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Ptyra · 66 · 14102


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Character discussion here!

Hehe, my fav. character. He's got such a personality. I'm not really sure WHY he's my favorite character! He's a lair, and's all because of his guilt of leading those poor dinos to their doom  :( . Even yet, he was stubborn from the start, but is there a reason for his big-headedness?

I personally think that he had a mate, but she died. *shrugs* I don't know...


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Ack! I just noticed that this topic was here! Sorry for the late reply - I haven't been looking in this board much because I haven't watched any of the movies recently.

Pterano is just about my favorite character of the LBT fandom (it's a tossup between Doc, Sierra, and Rinkus, and him). Pterano has more of a back story and much more character development than other movie-only characters, so it's a lot easier to connect with him. Unlike Hyp, Pterano's change from 'antagonist' (here I use this term lightly) to relatively good guy was gradual. I don't think Pterano planned to hurt anyone, he was just someone who believed he and his species had a great purpose and a higher place in the world.

I think.
Yeah. I haven't watched the movie in quite a while.


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There is one quite remarkable detail in the flashback about the "Pterano indidnent" did you notice where it happened? In a narrow lush green Valley! It also happened on the journey to the Great Valley. It makes me wonder if perhaps there are some more details to the whole affair we should know about if we want to get the clear picture. Littlefoot's grandpa was as biased against Pterano as he never ever was against any other character, is it possible that something important was left unmentioned?
Littlefoot's grandpa says that "Then as now we made our decision as a group no one opinion outweighing the others. But Pterano didn't like being part of the heart, he wanted to be in charge of it."
Petrie argues that maybe Pterano was right in believing he knew more than the others because he could fly high and see stuff the others couldn't see. Perhaps Petrie may have really hit the mark there. In such a herd the flyers would probably be assigned the task of "scouting" the region that lay ahead of the herd to warn the herd of any dangers, tell them about sources of food or water or even tell them if the Great Valley came in sight. Now imagine Pterano discovered a green place apart from the route the herd was taking. Is it not possible that such a discovery might have played a role in his decision to leave the herd and in the decision of other dinosaurs to follow him? Is it possible that some had given up the hope to ever find the Great Valley and saw that little lush green valley as something tangible, something they could see with their eyes rather than their hearts?
This is just a theory of course, but one which can neither be prooved nor disprooved beyond doubt. Still it would be a very good explanation for WHY anyone followed Pterano at all. I employed this idea in a story in which the Pterano incident does play an important role.
Apart from the possibility that Pterano was purposively leading his followers to a green place which promised a better future it is not unlikely that Pterano is quite capable to "take on the posture" of a leader and convince dinosaurs of his views or even his superiority. This was something kind of downplayed in LBT 7 as we never saw anyone but Petrie (who is kind of naive and particularly overtrustful towards his uncle) being misled by Pterano in the actual plot of LBT 7. Without some leadership abilities however I don't see how Pterano could have made anyone follow him (he obviously couldn't force any of the dinosaurs) or even establish the pecking order which Rinkus and Sierra want to change later on.


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Ahhh...finally a discussion  :) .

Nice points, people. I'm still wondering if there was a reaosn for his thinking such things. Maybe something really traumatic happened to him or something. I don't know what, but I think part of it involves something happening to someone he really loved-like his mate if he had one.

I havn't started it yet, but I'm planning on writing a fanfiction where Pterano did have a mate and eggs but his mate died and all but one of the eggs were destroyed  :( . That last egg was his daughter, Ptyra! They were seperated during the Great Earthshake and Pterano beleived her to be dead, as well as Petrie's father and the rest of the flyer's flock. Basically, it was only him and his sister (Petire's mom) left. So, he decided to take control of the heard to keep his sister safe! Where he got the idea that fliers were better than others, I don't know, but those are just my ideas. *shrugs*

(Ptyra turns out to be alive and she was "adopted" by another flock of fliers, who came to the valley around the time Pterano was to return. She was a teenager around that time, so she and her dad had a lot of catching up to do.)


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I'm not sure about Pterano, but to me he seems somewhat narcissistic (especially during that scene in which he observes his reflection on the water surface during the song very important creature), which would make any relationship of that sort unlikely. This is just my interpretation of course.


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That right there would be a bit like the phesants in "The Animals of Farthing Wood" but Pterano would pay a bit more attention to his mate unlike Mr. Phesant who is COMPLETELY stuck-up.

He dosn't seem to act that way at other points in the movie and, hey everyone can be a bit narcissistic sometimes. He does seem like a bit of a family guy a few times so it could be possible.


