The Gang of Five
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Koopa Paratroopa


  • Petrie
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I'll probably be having lotsa Paratroopa fanart and this is where I'll be putting them. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE Paratroopas, almost as much as I love Bowser. What's not cute about a turtle with wings?

Anywho, this is the first pic to be submitted here as it's the only one I have since this is my first time drawing a Koopa of any kind. I drew it during class (I had to do something to keep myself from falling asleep!! :p ) with no reference for it at all and little experience with shading.

This is an Evil Paratroopa, who works for Bowser. In my future Mario fanfic, these buggers are distinguished as evil by the spiked collar and wristbands, the sunglasses, and the red shell and shoes. Good Koopas lack the accessories and have green shells and shoes. Inspired by Paper Mario.

Angry Paratroopa is angry.... (sorry, it had to be done!! :D )

I hope you guys like it!!  :DD


  • Spike
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Wow, very well done! :D

This Paratroopa really looks EVIL! :o


  • Petrie
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Thanks!! Glad to hear my improvising wasn't horrible!

Yayz!! Evil Paratroopa looks evil!! That means I did something right!!

Oh, I have to get this off my chest......... I LOOOOOVE your avatar!!!!!


  • The Circle
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Nice looking drawing and interesting idea on the visual differences between the good and evil koopas.


  • Petrie
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Awww, thanks!! Just giving my interpretation of Paper Mario on why these Paratroopas look different from the protagonist Koopas. The idea is stuck now! :^.^:


  • Spike
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I LOVE the way you color. I especially love the way you colored his shell~

I think you did real well <3 You gave him a nice evil angry look >:D


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  • Ducky
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Wow! Nice drawing FBS! ;)

I love those sunglasses! :DD


  • Petrie
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Thanks Karmarsi and LBTD!! The shell was the part I was most worried about, but I can finally relax knowing that it was done well. And the nice evil angry look was what I was going for!!  :D Yayz!! And those sunglasses of doom *cue The Doom Song* are awesome, aren't they?  :DD I changed the way I wanted to shade them last minute from anime-ish style of an obvious glare to a more natural shading to match the rest. I'm relatively please with how it turned out for being a last moment part of the pic.


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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Feb 1 2011 on  01:50 AM
What's not cute about a turtle with wings?
If you like winged turtles, then you might be interested in Sinemys gamera, a fossil turtle from early Cretaceous China with winglike projections on the back of its shell (though sadly they wouldn't have been any good for flying :p).

Here's its shell, and here&#39;s
here's a page with two photos of a lifelike model reconstruction (being held by a reptile hobbyist attempting to confound/prank a forum of fellow reptile enthusiasts :p).

I don't have much to offer as far as feedback for the Koopa Paratroopa, I'm afraid, other than that it looks good. :yes And he definitely looks like a tough guy…like a member of a street gang or something. Definitely not someone I'd want to run into. :blink:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Wow!! What a turtle!!  :wow I bet it'll be an unpleasant swallow for any predator! That is soooo cool!  That fake model would've gotten me fooled if you hadn't told me of it's prehistoric nature!!

 :lol Thanks! I like that gang member idea!! Hmmmm.... *dramatically* He's cute, tough, and mean and he'll bite your arm off!! He and his gang mates will 'take out the trash' whenever called upon by Gang Leader Bowser! They're the most bada** reptiles around and even the cops be scared of them. They're Gang Koopa and this member's Pip. :lol:


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pip like the character in great expectations :)
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Petrie
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Dunno! My sis decided the name for him, and she's read Great Expectations so it's a possibility! ^^

Got done with another pic in another class (yeesh, can I ever learn anything?!)! It's with Pip again, but this time learning a valuable lesson about life:

He'll probably have more success with her if he hadn't kidnapped her little brother to slave under Bowser...... But at least his love is true, unlike the intentions of her other suitors. The Pirahna Plant was probably paid to say that though.....

Oh! And the girl is Sabrina, a Koopa Troopa who hates wearing her shell. She wears this sweater instead. She's probably the most popular and beautiful girl in her town, but she isn't snobby as the stereotype implies; she's practically the nicest, most loyal friend you can ask for! Although rich with the gold coins her deceased parents left her, she's still an active working member of society, caring very much for her little brother with her best friend, Mocha, to help. And she was devastated when Pip took her baby brother; I wouldn't expect this relationship to get far anytime soon...


  • Petrie
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I'm baaaaaack!!! My Koopa love never dies!! To prove it, I got another pic of my Paratroopa OC and his potential 'girlfriend', this one not being so happy and cheerful.

