being as I constantly start conversations with everyone, numorous people a week would be offended and have their feelings hurt in some way by something I said. I would know, since they either told a teacher, my parents, or me personally. This went on for so many years that whether I've gotten wiser now or not, I'm permanently scarred from hurting everyone around me and am now extremely paranoid that any moment I'm just going to hurt somebody else unintentionally. My "no offense intended motto" is something I now use when communicating to tell everyone I speak with that "I may have said the wrong thing, but if that's the case, I can assure you, I did not mean it like it came across to you." And I will do this for the rest of my life, as it is the only way I feel safe when having a discussion. I hope my repitition of that hasn't annoyed anyone here too much already. It is my natural way of speaking of now, has been for the last few years, and the security it brings me is all that will let me converse at all. Please understand.


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I understand really :)

You shouldnt worry about offending members too much though, as long as we can realise you dont mean any harm we wont be offended either.

In most cases anyway.

But if you think you have a need to say it with anything, that's fine too :)


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I like the one with me and the Party Room game thing.

Me: I'm a nerd. And I'm proud of it.