The Gang of Five
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What would character say?

Myrkin · 112 · 19784


  • Petrie
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He'd smile sadly and say: "I don't believe you. I'm sorry."

What would Mr. Thicknose say if he discovered magnetic rocks?

Littlefoot Fan 93

  • Spike
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Mr. Thicknose: Hey! I could give these rocks to those kids parents, so that they never get far from them or my lecturing!

What would the gang say If Ruby and Petrie suddenly didn't speak in their own special ways?


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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"What have you done with our friends?! Are you working for those ratty Rainbowfaces? Did they put you up to this? Are Petrie and Ruby being held in containment somewhere?"... well that would be my reaction :blink:

What would the Gang say if Cera decided she wasn't going to be bossy anymore?
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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Littlefoot would give an extremely forced smile of encouragment and congratulate her for trying a route of self improvement (internally, he is all but certain this isn't going to work). Behind him, the others are taking bets into how long this will last, the most popular being five minutes at most. Cera would scowl, aware that they all think she won't really do it.

What would Ducky say if she came home ine day after playing and saw her father?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Ducky:" Be honest, Mummy, that's only your lover :lol
Papa Swimmer:" Ducky, I AM your father, yep, yep, yep.
Ducky:" Now I know, why I say this the whole time!"  :angel

What would the Gang say, when they find out that Petrie's a nest wetter?
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Petrie
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Cera would titter. "Knew it." "Cera, knock it off," Littlefoot would say, as Ducky walked over and patted Petrie's shoulder, looking as though he was about to die from embarrassment. "It is okay, Petrie. It happens to a lot of people's it does, it does." "He's the first nest wetter I've ever met," Chomper says innocently, then blinks in confusion as he receives several glares. Ruby would scratch her chin and say: "Is there any way that we might help?" "Water-proof nesting?" Cera would suggest, causing Littlefoot to kick her in the shin to be quiet. Spike would eat plants, listening to this exchange and commenting on it in his own head.

What would the gang say if they saw what dinosaurs would eventually evolve into (birds)?

Littlefoot Fan 93

  • Spike
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Ducky: So, Ruby will be a great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother! She will, she will!

Cera: I don't believe it; a world without Threehorns. That's never going to happen! :anger

Petrie: Me gotta tell Guido about this! :DD

Spike: ...mmm food...

Chomper: Who would of thought; a world with only Sharpteeth!

Littlefoot: I wonder what grandma and grandpa would say about this?

Ruby: So that's why I have feathers! :DD

What would Cera say if she got her brow horns?


  • Petrie
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She'd go around showing them off by flaunting them in front of her friends ("You see these? You're jealous, I know. I'D sure be jealous if I saw horns these nice.")  and bashing her head against things to show off the extra power behind her headbutts. However, she'd soon find that they're making her brow itch like crazy, and she can't stop herself from scraping her new horns against tree bark in a desperate attempt to dull the irritation.

What would Ruby say if she found a ruby?

Littlefoot Fan 93

  • Spike
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First, ensuring that the ruby did not fall into Ducky's hands and after consulting a geology field guide for gemstones; Ruby would be quite excited but then would openly question why her parents named her after this particular stone. :lol

What would Littlefoot's Mother say if she found out what was going to happen to her and how depressed and emotional her son would be afterwards?


  • Petrie
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Mama Longneck would be shocked and saddened by what happens. Unlike her son, she has something of a more resignated view on her place and capabilities in life, and assuming that she believes what she's being told, she'd probably accept that her own death is an unavoidable turn in the circle of life. However, she would NOT give up hope that perhaps she can prepare Littlefoot for their unavoidable seperation by teaching him to be strong and capable of surviving in the world without her. Wether she would actually tell Littlefoot she knew she was going to die is a tough one. I'm going to say that she wouldn't implicitly tell him that she KNOWS she's going to die, but would probably try to start getting Littlefoot in the mindset that she may not always be around, and should that time come, that he realised she'll never truely leave him and that he should stay strong and stay himself. And, of course, she'd treasure every remaining moment she has with her son.

What they say if Ichy, Dill, Ozzy, Strutt, Rinchus, and Sieria all bumped into each other?

Littlefoot Fan 93

  • Spike
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They would ask each other way they were here and then may formulate a plan it get revenge on those meddling kids! :lol

What would the gang say if they saw Guido playing Angry Birds?


  • Petrie
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At first they would give a cry of terror at the otherworldly device Guido is holding, and jump behind a bush. Guido waves a wing distractedly and tells them: "It's okay guys. Come out." Littlefoot pokes his long neck out and asks: "What is that thing?" Guido shruggs, and says: "I dunno, I found it on the ground. Magic, probably." The gang seems curious about this, and watch Guido as he plays his game. "So how do you play this magic game, or whatever?" Cera says with a frown, tilting her head at different angles. "You put these fliers on this big stick, see?" Guido says, pointing at the tiny animated slingshot. "Then you take a finger and pull this little vine here to pull the flier back," he said, demonstrating. "Then you shoot the fliers at these weird green fuzzers with big noses." He fires, and hits a pig. Ducky scratches her head. "That looks like fun, it does, it does...Hmm... Petrie, maybe it would be fun if we-" "Not in a million years, Ducky," Petrie growls.