This was drawn before I busted up my right arm and I was forced to digitally color it because I can't do anything neatly with my left hand.... I also got several other Koopa pics that will involve other Koopa species and other OCs I have. I just have to finish coloring them. :)

This pic is once more based on that RP I love sooooo much! This scene has not happened yet and probably won't be happening, but that won't stop me from drawing it!! Besides, I reeeaaaalllly need to work on drawing Bowser. I never drew him before and I'm feeling "nyah" about this attempt.

In this pic, almighty King Bowser Koopa eventually found out about Pip's little crush and has Sabrina kidnapped so he can "punish" the Good Koopa Troopa for "distracting" one of his soldiers from his "duties". Pip tries to save her, but.....yeah.... you don't try to fight something many times your size that can breathe fire and crush you without a thought.

As usual with my more recent drawing, there's a hidden Mickey Mouse somewhere. By the way, I dunno why I put hidden Mickeys everywhere, I just can't help it. :oops  :lol

And no, there's no such thing as backgrounds. Backgrounds are a lie! :D


  • Petrie
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There's a lack of interest on this thread :unsure: .....Oh well!! I'm still gonna be spamming it with new pics!! And since this thread's now officially for my Mario fanart, it's no longer exclusionary (it's a word :p !) to Paratroopas!! So....

Presenting my Hammer Bro. OC, Crash!

I'm already working on a fanfic for this guy, going into detail about one quirk of his: he has a murderous hatred for the 'lower' Koopa species (Koopa Troopas, Paratroopas, Magikoopas, Dry Bones, etc). You see, during a raid to capture new Koopa 'recruits', Crash's brother, Striker, is killed when he's overtaken by a defensive mob. Crash couldn't reach his brother in the chaos and ordered the other Koopas to save his sibling. To no avail: the nearby Koopas only fled in terror, leaving the fallen Hammer Bro. to die. This sparked a rage in Crash and instead of attacking the enemy Koopas, he attacked and killed his cowardly fellows for deserting his twin (I believe Hammer Bros. are bor-, er..hatched as twins and they spend the rest of their lives alongside their sibling, thus the term Hammer BRO.).

After the raid, Bowser heard news of this rampage and, understandably ticked off, he summons Crash. But in the midst of punishment, Bowser gets a bright idea: why not use Crash's newfound hatred to his advantage? He now uses Crash to keep his subjects in line via brutal punishment or public execution. He also uses the deranged Hammer Bro. to beat rebellious new recruits into submission. The creepy part is.... Crash actually enjoys his new job...immensely :blink: he still blames all the lower-ranked Koopas for the death of his brother.

And this won't be the last pic you'll be seeing of this angry character. He plays a potential part in the PipXSabrina story. In a previous pic, I showed what happens when Bowser finds out about the relationship, but never got into detail on HOW he found out. Well...

Crash comes to notice Pip's frequent disappearances at night and grows suspicious. So he follows the Paratroopa one night and sees exactly what's going on. Waiting till Pip leaves, Crash decides to attack Sabrina, almost killing her before Pip (who began sensing something was wrong) returned. Fearing for both their lives, Pip attempts to appeal to the murderous Hammer Bro, but will it work?

Of course not! Crash attacks Pip too, and leaves them both to suffer as he goes to report the act of treachery to Bowser, knowing the Koopa King will want to punish them himself (and hoping there'll be an execution so he can have some fun too.... this is one sick-in-the-head Hammer Bro... ).

And there will be more concerning both Crash and this PipXSabrina plot.

As usual, this is hand-drawn at work and colored on photoshop. I actually pinned up Crash's introductory pic to my door, along with the words: "Trespassers, Expect To Be Hammered!". Plus, I really do keep a hammer in my room, in case a hostile and unwanted intruder didn't get the message. *laughs evilly* Anywho, it's been a while since I drew Koopas and I hope I didn't lose my touch!


  • Petrie
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Just some more Koopa pics.

A trio of sad little Koopas, whose lives have changed dramatically for the worse because of a certain red plumber.

-The Hammer Bro. lost his one and only twin brother to Mario and in my mind, that's the biggest tragedy that could happen to this species of Koopa. Now life feels like it's only being half-lived...
-The Koopa Troopa was once a Paratroopa until a surprise jump attack from Mario took away his wings. It must be horrible to be hatched meant life in the air and to feel the thrill and freedom of flight...only to have it taken away forever with just one stomp....
-The Dry Bones was himself a Koopa Troopa before he was killed by Mario. Now he suffers an undead existence that feels so unfulfilling and pointless after knowing the simple joys of living; plus, being pretty much immortal means losing his living friends over and over again in a vicious cycle. He wishes he could've just stayed dead...

