Role Play > Role Play Discussion

A suggestion


This is just a suggestion concerning the LBT RPGs. Most of them include characters which the authors invented. I suppose that most people who imagine an own character have a rather clear image of that character in mind, much clearer than any of those who know little more than the character's name or species. Therefore I suggest that apart from the character descriptions everyone who creates an own character could make a little drawing or painting (preferably in color) of that character and post it in this thread. It might give the other participants in an RPG a better idea of the character.

That easier said then done for me I might be good at drawing but it mostly from looking at images and drawing them on paper. I have been going away from it but still return to that style. I have thought long and hard about this charcater he look like any normal Longneck child of Littlefoot's type of longneck but he does things that different in many ways.

Thunder can't hear for one thing he learned to see what they say from the moments of their mouths while speaking while they are in his view but backs turned he don't know what anyone would be saying. His learned a way to show words by doing small things like doing a few stamps on his left foot then his right then moving back a left foot a few times on the ground showing that he trying to say something and his mother being the only one caring for him the most at this point of time before the Great Valley they both learn how to talk to each other even though Thunder would never hear is own mother voice. being mis treated in the past by other longnecks in the herd they was in his mother will not stand others even a threehorn saying that he should of had been better to have a earily end of life then to the stage his at. this is somehting that I have put a tones of thought into. If I can I would draw what he might look like but at this time I can only tell.

His mother and him share a similar colour scales with a light brown mid part to a lightish cream on the underside of his neck to the troso down the underside of the tail. A darkish brown on the back of his neck down the back top to half way to the tail slipting in patten to have the dark brown move to eiter side of the tail. with a shade of Light brown eyes.

Perhaps, Malte, but not all of us are much in the way of artists (mostly me).

So far, the only way I can describe my characters is through writing.  We could put more descriptive profiles on things like appearance, personality, likes, dislikes, tendancies, and other additives to give our characters at least an image in our minds of what they look like.

Of course, pictures are an added and welcome bonus to the profile.  Worse comes to worse, I may have to ask someone to draw my chars for me. :p

F-14 Ace:
I should probably put this in character info but I already had it there.  Here is an updated version.

Strafe: Species: Iguanodon (spikethumb) age: 22 (in dino years) A young iguanodon. Friendly and easy going, she is the only survivor from her herd from the Great Earthquake. Strafe is gentle and kind and soft spoken but she is brave and can be fearsome if threatened. Otherwise, she seems shy and skittish.  Her skin color is kind of a blue color and hse had a white underside.  She also has brown eyes.  Also, Strafe has a scar on her left front shoulder as a result of an encounter with a sharptooth.  Strafe likes to play in the water although she doesn't like it when it raind for long periods of time.  s of right now, Strafe has no mate.  She enjoys spending time with her best friend, Snork, who stood up for and protected her after the great earthquake.    

Snork: species: parasaurolophus (swimmer) age: 24 Friendly, and smart for his species, Snork has survived fires, shaprtooth attacks, the Great Earthshake, and the journey to the Great Valley. He met Strafe on the way and the two became inseparable friends. Snork is loyal and often protective of Strafe.  Snork is generally friendly and gererous.  He cares about others and hardly ever has anything bad to say about others.  Like littlefoot, Snork's mother was killed by a sharptooth.  His father blamed him for it and never seemed to care if anything happened to his son.  When Snork met Strafe, she was all alone.  Snork begged his father to just allow her to acompany them to the valley but he refused.  Then, when Snork disobeyed him, his father banished him from the herd.  Snork and Straf made their way to the valley together and now live there.  Right now, Snork has no mate.  Snork's skin color is kind of a tanish color with a green stripe down his back.  Snork has brown eyes.  Snork has various scars from the many dangerous encounters.  Most of them he got as a child because his father neglected and in some cases even abused him.  Snork has a rather noticable scar on his right hind leg from cutting himself on a jagged rock during the big earthquake.  He also has a noticable scar on his tail when a velociraptor grabbed onto it with its sharp claws.  Snork is very couragous and would even be willing to give his life to save those in danger, especially Strafe.  

Ok, are we starting to get a better image of these characters now?  I can go more into detail if anyone tants me to.


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