The Gang of Five
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Needing a break from slower songs


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After the large amount of time spent on the "If We Hold On Together" project, and following the "Bestest Friends" midi file, I'm not exactly feeling up to doing another slow song at the moment.

As a result, I'm working on a MIDI file of "Adventuring" :D
Here's the little bit I got done today; When it's finished, I'll upload it alongside the lyrics to the song.  With any luck, we'll get a complete midi collection as well as a complete lyrics collection!

It's complete up to 0:37.

*NOTE* if the midi doesn't play properly, let me know and I'll change it to another midi file type (there are two midi file types: 1 and 0.  I'm using 1 for this.  If it doesn't work, I can change it to 0.)


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Lovely! :)
Adventuring definitely ranks among my favorites if it comes not to sentimental but cheerful land before time songs. I'm really looking forward to the final midi. Really Action9000 it's just awesome that you are creating these midis!

Littlefoot Fan

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Aahh god do I love this song :D

Good job on it so far action9000 :P:


  • Hatchling
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Heh....roommate has nothing that can open mids on his machine.  :angry:  I'll get to it'll probably have an updated version by then so I can listen to more then.  :yes


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Here's a bit of an update on the "Adventuring" midi progress.  It's complete up to about 1:19, and some preliminary work is done up to 1:29.

I have fixed and added some notes in the opening, balanced a number of volumes in the previous sections, and I have focused on detail throughout.
Enjoy B)


  • Hatchling
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Listened to it just now and I'm most impressed.  Foobar tells me you have 16 separate tracks of information in that thing.....that can't be easy to do.  :o


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Listened to it just now and I'm most impressed.
Haha, thanks :D   If the quality stays this strong throughout the rest of the midi, I will be very happy with the outcome.

Foobar tells me you have 16 separate tracks of information in that thing.....that can't be easy to do.
That is correct.  16 is the maximum number of tracks (or "Channels") a midi file can contain, and yes, I'm using all 16 for this midi.  It's a MIDI standard.  Working with this many instrument certainly gets a little tricky, but luckily I can label all the tracks, so it's really not *quite* so bad :P:.  The hardest part is making sure I don't miss any details in the original music.  I'm sure most LBT fans aren't as picky as I am, but if I'm going to do it, I may as well do a good job :p.
This song is getting trickier and trickier to get accurate, though.  There are all sorts of little nuances in the music in this 1:20 to end section, and it's not easy to pick out all the piano, guitar, timpani, and other effects sometimes.

If you think that's scary, my "End Credits" midi has 22 seperate instruments / tracks (over 16 channels, because MIDI won't let me put them all on seperate channels) at this point, and our "If We Hold On Together" mp3 has 25 tracks (over 25 channels, since I can break away from the strict MIDI standards using this program by using different MIDI "ports".  There are 255 ports, with 16 channels each.  Really no practical limit :P: ).  With all the vocal tracks to this point, our MP3 has about 48 tracks and counting.
(and you wonder why I have/need a 3.0 GHz processor and 2 GB of RAM :P:  This is why B) )