These poor Koopas don't know if they should bother carrying on the way they have, although those words are open for interpretation: do they mean stopping a life under Bowser fighting an endless battle against a duo of human plumbers, or just ending everything altogether...?

Next Pic:

My Dry Bones OC, Rattles, doing one of his favorite past-times: just contemplating everything that enters his mind whilst watching the stars.

Anyway, Rattles is a quiet and observant little Koopa who doesn't really interact much with the living ever since his best friend, Boomer the Boomerang Bro., died. To save himself the pain of always losing loved ones that comes as a curse to being practically immortal, he distances himself from anyone alive. He's not hostile though, mostly he'll just ignore your attempts to befriend him. And good luck trying to get him to talk to you; he's practically a mute that'll occasionally make those chittering sounds that Dry Bones make (although when he's alone, he'll sometimes mumble quietly to himself to relearn and practice how to speak). For anyone who makes the extra effort and succeeds, it's worth it, 'cause Rattles is a very loyal buddy to have! *hugs the little pile of bones*

That's all! :)


  • Petrie
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You guys are getting sick of this, I can tell :p ! But there's no stopping the pointless updates!!  :lol

I'mma post up a few OC pics, little by little. So to start it off....

First, someone familiar: Pip, again! But as a young teenager as he appears in my main Mario story, Bonds (which if you're interested can be found in the Written Word section.

Believe it or not, but Pip was a good little Koopa at one point! In fact, he was once an admirer of Mario himself! Pip was kidnapped from his village to slave under Bowser, however, he wasn't going to take it. Stubborn and impulsive, he found himself constantly in trouble and under constant punishment. As mentioned, the whole thing is detailed in my Bonds story, so I won't much more into it!


Kops, the Koopa Troopa! One of Pip's best friends (along with Rattles shown in the post above) and guardian! His job's to keep an eye on young teenage Pip and show him the ropes of what it's like to live in Bowser's castle. He's firm, yet fair, and is pretty laid-back in personality. He's obsessed with video games and comics. Why do I feel like I'm breaking a kind of 4th wall with this pic?

Anywho, he got that scar from my Hammer Bro. OC, Crash, and I use it to distinguish him from the other Koopa Troopas. He's very knowledgeable about most everyone in the castle and if a new recruit like Pip has any questions, Kops most likely has the answer.


My favorite and most sinister of my Mario OCs, Hollow.

In my fannon, Hollow is the first Dry Bones to ever exist, being more than 500 years old, hence his rather mangy appearance. Bowser's ancestor wanted to bring back the dead and had a poor little Koopa Troopa brutally killed to experiment with the body. That Koopa was Hollow. Needless to say, it worked, but Hollow was none too happy about it. In spite, he holds absolutely no loyalty to the royal Koopa family and works on his own agenda to somehow regain the life he lost. He absolutely HATES the living and won't hesitate to kill anyone who trespasses in his home. Said home is the underground tunnels and the basement of the castle. Most of the other Koopas are scared of him, as his appearance and behavior have them believing that he's a demon. The fact that he's been driven into a deranged state by his intense longing for life certainly doesn't help. He's quite skilled in magic and spends a good portion of his time in the Magikoopa section of the library researching new spells that he can use to his advantage.

He also a habitual quadruped, as shown in this pic. Following the examples of the games, it was only recently that Koopas became bipedal. He's a minor antagonist in my main Mario fanfic, Bonds, and will serve as the main villain in its conceived sequel.

I'mma stop here for now, so I don't overload the post. But do expect more OC pics soon!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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I consider you a really talented artist FBS :yes
all the art you posted here is pretty amazing! :D
Thankx for sharing  :lol
Inactive, probably forever.


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  • Littlefoot
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Hollow is awesome! :) I've always liked dry bones as a character, I like the story you gave Hollow.


  • Petrie
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Yayz! Thank you so much for commenting Ducky and Mumbling! *hug- no! Not hugs….GLOMPS!!!*

I consider you a really talented artist FBS
all the art you posted here is pretty amazing!
Thankx for sharing

Awww, you do? Good to know that you enjoy my work so much! Certainly encourages me to share all the more! :DD

Hollow is awesome! I've always liked dry bones as a character, I like the story you gave Hollow.

Finally, someone who likes Hollow who doesn’t think he’s a rip-off of Crash (to whom, he holds very little similarity, so I don’t get the comparisons other than they’re both angry villains with tragic backstories :unsure: ). And Dry Bones are friggin’ awesome, they’re now my favorite Mario enemy in the franchise (as noticed in my current avatar) !