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That right there would be a bit like the phesants in "The Animals of Farthing Wood" but Pterano would pay a bit more attention to his mate unlike Mr. Phesant who is COMPLETELY stuck-up.
Interesting comparison. Pheasant in the animals of farthing wood doesn't show any sign whatsoever that he wishes to controll anyone but his wife. Until after the death of his wife he doesn't show the slightest bit of courage and he comes across as very lazy. Neither can be said about Pterano on the basis of what we saw in LBT 7. It would be interesting to know a bit more about how Pterano got over the loss of those who went with him. The only direct indication that he is still thinking about it at all is when, after Ducky's falling into the cave, Sierra says something to the effect that by now Pterano should have grown used to loosing those he is responsible for. There is no fierce or intense reaction from Pterano but his look. Perhaps we can assume that he is usually repressing those events. It would be interesting though to know how Rinkus and Sierra knew about it. Did Pterano tell them? And if he did, would it be more like a compurgation in which Pterano tried to disclaim any responsibility (this is what, considering Pterano's way of acting towards Rinkus and Sierra, I take to be likely) or would it be more like a confession with Pterano crying his eyes out (unlikely so far, but an interesting scene for a fanfiction).
He dosn't seem to act that way at other points in the movie and, hey everyone can be a bit narcissistic sometimes. He does seem like a bit of a family guy a few times so it could be possible.
I'm not quite sure about the family guy. He certainly enjoys being admired by Petrie and his sibilings, but taking responsibility for a family is an entirely different stoy. One remarkable thing is that we never ever saw a flyer family with both parents present. According to the BBC series "Walking with Dinosaurs" this would be correct (there was no real family structure among flyers, and male and female only met during mating season). It is hard for me to see Pterano give up his independence by not just becoming but also acting as a father. Then again he was looking for a place to settle down, or so he said, when he came to the Great Valley.


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Well, good points about that. I've began my fanfiction, and he was quite cut up by his mate's death. Thankfully he recovered before Ptyra hatched but he had become a little bit more...Pterano-ish... :blink:


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I love this character :D

First of all, he's the only character I saw that had an interesting background and a character I would really like to get to know (besides Sierra). I used to be a complete fangirl when it came to Pterano.  :wub: Then I got over it...however, the story I have now about's quite complexed where his father used to treat him cruelly and he tried to be like his older siblings who were better fighters and faster learners than he was. In response to this, he works harder than any one his age to be the best warrior in the clan. No one really gives him slack, except his two sisters, Blood Fang and Rebecca(I decided to name Petrie's mom this name) I wanted to explain why he was so power-hungry in the sequel.

I also portray him as a sensitive, cowardly character, much like his nephew. However, to me, the seventh sequel seemed to portray Pterano and Petrie with the same personalities as well as the same skin coloring.

Pterano reminds me a bit of myself in different ways such as the insecurity part and feeling the need to take control, otherwise I'll be nothing more but a brain washed follower. He seems to be a character that reminds me of a few political leaders that were insecure about their power being taken away.

Yeah, as you can tell, I am very fond of this character :D


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^ I wonder if flyers would put much store in claims of being a "good fighter". Compared to other dinosaurs they are very, very fragile. If that one thin hollow bone supporting the wing breaks, or if the skin of a wing tears (as might easily happen if for example the flyer fails to spot a tree branch in time) they are crippled and unable to fly for the rest of their life (which as a consequence is likely to be cut rather short). I suppose because of their physiognomy flyers would pick different ideals than threehorns for example. They might even look down (from high above) on such "brawling ground walkers" rather than trying to imitate their behavior. They might put more store on abilities such as speed, cunning, a good eyesight, and perhaps even the ability to avoid risks where they are unnecessary. This is just my interpretation of course, but seeing that almost every other kind of dinosaur is likely to defeat a flyer in combat I really don't think they are likely to develop some kind of "warrior mentality" (a mentality which in general seems to be likely to be much less strong among dinosaurs (if existing at all) than it would be among warmongering humans).


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I honestly don't see why this character is so popular.  He may be one of the only dynamic characters but I still don't like him.  LBT mainly consists of static characters (such as the gang and their parents and even the sharpteeth), but this character is different.  I for one want much more out of a dynamic character and I don't think he has much of a potential for becoming truly good.  Normally, a dynamic character is much more interesting than he is.  He just doesn't have any flare to me and I'm not attracted to dynamic characters that are done so poorly.