Wow, that was a long one. What would the gang say if they discovered an enormous carnivorous plant?

Littlefoot Fan 93

  • Spike
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The gang would be terrified and all  run away; except for Spike who would just eat it and go back to his friends and lick his face showing that he'd dealt with the problem... :DD  :smile  :lol

What would Mr. Threehorn, Littlefoot's Grandparents, Tippy's herd, Mama Swimmer, Spike, Chomper, Chomper's Parents, Cera, Screech, Thud and Pterano respond if they were going to the Mysterious Island to be stars for the production of The Lost World: Jurassic Park?

(note: all of the individual dinosaurs above have species representatives in the above movie FYI.   :DD )


  • Petrie
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Chomper: "Wait... What do you mean I'm going to have my leg broken!?"

Chomper's parents: "So let me get this straight. All we have to do is run around and eat people, and you'll pay us? Best job ever."

Spike: "(thoughts: *sighs* Wonderful, I get to sick a herd of angry spiketail's on a young biologist. Oh well: at least she'll feed me.)"

Tippy's herd: "Umm... Yeah, so, it says in this script here that we should 'swipe at the actress with our tails and try to impale her'... Just to be clear, the worst that could happen is that we stab a stunt double, right?"

Pterano: "Well, I'm not the least bit surprised you decided to call me up. After all, acting is one of my hundreds of talents. Now, which lead character am I playing again, hmm? The hero? The villain? The intriguing side character?... What do you mean, a background character!?"

Screech and Thud: "So, we were looking over the script here, and-- well, you know, most of this stuff is awesome and all, but we couldn't my help but notice that we ultimately get defeated by gymnastics. Umm... What the heck?"

Mr. Threehorn: "You want me to charge down a tent full of corporate CEOs? Done, done, and done."

Mama Flier: "Oh my, I'm not sure I like this part in the script where I get lassoed and captured. Could we possibly change it? ... What do you mean, it'll be funny!?"

Grandma and Grandpa: "As long as we don't have to act out the scene from the arcade game, we're fine... You know the one we're talking about."

How would the gang react if they heard that a murder had taken place in the great valley?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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They'd be shocked the first moment, but then they'd try to enlighten the murder and of course they'll be in danger of death ;)( Nice idea for a fic by the way  :nyah )

What would happen if the gang reaches puberty?
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Petrie
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:oops I can think of several things they'd do  :blink: But as to what they'd say? Ladies and gentlemen, I present the jokes you never, ever wanted to hear:

Cera: (thinks: Hmm... I wonder if Littlefoot has only one long neck?)

Ducky: "Hey Petrie, uhm... How good are you with your beak?"
Petrie: "Uh... Fine. That a weird question, why you ask?"

Chomper: (Thinks: "Cera? Littlefoot? Ruby? Spike? Now I wonder how THAT would taste...")

Spike: (Thinks: "Jeeze, now that I'm bigger, I can fit so much more in my mouth.")

Littlefoot: "Say... How about we all go out in the mysterious beyond for a little 'adventuring', eh?"

Ruby: "Hello my friends, my friends hel- oh. Err... I-I guess I'm interrupting, aren't I?"

Welp, I'm going to hell now :rolleyes:. What would the gang say if they saw a koolasuchus on one of their adventures?

Littlefoot Fan 93

  • Spike
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Littlefoot: OK, what's next? The director is going to bring a Gorgonopsian into this? I mean seriously where does he get all of these creatures from completely different eras in the same place and time? :anger  

Ruby: I think they get them through what they call 'Anomalies'.

Chomper: What's an 'Anomaly' Ruby?  :confused

Ruby: The director says its a tear in space-time linking two different times together....

Ducky: Will you three stop talking and HELP ME!!!  :wow  :bolt

I made a Primeval reference here. :DD Anyway were were we? Oh yes! New topic:

What would the gang say if Ruby picked up and killed an attacking Sharptooth with an F-88 Austeyr? Here is an image of one if you haven't seen one before: F-88 Austeyr


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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  • Ducky
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Littlefoot: Now... give me the gun, Ruby. It's... it's all over, now. See? *reaches for gun*
Cera *nodding*: Yeah, it's all over. Give Littlefoot the g-
Ruby: I said nobody MOVE!! *waves gun wildly*

What would the Gang say if they watched Dinotopia?
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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"Pfft we soooo better then they are".

What would Grandma and Grandpa say if the egg-stealers did manage to throw Littlefoot off the great wall and killed him in the second movie?

That I been wondering for years....mad no a fic about that once but they never showed Grandma's and Grandpas reactions.

Littlefoot Fan 93

  • Spike
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I would't know what they would say but all I would know is that they would be crying there eyes out in sorrow. :cry  :cry  :cry

What would Cera say if she was told what her scientific name ment?

(FYI; the Latin translation means 'horrid three horned lizard.) :DD