Looking through the description for Hollow, I realize I forgot to mention several details that serve to make him even more of a tragic character and gives him more incentive to despise the living. But maybe Hollow can explain it in his own words, as written in his journal 500 years ago…

'The reason for this writing evades even me, for I have no intention of sharing this tale to anyone. But the events that preceded this entry was too unbelievable to risk forgetting for eternity. Although it pains me greatly, I understand that I must push on. If anyone were to happen upon this, know that the following may cause great unrest within you.

Many a fortnight ago, I was called upon by my Master and being the ever loyal servant I was, I made no hesitation in coming to him. That proved to be the greatest mistake of my short life and I regret it even now. However, I concede that my end was unforeseeable and I no doubt would've met it that day no matter my choices. For reasons that were beyond my comprehension at that point in time, my King turned on me in cruelest manner imaginable. My actual memories were of nothing but pain and agony, of my Master reprimanding my stubborn hold on life. In the end, it was the gallows that finally claimed me. But even by that, my death was not quick and I remember the burning feeling of my suffocated body before sweet darkness took hold.

I do not know how much time has passed before I was reawaken. I do not know by what magic, by what curse that this was possible. For I was and am now alive once more. But it is not a life in the sense that you know it, dear reader. For I also remain dead. I run, yet I do not tire. I cry, yet I do not shed tears. I break, yet I am not pained. If one has ever been unfortunate enough as to glimpse a corpse long rotted, that is my appearance, for I am nothing but bones.

My Master had bestowed this upon my being. He wished to play with the Fates and bring back those long gone. And he had chosen me to practice upon. I... am deeply enraged by this injustice and I hope you feel as to why. Bringing Death onto one as innocent as myself was a horrible crime, but as you will soon find out, it was only the beginning...

For although I remain myself in soul, to others I was someone else in body. My fellows needed only to cast one eye upon my unnatural state and fear will fall over them. They have never seen a monster like myself and although I assure them of my benevolence, they mark me as a thing of Evil. They call me a demon and they try to banish me to the place from whence I came. Whenever I show myself, I get hailed upon by stones; I get burned at the stake. Many times, I get torn asunder by those I once called friends, yet I always get back up. I am always unharmed. The only thing that feels the pain of these accusations and persecutions is my soul.

As I write this, I feel as though I should be crying. Indeed, the space where my heart once resided wrenches upon scanning these words and it gets worse by what I have yet to write. No tears stain my cheek, and no shuddering breath exits my beak, but I still feel...

I wish to stop now, before I lose myself, but again I know I must push on. For I have more to tell. After being condemned by my fellows, I go to my mate and child for comfort. Although I try to explain, they bestowed upon me the same treatment as all others. They called me a demon. I tell them I am not; that I am who I've always been. But the stubborn traits that I once admired in my mate now turn against me. Her final words to me is as clear in my mind as it was when my ears first heard it...

"A creature of such wicked appearance as you can only be spawned from the greatest of Evil! Begone, demon! And take your foul lies with you!"

And then more stones hailed onto me, this time by the hands of my beloved wife and daughter. I had no choice but to abide by their request and depart. Looking back now and knowing what will soon befall them, I would have stayed to protect them as fervently as I once had in life, even if I was to endure their ill will and thrown stones. For when I saw them again, they were gone from me. Accused of working on the side of Evil; all because some old fool witnessed them talking with me. I make no hesitation in returning to my King. Although my feeling of resentment was strong, I knew he was the only one to defy the Fates. If he can bring me back, he can bring back my beloved and child.

But the heavens were not gracing their blessings upon me, for the King denied my request, unwilling to bestow the gift of 'rebirth' upon 'useless wenches'.

My previous feeling of ill will was but a minuscule speck of dust compared to the rage I felt then. I retreated to the very depths of the castle and further, away from prying eyes and away from pointing fingers. And as I write this entry, my sorrow is being replaced by this renewed hatred. These foolish CREATURES stole everything from me. They stole my life and cursed me in death. They heartlessly take my loved ones away, first turning them against me before filthying their hands with the blood of the innocent. And yet, they still had the audacity to call ME the demon?!

It's so very clear to me now. The world of the living that I once considered myself a part of, do not value their most important possession: life. They treat it as though it's expendable, stealing it from others without care. If they cannot appreciate what they have, if they do not value it, then why have it at all? Every day I ask myself this question and every day I come up with only one answer:

They shouldn't...

This is a pre-written excerpt from the conceived sequel to Bonds where Pip finds Hollow’s journal and reads it. This is the first time I’m giving such a preview, but I doubt many people here actually reads my Mario stories, so I can get away with it! :p :lol

*notices my post is a bit longer than intended* Oh, sorry. I just got overly excited cuz I really do appreciate the comments! :oops


  • Petrie
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Awesome work, flip! I like the one playing the DS the most. We've all been there  :lol