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Quote from: Malte279,Jun 29 2008 on  02:39 PM
^ I wonder if flyers would put much store in claims of being a "good fighter". Compared to other dinosaurs they are very, very fragile. If that one thin hollow bone supporting the wing breaks, or if the skin of a wing tears (as might easily happen if for example the flyer fails to spot a tree branch in time) they are crippled and unable to fly for the rest of their life (which as a consequence is likely to be cut rather short). I suppose because of their physiognomy flyers would pick different ideals than threehorns for example. They might even look down (from high above) on such "brawling ground walkers" rather than trying to imitate their behavior. They might put more store on abilities such as speed, cunning, a good eyesight, and perhaps even the ability to avoid risks where they are unnecessary. This is just my interpretation of course, but seeing that almost every other kind of dinosaur is likely to defeat a flyer in combat I really don't think they are likely to develop some kind of "warrior mentality" (a mentality which in general seems to be likely to be much less strong among dinosaurs (if existing at all) than it would be among warmongering humans).
I probably should have been more specific when I was talking about fighting, I mean fighting how a flyer would fight. I understand how their bones are hollow and such. And being cunning, good eye-sight and such IS part of the fighting techniques that they do. Some of the flyers aren't so cunning, so they end up have a more slightly heavier build than the others. (Think of that one giant "flyer" in the seventh sequel that carried Little Foot, Cera, and Spike away, he didn't seem very bright but he had a much stronger, bigger build) And because Pterano's father is the all powerful leader of the clan, so he would expect his kids to be strong and powerful. Pterano, in his mind is not strong and powerful, but the exact opposite.

Anyway, I am getting a bit off-topic here, but I hope that clears up my point...


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Jun 29 2008 on  02:54 PM
I honestly don't see why this character is so popular.  He may be one of the only dynamic characters but I still don't like him.  LBT mainly consists of static characters (such as the gang and their parents and even the sharpteeth), but this character is different.  I for one want much more out of a dynamic character and I don't think he has much of a potential for becoming truly good.  Normally, a dynamic character is much more interesting than he is.  He just doesn't have any flare to me and I'm not attracted to dynamic characters that are done so poorly.
Well, not everyone has to like him...


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As for Pterano I consider him one of the more interesting LBT guestcharacters and one whom I would really like to see make a return. It would be interesting to have a story in which Pterano may get a chance to get some of the influence he was looking for but only at the expense of what remains of his integrity. It would also be interesting to seem him presented in a not so telling way as in LBT 7. In LBT 7 you knew from the moment he entered the scree that he was to be the "villain" of the movie (though his cronies were to take the most villainous part). It would be a good thing if the audience was left a bit more in the dark about his intentions so whatever he decides to do would come as a bit of a surprise.


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In my fanfic (which has been on hiatus forever <_< ), he overhead that the stone can 'heal the sick and other miracals'. He translates 'other miracals' as 'bring back the dead'. At the beginning of the fanfic, his mate is killed by a 'swimmer sharptooth', lost all but Ptyra's eggs by our 'favorite' egg eaters ( :p ), and beleived Ptyra to be killed in the Great Earthshake. He thought that if he had the power of the stone, then he could bring back the dead, particularily his mate.

Of course it's just a 'dumb old rock', and later on he ends up finding a new mate out of a very nagging flier Ptera, and Ptyra comes out alive. He starts thinking "Who needs a stone when you can have something different."
Just my idea  :p !


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Something like that could happen, though sadly we may not see Pterano again, one could say some of those events are happening offscreen.


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He is my favorite character, I feel bad for him in a way, he never meant to lead his followers to their death, it must have been horrible to watch too, I guess if he tried to help, he would have just been killed, better to fly away and move on, he looked so upset when he went back to the big herd, who really wants to take responbility for bringing others to their doom? As for the stone he didn't see it as doing something bad, just wanted to prove he could be a leader, of course kidnapping and puting the kids in danger was too far, but they've been in worst. Five years is so long, well probably never see him again, which is a shame. Well here I am rambling bye.


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It could have been interesting to see him, as well as certain other 1 shot characters who appeared in just 1 movie.  He could show up anytime the gang outside the great valley.


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I've really been thinking about how he could change in five years.

I'm writing some "fan episodes" where the gang bumps into Pterano twice. The first time is when Tricia runs into the Mysterious Beyond and almost falls to her death (figures) and Pterano saves her, but later has to save all the others from Redclaw (who he brags not to be scared of).

My other idea is that for some reason or another, the kids accidentally let a Fastbiter into the Great Valley and Pterano completely "forgets" his banishment (my idea is that the Fastbiter is about to do in his sister) and ends up saving the Valley...and even tells the other adults how the Fastbiter got in and how there are other ways for a sharptooth to enter. You'd think he'd know after spending a lot of time in the Mysterious Beyond that there's more than one way for the Valley to be broken into by a predator. After all that helping, they allow him to stay in the Valley.

So, so far, he is actually useful to the Valley. He could be a "guide" through the Mysterious Beyond if they ever need him and heck, even the kids could drag him along on their adventures since he'd probably be the only grown-up to actually listen to their problems...and there's the guide-thing again. If there was ever a problem that the Mysterious Beyond could cause, he'd probably have a few suggestions on how to fix it.

"I know there is much I can contribute if given the chance" Oh, you got A LOT of chances!