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LBT: Into the Mysterious Beyond


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I finally got my chance to get my hands on this game during the Christmas season.  It was only $4.00. :P: After playing it all the way through, I'll give my opinion on it.

I must admit that this game isn't half bad.  We were treated better with this game than the last one we got.  I actually enjoyed it somewhat, unlike the last one, which was kind of boring.

The Story goes that Chomper has gotten separated from Littlefoot and the rest of the gang, heading off into the Mysterious Beyond.  So basically, Littlefoot and his friends go to find him.

The characters were put more into their element this time around.  You get a nice swimming level with Ducky and had to keep an eye on her air level to beat it.  It became a rather nice challenge to deal with.  You actually get to control Petrie in this one, which I believe they forgot in the last one.  Fighting against a T-Rex like it was a boss battle?  It was kind of neat.

The only real gripe I have is that they made Grandpa Longneck's skin green, making him look quite displeasing.  It was nice controlling him, and the creators spared no expense to ensure the last level was the hardest with all the raptors you had to fight.  However, the fact he was colored green just ruined it for me.

All in all, LBT: Into the Mysterious Beyond is a solid "B Grade" game and an enjoyable one.  I feel anyone who has a chance to find it after digging through the bargain bin should pick it up.  It's actually a good game that is easily overlooked.


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Thanks for that.  Some may not have heard of the game.  What system was it for?


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Quote from: Kor,Jan 16 2009 on  05:23 PM
Thanks for that.  Some may not have heard of the game.  What system was it for?
It's on the Game Boy Advance. :)


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Heh thanks for that review :) If there ever will be reviews on the dutch lbt site, can I use parts of yours?

The Friendly Sharptooth

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You actually get to control Petrie in this one, which I believe they forgot in the last one. Fighting against a T-Rex like it was a boss battle? It was kind of neat.
I'll have to compliment you. I got that game over a year ago and had to finally give up. The boss battle against the sharptooth as Petrie, well, I tried it several times. I can dodge him well enough to stay alive, but focusing on dodging lets him catch up to the gang. Focusing more an attacking doesn't let me live long. All the levels before that only took me a couple tries, but I have not been able to beat Petrie's level. May I ask how many tries it took you? I honestly find Culex to be several times easier than that sharptooth. I know I specialize in turn based games, but the boss battle you spoke of was ridiculously difficult for me. What was your strategy? Is there some trick to it? Then again, perhaps you're just really good at platformers. I'm decent at platformers myself. Final form Sigma on Mega Man X 1 was pretty challenging, but he is beatable by me. Maybe I'm just not good flying levels in general because there is so much more movement freedom at all times. Flying on Drakengard was a nightmare, so I guess that explains it. I am very good at LBT Journey to Big Water for the PS though. Have you tried that one? Just wondering. Later!


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Quote from: Mumbling,Jan 17 2009 on  01:15 AM
Heh thanks for that review :) If there ever will be reviews on the dutch lbt site, can I use parts of yours?
Go ahead if you wish.  I don't mind. :D

And to The Friendly Sharptooth, to be honest, I lost count. :P: I played quite a few times, but I never gave up.  There is actually a strategy to the battle against the T-Rex.  My main strategy is to dodge the rocks coming down on me and dodge the on coming attack from the T-Rex, which is QUICKLY followed by a few hits on the T-Rex.  Basically, dodge and counter.  You NEVER relentlessly attack.  That just gets you killed.  Countering is the secret to it all. :)

I hardly played anything on PlayStation, so chances are that I never played the ONLY LBT game on it.  Then again, when that game came out I was going through a phase where I didn't do ANYTHING LBT related.  It's kind of a long story.

I hope what I have given you helps.  However, remember that this is NOTHING compared to the final level.  The creators spared no expense to ensure the last one is the hardest one.

Too bad the ending wasn't worth all I went through. :(


  • Cera
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 Well then don't tell us the ending because there is a fair chance for me to get that game :DD .
 Nice review, I was really looking forward for a LBT game that can have certain elements of Megaman X games (you know, like to fight the big bad boss at the end).

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Hey pokeplayer984, thanks for the tip! I might just pick it up and try again. I don't normally give up on games either, I just try to know my strengths and weaknesses and act accordingly. One weakness for me is shooting, so things as difficult as the Halo series I won't even try. Nobody in the world is good at every single game ever made because we aren't perfect and excel in certain areas, although those areas can be far more broad than others'. But also, I doubt that anyone even loves every video game genre equaly that there is, and it is harder to give something everything you have if you don't like it as much or at least someone you care for does. I do best with: ARPGs, TBRPGs, D/IRPGs, Platformers, Fighters, Action/Adventures, and Life Simulaters. I don't enjoy as much: TRPGs, H and SRPGs, Both types of Shooters, Racers, Puzzles, and Sports. I don't hate any genre, but these last ones just aren't my specialty. I tend to give up on these types more often since I don't have quite as much fun as the other ones, or if it requires an action which I've always lacked talent in. In this case, I have never been good when I'm in the air because I have so many more movement options. In The Legend of Spyro: DOTD, I only flew when it was required, otherwise, I stayed on the ground. But I'll see what I can do with your strategy on this one. And by the way, two other LBT games had been released for the PlayStation. They seem to be extremely unpopular with most people and I had never seen them advertised before, so I'm sure most people never heard of the other two either. "Great Valley Racing." Yeah, believe it or not, there is a LBT game where you race against other members of the gang. You don't use cars or anything, you mainly just run, but it is still considered a racer. "Return to the Great Valley." The gang goes to return a missing dinosaur egg but a sharptooth chases them and they all run off into the Mysterious Beyond- but in separate directions, so now they are each lost and alone. It has a 3D world where you solve puzzles and avoid danger with each character's strengths until you reunite and get home. Honestly, this is my favorite LBT video game so far. Well, it seems when I have video game trouble that you're the one to come to pokeplayer984, so you will probably hear a lot more from me and thank you for everything. Later!