The Gang of Five
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The Land Before Time 7 Showcase - September 2022


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First introduced in July 2021 in the character showcase, it is now time for everyone’s favorite aliens(?) to return for a showcase.  Because, unlike the films, the forum has decided to again give them (and Pterano) another cameo.  :rainbowThinking


In this topic please feel free to discuss your thoughts on the seventh film.  I will go ahead and present a few questions to get things started:

1) What do you think are the major themes of this film?

2) Littlefoot is not shown in future films as having any permanent change in perspective after seeing the rainbowfaces disappear via teleportation in the final scene of the film, but sometimes changes in perspective are internal.  How do you think seeing such an event happen in front of his eyes would change his perspective on the unknown?

3)  This is a repeat of a question that I asked in the Pterano showcase, but it also fits here: “Pterano seems to be one of those characters in the fandom for which there is a lot of polarization.  He has numerous fans, but also detractors.  Why do you think he is so polarizing in terms of how fans see the character?”

4) What question do you wish would have been included on this list, and how would you answer it?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The jewelstone queen

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Yay!! Aliens!
1) What do you think are the major themes of this film?
I haven't seen this movie either gosh dang it. But, based on my experience in the community, this movie introduces some interesting characters, along with slight betrail and greed. Ever since Pterano found out about the stone, he desperatly went in search of it.

2) Littlefoot is not shown in future films as having any permanent change in perspective after seeing the rainbowfaces disappear via teleportation in the final scene of the film, but sometimes changes in perspective are internal.  How do you think seeing such an event happen in front of his eyes would change his perspective on the unknown?
Wow, one of the most iconic scenes ever! Honestly, that sort of thing doesn't feel right in a franchies like the land before time, but I enjoy the mysterious concept behind it. In later films, I don't think Littlefoot has changed much after witnessing something like that. Of course, he would describe what he saw to the other residents in the valley, but as usual, they don't take him seriously. I'll have to watch this film to get a good grasp at what really happened, but logically, Littlefoot would start considering things carefully after that.

3)  This is a repeat of a question that I asked in the Pterano showcase, but it also fits here: “Pterano seems to be one of those characters in the fandom for which there is a lot of polarization.  He has numerous fans, but also detractors.  Why do you think he is so polarizing in terms of how fans see the character?”
I think people like or dislike him either based on his character, or for what he's done. Yes, he was (i think) considered a villan at the begining of the film, but eventually he gets a redemtion. (I think. I haven't seen the movie sorry!) For me, he has a few nautal flaws, and yes, there are a few things he should have considered while in the valley, or when he led that herd into a pack of fastbiters, but eventually he is misunderstood by the other dinos, and so he was exiled. He also has a nice style to his personality, and that is one of the reasons why people like him. Including me! :lol:

4) What question do you wish would have been included on this list, and how would you answer it?
Hmm... Well, would I ever want the rainbow faces to make a reapearance? Yes, yes I would. There is so much we don't know about them. From what I know, they were just travelers or whatever who came to warn everyone about the stone...I think?? They also have a mysterious past, and I love characters like that!
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-


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This was a fun sequel. Pterano was a great character and Sierra and Rinkus were pretty ruthless for LBT villains. It's always nice to have villains that aren't sharpteeth.

1) What do you think are the major themes of this film?

Never trust your uncle.  :bestsharptooth

I kid. It's more about people aren't always who they appear to be, and you shouldn't just trust and idolise them because they're family and tell whacky stories. It also goes into the fact that people are complex, they can do some good things but they can also do some pretty horrible things too. And finally, another major theme is to not stop questioning the world around you, even if the answer isn't always clear.

2) Littlefoot is not shown in future films as having any permanent change in perspective after seeing the rainbowfaces disappear via teleportation in the final scene of the film, but sometimes changes in perspective are internal.  How do you think seeing such an event happen in front of his eyes would change his perspective on the unknown?

Maybe he spends a lot more time stargazing and wondering where in the sky the rainbowfaces are now? We don't really see moments of him on his own so maybe there's some stuff going on 'off-screen' so to speak. Maybe he discusses such things with his grandparents?

3)  This is a repeat of a question that I asked in the Pterano showcase, but it also fits here: “Pterano seems to be one of those characters in the fandom for which there is a lot of polarization.  He has numerous fans, but also detractors.  Why do you think he is so polarizing in terms of how fans see the character?”

I'd say because he's a complex characters who's done a fair bit of both good and bad. He clearly loves his nephews and nieces and wants what he thinks is best for his kind but he's also deceiving and manipulative. He redeems himself at the end but his previous actions merited more than just an apology, and he accepts that. Then again, he also left a herd to their deaths, so there is that. It's why I don't love or hate Pterano. I think he's probably one of the best written characters in LBT, and some will dislike him because of what happened to the herd, for kidnapping Ducky, for manipulating Petrie to get what he wanted. On the flip side, people will sympathise with him because he was possibly so consumed with guilt for what happened to his herd, that he desperately wanted to become a leader to prove he could do better. He saved Ducky and showed remorse for her being harmed and proved he could be a better person.

4) What question do you wish would have been included on this list, and how would you answer it?

What are your thoughts on the many animation mistakes that were created in the HD remaster of the film? Examples are in this thread.

Because one year on and they still terrify me. Eyeless Grandma still haunts my nightmares.  :rhett_ohsnap

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion